Inside the Clexis Fortress.

Princess Garonia spat out a mouthful of blood, and pulled out the arrow on her body. The moment the arrow was pulled out, blood splashed out.

Princess Garonia stroked the wound with her hand, and the wound healed quickly.

"Your Highness, you don't have to do this. You can pretend to be injured."

Mary Balon said boldly.

"I am Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Klexis Empire, and it is disgraceful to use such means to expand my influence this time.

I can't even fake an injury, but it was worth it. "

Princess Galonia was not unaffected by the arrow wound, and her face became unnaturally pale.

"General Jagu, what happened to the soldiers sent by the Shenglong Group?"

General Jagu handed over the information found by Mary Baron Tan to Princess Galonia.

"Her Royal Highness, those Leo knights didn't stay for long. About an hour later, the first batch of Leo knights who were ready began to move towards the capital of Emperor Kleiss.

Because of our guide, the journey was like no one's land, without any obstacles.

At present, the second batch of soldiers sent by the Holy Dragon Group is arriving in the Demon Realm. "

General Jagu reported the latest and most important information to Princess Galonia.

"Well, I see. I'm a little tired, you guys step back."

General Jagu looked at Princess Galonia, who behaved a little weirdly this time, and left anyway. It is possible that Her Highness Princess Galonia is really tired.

After General Jagu and the others left, there were only a few newly recruited maids left beside Princess Galonia.


Princess Galonia spat out a stream of black blood from her mouth.Moreover, Princess Galonia's already cured arrow wound burst open.

"your Highness."

The maid beside Princess Gallonia panicked.

"Don't panic, I was just plotted against. I didn't expect that the seemingly ordinary arrow was actually cursed with poison and bleeding effects? Whoever dares to tell this matter, I will not forgive you lightly. "

Princess Garonia had already guessed that her plan had been used by Emperor Klexis, and Emperor Klexis had come up with a trick.Either the attackers were changed, or the arrows were changed.

Princess Galonia didn't expect that there were traitors among the high-level officials.There are not many people who know the plan, only the maids around him, General Jagu, Mary Baron, and Gardison.

Gardison only found out after the fact.Mary Balon and General Jagu are also fine.

Then the person who leaked the plan could only be the maids around him.

Princess Gallonia is not a bloodthirsty person either, suddenly Princess Gallonia felt dizzy and fainted.

At this time, the maids next to Princess Galonia stood in a row and became one person.Exactly the same as the long-dead Darth Mada.

This is also the clone of Das Mada, "Haha, I didn't expect that, Princess Garonia, you still belong to me in the end.".

What's going on, how did those maids suddenly become the clone of Emperor Klexis.

This clone of Emperor Klexis approached the fainted Princess Galonia, and was about to undress to realize his plan.

Chapter 113 The Crisis of Yuji Kiba


Mary Balon's whip lashed towards the clone of Emperor Klexis.

"Mary Balon, General Jagu, Gardison. You guys."

This avatar saw General Jagu, who was supposed to leave, turned back.


Princess Galonia's scepter was inserted into this clone of Emperor Klexis.

"how so."

The avatar turned to look at the ruddy Princess Garonia, who was not pale at all, as if she understood something.

"I'm the princess who inherited the inheritance of Klexis, do you think I won't lift the curse?"

Princess Galonia drew back the scepter, and the crystal scepter was still flawless.

"You won this time, but you won't be able to beat me in the end. I have already got the support of that person..."

This clone was reduced to ashes.

"His Royal Highness, the humble minister has neglected his duty, and did not expect to let Emperor Klexis get in."

General Jagu quickly knelt down.

"No need to do that, Emperor Klexis divided his avatar into four parts, transplanted them to the four maids, and slowly eroded their bodies. They seemed normal, but they were actually dead.

If he didn't show up, I don't know where he is.

This time I also happened to find that there is a problem with the arrow, so I let you leave first and see who has the problem.did not expect……"

Princess Galonia was saddened that four more young girls died because of herself.

"His Royal Highness, I have already ordered to arrest the person who is in charge of beckoning the maid? There will be news soon."

General Jagu said.

At this moment, a chap in a red suit ran in.

"Your Highness, General Jagu, when we went to arrest him, that man had already committed suicide."

Princess Garonia didn't expect to find out anything, so she let Chap back down.

"Mary Balon, you are in charge of cleaning up the minions of Klexis who have sneaked in in our team, and you must not let them have a chance to act."

Although due to the reputation of Princess Galonia and General Jagu, many Chapu troops turned to the bright side, but some of them were sent by Emperor Klexis who sneaked in.

"Yes. Please rest assured, Your Highness the Princess."

Catching the little mice hiding in the ranks is Mary Balon's forte.

Shenglong Group.

"what happened?"

Li Qinghe discovered that the first batch of 30 Leo knights sent out was not blocked by any organized enemies, and quickly advanced.

"Luring the enemy deep? But you also need to be able to eat it."

Li Qinghe ordered the first batch of Leo knights to stop and advance, waiting for support from the rear.

"Nagata Yuka, order the First Army to stop advancing and wait for help on the spot."

After Li Qinghe gave this order, he stood up.

"The Leo Knight alone is not enough, the fighting method is too single. This time I went too fast, and separated from the legion behind, Yuka Nagata used the Black Hawk helicopter to start transporting soldiers."

The plan can never keep up with the changes. Although Li Qinghe has prepared well, he will find his shortcomings when he arrives on the battlefield.

For example, the passage is still too small to accommodate too many soldiers.

"Commander, have you forgotten that all the Black Hawk helicopters have been transported to deliver food? At present, although they have been fully produced, they are still not enough."

Nagata Yuka said.

"Oops, I'm at a dead end. I can get supplies delivered by a normal helicopter in this world.

Although the technology of this world is far behind that of the 555 world, there are still helicopters and tanks.

On the surface, various countries still rule the world, but in fact, Shenglong still has the final say.

So under Li Qinghe's order, a large number of helicopters quickly entered the demon world, solving the problem of personnel and supplies.

In order to facilitate management, Li Qinghe divided the 300 million troops into ten group armies.

These ten group armies are all elites of Li Qinghe's direct lineage, and their combat effectiveness is beyond the charts.At present, four group armies have entered the demon world.

Only the first group army rushed too fast and lost touch with the three groups behind.

The first group army was under the jurisdiction of Kiba Yuji, and with Kiba Yuji's steady temperament, Li Qinghe was very relieved.

Klexis Empire.

"What, the news that the army of the Holy Dragon Group has occupied the passage, I know it all, and you just sent the news. Waste."

Emperor Clexis Shawshank just realized that his last clone had also been wiped out, and he was very angry.

A personal guard ran in and passed the news of the passage to Emperor Klexis.

In anger, Emperor Klexis swallowed the member of the guard who delivered the news into his mouth, and chewed hard.

"Don't be angry, these people from outside the sky will definitely not be able to beat us."

A mysterious voice comforted Emperor Klexis.

"National teacher, your life-sustaining medicine is very effective, can you make it in large quantities?"

The wolf head of Emperor Klexis spit out the bones of the man in its mouth.

"Your Majesty, yes, but it will harm the harmony of the sky and require many lives."

A man in a black robe let out a hoarse voice.

"The whole world is mine, and I can kill as many as I need."

Emperor Klexis didn't care one bit about what he ruled.

"That's no problem, then I'll arrange for people to develop life-sustaining medicine for you first."

The mysterious man was about to leave.

"National Teacher, you asked me to form three lines of defense for the whole country's army. I have already done it. What should I do next? I can only trust you now."

Emperor Klexis seemed to trust this national teacher very much.

"You are the emperor, you have the final say."

The body of the national teacher turned into a cloud of mist and disappeared.

After the national teacher left, Emperor Clexis Shawshank snorted coldly.

"No matter who you are, don't try to get out of my control. If you want to use my power, just watch."

Emperor Klexis' voice was cold.

And in an unknown place, the national teacher gathered again.

"If I hadn't been able to develop a life-sustaining medicine, how could you tolerate my fiddling? But, do you think I...

If it weren't for those people from beyond the sky..."

The national teacher took off the black robe on his body, and it turned out to be Nan Kotaro.

Shenglong Group.

Li Qinghe got up and left with dozens of bodyguards behind him.

"Have you thought about it? You are going to fight on the front line, and you can take command here."

Nagata Yuka advised.

"I figured it out. The First Army suddenly lost contact. The Second Army that was going to support it was blocked on the road and it was difficult to move forward. I need to go to the battlefield in person and go to the front line."

The ominousness in Li Qinghe's heart soon became a reality, and the first group army really encountered an accident.

Li Qinghe went to the front this time for another purpose, which was to expand his prestige and make his soldiers more convinced of him.

"Then you have to pay attention to safety."

Nagata Yuka instructed Li Qinghe like a housekeeper.

Li Qinghe nodded and left.

Nagata watched Li Qinghe enter the passage reluctantly.

"Don't worry, I will silently support you behind your back."

Nagata Yuka also returned to the Shenglong Group, handling the transfer of logistics materials, and responsible for the investigation of intelligence.


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