Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta and officially stepped into the demon world again.

Speaking of which, it was the third time for Li Qinghe to enter the Demon Realm. After entering the Demon Realm, Li Qinghe didn't hold any welcome ceremony, and directly entered the pre-war command post.

At present, all ten group armies have entered the demon world, but there are still a steady stream of soldiers participating in the battle.

These soldiers were troops sent by various countries, and Li Qinghe wanted to complete his service in one battle, even if he used the tactics of crowds, he still wanted to take down the Demon Realm.

Li Qinghe invoked the tanks and planes of Kamen Rider 555 in this world.

Not only that, but Li Qinghe also used Yingshan Yazi, the power of truth, to integrate the power they controlled into the Shenglong Group.

In wartime, the command is unified. If there is no war, they are still in charge of their respective forces.

They also agreed with the truth.

It has to be said that neither of the worlds of Kamen Riders had a world war, which made the weapons of war very backward.

The performance of those tanks and planes was beyond Li Qinghe's imagination. No wonder the tank army was quickly wiped out in the last zombie war in Tokyo.

Of course, there are reasons why the zombies are attacking too fiercely, but it is more caused by the insufficient performance of the tanks and the improper decision-making of the commander.

Although those tanks have various shortcomings, they look bluffing, and in terms of power, they are not considered weak.

Most of those tanks were from World War I to World War II. Naturally, Li Qinghe had no hope for them.But to have more power is to have more hope of victory.

Li Qinghe came to the combat command room. Except for the commander of the First Army, Kiba Yuji, who lost contact, the projections of the other army commanders were all here, waiting for Li Qinghe to come and guide him.

Li Qinghe took the middle position of himself, waved his hand, and asked them to sit down.

"Boy, your army is the closest to the First Army. Do you have any information about the First Army?"

Li Qinghe asked Yazi, the commander of the Second Army.

"President, I guess the First Army is here. The scouting soldiers I sent out, except there, all sent back news."

Yazi drew a circle on the outside of a valley entrance on the battle map.

"When I gave the order to move forward there, a large number of formed Chap soldiers appeared in front of the seemingly calm road.

Although our legion worked hard and opened several gaps, the Chapu army that suddenly appeared would always seal the gaps at a greater cost.So far, we haven't moved a step forward.

I guess the first army is in this valley, but I don't know why Kiba Yuji chose to be there. ".

Yazi informed Li Qinghe of the latest information.

Li Qinghe frowned, "Boy, can your Third Army reach the Second Army soon?"

Chapter 114 God's Showdown

"President, it will take half a day for my third army to reach there."

Yazi said.

Even if Yazi arrived there in half a day, it would take a certain amount of time for the third army to go into battle, so it would take too long to break through the encirclement and open the channel with the first army.

Li Qinghe worried that Yuji Kiba might not be able to wait until that time.

Kiba Yuji's situation at this time is very critical.

Unexpectedly, on the night when the pursuit and stationing stopped, there was a sudden noise on the ground.

The place where Kiba Yuji's army was stationed turned into a valley.The position of the army led by Kiba Yuji is in the plain in the valley.

On the hillsides on both sides of the valley, densely packed Chap soldiers appeared, using guns to attack the First Army from a high position.

Naturally, Yuji Kiba refused to sit still, took the lead, and led his men to rush out of the encirclement, but Emperor Klexis had already set up a trap, so how could it be possible for Yuji to be rushed out so easily.

The Chap army on the hillside used logs, bombs, etc. to prevent Kiba Yuji from breaking out.

And in order to prevent Yuji Kiba, the Chap army on the hillside gave up their condescending advantage and launched surprise attacks on Yuji Kiba's first army all the time.

Many Leo knights perished with the enemy in their arms during the battle, and the number of the First Army shrank significantly.

Originally, Yuji Kiba wanted to break through the siege, but the reality is that the First Army is surrounded by Chapu troops, attacking like a tide, leaving the First Army with only 20 troops, which is already [-] rai Ou Qiqi stayed in this demon world forever.

Now Yuji Kiba can only guard his own line of defense, waiting for Li Qinghe's rescue.But as Chap's offensive tightened, the defensive circle was shrinking every moment.

Yuji Kiba was unable to contact the outside world, and the signal of the communication equipment was cut off by an unknown force.

Kiba Yuji regretted that he chased too quickly.The younger brother trusts him so much, and now he must have caused a lot of trouble for the younger brother.

However, from the strength of these attacks, Kiba Yuji guessed that there should be other army groups to save him, otherwise the offensive would not be strengthened so much at once.

Kiba Yuji was only out of contact for 12 hours, but every half hour, the Chapp army on the hillside would launch a surprise attack.

"Sir, it's not good. The third defensive circle that was just arranged has been broken. A large number of Chap's troops have already moved towards this place, and the fourth defensive circle is not ready yet."

A Leo knight reported the situation with a bloody dagger.It seems that they came back from the front of the fight.

"Impossible, according to the time, they should retreat. Could it be..."

Kiba thought for a moment that Klexis might have intentionally caused the attack every half an hour, and when he relaxed his vigilance, he did the opposite and continued to attack instead of retreating.

"There are wounded soldiers in the rear, don't let them rush in. Follow me."

Yuji Kiba led the first army to fight again with the Chapu soldiers who broke through the third layer of defense.

Li Qinghe thought about it, to see if there was any surefire solution.

"Airplanes were used to provide air support, while the tank army was accelerated to advance, and the artillery army quickly reached the front line in armored vehicles.

Third, the Fourth Army is responsible for protecting supplies along the route.The Tenth Army was responsible for protecting the passage, and the other armies quickly supported the First Army. "

Because the time in the demon world is too short, there is no airport in the demon world. Li Qinghe chose to let the Black Hawk helicopter support him.

A large number of Black Hawk helicopters unloaded supplies, modified a large amount of ammunition and flew to the besieged valley of Kiba Yuji.

In order to get closer to the valley, the Second Army is also fighting hard.

Faced with Li Qinghe's attack, Emperor Klexis thought of a strategy of eliminating them step by step, and wiped out the first army first.In order to prevent the second army from breaking through the passage, Emperor Klexis worked hard and sent out all the 1000 guards around him.

It was also because of the support of the Kleiss Guards that the Second Army was slow to make progress.

Yuji Kiba fought continuously for 13 hours with the belt of the land, and the belt was stained red with blood. This is a war without right or wrong, only victory and defeat.

Kiba Yuji felt a heavy responsibility in his heart. It is okay for him to die, but he will not let all the soldiers under him die in battle.

Kiba Yuji's heart gradually cooled down, and he mercilessly used the Didi sword to kill the Chapu soldiers who attacked him one by one.

I don't know how long it took to kill, and the Leo knights who followed Kiba Yuji disappeared one by one, leaving only Kiba Yuji fighting alone.

Just when Kiba Yuji thought he might die on the battlefield this time, there was a rumbling sound in the sky.

Hundreds of Black Hawk helicopters flew above their heads, and when the hatches were opened, an endless stream of metal projectiles poured from the helicopters.

A large number of shells fell from the sky, blowing up the chap army below.

Those Chap troops dropped their weapons and fled to the hillside with a clatter.

When Kiba Yuji saw the reinforcements coming, he took a breath, his eyes went dark, and he passed out.

At this time, the Black Hawk helicopter stranded in the sky began to explode continuously.

A large number of Chaps aimed their rockets at the Black Hawks.

A Black Hawk helicopter got on and off three Leo knights, and sent the unconscious Kiba Yuji back to the Black Hawk helicopter.

Li Qinghe already knew that Yuji Kiba was here through the Black Hawk helicopter.

Not to mention anything else, Kiba Yuji is his elder brother in blood.

Moreover, he is also a general, a thousand gold is easy to get, but a general is hard to find.Li Qinghe couldn't let him lose, he would rather abandon 30 Leo knights, and Li Qinghe didn't want Isamu Kiba to die there.

The Black Hawk helicopter took Kiba Yuji away. Although many Black Hawk helicopters were hit by Chap below, the helicopter that Kiba Yuji was riding in came back safely.

After the other Black Hawk helicopters covered Yuji Kiba's departure, they also began to retreat in an orderly manner.

A total of 250 planes were dispatched for this rescue, but only [-] came back.Faced with such a loss, Li Qinghe was also heartbroken.But it was worth it to save Kiba Yuji.

After the First Army lost the support of the Black Hawk helicopters in the air, Emperor Klexis would naturally not let go of such a good opportunity.

Although Emperor Krysis felt sorry for Kiba Yuji's departure, Emperor Krysis would still be happy if he could eat up the First Army.

After Yuji Kiba left, although the First Army fought hard, the disparity in strength was too great, and it lost its commander.

The First Army was eventually wiped out without any prisoners.

There was a big bang with a "boom".

Except for Yuji Kiba, who was rescued by the First Army, there were no survivors.

The capital of Clexis.

Emperor Klexis, Longyan Dayue, "Master, your plan has succeeded. Not only did you eliminate the first army of the Shenglong Group, but it also led to the second army. They also suffered a lot of losses, so you can take advantage of the situation to eliminate the second army Group Army. Hahaha."

The national teacher just quietly listened to Klexis' creepy smile.

"Your Majesty, just as we were preparing to besiege the Second Army, we found that the Second Army had withdrawn, and the soldiers who fought with us were left behind just to delay time."

Li Qinghe was not a fool either, so he naturally realized that this was Emperor Klexis' plan to encircle and attack the reinforcements, targeting the first group to attract other legions.

When the other legions dared to come, they immediately wiped out the first army and turned to besiege the second army that came to support them.

After rescuing Kiba Yuji, Li Qinghe gave up on the rescue and let the second army, which had already lost a lot, begin to retreat.

However, the evacuation was likely to be chased by Kleiss' Chap army and caused a rout, so it was decided to let the second army evacuate to Mount Iss and wait for the rescue of other armies.

Since Emperor Klexis wanted to encircle and fight for aid, then Li Qinghe would give him an anti-encirclement, provided that the Second Army must persist until other armies arrive.

A member of the Klexis SS reported on the battle.

"National Teacher, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Emperor Klexis said politely.

The black light in the eyes of the national teacher flashed, and a screen appeared, which was the scene of the Second Army retreating from the valley.

"The front of the Second Army is Mount Iss. They cannot be allowed to go up the mountain, but they should be stopped at the bottom of the mountain."

Emperor Kleiss' strategic vision was not bad, and he could see the plans of the Second Army.

The national teacher swipe at the sky on the screen.

On the way of the second army's withdrawal, a strong wind suddenly blew up.

"Everyone turned on the lights, held hands, and moved towards the goal."

The second army marched towards Mount Is against the wind and sand, followed by Chap's army chasing after them, but those Chap's troops were not attacked by the wind and sand.

What happened to Yazi's Second Army also spread to Li Qinghe's war room.

"Harnessing the forces of nature?"

Li Qinghe sent this information to Fort Clexis.

Princess Gallonia saw the message from Li Qinghe, and immediately brought the Clexis Fortress to the sky above the Second Army.

"Are you using the power of the wind? I didn't expect God to help Emperor Clexis, but even if you are a god, I will fight to the end for Clesis."

Princess Galonia closed her eyes, chanting a spell, and the yellow light of the scepter in her hand became stronger and stronger.

Princess Garonia, who inherited the inheritance of Klexis and can flexibly use the fountain of miracles, can actually be regarded as a god.It's just that this god hasn't grown up. .

Although Princess Garonia has no ability to stop the sandstorm, she can still change the direction of the sandstorm.

The Chiap soldiers of the Second Legion were chasing closely behind, and they were about to catch up, when suddenly bursts of flying sand and rocks came from the Leo knights in front.

Chapter 115 The Raid of Klexis

Those Chap soldiers didn't have belts to protect themselves from harm, and the chasing Klexis army was swept away one by one by the wind and sand.

The second group army forcibly resisted the wind and sand and came to Mount Is step by step, and began to station and set up a defensive circle.

"Master, what's going on?"

His majesty Emperor Klexis, Shawshank, saw that the plan that was about to succeed was suddenly destroyed, and he questioned the national teacher angrily.

"Hey, Your Majesty, someone is fighting spells with me. Let me see who it is."

The national teacher didn't care about His Majesty's questioning, but was very interested in the person who could break his spell.

The national teacher's hands are in a strange posture, "reveal."

However, before the figure appeared in the mirror, the mirror shattered directly.

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