"Interesting, it seems that she is the only one."

Although the national teacher did not find out who was fighting with him, the national teacher had already guessed who it was.

On the Klexis Fortress, Princess Garonia, who was about to take a rest with a crystal scepter, felt that someone was watching her, and pointed the scepter towards the air in front of her.

"How dare you check me out."

After getting rid of the god's prying eyes, Princess Garonia lost all sleepiness.Sitting cross-legged, he began to absorb the inheritance that he had not yet absorbed.

After the Second Army arrived at Mount Iss, because the materials of the Second Army were blown away by the wind and sand, Li Qinghe mobilized a large number of helicopters to transport materials from the air.

After the Second Army reached Mount Iss, the wind and sand subsided.A large number of Klexis troops began to pour out from the foot of the mountain, ready to continue the plan of encirclement and reinforcements.

However, this time, after the Second Army has made sufficient preparations, it depends on the background of the Klexis Empire for thousands of years, and the strength of the Holy Dragon Group is even better.

A large number of anti-gravity magnetic cannons were put on the Black Hawk helicopter, and the power of the Leo Knight's accelerated light gun was still too weak.

Because the Leo Knight is currently at a mature stage in terms of current technology, but the research on the Leo Knight's fusion of the anti-gravity magnetic gun has fallen into a bottleneck, and the anti-gravity magnetic gun cannot be installed in the Leo Knight's transformation device.

In order to increase the combat effectiveness of the Second Army, the anti-gravity magnetic guns that can already be manufactured in large quantities can only be distributed to the Second Army as individual weapons.

Yuji Kiba's first army lost contact and did not find the preparation coordinates at the first time, so he did not release the anti-gravity magnetic gun in time, otherwise the first army might be able to persist until the second army broke through.

Li Qinghe was well aware of Emperor Kleiss' plan, but he knew that you had to jump down anyway. This was a conspiracy, otherwise if the Second Army lost, he would lose one-fifth of his combat power.The situation could suddenly deteriorate.

Li Qinghe saw that the second army was ready, and the second army was condescending. It was not so difficult for the chapu army below to advance forward and attack.

Li Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief, and began to think about how to break the situation. Although the third and fourth armies had rushed to support them, they were attacked along the way by large and small attacks in an attempt to delay the support of the third and fourth armies. .

Many soldiers did not die on the front line, but died on the road.

Li Qinghe supported his forehead, thinking hard about the battle situation, and plans flashed through his mind, but they were all ruled out one by one.

In order to break the siege of the Second Army, Li Qinghe let the tank group prepared by the United States rush in. Although these tanks looked very simple to Li Qinghe, they caused great repercussions among the chaps of Clexis.

A round of shells blasted away those dense chaps one after another.Looking at the horribly long tank, most of the Chapps in Clexis didn't understand the tank and thought it was a large monster, so they retreated fifty kilometers at that time.

It wasn't until Emperor Klesis was furious that he ordered the Klesis guards to use rocket launchers to blow up dozens of vehicles, and the fear in the hearts of ordinary Chap was dispelled.

The Klexis Empire implemented a dictatorship and adopted a policy of obscuring the people, so most of the Chapps were afraid of tanks.

Those tank armies composed of allied countries, after losing dozens of tanks and successfully breaking the siege of Chap's army on Mount Iss, began to retreat slowly.

Suddenly bursts of loud noises came from the army on the other side of the Klexis Empire.

"What the hell is that, my God."

Ragumon, a war monster that had long disappeared in the Klexis Empire, appeared.

In the Second Army on Mount Iss, you can clearly see the appearance of Ragumon.

Ragumon is a giant beast with a height of 20 meters and a weight of 5000 tons.

Thick limbs can crush a car with one foot.Ferocious fangs, he still doesn't doubt that they can pierce through all enemies that block him.A giant cannon is strapped to the back of the behemoth.

The Ragu beast deeply shocked the soldiers of the Tank Corps of the United Nations.

"How can there be such a big monster in the world."

From time to time someone uttered such a scream.

And there was not just one giant beast, but a group of giant beasts, about forty or fifty.

Faced with the fear of the unknown, human beings let the tank army fire.

"Fire at the giant beast ahead."

This time, the joint countries sent a total of [-] tanks, and every [-] tanks formed a group.

This time, the second and third groups came to support the mixed establishment.

Thousands of cannons were fired, and the dense artillery fired at the Ragu beasts.

"Roar, roar, roar."

There was a roar, and after the smoke from the artillery dissipated, a safe and sound Ragu appeared.

"How is it possible. Not a single monster fell. Retreat. Retreat."

The tank army that came to support began to retreat slowly.

However, although none of those Ragu beasts were killed by the shells, those bombs still hurt those Ragu beasts.

After roaring, the Ragu beasts stepped forward with their heavy limbs, chasing after the retreating tanks.

Seeing the invincibility of the war behemoth Lagumon, Klexis' army shouted excitedly, and their morale was greatly shaken.Taking advantage of morale, they launched another attack on the Second Army on Mount Iss.

"boom boom"

Tanks were trampled to death by Ragu beasts.

"Connect to the second and third groups."

Li Qinghe also saw the scene of Ragu beasts wreaking havoc on tanks in the combat command room.

"Beep beep."

After waiting for a while, no one answered.

"Reporting to the commander, the commander of the Second and Third Tank Army has been killed."

A division commander took the initiative to contact the headquarters.

"Now I temporarily accept you as the army commander, and order two hundred tanks to take charge of the rear, and lead the Ragu beasts to other places."

For the time being, Li Qinghe has no way to deal with the sudden appearance of the Ragu monster, so he can only let the tank group evacuate first.

Li Qinghe's order caused a dispute with the Second and Third Tank Army below.

"I want to go, I don't want to stay."

"I want to stay, you stay. I want to go!"

Li Qinghe's newly promoted army commander obviously lacks prestige, and no one below is willing to stay.

"Okay, you won't listen to me, will you? If you want to go home, then take your dead bodies back. Shoot at xxx, xxx."

The tanks that the two troublesome division commanders were riding just now were smashed into scrap iron by the new commander.

"I'll stay and act as a blocker. I don't care how you choose people. In the end, I need two hundred tanks to form four squares to distract those giant beasts. Buy time for the rest of the people."

Under the order of the new army commander, the tank that served as the stop was successfully selected.

There is no time to wait, every moment tanks are overtaken by Ragu beasts and trampled into pieces of iron.

After [-] tanks were selected for blocking missions, every [-] tanks were divided into groups, drove in the opposite direction, and fired at the nearby Ragu beasts.

The artillery fire from the blocking tanks hurt the Ragu beasts and attracted the hatred to themselves.

Two hundred tanks, more than [-] were trampled to death while attracting the hatred of Ragumon.

And the tank that rushed behind the Ragu beast formed four square formations and rushed forward.

Those Ragu beasts shifted their gazes and chased after the tanks.

These tanks are in front of Chap's army, and these tanks on Mount Iss cannot go up.So these tanks are destined not to survive.

The new army commander rushed into the chaps with his tanks.Chap, who were blocking the front, knocked into the air one after another, and turned the muzzle to fire at the Lagu beast.

Those Ragu beasts walked towards their camp, not caring about Chap below them at all, trampling Chap under their feet, chasing those "little bugs" in their eyes.

In the end, none of the tanks that served as the blocking mission survived, and all were reimbursed.And although those Ragu beasts eventually trampled those "little bugs" to death, they also trampled to death a lot of "our own people".

However, he was not punished by Emperor Klexis at all, but was greatly appreciated by Emperor Kleisis.To reward them, some criminals in the Klexis Empire are treated as meat.

"National teacher, I didn't expect you to bring such strong support as Lagumon. I thank you on behalf of the Klexis Empire."

Emperor Klexis seemed to be sincerely thanking the national teacher for his support.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, this is very outlandish. I am also a Clexis, so naturally I will not let people from outside the sky occupy the Clesis Empire."

The national teacher said very politely.

"National teacher, those Ragu beasts that have disappeared, how did you reproduce. And let him fight for you."

Emperor Klexis was very curious. You must know that the Ragumon had perished before the establishment of the Krysis Empire. .

"Your Majesty, my clan has cultivated Ragu beasts for generations in the dark underground world. However, because Ragu beasts need too much food, we can only put most of them into a deep sleep to reduce food consumption. .This time brings only part of the awakening."

After hearing what the national teacher said, Emperor Klexis knew that there were only a small number of Ragu beasts that appeared this time, but this small number of Ragu beasts easily defeated the tank army sent by the Holy Dragon Group.

Chapter 116 Trial of the New Knight System

But Emperor Krasis also knew that not all of the tank groups that came to support the Second Army this time were part of it.

Emperor Klexis hurriedly asked, "Master, what kind of food does the Ragu beast need, and how can I wake up the sleeping Ragu beast?"

"Blood is needed to release the seal of the Ragu beast and stimulate the Ragu beast to wake up. The food that the Ragu beast needs is human flesh, and it can only be the human flesh of the Klexis, even monsters and monsters."

The national teacher said.

"Krexis people? The Empire has so many wine bags and rice bags, I think they are enough to serve as food for Ragumons."

Emperor Klexis said.

"With all due respect, Ragumons eat a lot. Ragumons always need ten Klexis a day. I can wake up another [-] Ragumons. This is my limit."

The words of the national teacher are true, he can only manipulate 550 Ragu beasts at a time, and his manipulation can only be subconscious manipulation.

That's why Li Qinghe's plan can be successfully implemented. By angering those Ragu beasts and attracting their hatred, the tank group can successfully withdraw.

This time the loss was serious. A total of [-] tanks were lost, which was close to one-fifth of the total. This made the countries of the United Nations fear the Clexis Empire.Unwilling to fight against the Klexis Empire.


Li Qinghe calmed down his anger, and confirmed his plan to formally "exchange blood",

The ultimate goal of this plan is to unify all countries in the world of Kamen Rider 555 and Kamen Rider Bck.Then build your own empire and start over to build a new order.

Because the current war with the Klexis Empire can be used to unite the armies of various countries.

But Li Qinghe has already started this "exchanging blood" plan in Kamen Rider 555. Of course, there are always some ignorant people, such as those who hold the important positions of president and emperor, who are unwilling to give up their status.

Therefore, in the world of Kamen Rider 555, a vigorous anti-Holy Dragon group was launched, but the Holy Dragon Group quickly suppressed it with iron blood. One person participated in the anti-Holy Dragon movement, and the whole family was imprisoned.

The world of Kamen Rider 555 has already started a world war. For Li Qinghe, the more intense the fight, the better. All those old and inappropriate things will be wiped out, and an empire belonging to Li Qinghe will be established.

For this reason, Li Qinghe also formed an anti-Sacred Dragon Group organization, Tracy Company, in the world of Kamen Rider 555.Responsible for attracting and guiding those who oppose the Shenglong Group.

Tracy Company, with the support of Shenglong Group, quickly carried out a vigorous encirclement and suppression of organizations larger than Tracy Company.

With the support of Shenglong's company, Tracy's company quickly became the second largest force against Shenglong Group.

As for the first organization, the newly developed Dragon Knight, Elephant Knight, and Monkey Knight are currently being sent by the Holy Dragon Group to attack, and its leader has been killed.

It has to be said that the performance of these three systems is much higher than that of Leo Knight.Originally, Li Qinghe planned to use it in the Klexis Empire, but it turned out to be a great success here.

Of course, through the actual combat in the world of Kamen Rider 555, some deficiencies in the belt were also revealed, and after being quickly adjusted, it was used in actual combat again.

Fighting and testing at the same time, these three systems have reached the standard for use.And that No. [-] organization is the whetstone of these three systems. Now that the knives are very sharp, then the No. [-] force should naturally disband. Without its leader, the No. [-] power of the Anti-Sacred Dragon Group has already fallen apart. It's inevitable.

With the guidance of Tracy Company, a large number of anti-Sacred Dragon Group organizations are guided by Tracy Company.In the world of Kamen Rider 555, the overall "exchange of blood" has been successful.

When Tracy's company is fat to the extreme, it's time to slaughter, and then a new Tracy's company will appear to attract those opponents.

Now the world of Kamen Rider 555 has established a rule centered on Li Qinghe.

This good news made Li Qinghe not very concerned about the failure of the United Tank Group of various countries.

"Nagata Yuka, since the three belts of dragon, elephant, and monkey have matured, let's start changing. As for the front line, let the troops of the United States wear it first.

Air support can be provided for the Second Army, and the Second Army cannot be wiped out so quickly. They are currently playing the role of attracting Kleiss' attention. "

In order to strengthen the soldiers sent by the United States, Li Qinghe broadcasted on the news that the Shenglong Group suffered heavy losses, and the loss was dozens of times larger.

The countries of the United States saw that the Holy Dragon Group could not hold on, and quickly recruited troops to enter the demon world, otherwise once the troops of the Klexis Empire were conquered, they would be completely collapsed.

The Klexis Empire is likely to invade the earth through the passage, and keep the enemy out of the country. The leader of every country knows it.

Regarding the loss announced by Li Qinghe, although the leaders of various countries in the bck world thought the loss was a bit large, they did not expect that Shenglong Group exaggerated it dozens of times.

The leaders of various countries heard the news of the war behemoth Ragumon from the tank group they sent, and even believed the news that the Holy Dragon Group had suffered heavy losses.

Li Qinghe naturally put the blame on the knights of Leo who are jealous of the leaders of various countries.

After three months like this, the Second Army also fought hard on Mount Iss for three months, and only 30 of the 5 troops remained.These 5 people have combat capabilities, and the wounded have been sent away by Black Hawk helicopters in the dark.

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