This is what most of the officers of the Earth Alliance Command said.

However, the dense fog was getting heavier, and those chaps were obviously not what the commanders had guessed.The soldiers sent out by the Earth Command soon fell silent.

"Hey Hey hey."

"Hey Hey hey.".

The soldiers who had just been sent out to encircle those Chapus quickly lost contact.

If one batch fails, the next batch will be dispatched.As batches of soldiers were sent out, the screams of soldiers were getting closer and closer.

Chapter 118 The Battle of Spirit Tooth City

Slowly, the Earth Alliance Command felt something was wrong, and the sound of vehicles blowing up could be heard, and the ground began to vibrate slightly.

No matter how idiotic the people in the command center were, they also realized that this should be the footsteps of Ragumon.Every step brings a huge shock.

"Turn on the searchlights."

The people at the headquarters panicked, and only now remembered to turn on the searchlights, which exposed Chap's army in the thick fog.

What they saw in the searchlight, the officers of the headquarters naturally saw it too, and they all prepared to flee in a panic.

This isn't a small slice of Chap, this is a full-blown attack by the Klexis Empire.

Those officers didn't think about the life and death of the soldiers below, but how to escape.Regardless of the lives of 2000 million soldiers, they fled faster in tanks.

Before leaving, those officers issued an order, "Run. Run back to the passage between the Klexis Empire and Earth."

In order to escape, many soldiers were crushed to death along the way, bringing the ugliness of human nature to the extreme.

As a result, the chiefs all ran away, and the soldiers below were not fools, and no one was afraid of death, so they turned their guns and shot the people in front of blocking their way.

In a panic, the Earth Allied Forces began to kill each other, and there were battles between Earth soldiers and soldiers, soldiers and Chapp of Clexis everywhere.

The news of what happened here quickly spread to the Shenglong Group where Li Qinghe worked.

"A Dou who really can't help up."

Li Qinghe looked at the battle report sent back from the inside line that he had planted in the countries of the United Earth and said with hatred.

"Who is A Dou?"

Nagata Yuka asked puzzled.

"That is a subjugated king in the history of Longyuan Kingdom, the one who gave away the great power in his hands for nothing, and finally lived a long life."

Li Qinghe expressed his impression of Liu Chan.

"Yuka Nagata, now it's time to discuss how to deal with the Clexis Empire. The coalition forces of this world earth have already been defeated, and this is an irreparable defeat."

Li Qinghe frowned and said.

"Then what do you think? When you voluntarily gave up the command and let them control the military power, you also expected this day."

Nagata Yuka asked with a smile.

"You still know me, when I handed over the command of the Earth Alliance to them, I predicted the day when they would be defeated.

It coincided with the destruction of the First Army, the encirclement of the Second Army, and the upgrade of the Red Police base.So simply let my army withdraw from the demon world and change clothes.But still firmly control the passage between the demon world and the earth. "

Li Qinghe took a sip of tea and continued, "Although I expected that they would be defeated, I didn't expect the defeat to be so sudden and miserable, and there was no time to save the defeat.

This time the 2000 million soldiers don't know how many will come back. "

Li Qinghe said while pulling his fingers.

Li Qinghe also knows the strength of the Krysis Empire, and the current battle with the Krysis Empire has become a state of anxiety.

And the three-month standoff created by the Earth coalition forces collapsed overnight.

The Earth Alliance Army is being chased by the Clexis Army.

As for those who did not run, they were either dead, or they were too tired to run, and no soldiers were willing to stop and stop.

However, they don't know that there is a bigger crisis ahead.

In this way, the 2000 million army was wiped out strangely, and no one escaped.Including those commanders who were the first to flee in the first place.

"Swamps, deserts, poisons, monsters, illusions. Are there still 500 million people besieged by the Klexis army in Lingya City?

Is this the real hidden power of those Emperor Klexis, sorcerer?"

Li Qinghe quickly learned what had happened through the news sent back before the insider of the Earth Alliance Army died.

Lingya City was the city that once resisted the Earth Alliance Forces most strongly, because it caused certain losses to the Earth Alliance Forces. The day the city was broken, the entire city was slaughtered.

The 500 million fleeing Earth Allied Forces entered Lingya City at this time.Outside Lingya City, there is a dense army of Chapu, Ragu beasts.

Moreover, the Krasis Empire did not have an air force. Limited by its national strength, a total of ten small centipede-shaped fortresses were built in imitation of the Krasis Fortress.

These ten fortresses raided the coalition's airport in the middle of the night, causing the bombers to be destroyed almost without taking off. Even the few bombers that flew up were smashed by the small fortress because they had no anti-air capability.

"Send this message to Earth."

Li Qinghe's order was quickly conveyed, and the news of the defeat of the bck world and earth coalition forces was sent back to earth.And Li Qinghe exaggerated the losses, directly saying that none of the 2000 million soldiers who went out did not return.

Leaders of various countries on the earth have stepped down one after another, and many governments have been overthrown.The earth has become a mess.At this time, Shenglong Group played a role in maintaining law and order.Strictly deal with those leaders who take advantage of the fire and attempt to fight for hegemony in troubled times.

Li Qinghe's Shenglong Group ruled the world without any obstacles in a very short period of time.

Proclaimed to the public that "the implementation of a wartime management system."

Li Qinghe first pointed the contradictions of various countries at the governments of various countries because of the defeat of the troops who went to Klexis to fight.

Under the united will, Li Qinghe's Shenglong Group was praised by all countries and overthrew the old order.

Establish the earth where the Holy Dragon Group officially controls the Kamen Rider bck world.

Li Qinghe's prestige in this world also began to increase little by little.

Li Qinghe has gradually begun to let Kamen Rider bck world accept his own dictatorship, and the invasion of the Klexis Empire can just divert the contradictions caused by the dictatorship.

As for the 500 million troops who were regarded as dead by Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe ordered the Black Hawk helicopter to distribute a large number of leaflets to Lingya City.

The content of the flyer is that Li Qinghe wrote that the next army of the earth needs them to delay for a week, for their families, and for the earth not to be invaded by this barbarian Chap.Hope they can fight bravely.

The reason why Li Qinghe didn't save those 500 million people was because most of those who survived were troops loyal to the governments of various countries. Even if they were saved, they would fight for their own country, not for Li Qinghe.

And once they survived, wouldn't Li Qinghe's lies on Earth be exposed?

Because Emperor Klexis did not accept prisoners, the 500 million soldiers in Lingya City had no food and no supplies, so they could only fight with their backs.

The capital city of Clexis.

"Your Majesty, the Earth's troops have already entered the reserved position, please instruct the next action."

A newly-appointed nobleman knelt on the ground to ask Emperor Klexis for instructions on what to do next.

"Kill and leave no one behind. Let those new soldiers see the blood."

The cold order of Emperor Klexis was strictly carried out.

Emperor Klexis already knew that it was the Earth Alliance Army that was fighting him recently, not the Holy Dragon Group that was fighting him at the beginning.

You must know that the Earth Allied Forces came to the Clexis Empire, but the invaders burned, killed and looted everything, and committed countless crimes.This is also the reason why Princess Galonia does not help the Earth Alliance.

Chapu's army surrounding Lingya City began to attack.

Because those fleeing troops did not carry heavy weapons.Therefore, it is impossible to suppress the attacking Chapu army.

The tough armor of the Ragu beast ignored the attacks of the submachine guns, and directly hit the city of Lingya City, knocking the soldiers on the city wall off the city wall.

The Lagu Beast quickly knocked down the city wall of Lingya City, and countless Chapu troops marched in one after another.

Youdao is a besieged beast, and the 500 million besieged army, after knowing that there is no support, their adrenal glands rise rapidly, and they fight back desperately.

When the bullets run out, use a knife, and when the knife is blunt, use your fist.As long as there is a breath, the battle will not stop.

Neither Emperor Klexis nor Li Qinghe expected how strong a person's power would be when he was in despair.

What Emperor Klexis wanted was to use those besieged troops to train his newly recruited soldiers.Li Qinghe, on the other hand, wanted to use those people to buy time for his own layout.

The battle lasted for seven days, and all the besieged troops died, and none of them surrendered, although it was useless to surrender.

In this battle, the remaining 500 million coalition troops were all killed, and the Klexis army also paid a loss of 300 million.On the contrary, some Chap recruits who participated in this battle left a shadow in their hearts.

During these seven precious days, Li Qinghe had already brought the combat troops into the demon realm.

The army in this battle dispatched 300 million troops from the army, and these 300 million troops were still divided into three group armies, which were personally commanded by Li Qinghe.

The main body of the first army is composed of dragon knights, the main body of the second army is composed of elephant knights, and the main body of the third army is composed of monkey knights.

In addition, Li Qinghe brought [-] Rhino tanks that have been intensively produced in the past three months.

There are also multipurpose infantry vehicles, which serve as vehicles for transporting soldiers.

In addition, Li Qinghe considered the ten small centipede-shaped fortresses controlled by Emperor Klexis.Li Qinghe used his own new type of air force, the supporting aircraft of the Laio Knight - the RTV Flying Attacker.

Because this set of aircraft has not had time to support the three new systems that have emerged.Therefore, Li Qinghe could only use the Leo Knight belt, which was supposed to be used as a training belt, to use his remaining heat.

Not all knights are willing to use the new system and abandon the old comrade-in-arms - Leo belt.For them, the Leo Knight Belt is their comrade in arms.

The Leo knights who participated in the flight attack mission this time are all knights who have a lot of affection for Leo's belt. .

Li Qinghe promised that as long as they can win and come back alive, then the knight who came back this time, this Leo knight belt will not be recycled, and can be disposed of freely.

In this way, there were thirty thousand Leo knights who voluntarily participated in the operation.The 3 people were selected after careful selection by multiple layers.

Chapter 119 Klexis' Counterattack

Li Qinghe did not divide his troops this time, but marched together with 300 million troops, with the goal of approaching Yisi Mountain.

And Emperor Klexis also thought of Li Qinghe's destination, and ordered the Chapu army at the foot of Mount Iss to destroy the second army before Li Qinghe's arrival.

However, because the deployment of troops to eliminate the 500 million Earth Alliance forces ignored the besieged Second Army, a large number of Chapu's troops are currently undergoing renovations in Lingya City.

At this time, there were only 100 million Chiap's troops besieging Lingya City, and they were all newly recruited recruits. They charged several times in a row and were easily beaten back by the well-prepared second army.


Chap's army also has a supervising team, no matter how persecuted by the supervising team, those recruits just don't charge.

"Sir, what is that?"

An on-the-spot Chapp saw a MRV in the distance, followed by ten, then a hundred, and more and more MRVs daring to come to the rescue of Second Army.

Li Qinghe produced a total of one thousand of these multifunctional infantry vehicles, which exist like rangers.This time it was directly used to rescue the Second Army.

One after another, multi-purpose infantry vehicles rushed into those Chapu who besieged the Second Army, crushing and killing countless people.

The place where the missiles were originally loaded on the multi-purpose infantry vehicle was installed with an anti-gravity magnetic cannon.As soon as the gun went down, the nearby Chap was killed and injured.

This left Chap, who besieged the Second Army, to be a recruit, a mob.

If it was the regular army of Emperor Klexis at the beginning, they either began to prepare for an orderly retreat, or resisted desperately.Instead of all breaking up and fleeing.

Those supervising teams wanted to prevent Chap from escaping. They killed dozens of Chap in a row, but it didn't work. Instead, it aroused the anger of Chap who was about to escape.

"If we don't kill them, we will be executed by Emperor Klexis even if we go back."

Some chaps who were about to flee stopped and waved their sabers at the supervising team.

Although those supervising teams were elite soldiers, their numbers were too small, and they were quickly wiped out by the Chap recruits they were trying to stop.

Without the obstruction of the supervising team, those Chapus who escaped ran more happily. In order to avoid being chased, they threw away Chapu's military uniforms.

The Second Army that was besieged by Li Qinghe was successfully rescued. After a long battle, the remaining 4 Leo knights were all elites who had been tempered and tried. Li Qinghe first transferred back to the world of Kamen Rider bck Earth trimming.

Li Qinghe set up his army on Mount Yisi, waiting for the arrival of Emperor Klexis' army.

And Emperor Kleiss quickly mobilized the troops that can be mobilized at present, 2000 million Chap recruits and 150 million regular troops.There are also [-] Klexis pro-guards that are already dissatisfied with the establishment.

The army of Klexis was large in number, and the number of Chapp's army in front of Mount Is reached 1000 million.

Li Qinghe's Shenglong Group launched an attack ahead of time.

Facing the attack of the Holy Dragon Group, Emperor Klexis naturally also made preparations.He believes that with the number of his Chapu army, he can easily defeat the Holy Dragon Group just like defeating the Earth Alliance.

However, the situation of the battle was very different from what Emperor Klexis thought.

Five hundred Black Hawk helicopters flew up in the sky. Unlike Orfi Enoch, Chap could do great damage to them like ordinary weapons.

One 134 mm six-barreled Gatling "minigun" machine gun is mounted on the outer brackets of the gunner's window in front of the sliding hatch of the Black Hawk helicopter.

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