"Da da da."

Countless bullets were fired from the Black Hawk helicopter, easily piercing Chap's body below.

The army, on the other hand, is a holy dragon soldier who has not yet transformed into a knight, using automatic rifles, submachine guns, artillery and other weapons to create a metal defense line.

In order to have a flexible army, Emperor Klexis could only insert 200 million regular troops into the newly recruited army, which could serve as instructors and supervisors.

However, this approach also has disadvantages, that is, it cannot take advantage of the group advantage of the 200 million regular army.

Facing the intensive firepower of the Shenglong Group, Chap below was instantly stunned.When facing the Earth Alliance, the firepower they faced was not half as strong as that of the Holy Dragon Group.

"Rush, rush, rush."

Emperor Klexis saw the intensive firepower of the Holy Dragon Group, "It seems that we can only fight in close combat."

The number of Chap's army is large, like leeks, and they are cut wave after wave.The planes on the Black Hawk helicopter were all out of bullets and had to go back and reload the ammunition.

Seeing that the army of the Holy Dragon Group had lost its air support, the Chapu army's morale was greatly shaken.

"Rush over, and you can easily break their necks. Kill."

More and more Chapu fell on the way of charging, but more Chapu approached the army of the Holy Dragon Group stepping on the body of the dead Chapu.


Just when those chaps rushed in, thinking that they could kill those earth coalition forces as easily, the holy dragon soldiers in front of them threw their weapons to the ground, and began to transform into dragons, elephants, and monkey knights one after another.

The reason why the holy dragon soldiers didn't transform just now is because the long-range weapons of the knight system are powerful, but the firing rate is slow.For a large Chap army, it is better to use ordinary weapons.

In this way, the Chap army of Emperor Klexis and the new knight system used on a large scale by the Holy Dragon Group carried out melee combat.

The Elephant Knight is the first to approach the Klexis army in melee combat. The Elephant Knight's defense is the highest among the three systems to block Chap's face-to-face impact.

In the middle is the dragon knight. The dragon knight has the most balanced attributes and is placed in the middle by Li Qinghe. The monkey knight is agile and can use the extremely fast light gun to flexibly hit the Chap army fighting with other knights.

The Speed ​​Ray Gun is an enhanced version of the Accelerated Ray Gun, which is one-third more powerful and has a very fast attack speed, comparable to the rate of fire of a machine gun.The speed light gun can also be transformed into a short weapon, and it has various styles, no longer a single short knife.

In this way, something that surprised Emperor Klexis happened, in close combat.As the elephant knights in the front row, they successfully blocked the impact of those chaps.

The Dragon Knight and the Elephant Knight cooperated with each other, and taught those chaps a lesson, which one is stronger in melee combat.

The battlefield is full of scenes where Chap's throat is cut and his heart is pierced with a short knife by the Elephant Knight.

When encircling Kiba Yuji's first army, Emperor Kleiss sent the Kleiss pro-guard and a large number of regular troops. Coupled with the influence of the terrain, the first army did not carry enough weapons.

The combination of so many factors led to Emperor Kleiss easily destroying the Leo Knights of the First Army.

The emergence of these three systems has replaced the Leo Knight.In the battle with the Klexis army, he showed his strength to the fullest.

Soon, the Black Hawk helicopter, which had just gone back to load ammunition, returned again.Although it is impossible to attack the Chapu army that is fighting with the army of the Holy Dragon Group.

But it can stop those Chap troops who are still supporting and not participating in melee combat.This time the Black Hawk helicopter was well-equipped with ammunition.

Although the number of casualties is negligible compared to the dragon knights, elephant knights, and monkey knights on the battlefield, it puts a lot of pressure on Chap's army.

Those Chap knew that the god of death was right above their heads, but they had no choice but to wait close to death, or pray that the Gatling guns of the Black Hawk helicopter would not hit them.

As time passed, Chap's army began to show defeat, and some recruits began to flee. Fortunately, the supervisors killed a group of troops before they stopped.

"Then let them strike again. Make sure to kill those planes."

Emperor Klexis ordered in an icy voice.

Ten small fortresses modeled after the Klexis Fortress flew out from the capital city of Klexis and flew directly to the battle area near Mount Iss.

Li Qinghe ordered the Black Hawk helicopter to evacuate immediately after seeing the ten fortresses appear.

Those ten fortresses pursued closely.After leading the ten fortresses to the reserved position.The Black Hawk helicopter flew out [-] Leo knights who had already prepared for battle.

The [-] Leo knights are Li Qinghe's magic weapon to deal with the Klexis Fortress.

The [-] Leo knights are equipped with RTV flying attackers.

Equipped with RTB flying attackers, the Leo knight flapped his mechanical wings and flew towards the ten fortresses.

Seeing that there were so many Leo knights in these ten fortresses, they panicked, and the communicator of Emperor Klexis could not be used.

Under such circumstances, the captain of the fortress also knew that he was in an ambush and began to retreat.But there is still a buffer time from extremely fast forward to backward.

During this time, it is entirely possible to be overtaken by Leo Knight equipped with RTV flying attackers.

Those ten fortresses were caught in a dilemma.If you enter, you may not be able to get out, if you retreat, you will have to face the problem just now.

Facing the crisis, these ten fortresses made different choices, but of course the final fate is still the same.

Seeing the eight fortresses, Emperor Klexis increased his horsepower and continued to charge forward, while two fortresses chose to retreat.

The eight fortresses rushing forward tried to smash the Leo knights in front, and then rushed out.And Leo Knight is definitely unable to withstand such an impact.

But at this time, the communicators of the ten fortresses rang, and it turned out that Emperor Klexis ordered all the fortresses to retreat.This made those fortresses that were about to accelerate forward, only to suspend the command of the impact, and began to retreat.

During this process, only one fortress did not follow the order of Emperor Klexis and chose to continue rushing over.Because the captain of the fortress felt that there was something wrong with the order of Emperor Klexis.So relying on intuition, he still rushed out. .

This fortress smashed the Leo knight who was blocking the way in front, and rushed out of the encirclement.

I was so happy that it hadn't come yet, a fort cannon belonging to the Clexis Fortress blew up the small fortress into two sections.

1 Chapter Twenty: The Endless Emperor Klexis

The remaining nine fortresses successfully attached to the surface of those fortresses at the moment when the small fortresses changed direction, and used accelerated light guns to continuously attack those fortresses.

As for Emperor Clexis who just gave the order, it was done by Li Qinghe. A large number of scientists worked hard to develop this scene, which was very realistic, and blocked the connection between the small fortress and Clesis Fort for a while.

Li Qinghe asked all the engineers under him to stop their work, invaded the general control of the ten fortresses, and hacked the computers of the fortresses for only 10 minutes.Cracked the code to open the small fortress.

After the small computer was hacked, the power systems of the nine fortresses stopped working. Except for the small fortress that was destroyed by the Klexis fortress, the nine fortresses slowly descended.

But the landing time must be more than 10 minutes. As the hatch of the fortress was opened, the Leo knights who had been prepared earlier entered the fortress and fought with the Chap army and the scientists in the fortress.

Although the power system of the fortress was restarted after 10 minutes.But all the Leo knights had already entered the nine fortresses within 10 minutes.

It was only then that the nine small fortresses of Clexis actually contacted Emperor Clesis.

After hearing from his subordinates that the ten fortresses had lost contact for a short time, Emperor Klexis suddenly felt something bad was about to happen.

Immediately contacted the ten fortresses that had just flown out to perform the mission, and found that there were only nine left.One fortress has been destroyed, and these nine fortresses are still in crisis.

"You must open the fortress again."

After learning about the battle situation, Emperor Klexis said decisively.

However, Li Qinghe's engineers hacked the computers of the small fortress again, shutting down the power systems of the nine fortresses again, but this time the hacking time was shorter, only 5 minutes.

The nine fortresses landed slowly again.The connection between the nine fortresses and Emperor Klexis was interrupted again.

Although the nine small fortresses resisted desperately, but the number of Leo knights was helpless. These ten fortresses were used as combat weapons, so they did not have as many soldiers as the Clexis fortress.

If there were loaded soldiers, they would have already been used in the battle with Li Qinghe's Shenglong Group.

As a result, only soldiers capable of operating warships were left in the nine fortresses. There were only 2 soldiers in the ten fortresses, and among the 2 people, there were many scientists from Klexis, whose combat capabilities were extremely weak.

Therefore, the resistance of the nine fortresses was extremely weak, and they were quickly breached one by one by the Leo knights. The nine fortresses slowly landed on the ground and were finally captured by the Holy Dragon Group.

A total of 1 people were captured in the fortress, and those who were stubborn have disappeared.So far, the air force of Emperor Klexis has completely disappeared and has become Li Qinghe's air force.

Li Qinghe took a deep breath after hearing the news about the nine fortresses. Although he had made sufficient preparations for the "fishing fortress" operation, Li Qinghe was still nervous.Especially when he heard that nine fortresses had been captured, Li Qinghe laughed heartily.

For the success of this plan, Li Qinghe contacted Princess Gallonia as a back-up, hiding in a different dimension space at the designated location.

Li Qinghe gave Leo Knights time to approach the fortress by falsely passing on the order of Emperor Klexis, and by invading the computers in the fortress, Leo Knights successfully boarded the nine fortresses, and one of them was destroyed. It made Li Qinghe a little heartbroken.

Unlike Li Qinghe's happiness, when Emperor Klexis finally contacted the nine fortresses again, the fortresses had already changed hands.

Emperor Klexis did not want the fortress to be in the hands of Li Qinghe, but the ten fortresses were too self-confident and had always been used as cards, so Emperor Kleisis did not install a self-explosion system in the fortress.

But Emperor Klexis did not expect that the fortress would change hands one day, and there were still nine ships.The anger in Emperor Klexis' heart was beyond words.

"Send Ragu beasts and trample all the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Group to death..."

The anger of Emperor Klexis lasted for a long time.

After the ten fortresses were completely lost, the [-] Black Hawk helicopters of the Holy Dragon Group once again took control of the air, carrying sufficient ammunition, and strafing the Leo Knights below.It put a lot of pressure on the Chap army who could only be beaten below.

Although some anti-aircraft guns of the Klexis Empire also hit a few Black Hawk helicopters, they were quickly destroyed by the Black Hawk helicopters.

Under such circumstances, the newly recruited Chapp army began to show defeat, and one by one began to retreat.With the death of the warlords in Chap's army, some Chap brazenly became deserters.

But Li Qinghe didn't stop them from letting them leave.

One escaped, five escaped, and soon batch after batch of Chapu became deserters.

At this time, the Ragu Beast, one of the few remaining hole cards of Emperor Klexis, was released.However, the hole cards that Li Qinghe already knows, can they still be called the hole cards?

The Ragu beasts dragged their heavy steps and ran amok, trampling to death many chapu troops who were not in a hurry to avoid it.

With the addition of Ragumons to the battlefield, the Clexis army gained new confidence and stopped fleeing.

"You have cards, and so do I."

Li Qinghe was not surprised at all when he saw the appearance of Ragu Beast.

A thousand rhino tanks appeared on the battlefield.

"It turned out to be a tank. It seems that you still don't know the real strength of Ragu."

Emperor Klexis said indifferently when he saw Li Qinghe's tank army.

But time will tell.


With the huge body of Ragumon, it is very difficult not to be hit.

The movable turret of the Rhino tank fired a round of 120-caliber shells.

The bodies of the fifty Ragu beasts rushing forward were directly blown to pieces, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

This bombing also shook the morale of Kleiss Chap's army.

Those Chap's troops who were already a little shaken saw the Ragu beasts, this undefeated war behemoth was actually killed, and it was killed with one blow, and fifty Ragu beasts were blown to pieces in an instant. end.


After another rhino tank set fire, another fifty or so Ragu beasts were blown to pieces.

The rest of the Ragu beasts, seeing the death of their companions, roared one after another, and looked angrily at the culprit that caused the death of the Ragu beasts—the Rhino Tank.

Stimulated by the death of their dead companions, the remaining Ragu beasts all went crazy, and rushed towards the rhino tank with their feet loose.

The rhino tank, on the other hand, fired back very calmly.

The rhino tanks accepted the command uniformly and kept firing.


Those remaining Ragu beasts were all wiped out before they even got close to the rhino tank.

With the Ragumons wiped out, the morale of the Chapp army of the Chrysis Empire began to crumble.Unstoppable collapse, a large area, a large area dropped their weapons and fled.

In order to stabilize the battle situation, Emperor Kleiss quickly mobilized his own Kleiss guards to act as the overseer.

However, the army was defeated like a mountain and couldn't be stopped at all. Those personal guards who tried to stop the deserters were trampled into flesh by the deserters.


It is advisable to chase the poor with the courage of the left, but not to be the overlord.

Li Qinghe read the essence of this sentence, and continued to give orders to pursue the victory.

In the end, those deserters broke through the second line of defense that Emperor Klexis had just made hastily formed by the Chapp army that had not yet reached the front line.

And behind those Chapp troops, followed by a thousand multi-purpose infantry vehicles, which were like rangers, falling tightly behind the Chap deserters.

After the Chiap deserters broke through the line of defense laid out by Emperor Klexis, the thousand multi-purpose infantry vehicles took advantage of the situation.

The multi-purpose infantry vehicle rushed into the line of defense that Emperor Klexis had set up just now, and wantonly crushed those Chapu troops who were in a panic.

Before long, the second line of defense had mostly collapsed.With the spoiler of a thousand multi-purpose infantry vehicles, the rhino tanks in the rear, and nearly 300 million troops, successfully allowed them to attack the second line of defense.

At this time, the general situation of Emperor Klexis was gone, and the peaceful capital of Klexis began to rage undercurrents.

At this time, Mary Balon was in the ruins of her own family, and according to what her brother Mary Doron said, she found the certificate of nomination that recorded other families jointly opposing Emperor Klexis.

"Father, mother, grandma, brother... I, Mary Balon, will avenge you. Overthrow the rule of Emperor Klexis."

Mary Balon clenched her fists, opened the voting certificate, and looked at the family recorded inside.

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