"From the first..."

Mary Balon put the vote certificate in her arms, turned around and transformed into an ordinary middle-aged woman, and walked towards the destination.

Emperor Klexis sat quietly on his throne, and none of the courtiers who flocked to him in the past came today.

"Hahaha, you are really my good ministers. You are all gone, all gone."

Emperor Klexis smiled maniacally.

"Your Majesty, don't give up, you still have my help."

Emperor Klexis turned his head and found that it was the national teacher in a black robe.

"National teacher, there is a good strategy."

Emperor Klexis asked hastily.

"Yes, I have contacted some soldiers outside who are willing to continue to serve you, as long as you are willing to agree to their conditions, they will rush over.

Since the situation is urgent, I have already agreed for you, please punish me. "

The gloomy voice of the national teacher came.

"You are the minister of my humerus, what crime is there?"

Naturally, Emperor Klexis would not blame the national teacher.He also didn't ask the national teacher what conditions he agreed to, so that those troops who remained neutral would continue to serve Emperor Kleiss. .

"Then, when will those troops arrive here?"

Emperor Klexis asked anxiously, he couldn't help being anxious. At present, Emperor Krysis has no other army except the 50 elite guarding the capital of Klesis.

Chapter 121 Emperor Klexis Waiting for Reinforcements

Those chapu troops who fled knew that they would die if they went back, so they took off chapu's clothes one after another and returned to their hometown.

Emperor Klexis also knew that those courtiers under him were ill today and said that they were sick.At critical times, you can only rely on yourself.

"It will take seven days."

The national teacher made a gesture of seven.

"The seven-day problem is that in two more days, the army of the Shenglong Group will approach the capital. You asked me to have an army of 50, how can I persist for the rest of the time?"

Emperor Klexis opened his bloody mouth and roared.

"No matter what, you must persist for seven days. After another seven days, I can wake up the sleeping Ragu beasts again, more than 500."

The national teacher was silent after finishing speaking, and did not speak again.

Emperor Klexis was not questioning the national teacher, nor did he speak, and the atmosphere became silent.

"As long as I persist for seven days, I can wait for reinforcements, National Teacher, are you sure?"

The eyes of Emperor Klexis flashed brightly, it seemed that he already had a countermeasure.

"Yes, it only takes seven days."

The national teacher said with certainty.

"Then, I can still hold on for seven days."

The Krasis Empire seemed to have thought of a way to deal with the attack of the Holy Dragon Group, and suddenly became confident.

Clexis Fortress.

"General Jagu, how is Mary Baron's plan going?"

Princess Garonia sat on the bed and asked General Jagu.

"Your Highness, please rest assured. Mary Balon just sent back a message that the plan is going smoothly. Those families have all given affirmative replies. We are just waiting for the arrival of the Holy Dragon Group."

General Jagu knelt on the ground and fully told the news from Mary Balon.

"Well, those newly recruited troops, you need to rectify them. If someone commits a crime and takes advantage of the war to harm Klexis, I will deal with it severely after I find out."

Princess Galonia said coldly.

"Yes. Your Royal Highness, I have ordered my soldiers to train those recruits strictly."

General Jagu said.

"Well, if there is any news, come here as soon as possible."

Although Princess Garonia also has her own news network, compared to General Jagu, this veteran general, it is still much worse.

The capital city of Clexis.

In the evening of that day, the multi-purpose infantry vehicle had already arrived under the city of Klexis.The soldiers on the tower immediately reported the news to Emperor Klexis.

"Didn't you say that people from Shenglong Group will arrive in two days? Why are they showing up now!"

After hearing the news, Emperor Klexis immediately summoned the national teacher to discuss.

The national teacher had a very calm expression after hearing the news from Emperor Klexis.

"You don't need to worry, the vanguard of the Shenglong Group is just below, used to explore the way. Not all the troops have arrived."

This is indeed the case.

"is it?"

Seeing that Emperor Klexis didn't believe it, the national teacher took out a crystal ball with his left hand, and the ball contained a thousand multi-purpose infantry vehicles outside.

"That's the only thing that dares to be arrogant. Kill them and let Shenglong Group lose an eye."

Emperor Klexis was about to order a part of the army to open the city gates and destroy the thousand multi-purpose infantry vehicles near the capital.

"Wait a minute."

The national teacher stopped the next order from Emperor Klexis.

Emperor Klexis looked at the national teacher, waiting for his explanation.

"There are not many troops defending the city now. Once you send troops to encircle and suppress the chariots below, it is very likely that the troops you send out will be transferred away by the chariots, exacerbating the crisis of insufficient manpower. How about..."

The national teacher expressed his thoughts.

"Is it just to watch?"

Emperor Krasis said with some discomfort in his heart.

"For now, yes, this is the best way. I speculate that those chariots don't have the ability to attack the city, otherwise they wouldn't even have a tentative attack, but circled outside in an attempt to lure us to send troops.

What needs to be done most now is to strengthen the city defense. "

The national division speculated on the intention of the multi-purpose infantry vehicle to besiege the capital.

"Well, I've passed on the order. I'm tired, so go down first."

Emperor Klexis asked the national teacher to retire.

After the national teacher left, Shawshank of the Clexis Empire looked at the empty palace, and the loneliness in his heart could not help but emerge.

"National teacher, I already guessed who you are, and only you can awaken those Ragu beasts that should no longer exist. It's just that I didn't expect that you could escape from that dark seal.

However, it is impossible for you to control me in delusion.do you think i don't know what you think

My dynasty will not be left to anyone, it will be destroyed with me, hahaha..."

Emperor Klexis smiled alone in the empty hall.

To the surprise of the Emperor Klexis and the national teacher, the army of the Holy Dragon Group led by Li Qinghe arrived outside the city of Klexis half a day earlier.

"This is the capital of the Klexis Empire."

Looking at the capital in front of him, Li Qinghe was also shocked.

The highest city wall on earth does not exceed 15 meters, but the city wall of the capital of Klexis is 50 meters high.The city wall is made of Leiyin stone, a specialty of the demon world, which can absorb external damage and further tamp the foundation. Ordinary bullets hitting the city wall will not leave a trace.

In order to break through this city, it is necessary to be able to hit an attack that exceeds the damage absorbed by the thunder stone.Li Qinghe speculated that even the attack of the rhino tank would not work.

But what if you don't try?

In order to achieve maximum firepower, the Rhino tanks aimed at the same direction and attacked.


Following Li Qinghe's order, a large hole appeared in a city wall where thousands of shells had gathered, which meant that the rhino tank's attack could break through the defense.

"Okay, keep attacking."

Seeing that the rhino tank was effective, Li Qinghe ordered the rhino tank to continue attacking.

The sound of "rumbling" sounded, and all the shells hit the city wall this time had no effect. Only a shell-shaped barrier slowly rose to protect the entire capital.

"protecting mask"

Li Qinghe looked at the energy barrier that suddenly appeared and thought about it.

When Emperor Klexis saw that the capital was all right, the stone in his heart was put down all of a sudden.

The reason why Emperor Klexis was confident that he could stop Li Qinghe's soldiers with his 50 Chapu army had three reliances.

One is the city wall of the capital city of Klexis, which is so high that it is difficult to reach it even with ordinary siege ladders. A special new engineering ladder is required, which will take a long time.

Second, those city walls are built of Leiyin stone, which is not afraid of artillery fire.

The third is that he has an energy barrier as the last hole card, which can resist external attacks for seven days. Once used once, it needs 1000 years of energy replenishment.

But Emperor Klexis didn't expect that the Rhino tank's attack could smash the city wall made of Leiyin stone at first, so he could only raise the protective shield.

And the national teacher also knew the real reliance of Emperor Klexis, so he could be sure to persist for seven days.

Seeing the shield, Li Qinghe ordered the Rhino tank to continue attacking to see if it could break the barrier, but the results proved that the shield was very strong, and the shells fired by the tank hit the barrier, only causing a layer of ripples. , it disappears.

The rhino tank has been attacking continuously for a day, and the shield has not fluctuated at all.However, Li Qinghe was on his way, so he didn't believe that the barrier could go on forever.

Not only Li Qinghe was anxious, but Emperor Klexis was also anxious. The barrier can operate for seven days under the condition of ordinary attack, but the protective shield can last up to five days under the continuous non-stop fire of rhino tanks.

Emperor Klexis could only think of new countermeasures to see how to delay the time.

"By the way, it's time for them to play their roles. One by one, they say they are sick, but as long as the family guards and servants are still there."

Emperor Klesis turned his attention to the nobles in the Klesis Empire, and forcibly summoned 30 new troops.

This is only the first batch, and the second batch will be collected again after the first batch is collected.

It has to be said that Emperor Klexis had a good idea, but this approach pissed off those nobles.

These family guards are accumulated by their families through hard work, how can they be easily consumed as cannon fodder?

A certain basement in the capital city of Klexis.

"Krexis Empire, I think it's time to change the emperor."

A fat Clexis man spoke first.

"I agree, but who is better to be the new emperor?"

A man with a bamboo pole asked.

"Of course it's Princess Galonia, do you have any objections?"

Mary Balon was among them.

"I'll wait for the second."

The rest agreed.

"Well then, we should talk about how to overthrow Emperor Klesis. Currently, according to intelligence, Klesis is outside the city and surrounded by the army of the Holy Dragon Group."

Mary Balon's words made the people here boil.

"Mary Balon, don't lie to me. The frontline battle report said some time ago that the Earth Alliance Army was defeated by Emperor Clexis. How come there are still troops coming outside the capital to surround us?"

The man with the bamboo pole couldn't believe it.

"The information you know is outdated, or the information has been blocked by Emperor Klexis.

How long ago was that, and this is the latest information.The Earth Alliance Army and the Holy Dragon Group's army are not at the same level, understand?

The latest information is that all the troops of Emperor Klexis fighting abroad have been wiped out, and there are only 50 Chap troops left, and there are only [-] Klesis guards who have been protecting him. "

In order to increase the credibility, Mary Balon distributed a copy of the battle report to the people in the basement.

The people in these basements, each of whom is a nobleman of the famous Krysis Empire, gathered together at this time to discuss the grand plan against Emperor Krysis. .

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