"Mary Balon, is your information accurate?"

An obese Klexis nobleman wiped the cold sweat from his brow and asked.

Chapter 122 Invading the Klexis Empire

These aristocrats were discussing the important matter of rebelling against Emperor Klexis, and there was a slight mistake, and when Emperor Klexis found out, they must have killed them all. It would be a lie to say that they were not nervous.

"Don't you believe me?"

Mary Balon questioned the nobles below.

"I certainly believe what you say."

The obese Klexis nobleman swallowed his saliva, speculation is not easy.Some regretted being fooled by Mary Balon's older brother, Mary Doron, into a thief's bed.

But when you get on a thief boat, you are like a grasshopper on a rope, and no one can escape.

Mary Balon looked around and said, "That's the way it is now, you should all understand the current situation, the capital city of Klexis has been surrounded by the Holy Dragon Group.

If nothing else, it has been two days since the Klexis Empire was destroyed.Now you need to stand in line.But I believe that the people standing here should all support my actions, right? "

The nobles below all nodded their heads in support of Mary Balon's statement.


"We are all willing to play for Princess Galonia."

Such voices were heard endlessly. Mary Balon heard such voices and displayed the defense map of the city gates of the capital city of Klexis that she had found.

"This is……"

The nobles below have all received higher education from the Clexis Empire, and they are qualified nobles in terms of knowledge. Naturally, they can see that it is the defense map of the city gate.

"You don't want to..."

The man with the bamboo pole stood up.

"It is your task to take down the city gate, and there is a new task, which is to transfer the guards of this place."

Mary Balon pointed to the place circled in red on the map.

"That place is the base that supports the energy barrier. There are many defenses inside, and there are [-] Klexis pro-guards who are in charge."

The identity of this man with a bamboo pole is not simple. His father is a small captain of the Klexis Guards.Just happened to be in charge there.

"I heard that your father happened to be in charge there."

Mary Balon said here, and paused, "The most critical part of this operation is here with you. Francis, I think you will complete this task.

This task is divided into two steps, the first step is to capture the energy base, and the second step is to open the city gate.Those who guard the city gates include the newly recruited 30 people.

You must open the gates in time. There are four gates in total, and each gate must be opened.Don't worry, once the city gate is opened, I will truthfully report your achievements to Princess Galonia.At that time, you will be the ministers of the dragon.

And those stubborn families will become a thing of the past. "

Mary Balon plucked the feather from her head and blew lightly, and the feather flew out of the basement. At the same time, Mary Balon also disappeared.

"The time of action is ten o'clock tonight."

Just as the nobles saw Mary Balon leaving and were about to talk to each other, Mary Balon's voice came again, scaring them away after hearing it.

And Li Qinghe also received the news, "Nine o'clock tonight?"

Li Qinghe looked at his watch, it was currently four o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Qinghe connected to the communication of Fort Clexis.

"My hand is ready, are you ready to take over the Klexis Empire?"

Li Qinghe asked Princess Galonia over there

"Husband, don't worry, I'm ready. You have to be careful, Emperor Klexis may have other means."

Princess Galonia advised Li Qinghe carefully.

Li Qinghe said, "Don't worry, my life is hard."

After the conversation between Li Qinghe and Princess Galonia, they stepped up to mobilize supplies and stock them up, at least to ensure a high-intensity attack tonight.

In order not to make Emperor Klexis suspect that something was wrong, Li Qinghe ordered the rhino tank to intensify the attack and keep attacking.

Emperor Klexis did not expect that the defense he had painstakingly arranged was slowly eroding.

At 08:30 in the evening, the Kleiss Guards led by Francis' father, a force trusted by Emperor Kleiss, guarded themselves.

"Captain, are you really going to do this?"

A member of the Classis SS questioned his captain.

Francis' father, Flamingo, has taken control of the energy base that supports the shield.

"Do you think I ever wanted to do this, but. I want to live, not die. I don't want to die so worthless."

Flamingo sighed and said.

Flamingo went on to say, "If you want to leave, you can leave. I am ashamed of His Majesty the Emperor, but I have to do this. I don't want you to be like me."


When the members of the Kleiss pro-guard below heard what Flamingo said, a dozen of them dragged the uniforms of the pro-guard and turned to leave.

"Go on."

Flamingo turned around, and the bodies of the dozen or so team members were wrapped in two pieces of a special silk thread.

"Hey, I hate people who eat inside and outside the most."

Flamingo turned around again, he still had the sad expression just now, replaced by a cold-blooded expression hehe sneered.

The members of the pro-guard who were still standing beside Flamingo were glad they didn't leave.Otherwise, it will end like that.

Flamingo looked at his watch, and at 20:55, he went straight to the console.He stared blankly at the control lever.

At the same time, the soldiers guarding the capital of Klexis began to behave strangely.

"Time is up."

Flamingo pulled down the control lever, the energy base was no longer delivering energy, and the protective shield guarding the capital of Klexis disappeared.

And near the city gate, the army belonging to the nobles of Clexis savagely killed those guarding troops who had no defense, and opened the city gate in time after seeing the protective shield disappear.

The city gates in four directions opened on time.

Li Qinghe waved his hand, "Attack."

The holy dragon soldiers who had been on standby for a long time rushed into the capital of Kleiss, strangling those troops loyal to Emperor Kleiss.

The moment the protective cover disappeared, Emperor Klexis immediately noticed that there was a problem with the energy supply base.

"Who is it, who can enter the heavily guarded energy base without making a sound, you go to quickly destroy the enemies of the energy base."

Emperor Klexis felt uneasy in his heart, and quickly ordered his remaining [-] Kleisis personal guards to destroy the enemies of the energy supply base.

Emperor Klesis never dreamed that his most trusted Kleise guards would be betrayed.

This led to the annihilation of the one hundred Klexis guards he sent.

The hundred personal guards sent by Emperor Klexis quickly entered the core of the energy base and found that Flamingo was seriously injured.

"what happened to you?"

The captain of this Klexis pro-guard team asked.

"I was attacked by those traitors. They attacked me while I was not paying attention, and the soldiers forcibly closed the protective cover."

Flamingo pointed at the few people who had just executed himself with a look of grief.

"Hey, then quickly restore the energy supply, as long as the protective barrier is used again, it can block the attack of those hateful earthlings."

This new captain didn't have the slightest thread in the hands of Flamingo next to him.

"I can't reach it, can you help me?"

Flamingo said helplessly.

"I will, let me."

The new captain of the Klexis SS was about to pull the lever.

"Captain, be careful."

The new captain was reminded by a team member behind him.

"Be careful what."

Before I finished thinking, my eyes went dark.Why was the head of the new captain cut off by silk thread?

In an instant, Flamingo's team members killed all the team members brought by the new captain.

But Flamingo didn't expect that the new captain gave an order to the army guarding the energy base outside. After 5 minutes, he didn't see his team coming out, so he immediately attacked.No matter who it is, kill without mercy.

Five minutes later, the army guarding the energy base outside began to attack Flamingo inside.

Flamingo attracted a part of the army from the capital of Chrysis.

After attacking the capital, Li Qinghe found that there were fights everywhere. Those Klexis troops started fighting each other, and some fled in confusion.

In the sky of the capital city of Klexis, Princess Garonia sent her Chap army in red battle clothes to maintain order and accept the nobles who took refuge.

Li Qinghe led the army, and went straight to the outside of the palace of Emperor Klexis. Instead of attacking, he surrounded it first.

Emperor Klexis looked at the empty palace, "Where's my army? Where's my national teacher? Come out quickly, come out quickly."

"They all ran away, haha, all loyalty is fake."

After Emperor Klexis vented his anger by himself, he walked outside the palace.He also heard the shouts outside, calling for help, and knew that he was in danger.

Shawshank, Emperor Clexis, stepped out with a huge wolf's head on his head.

"Li Qinghe. I really hate that I didn't have the first time to send an army to kill you regardless of the cost."

Emperor Klexis walked step by step towards Li Qinghe, who was protected by countless people.

"The era that belongs to you should be over. Your brutal rule has made the common people miserable."

Princess Garonia sat down from the Klexis Fortress and faced the Klexis Emperor Shawshank.

"Is it wrong for me to unify the demon world? If it weren't for me, the demon world would still be living a primitive life."

Emperor Klexis growled.

Emperor Klexis continued to roar, "And you, General Jagu, how much I trust you and regard you as my brother, but this is how you treat me?".

General Jagu heard what Emperor Klexis said, and pulled out the golden long sword bestowed on him by Princess Galonia, "Brother, I, Xingzi, and you three conquered the world together, and finally let you sit in the country. We Not a single complaint,

But you, for the sake of the stability of the country, actually shot Xingzi, making Xingzi the hundred-eyed mother-in-law rumored by outsiders. "

Chapter 123 The Recalcitrant Emperor Klexis

Emperor Clexis Shawshank looked nonchalant, "Since you let me sit in the country, why don't you make my country more stable. Why, Sachiko likes you, not me. So, she deserves to die."

When General Jagu heard what Emperor Klexis said, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed any longer. He raised his long sword and pointed at Emperor Klesis, "I will send you to Sachiko to make amends right now."


General Jagu was preparing to have a life-and-death fight with Emperor Klexis, but he withdrew his long sword when he heard Princess Galonia's stop.

Klexis Empire Shawshank looked at Princess Galonia, "Princess Gallonia, from the first time I met, I knew that you were not my daughter, the cell I left behind, she died. Jagu, do you think I don't know?"

General Jagu, this time I know why Dasmada came to supervise their operations just when Tong Xiaotong became the new princess of Galonia.

"I didn't expect that you could come to this point today."

Emperor Klexis sighed with emotion.

"For the sake of your unification of the demon world, I will leave you a whole corpse."

Princess Garonia thought for a while and said.

"Do you really think that you people can kill me?"

Emperor Klexis said arrogantly.

"Oh, it seems that you are very confident."

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