So Emperor Clexis Shawshank didn't expect that General Jagu, who was blocked by Gulazairas, could sneak attack him, so he didn't pay attention to his back, and the knife thrown by General Jagu penetrated deeply into his body.

Emperor Klexis was injured again, affected by the injury, the manipulative tentacles also paused.

Those knight squads that fought against Emperor Klexis were all transformed from regular Dragon Origin Sacred Dragon Soldiers, so they are naturally very strong, so seize this opportunity.

"The Crimson Drill." (Dragon Rider)

"Bladestorm." (Elephant Rider)

"Hammer of the Fallen." (Monkey Rider)

All the knights who besieged Emperor Klexis used knight kicks.

Seeing this, Emperor Klexis roared, "Protect me."

According to Gulazairas's fighting style, he was ready to die, but upon hearing the order from Emperor Klexis, he threw General Jagu out without hesitation, and hugged General Jagu tightly.

Since Gulazairas hugged Emperor Klexis tightly, he withstood most of the knight's attacks, but there were also some places that Gulazairas did not protect, but were attacked.


Emperor Clexis Shawshank roared, sending out a huge sound wave, pushing the knights around him several tens of meters away.

Klexis Emperor Shawshank watched as his dragon, elephant, and monkey rider approached again.After the last roar just now, Emperor Klexis had no strength left.

"Don't you guys want to accept the capital of Klexis? I won't leave it to you, Gulazairas, come with me."

Klexis Emperor Shawshank was held by Gulazairas and activated the self-destruct device.


Within one meter of Gulazairas' body, violent energy fluctuations appeared, and Emperor Klexis was also in it, so it was naturally unavoidable.

However, Emperor Clesis did not expect his death. To be precise, the power of Gulazairas' self-destruction was limited to one square meter of his body, so it hardly had any impact on the capital of Clesis. .

Needless to say, all of this is Gardison's masterpiece. Gardison was also afraid that Emperor Klexis would use the energy of self-destruction on his own land, so he played tricks.

It was indeed the damage of 200 million tons of explosives, but the damage area was reduced to one square meter.In that square meter, no one could bear that kind of damage.

With the corpse of Emperor Clexis Shawshank gone, Li Qinghe became the emperor of the Clexis Empire, while Princess Garonia was the queen and was in charge of managing the Demon Realm.

Namkotaro secretly smuggled the demon world to Earth. As for the fact that the demon world was unified by the Shenglong Group, Namkotaro naturally knew about it.

Nan Kotaro came back this time to rescue Kyoko, Katsumi Kida and the others, and let them get rid of the clutches of the Shenglong Group.

Nan Kotaro tried to sneak into the headquarters of Shenglong Group, but he didn't know that the moment he appeared on the earth, he was already under the monitoring of Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe was not in the mood to play cat-and-cat tricks with Nan Kotaro.

With his keen intuition, Minami Kotaro felt that something was watching him, but there was no one around.

Suddenly Nishida appeared in front of him with a small group of dragon knights.

"Since you have discovered me, I won't hide anymore."

Kotaro Minami took off the fake beard and eyebrows on his face, ready to transform at any time.

"Nan Kotaro, on behalf of Shenglong Group, I extend an invitation to you, and I hope you will join Shenglong Group."

Nan Kotaro remembered what Li Qinghe had done to him and Nobuhiko before, and suddenly became angry.

"Impossible, I am here this time to overthrow the evil organization Shenglong Group.

transform. "

Kotaro Minami transformed into Kamen Rider Bckrx.

"I would have guessed you would say that, just trying to ask again."

Nishida took out the Sky Belt syga that he had lost due to the failure of the mission last time.


Nishida looked at the hands of his transformed sky knight.

"Get out of the way, I don't want to do anything to innocent people."

Minami Kotaro didn't want to fight Nishida.

Nishida took out his crutches and patted them. The jetpack on his back pushed Nishida to fly towards Minami Kotaro quickly.

Nan Kotaro pulled out the phantom laser sword from his waist, and with a "squeak", the phantom laser sword and the two crutches were put together.

But Nan Kotaro's strength at this time is not the time when he couldn't even withstand Li Qinghe's blow at the beginning.

Minami Kotaro supported Nishida's crutches with one hand, and clenched his other hand into a fist.

"rx punch."

With a bang, Xi Tian was punched into a nearby building.

The dragon knights brought by Nishida launched melee attacks on Nan Kotaro one after another.

However, Nan Kotaro was agile, easily dodging the attacks of these dragon knights, and counterattacked from time to time.

Those dragon knights didn't block Nan Kotaro for long before they were maimed by Nan Kotaro.Kotaro Minami didn't kill him either. He who fused the Sunstone and the Moonstone had experienced so many battles of life and death, plus the god's help from the dead Klessis.

Nan Kotaro's strength is already far higher than that of Golgom Creation King.


This is the charging sound belonging to the belt of the sky.

"Blue Blade Slash."

Nishida launched his ultimate move, Shuangguai made continuous high-speed slashes at Minami Kotaro.

In his haste, Nan Kotaro couldn't bear Nishida's sneak attack.


Nan Kotaro transformed into a demon prince, and Nan Kotaro exuded black mist all over his body.

Nam Kotaro turned into a demon prince this time, and his consciousness was very clear, and he did not go berserk like before. This is because Nam Kotaro's strength can already control this form freely. .


Namkotaro's punch collided with the extremely fast slashing crutches, and Namkotaro's body involuntarily backed up seven or eight steps, while Nishida's hands were numb from the punch, his crutches were almost thrown into the air, and his body collapsed again. fly backwards.

Chapter 125 Return

Kotaro Minami took out his long spear and flew towards Nishida like a javelin.

Before Xi Tian could react, he was supposed to defuse the impact, but a long spear was stuck into his body, and this long spear nailed him to the wall to hang.

Xi Tian pulled out the spear forcefully, and fell heavily to the ground, the belt of the sky disintegrated automatically.

"Let me do it."

At some point, Zhuao Yilang was holding a thick collection of poems.Zhuo Mo Yilang appeared in front of Xi Tian, ​​helped Xi Tian aside, and picked up the belt of heaven on the ground.


Nishida looked suspiciously at the sudden appearance of Yilang Tsomo.

"This is the president's request."

Zhuo Mo Yilang said behind Nishida's back.

Zhuo Mo Yilang looked at the belt of the sky, stroked it lightly, "Old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time, it's time to fight together."

After finishing speaking, Zhuo Mo Yilang stroked his glasses, and put the poetry collection in his hand on the ground steadily.


Itsuro Takuma transforms into Kamen Rider Syaga.

"This time I will prove to the president that I am the most suitable dresser for you."

Zhuo Mo Yi Lang said silently in his heart.

Zhuo Mo Yilang approached Nan Kotaro step by step.

Nan Kotaro shrunk his legs, "The devil trampled on it."

Nan Kotaro didn't want to be delayed by these people for too long. The longer the time, the more people the Shenglong Group would send to hinder him.

Accompanied by the sound of "exceedchan", the energy of the double crutches is raised to the extreme, "Heaven and Earth Slash."

Zhuo Mo Yilang took the initiative to fight with Nan Kotaro.

"You are not my opponent."

Nan Kotaro didn't expect to kick Takumo Yilang, so that means that the Heaven and Earth Slash was not used for defense, but for attack.


Heaven and Earth fell on Nan Kotaro's body.

Nan Kotaro's demon prince blocked the attack with his wings, but because the Heaven and Earth Slash was too powerful, he cut through the wings and hit Nan Kotaro's body.

Nan Kotaro was sent flying by this cut.

Nan Kotaro didn't expect to think about Yilang, and actually exchanged his life for his life. Nan Kotaro stood up, his figure was a little unsteady.

"Come again."

Zhuomo Yilang's injury is definitely much higher than that of Nankotaro.However, Zhuo Mo Yilang still used the nirvana Heaven and Earth Slash again.

"Heaven and Earth Slash."

Zhuo Mo Yilang struck towards Nan Kotaro decisively again.

"Fist of the Devil."

Nan Kotaro was right, he punched and collided with Tiandi Zhan.The shock wave from the blow knocked down two nearby tall buildings.

The two sides came out of the smoke, and Minami Kotaro had a cane stuck in his waist.

The smoke dissipated, and the belt of the sky had come off Zhuomo Yilang's body, and Zhuomo Yilang was already lying on the ground with a big hole in his waist.

It was the wound that Nan Kotaro used the devil's fist to hit Takuma Yiro.

"You are much stronger than last time."

Minami Kotaro pulled out his crutches and threw them on the ground.

Minami Kotaro approached Takuma Itachi who was lying on the ground step by step.

A rattling sound sounded.


Nan Kotaro saw the person who came - Shadow Moon Knight.

"Is that you? Nobuhiko"

Nan Kotaro let Nishida take Takumo Itachi away, but looked at the familiar figure in front of him.

Yingyue stopped in her tracks, "Kotaro, give up. Stay with me and join the Shenglong Group."


Minami Kotaro asked.

Yingyue shook her head and said, "Because they saved me and restored my previous memories. I don't want to fight with you, don't force me."

"You are definitely not Nobuhiko. The real Nobuhiko would not talk to me like this. I don't believe it. Nobuhiko is dead. I can't tolerate someone pretending to be Nobuhiko."

Minami Kotaro didn't believe Yingyue's words at all, he still clearly remembered that Nobuhiko died in his arms, and the body had been submerged in the ruins caused by the war.

"Fist of the Devil."

Nan Kotaro's punch was easy, hitting Yingyue without hindrance.

Yingyue didn't make a move at all, allowing Nan Kotaro to hit herself.Yingyue's body was impacted by this punch and crashed into a nearby car.

"why why?"

Minami Kotaro put away his hands and looked at his hands, as if they were full of sin.

"Ah ah ah."

Minami Kotaro vented loudly.

After venting, Nan Kotaro calmed down for a while, and found that Yingyue hadn't come out of the car.

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