"Hope, he's not Nobuhiko, not Nobuhiko."

Nan Kotaro approached the spot where Yingyue was sent flying step by step.

Three meters, two meters, one meter.

Minami Kotaro saw clearly that there was no Kagezuki inside, only the bloody Akizuki Nobuhiko.

"Nobuhiko, Nobuhiko..."

Kotaro Minami looked at Nobuhiko's tragic situation and shed tears of regret. The devil prince form was automatically released, and Kamen Rider bckrx returned to its original state.

"Kotaro, don't cry."

Nobuhiko opened his eyes with difficulty, and wanted to lift his hand, but he couldn't lift it because of the heavy injury.

"Brother. (Nobuhiko)."

Akizuki Kyoko and Kida Katsumi appeared in front of Minami Kotaro at this time.

Akizuki Kyoko pushed Nan Kotaro away, and hugged Akizuki Nobuhiko tightly, "Brother, it's okay, I will ask Li Qinghe to save you, don't die."

Katsumi Kida was also watching the dying Nobuhiko Akizuki crying.

"Kyoko, Katsumi, Nobuhiko, what's going on?"

Minami Kotaro felt like his head was going to explode, just now he made a move on Akizuki Nobuhiko who was about to pull back to his side.

"Kutaro, if my brother dies, I will hate you forever."

Qiuyue Kyoko said sadly.

On the side, Katsumi Katsumi stopped tears and said, "Kotaro, a few days ago, my brother was buried in the ground because of your battle with the Shenglong Group.

Later, Shenglong Group rescued his brother, and he was rescued after emergency treatment.Nobuhiko, tell me today that you will come back soon, and we can be reunited.But you..."

What Katsumi Kida said was what Li Qinghe wanted Katsumi Kida and the others to know.The complete fact is that Li Qinghe found Yingyue's body from the ruins of the last battle with Nan Kotaro.

In order to allow Yingyue to maximize its value, Li Qinghe activated Xinyan from the sart

The body modification technology obtained by Company A implanted the Orhonch imprint in Shadow Moon's body.

After successfully awakening Shadow Moon, Nobuhiko gained a new life, and also awakened the orhonch form by coincidence, but Nobuhiko's orhonch form turned out to be Shadow Moon.

Nobuhiko was unable to transform into Kamen Rider Shadow Moon because of the loss of the Moon Stone, and the orhonch form gave Nobuhiko the ability to transform into Shadow Moon again.

However, since Nobuhiko is not a native orhonch and has just been born, his strength is very weak.

Therefore, Nobuhiko, who transformed into Kagezuki, couldn't bear the almost full blow of Minami Kotaro.

Nan Kotaro collapsed and knelt on the ground, the excessive grief in his heart made bckrx wake up to a new form.

Because he killed Nobuhiko by mistake, Minami Kotaro made himself feel intense grief, and combined it with the Emperor Stone to create a special form.

Features Black and yellow are its main features, and the article on the chest becomes (r2.)

Li Qinghe also saw the scene of Nan Kotaro's transformation from the surveillance screen.

"In this case, he awakened and became a mechanical warrior. Is the power of the plot so strong?"

Nan Kotaro was also very surprised when he saw his changed body.

However, Nan Kotaro did not explore the specific reasons, but turned to look in the direction of Shenglong Group.

"Senior, please save Nobuhiko, I am willing to do anything for you."

After Nan Kotaro finished speaking, he knelt down. This was the first time Nan Kotaro knelt down for the sake of his brother's life.


Li Qinghe wasn't afraid that Nan Guangtaro would hurt him, Li Qinghe brought wind, fire, thunder and lightning as bodyguards when he came out.


Nan Kotaro hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

"Okay, remember what you said."

Xinyan was sent to the emergency room by Li Qinghe for treatment.

"Senior, how is Nobuhiko?"

Minami Kotaro asked eagerly.

Li Qinghe didn't expect that Nan Kotaro's first question was not Kyoko and the others, but Nobuhiko. He really deserves to be a good friend.

"Don't worry, he has been sent for treatment now, and he will be fine.

But you, what do you want to do next? "

Li Qinghe asked.

Although Nan Kotaro was somewhat dissatisfied with Li Qinghe, he had already agreed to surrender to Li Qinghe. Nan Kotaro looked at Li Qinghe with complicated eyes, and finally decided to fulfill his promise.

Nan Kotaro bent down and begged, "Senior, I want to join Shenglong Group and work for you."

"Okay. From now on, you are a member of my Shenglong Group."

Li Qinghe patted Nan Kotaro on the shoulder and said.

"Yes, President."

Nan Kotaro slowly remembered that Li Qinghe was injured many times in the battle against the Creation King of Golgom in order to help him, but he was the one who fought Li Qinghe in order to get Xinyan back.

Nam Kotaro felt a little guilty about his previous actions, and Li Qinghe seemed to see Nam Kotaro's guilt, "Kotaro, you were against me before, and there is no reason other than Yingyue."

Nan Kotaro didn't expect that Li Qinghe would ask this question, but Nan Kotaro still answered truthfully, "Because the people on Earth are under the dictatorship of the Shenglong Group, I want to rescue them, and I don't want them to be enslaved."

Li Qinghe laughed dumbfounded after hearing Nan Kotaro's words. Nan Kotaro was still so kind and lived for others, but such a person was easy to control.

"Kutaro, rather than saying that the people on earth are ruled by me, it is better to say that they accept my rule...

do you know?In the beginning, I unified the earth to fight against the Krasis Empire. You also know how powerful the Krasis Empire is, and the Earth Alliance Army suffered a disastrous defeat in the demon world. At this time, we need to unite as one to resist the next Claysis. Invasion of the Sith Empire.

At that time, the order on the earth had already undergone great chaos.In order to stabilize the situation and resist the invasion of the Klexis Empire.I can only unify the earth and recruit soldiers.

Chapter 126 The Origin of the Demon Realm

But I didn't want to, I finally defeated the Klexis Empire. In order to help the demon world maintain order, I can only proclaim myself emperor there. "

Li Qinghe found a strong reason for his ambition.

"Did you know? Under my rule, all countries on the earth have no nationality, race barriers, no wars, people live and work in peace and contentment, don't you think it's not good?"

Nan Kotaro seemed to feel that what Li Qinghe said was reasonable, but there were some things wrong, "However, you are still implementing a dictatorship, and people need freedom."

Li Qinghe continued, "Freedom, is there no freedom under my rule? You have to know that freedom also needs to be restricted, otherwise everyone will use freedom to infringe on the interests of others. Are you right?"

Minami Kotaro was speechless, and had nothing to say.

Through a heart-to-heart talk with Nan Kotaro, Li Qinghe eliminated the previous misunderstandings and greatly eased the previous conflicts.

Li Qinghe asked Nan Kotaro to come to work tomorrow, and returned to his office alone.

Li Qinghe suddenly remembered that the Creation King gave him a ball containing information from 5 years ago.

Li Qinghe took out the information ball. Because of his damaged strength and too many incidents, he never absorbed the knowledge of this information ball.

Li Qinghe put this information ball between his eyebrows, and that information ball slowly merged into Li Qinghe's mind.

It took an unknown amount of time before Li Qinghe broke free from the endless messages.

"Fortunately, I didn't absorb it when I was injured before."

Because Li Qinghe didn't trust the King of Creation before, he never absorbed the information in this information ball.Sure enough, the amount of information in the information ball that King Creation gave Li Qinghe was too much.

If Li Qinghe absorbs it while injured, his soul will definitely be traumatized by the influx of countless information.

The absorption of the information ball requires specific skills, but Li Qinghe doesn't know, so he absorbs it with brute force.The brain was almost formatted by the complicated information in it.

Li Qinghe sealed most of the information that is not needed now, and began to pick out the useful ones.

Seven days later, Li Qinghe finally knew what was going on in the demon world, and he fell asleep exhausted after relaxing.After sleeping for three days in a row, I opened my eyes, and when I woke up, I found myself lying on the bed.

Nagata Yuka was reading books beside Li Qinghe, this time books on cooking.

"Nagada Yuka, thank you."

Li Qinghe could guess that he belonged to Nagata Yuka Gang again.

Seeing Li Qinghe woke up, Nagata Yuka put down the book and asked, "Thank you, but why are you exhausted?"

Li Qinghe told the story of how he absorbed the information ball of the King of Creation.

"You are so reckless."

Nagata Yuka pinched Li Qinghe's nose, "I'm making you misbehaved."

Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka started to romp, only Nagata Yuka could play with Li Qinghe unscrupulously like this.

After Nagata Yuka left, Li Qinghe finally knew the cause of the demon world.As an existence that has survived for 5 years, the King of Creation also has a certain understanding of the demon world.

The demon world and the earth should have been formed together in the first place, just like twins, but among the twins, whoever absorbs more nutrients will appear first.

The earth won, so the earth existed earlier.The demon world has become the shadow of the earth, but after the earth has experienced several catastrophes, life has begun to appear in the demon world.

If the King of Creation was the first god of the earth, then the god who was killed by Kotaro Minami belonged to the demon world.

That's right, the Creator is a "god", the first conscious being formed after the appearance of the earth.

But the king of creation is a god, a special "god". The particularity is manifested in the fact that the king of creation is the first god, and it can be passed on forever.

The inheritance of the Creation King is very special. The first Creation King created the Gorgom organization.Before he passed away, he turned the energy in his body into dozens of emperor stones.

Just like a Gu worm, each Emperor Stone randomly entered a living body, and finally the strongest person defeated other existences with the Emperor Stone step by step, and plundered the Emperor Stone to himself.Then became the new creation king.

After passing on for dozens of generations, an ambitious creation king discovered a way to prolong his life, and that was to join the ranks of plundering the Emperor Stone.

The King of Creation removed most of the energy by releasing the Emperor Stone in his body, leaving only one Sun Stone.When those emperor stones enter other people's bodies, they will absorb new life energy into them.

And by recycling those allocated emperor stones, the King of Creation can absorb the vitality of those allocated emperor stones and make himself rejuvenated again.

At first, the creation king's plan went smoothly, no one found out, but those who got the emperor stone were not idiots, and slowly discovered the creation king's conspiracy, trying to devour their vitality.

As a result, many century kings who carried the emperor's stone fought against the enemy, let go of their disputes, and fought a world war that turned the world upside down with the king of creation.

In this battle, the creation king was smashed into pieces by more than a dozen century kings.

Because the battle was too fierce, some of the emperor stones on some century kings were smashed into pieces, and some of the century kings were smashed into pieces, and some emperor stones passed through the space cracks caused by the battle.

In the end, only the Sun Stone, Moon Stone, Sky Stone, Earth Stone, and Sea Stone remained in the Kamen Rider bck world.

By a coincidence of marriage, it was discovered that the sun stone and the moon stone were fused into one person, forming a new creation king. Of course, this new creation king is not as strong as the previous ones.

As for why the stones of heaven, earth and sea were not absorbed, it was because the energies of the three emperor stones, the sun stone and the moon stone would conflict and could not be fused.

In order to make reasonable use of the three emperor stones of Tiandihai, each creation king has adopted a check and balance strategy.

Every creation king knew that the three emperor stones of heaven, earth and sea could be fused, but because he was afraid that the three emperor stones would gather on one person, he distributed the three emperor stones to three people to check and balance each other.

However, due to the mutual attraction of the three emperor stones of Tiandihai, even if the three emperor stones are distributed on different people, the people with the three emperor stones of Tiandihai will always get together and share wealth and honor together.

In this way, the tradition that the sun stone and the moon stone jointly produced the creation king, and the three emperor stones of heaven, earth and sea as guards has been passed down from generation to generation in Gorgom.

But the more interesting point is that every century king with a sun stone will definitely defeat the century king with a moon stone.And the form of the last king of creation is very similar to the appearance of Kamen Rider bckrx.

Li Qinghe finally knew the formation and development of the Golgom organization, and also knew why Namkotaro in the original book could finally defeat Yingyue who accepted the support of the creation king.

After learning about the formation of Golgom, Li Qinghe further began to explore the formation of the demon world.

Because of the lack of nutrition in the demon world, the time to produce life is much slower than that of the earth.

The god who was killed by Nan Kotaro was the first god to be born in the demon world, but this god did things too recklessly. In order to prevent others from threatening his status, the first batch and the second batch All the native intelligent creatures were slaughtered.

After this god slaughtered the third batch of the remaining two original Klexis people, a man and a woman, this behavior annoyed Kamen Rider's planetary will of the demon world, but the will of the demon world is not as good as The will of the earth is too bad.

Once the demon world is severely damaged, the will of the demon world will also be damaged to a certain extent, and the god of the demon world repeatedly killed the lives of the demon world, which prevented the development of the demon world and completely angered the will of the demon world.

In fact, the will of the planet in the demon world has not been in stock for a long time, and its strength is far inferior to his neighbor, the will of the earth.

However, the will of the planet in the demon world saw the first god to appear in the demon world, not only did not help the intelligent life that appeared, but massacred it.

The world will of the demon world fought fiercely with that god, but the god succeeded in killing the planet will of the demon world.If it is the will of the earth, that god can be easily killed.

The will of the earth can even destroy the Creator King with full strength without a trace, let alone that god.However, the will of the planet in the demon world existed for too short a time, and the god interfered with the evolution of the demon world.The willpower of the planet in the demon world is not strong, so it will be killed by that god.

However, before the will of the planet in the demon world disappeared, it also sealed that god underground.

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