The demon world, which has lost the will of the planet, can only choose to attach itself to the earth, and the surviving Klexis slowly multiply and gradually occupy the entire demon world.

Most of the Klexis still love peace and are very satisfied with their environment of singing birds and flowers, but there are always some who desire to destroy and want to rule the existence of others.

Gradually, the demon world formed a primitive clan commune period, and tribes appeared.If nothing else, tribal civilizations are here to stay.

The dead Krysis Emperor Shawshank, General Jagu, and Grandma Baiyan set off a wave of unification, and finally the Krysis Empire emerged.

The unified Clexis Empire has directly crossed over the agricultural civilization and entered the era of industrialization. It has vigorously developed industries, which has led to the destruction of the environment of the demon world, and because of the war started by General Jagu and the others, the passage between the earth and the demon world has also been closed. was closed. .

However, the demon world is inherently deficient, not only the emergence of intelligent life is late, but also few resources.Because of industrial civilization, a lot of resources have been used up, causing the demon world to become barren.

However, due to its special environment, the demon world has a deformed situation in which witchcraft, black technology, and industry develop in parallel.

Chapter 127 Black World Ends

However, the battle between the will of the god and the world of the demon world has produced some benefits. For example, the fountain of miracles is the place where the will of the planet in the demon world dies.

That's why the Miracle Fountain has the ability to awaken the source of the demon world, and the Miracle Fountain can also heal the injured and prolong life.

The demon world, which has lost the will of the demon world planet, is naturally inferior to the earth. This is the reason why the Klexis Empire was defeated by Minami Kotaro alone in the original book.

However, the current appearance of the demon world is indeed very pitiful. In order to restore the vitality of the demon world, in addition to asking Princess Garonia to wake up the sources of the rivers and seas that are about to dry up, Li Qinghe thought that the most fundamental thing to restore the vitality of the demon world The only way is to have the help of the will of the planet.

The will of the planet can stimulate the vitality of the planet, but the will of the planet in the demon world has already died.However, Li Qinghe was taken aback suddenly, as a party of the will of the planet, how could he be killed so easily.How could there be no backhand left.

"If we're talking about the next player, there's only Princess Galonia."

Li Qinghe remembered that no matter how Nan Kotaro stopped him in the original drama, Xiaotong still became the new Princess of Gallonia, and that new Princess of Gallonia could inherit the fountain of miracles, which was always under everyone's control.Let Princess Galonia fully deserve her name.

Thinking about the Princess Galonia who died in an accident at the beginning, Li Qinghe completely understood.The dead Garonian princess was grown out of the cells of Emperor Klexis Shawshank.

Naturally, the will of the planet would not come to the cells of Emperor Klexis, so the real Princess Garonia died due to an "accident".

And Xiao Tong was chosen to be Princess Galonia, who is the planetary will of the newly born demon world.

Princess Galonia, as the existence of the will of the planet, will not allow him to have an existence higher than him. This may be the reason why Xiaotong's parents were killed by the enhanced version of General Jagu in the original play.

The more Li Qinghe thought about it, the more he thought about it, and it really became the existence of one party's will, how could it be easily eliminated.However, in the original play, Princess Garonia was finally rescued by Minami Kotaro.

In the original play, the world of monsters finally collapsed with the death of Emperor Krysis, and the Krysis Empire, which was followed by billions of Krysis residents, was shattered.

Kotaro Minami saved the Earth, but indirectly murdered all the Klexis.But in reality, because of Li Qinghe's existence, the demon world continued to survive.

Li Qinghe immediately connected Princess Gallonia's communicator.

Princess Garonia appeared on the screen in front of Li Qinghe.

"Mr. Qinghe, what's wrong?"

Princess Galonia asked.

Princess Garonia is currently handling the government affairs of the demon world. Although Li Qinghe is the emperor of the demon world, Li Qinghe finds it troublesome.The demon world was handed over to Princess Galonia to manage.

Li Qinghe said straight to the point, "Princess Garonia, should I call you the will of the demon world planet?"

Princess Garonia asked in surprise, "How do you know the will of the planet?"

Li Qinghe smiled slightly, "I absorbed part of the information given by the Creator King of the Golgom organization that has disappeared, and learned from it."

Princess Garonia did not believe what Li Qinghe said, any existence that knew the will of the planet should not exist, let alone the will of the planet in the demon world.As for the King of Golgom, he is not qualified to know these things. If he knew, he would never die so unjustly and be dealt with by his own men.

"Really? I am indeed the will of the planet in the demon world. I have been asleep for many years. A battle with that person gave me the opportunity to escape to the earth. I only recently woke up and returned to the demon world."

Princess Galonia affirmed Li Qinghe's statement.

Li Qinghe heard Princess Galonia's words, and asked curiously, "Then who are you now? Xiaotong? Princess Galonia, the will of the planet?"

Princess Garonia pointed to herself, "I am me. I am Xiaotong, Princess Galonia, and the will of the planet in the demon world. You are still my favorite husband."

Li Qinghe asked immediately, "Then when did you wake up?"

"When I was sent to the Fountain of Miracles and accepted the inheritance, I began to awaken a little bit. What's wrong? Mr. Qinghe."

Princess Galonia replied.

"I need you to do me something?"

Li Qinghe said.

"Mr. Qinghe, I will definitely help you with your affairs. What's wrong?"

Princess Garonia said.

When Li Qinghe knew that Princess Garonia was still the same as before, he stopped worrying, "I need your help to restore the vitality of the demon world."

Princess Garonia asked in confusion, "Restore the vitality of the demon world? How to restore it?"

This also made Li Qinghe question, Li Qinghe is not the will of the planet, how could he know how to restore the vitality of the demon world, but Li Qinghe speculated, "This, this should be your ability, I think as long as you are willing to let the demon world If the world returns to its previous life, then it must be possible.”

Princess Garonia closed her eyes, "Bring back to life, back to life."

In an instant, Princess Garonia opened her eyes, her eyes became indifferent, without a trace of emotion, "It will take a huge price to restore the vitality of the demon world."

Li Qinghe saw Princess Gallonia's current face, and guessed that this was the original will of the planet, "What price?"

"The talent of the Klexis, the talent of the Klexis is too high, the lifespan is endless, and there are some people who have special abilities, and everything has a balance. The vitality of the demon world is declining, except for me. The reason for this is that the talents of the Klexis people are too extraordinary.

To restore the vitality of the demon world, the lifespan and talent of the Klexis must be paid for. "

Princess Garonia said indifferently.

Li Qinghe understood the existing problems in the demon world, but it didn't seem to be a problem, so he said, "Okay. Let's sacrifice their talents, and just be like the people on Earth."

Without the slightest hesitation, Princess Gallonia raised the crystal scepter in her hand, "Scatter." A burst of brilliance dissipated.

After a long while, Princess Garonia's indifferent eyes disappeared, and she returned to her usual expression. .

Princess Galonia said happily, "Mr. Qinghe, well, the demon world is full of vitality. Thank you, Mr. Qinghe. It wasn't you who reminded me. I still worry about how to solve the vitality of the demon world?"

"Well, in this case, it will be more conducive to the integration of the demon world into the earth."

Chapter 1 How many years ago was this?

In 1968, in the island country of Tokyo, a child who was [-]% like Li Qinghe fell on a street in Tokyo.

With a helpless expression on his face, the child cursed in his heart, "Pan space, pan space, what kind of crow are you doing at the critical moment."

That's right, this kid is Li Qinghe.

It took Li Qinghe a while to completely quell the rebellion of Kamen Rider bck World Earthlings to take back their freedom.

Li Qinghe began to prepare for a new journey, and the world he will cross next is actually the world of kabuto.

In order to facilitate crossing, Li Qinghe moved the shuttle door of the hyperspace to the drawn Red Police base car.

But the kabuto world is very special, it is very repellent to the outside world, and does not accept foreign creatures.

With the help of the shuttle door, two people can travel through the past, but there is a price.As for the price... it will be borne by the first person.

Therefore, it is impossible to send a large-scale force to station there. The only way is for Li Qinghe to sneak in, open the gap in the Kabuto world, and lead Li Qinghe's forces to pass.

Although it was very dangerous, Li Qinghe had no other choice. Accompanied by truth and other beauties, Li Qinghe's body began to disappear slowly.

Suddenly, there was a change in the space in Li Qinghe's body, which made the transmission of the shuttle door suddenly unstable.The warning light of the shuttle door beeped.

"The time travel energy fluctuates too much, and the time travel is abnormal."

This line of words came out of the shuttle door.

The situation Li Qinghe encountered, Nagata Yuka naturally saw that this was not a normal time travel.


Li Qinghe couldn't help cursing, Li Qinghe wanted to stop the crossing, but the teleportation mechanism had already started, and Li Qinghe was passed through.

However, what Li Qinghe didn't expect was that at the moment he was transmigrated, Nagata Yuka followed Li Qinghe and jumped down.

Li Qinghe dangled in the shuttle passage, unable to open his eyes.Before leaving the passage, I seemed to see Yuka Nagata.

However, Li Qinghe suspected that he might have read it wrong. He was the only one who crossed this time, how could there be other people?

Li Qinghe fell from the sky and fell directly onto the street of a shopping mall in Tokyo.

Li Qinghe found that the clothes didn't fit well, and after looking at the mirrors in the store, Li Qinghe realized, "It's not that the clothes have become bigger, it's that I have become smaller."

At this time, Li Qinghe was only six or seven years old. Fortunately, Li Qinghe could speak R, but he was so young, even if he could speak R, he couldn't make a living.

Li Qinghe looked at the surrounding environment and the clothes of the people around him, and roughly guessed that Li Qinghe should have come to age before the Jiadou plot started, but Mao himself became so small, he became a child.

Thinking of this, Li Qinghe felt upset. He held his chin and began to think. The most urgent thing right now is to find a place to live and eat.

At present, the number of people who can travel to the Kabuto world is only allowed to be two, and other people will not be accepted by the Kabuto world even if they travel through the past.

With great difficulty, Li Qinghe found a small pawnshop, pawned his clothes and some novelty items in this world, and exchanged them for some money.

Although Li Qinghe knew that he must have lost money by selling it like this.But in the current situation, Li Qinghe has become smaller again, and the energy in his body can't be used. Like ordinary children, he can only do this.

It's really that when people are unlucky, drinking cold water will clog their teeth.

Li Qinghe took the money he had just pawned to change into decent clothes, and was robbed.

"Hand over the money."

Five punks in their fifteenth and sixteenth years saw that Li Qinghe got money from the pawn shop and bought a whole set of clothes, so they squatted at the door of the clothes shop for Li Qinghe, waiting for Li Qinghe to come out.

Naturally, Li Qinghe didn't know it, and was pushed to the ground as soon as he came out.


Li Qinghe roared domineeringly.

The moment he finished shouting, Li Qinghe regretted it, and suddenly realized that this is not the time when he has the strength of the creation king.

Li Qinghe's immature resistance made this group of punks very surprised. They had never met such a young person who dared to resist before collecting "protection money".

"This kid is crazy, so teach him a lesson."

The leader of the group of gangsters wanted to push Li Qinghe to the ground.

But even though Li Qinghe had lost his previous strength, he still had vision. He dodged back and dodged the attack of the leader of the group of gangsters.

"Yeah. I really don't believe it. You catch him."

The five gangsters surrounding Li Qinghe were very intelligent.Although Li Qinghe has a high vision, he can see their actions, and he can predict their next actions, so as to avoid them.

But a child is a child, and after a while, Li Qinghe felt very tired physically. If other children at the same stage, they would have no energy.

The reason why Li Qinghe was able to resist was because of Li Qinghe's strong mental strength.

Li Qinghe was panting and dodging the attacks of those gangsters. It wasn't that Li Qinghe didn't want to run away, but Li Qinghe's eight or nine-year-old body couldn't run away from those people.

As for calling for help, none of the merchants around Li Qinghe extended a helping hand when they saw what happened to Li Qinghe.

Finally, the leading gangster picked up a brick and covered Li Qinghe's head.

Although Li Qinghe predicted it, his body couldn't react and could only be hit.

With a bang, blood gushed out of Li Qinghe's head, and Li Qinghe fell to the ground.

"Killed, killed."

Although those few low-ranking gangsters usually see blood, they are just playing small fights, so the people around them don't pay much attention.

But once you kill someone, the nature is different, and it's still a child.

Seeing Li Qinghe lying on the ground, those gangsters were at a loss for what to do, and they didn't care about collecting any protection fees, so they all ran away.

The surrounding businesses hurriedly called the police station, and passers-by also looked at the fainted Li Qinghe from a distance, unwilling to approach.

A delicate and exquisite girl walked up to Li Qinghe and hugged Li Qinghe in her arms.

"Hey, the law and order in Tokyo is really getting more and more chaotic, even such a small child is not spared."

The girl looked at the unconscious Li Qinghe with pity.

"Miss, why did you come here?"

A thin old man with shining eyes hurriedly ran to the girl from a group of men in black suits.

"Housekeeper, I think the house is boring and I want to go out for a walk. Now it seems that it is not as good as at home, then go back."

The girl sullenly hugged Li Qinghe and got into the car that had been prepared for her.

"Yes, but where did this child come from? The Patriarch doesn't allow outsiders to enter the house. Once the Patriarch..."

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