The butler asked responsibly.

"What's the danger? It's just a child. If found, say I brought it."

The girl snorted coldly.


The housekeeper was already prepared to be criticized. This young girl was the jewel in the family's palm. She was afraid of losing it in her hand and melting in her mouth.How dare the housekeeper sue her.

Just like that, the butler drove the car with the girl on the way home.There are twelve cars in front and behind, very luxurious.

"Boom" sound.

The three cars in front suddenly exploded.

"Miss Protection."

The butler hurriedly stopped the car and escorted the girl out of the car. The bodyguards in black all got out of the car to protect the girl's surroundings.

"Housekeeper, send back the distress signal."

The teenage girl also appeared to be attacked for the first time and looked terrified.

"Miss, the signal has been sent, there will be reinforcements soon. Please rest assured."

The housekeeper's hands were also sweating all the time. Although the distress signal had been sent out, it was still unknown when the rescuers would arrive.

You must know that the family he serves is not a small family. Most people dare not take action against them. No, to be precise, this is the first time in the past century that someone dared to take action against their family.

But since these people dared to do something, they must be fully prepared, and this housekeeper is not stupid.

But this girl, even in a critical moment, still held the unconscious Li Qinghe in her arms.

Then the attacker came out.

"Miss Tiandao, I heard that you are the most outstanding genius in the Tiandao family. Did you come out by yourself and be taken away by us, or should we catch you?"

A man wearing a peaked cap and a blue jersey lined up a basketball with one hand indifferently.

Heaven?If Li Qinghe wakes up, he will be surprised to hear the way of heaven.

"Who are you, hurry up and retreat."

The old housekeeper questioned the leading man in front of him.

"Who is it? Hurry up and step back, do you know what the consequences of doing this are?"

The basketball that the man was shooting suddenly stopped, and the basketball was tightly grasped in his hands.

With a sound of "咻", the basketball flew out of the man's hand and hit the girl.

"Miss, be careful."

The housekeeper hurriedly protected the girl, but was hit by the flying basketball.

"I didn't expect you protozoa to escape to this planet. No wonder we haven't been able to find you."

After the man in the peaked cap said this, the group of men in black guarding the girl all turned into blue-looking bugmen. Their left hand was similar to that of a normal person, and their right hand had sharp claws.

"Are there more people than humans? We must know that we zerg crush your protozoa in terms of numbers. Clap clap."

The man took three shots.

Hundreds of zerg came out from the streets on both sides.Like the protozoa that protected the girl, the appearance of the zerg was similar to that of the protozoa.Both zerg and protozoa are pupal forms.

Although the shape is similar, the strength is not the same, as can be seen from the protozoa protecting the girl who keeps retreating.

In fact, this was indeed the case, hundreds of zergs directly rushed towards the protozoa on the girl's side.The protozoa was directly crushed by the Zerg, no matter in terms of quantity or individual combat capability.

A single chrysalis can overwhelm three chrysalis protozoa. .

"jump jump jump."

From time to time, the sound of the protozoa being blasted by the zerg was heard.

Chapter 2 Tiandao Family

The old butler, who was thrown by the basketball, stared dumbfounded at everything in front of him.

Soon there were only five protozoa protecting her in front of the girl. Of course, if the old housekeeper who got up from the ground reacted, there were six people.

From the beginning to the end, the man who gave the orders has always maintained a human form.

"She is very useful to us, keep her, and kill the rest."

The other zerg received the order and walked towards the girl.

"Miss, let's go. We'll make a way for you."

The five protozoa rushed up one after another.But it turned out that the mantis' arm was the car, and the five protozoans were blown up by the rushing zerg.

And because the butler is a human being, the zerg just knocked him to the ground and ignored it.

The girl was about to be captured by the Zerg.

"Boom boom boom."

The three pupae zerg closest to the girl exploded.

"Who is going to disrupt the situation? It shouldn't be. The strong members of the Tiandao family should be held back."

The man in the peaked cap looked suspiciously at the person who came to disrupt the situation.

"Damn it, you dare to treat Lord Qinghe like this, you will all die."

An angry voice spit out from Yuhua's mouth.

When Jiehua saw Li Qinghe crossing, something went wrong.Worried about Li Qinghe, regardless of the danger, Jin followed Li Qinghe to the world of Kabuto.

Because of Jiehua, the seal of this world that Li Qinghe, who was the first to cross the world, was strengthened. Originally, if Li Qinghe was alone, Li Qinghe would be fifteen or sixteen years old at most, but with the addition of Jiehua, the seal doubled Enhanced, Li Qinghe suddenly became eight or nine years old.

To make matters worse, the energy in Li Qinghe's body was also sealed to the limit, which caused Li Qinghe to encounter a crisis at the beginning.

But fortune and misfortune depend on each other. After arriving in this world, Nagata Yuka immediately sensed Li Qinghe's breath, and quickly found it.

In the process of Nagata Yuka flying towards Li Qinghe's aura at high speed, she felt that Li Qinghe's aura fluctuated somewhat unstable, and immediately knew that Li Qinghe might be in danger, so she accelerated and flew in Li Qinghe's direction.

Soon Nagata Yuka saw a boy who was [-]% like Li Qinghe being held in the arms of a girl, although he didn't know what happened to Li Qinghe and became smaller.But Nagata Yuka sensed Li Qinghe's breath, and finally determined that Li Qinghe was the little boy in the girl's arms.

And when Nagata Yuka saw the blood on Li Qinghe's head, he thought it was made by those blue bugs down there, and immediately became angry.

The angry Nagata Yuka spat out a super high frequency wave from his mouth, and the zerg in front of Li Qinghe was wiped out at once.

Nagata Yuka landed in front of the girl, looking at the unconscious Li Qinghe with distress.

Nagata Yuka looked at Li Qinghe, and the more she looked at it, the more distressed she became, and the more she looked, the sadder she became.After the sadness, it is accompanied by a steady stream of anger.

"Damn you!"

Nagata Yuka attacked the zerg that surrounded her again.

From time to time, Zerg was blown up by Yuka Nagata, and looked at Yuka Nagata who showed great power.

The Zerg leader stroked his chin: "This doesn't seem to be the breath of protozoa. Could it be a new species of protozoa? But why doesn't it have a trace of protozoa's breath.

And if it was a protozoan shedding its skin, its strength shouldn't be so low. "

Outsiders see that the protozoa and the zerg are almost the same in pupa form, but the protozoa and the zerg can easily distinguish each other.Just like human beings drink water and eat, it is instinct.

"It seems that I still have to make a move."

The leader of the Zerg began to molt, and Nagata Yuka naturally saw this strange phenomenon.

Although Nagata Yuka didn't know what the Zerg molting meant, she felt threatened from the leader of the Zerg.

Nagata Yuka decisively went to stop the alien leader, but after all, Nagata Yuka did not understand the molting of the zerg, and missed the opportunity. The zerg successfully molted.

The zerg leader eventually metamorphosed into a coleopteran gamma beetle.

Has the same ability as the Earth-dwelling Yan Jia.Head small, mostly surrounded by front edge of pronotum.

Most species inhabit sandy ground and coasts, some live in the holes of other wood-boring beetles under the bark of dead trees, some live symbiotically in the nests of ants and termites, and some live in the holes of rodents.

Coleoptera Yanjia beetle, carnivorous, often found around animal carcasses, fungi or feces.Some species are found under the bark of dead wood, while others burrow in the sand or live in mammal burrows or termite nests.Glossy black, oval.

The beetle is extremely aggressive, with six limbs, two for landing and the other for attacking.

After moulting, the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle and Yuka Nagata fought together.Nagata Yuka spread out her shining wings and slashed at the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle.

However, the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle turned around and blocked it with the tough shell behind it, but a deep white line also appeared on the shell, steaming.

It seemed that the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle was angry, and white gas was blowing from its body.

With a flick of his limbs, he grabbed Nagata Yuka's wings and threw Nagata Yuka into the zerg swarm.

Those chrysalis worms swarmed up and covered Nagata Yuka.

Just when the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle thought that Nagata Yuhua had been dealt with, all the Zerg insects that pounced on Nagata Yuhua exploded.

At this moment, Nagata Yuka flew into the sky with a demon bow in his hand, and shot at the insects below, chasing the Coleoptera Entomidae beetles all over the ground.

"Hmph, you forced me."

The coleopteran gamma beetle activates the special ability of clocku.

Under the clocku, the beetle of the Coleoptera order Yanjiaidae can move at a super speed that cannot be recognized by the human eye.

In order to protect Li Qinghe, Nagata Yuka did not fly too high, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back, Nagata Yuka was knocked down from the sky.

Before Nagata Yuka could react, he had already been hit dozens of times by the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle.

"So you are neither protozoa nor zerg."

After hearing these words, Jiehua was in a coma, her body was injured again, and she was thrown into the car near the girl who was holding Li Qinghe.Yuhua was so seriously injured that she returned to her human form and passed out.

After the coleoptera Yanjia beetle saw that he was using clocku, that strange enemy who looked like a white crane couldn't use that ability, and he didn't know clocku, so he deduced that Yuka Nagata was not a protozoa.

"Forget it, you are still a good research subject."

The Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle saw that Nagata Yuka who was fighting with him had turned into a human form, so he gave up his initial plan to kill Nagata Yuka, thinking that Nagata Yuka was of great research value.

After the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle solved the obstacle of Yuka Nagata, it turned to look at the girl.

"Tiandao is the only one. As the sole heir of the Tiandao family, the value is still great."

The coleopteran beetle strode towards the girl.

"It turns out that you are here. I said who dared to attack my daughter."

A middle-aged beautiful woman came out wearing high heels.

"It seems that you are not the same as before, you only know about killing?"

A white-haired man with sunglasses walked side by side with the middle-aged beautiful woman.

"You, how could you come out so soon, someone should stop you."

The Coleoptera Yanjia beetle stammered, looking very afraid of the couple in front of it.

"You said those people, except for the large number, their strength is really poor."

Tian Daowei's father waved his hand, as if he dismissed the zerg who blocked him.

"Hey, don't run away?"

Hearing Tiandaowei's current words, the coleoptera Yanjiake beetle lost even the desire to fight, and directly used the clocku ability to escape.

Seeing that the coleopteran beetle had already escaped, Tian Daowei's parents activated the clocku ability and killed the remaining pupa-shaped insects that had not come yet.

After killing the zerg, Tian Daowei's parents breathed a sigh of relief, "Housekeeper, take the young lady home."

"Oh, yes yes."

The housekeeper drove, Tian Daowei, and her parents got into the car.

"Mother, please take that woman with you, she just saved me."

Tian Daowei pointed to Nagata Yuka who was seriously injured and unconscious.


Tian Daowei's mother got out of the car and brought Nagata Yuka into the car. Fortunately, the car was big enough, and the group drove towards Tian Dao's house.

Back to the Tiandao family, Tiandaowei saw many familiar faces disappear.

"Father, what's the matter, what happened?"

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