Tian Daowei's father and mother looked at each other, and seeing Tian Daowei's mother nodded, her father also nodded in satisfaction.

"You take these two people back and take good care of them."

Tian Daowei's mother entrusted Li Qinghe and Changtian Yuhua to the care of servants.

"Daughter, you come with us."

Tian Daowei's mother said seriously.


Tian Daowei felt that his mother treated him differently this time than before, and his father, who was always kind, also had a heavy expression on his face.

Tian Daowei followed her parents into the study room that Tian Daowei had not been allowed to enter.

"Father, mother, why did you bring me here?"

Tian Daowei still remembers that when she was a child, she was playful and didn't listen to her parents, and wanted to sneak into the study room, but she was discovered by the family guard just as she approached, and her parents were notified.

As a result, Tiandaowei, who had been under the care of him since he was born, was hit by his parents' mixed doubles for the first time in his life because he broke into the study.From then on, Tian Daowei cast a great shadow on this study, and never approached this study again.

"Daughter, you are growing up too, and I should tell you something. You are the next heir recognized by our family. I didn't want you to know before, because I didn't want you to bear the burden of the family.

But now I have to tell you. "

Tiandaoshuzi, Tiandaowei's mother, decided to tell the secret that had been hidden all along. .

"Mother, what happened? I'm so scared when you're like this."

Tiandaowei threw himself into Tiandao Shuzi's arms, crying bitterly thinking of what happened today.

Chapter 3 A New Crisis

"Forget it, I still won't tell you. As long as we are not dead, you don't need to carry this burden. Daughter, listen, if one day we are gone, you can come to the study room, here are the materials we left , can relieve your confusion."

In the end, Tiandao Shuzi saw Tiandaowei crying bitterly, his heart softened, and he decided not to tell Tiandaowei.

"Shuzi, even if you don't say it now, in the future you will..."

Before Tiandaowei's father finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tiandao Shuzi.

"As long as I'm alive, I won't let my daughter take on that heavy responsibility so early. There are still many people in the family, as well as the power we left behind, which will definitely protect my daughter to grow up smoothly."

When Tiandao Wei's father, Tiandao Jinsan, heard what Tiandao Shuzi said, he also touched Tiandaowei's hair lovingly.

This is the greatest love in the world, the love of parents for their children, that kind of love is selfless, and parents will definitely not let their children do what they can do for their children.

"Daughter, what happened today, tell it and listen."

Tiandaowei's mother diverted the topic, so that Tiandaowei stopped crying.

Tiandaowei will save Li Qinghe at the beginning, and encounter the attack, as well as the appearance of Nagata Yuka, until the appearance of Tiandaowei's parents, all told in detail.

After Tian Daowei's parents listened to Tian Daowei's narration, they comforted Tian Daowei and let Jiehua go down to rest.

Tiandao Jinsan frowned, "Shuzi, you need to monitor this, I'm afraid there might be something wrong with the two of you."

Tiandao Shuzi nodded: "I'll go and monitor myself later."

After Tiandao Shuzi left, Tiandao Sanjin sighed: "Could it be that we still can't escape? I didn't expect that the zerg would come to the earth. It's really stormy. It's time to inform other families. But this matter, they Should know too."

The special ability of Tiandao Sanjin to activate the clocku disappeared.

"Mr. Qinghe." Nagata Yuka lying on the bed in a luxurious room opened his eyes instantly, searching for Li Qinghe's breath immediately.

The place where Li Qinghe was arranged to rest was not far from Nagata Yuka, and he was soon detected by Nagata Yuka.Yuka immediately wanted to get up, "Oh." Nagata Yuka forgot that she was still seriously injured, and accidentally fell out of bed.

Hearing Nagata Yuka's voice, the maid guarding the door of Nagata Yuka's room immediately entered the room and helped Nagata Yuka to the bed. At this time, Tiandao Shuzi just came here.

After Nagata Yuka was helped to the bed by the maid, Tendao Shuko asked the maid to step back.

"Who are you?"

Nagata Yuka didn't panic when she found out that she came to a strange place. The moment she saw Tiandao Shuzi, she knew that Tiandao Shuzi should be a person who has been in a high position all year round, and the dignity and temperament on her body were vividly expressed.

Tiandao Shuzi didn't care about Nagata's unreasonableness, and said with a smile: "Before asking others, can I introduce you."

Nagata Yuka leaned on the back of the bed by herself, "My name is Nagata Yuka."

Nagata Yuka just said her name, and didn't say much else.

"Nagata Yuka, where are you from? With your identity, you should be well-known in the island country. Why haven't I heard of it before."

Tiandao Shuzi can also feel a noble aura from Nagata Yuka, which is similar to his own. It can be seen that Nagata Yuka is not simple.

Nagata Yuka asked coldly: "I've already introduced myself, it's time for me to ask you, where is this?"

Tiandao Shuzi looked at Nagata Yuka seriously, "My name is Tiandao Shuzi, and I am the wife of the patriarch of the Tiandao family.

You were knocked unconscious during the fight with the Zerg, so I brought you back, here is my home. "

"I'm going to the third room from the left."

Nagata Yuka put forward her request.

Although Tiandao Shuzi could quickly find Li Qinghe's resting place for Nagata Yuka, he was even more curious about the relationship between Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka, and asked again: "Is that little boy your brother? Or you?" son? Why do you pay so much attention to him?"

Nagata Yuka heard Tiandao Shuzi say this, and couldn't help laughing: "Do I look old? I am neither his sister nor her mother, he is my husband."

Tiandao Shuzi asked slowly: "Is he your husband?"

Tiandao Shuzi thought of Li Qinghe who was eight or nine years old, and then looked at Nagata Yuka who looked close to the left and right, and felt a little unbelievable.Although age can't stop love, but Li Qinghe is so young...

Seeing Tiandao Shuzi's performance, Nagata Yuka guessed that she was thinking crookedly, but Nagata Yuka did not explain, but nodded with a smile.

Tiandao Shuzi only felt that his three views were a bit upside down. Although Nagata Yuka said that Li Qinghe was her husband, but Li Qinghe was still in a coma, and he couldn't be sure whether what Nagata Yuka said was true or not.

So Tiandao Shuzi comforted: "Sister Jiehua, he is still sleeping and needs to be quiet. So now you need to rest well, I think he wants to see you by her side when he wakes up.

Yuhua, you should go to bed earlier, and I won't bother you anymore. "

After Tiandao Shuzi finished speaking, without waiting for Nagata Yuka to say anything, the special ability to activate clocku disappeared.

"What ability is this?"

Nagata Yuka saw Tiandao Shuzi disappear in an instant, and the door of the room was also closed. It was obvious that Tiandao Shuzi left at an extremely fast speed.

Nagata Yuka felt that this ability was very familiar, and suddenly thought that the ability of the Coleoptera Yanjia beetle she was fighting was similar to that of the beetle of the Coleoptera, which she was defeated by this ability at the beginning.

Nagata Yuka was at ease about the safety of herself and Li Qinghe, she didn't feel murderous intent from Tiandao Shuzi, which showed that Tiandao Shuzi didn't have bad thoughts about herself and Li Qinghe.

Tiandao Shuzi started the clocku and instantly entered Li Qinghe's resting place, and found that his daughter Tiandaowei was also here.

Tiandaowei is the daughter of Tiandao Shuzi and Tiandao Jinsan. She has no mimicry and is a purebred higher protozoa.

Affected by the earth's environment, Tiandaowei, a purebred zerg, also developed special abilities. One of her abilities is to conceal her aura. As long as she is not seen by others, she can perfectly hide it.

This is why Nagata Yuka only detected Li Qinghe's breath in Li Qinghe's room, but did not find anyone else.

"Daughter, why are you here?"

Tiandao Shuzi, as Tiandaowei's mother, also cannot perceive her breath, but Tiandao Shuzi can clearly detect the location of Tiandao Shuzi by virtue of blood sense, whether it is safe or not, which is why Tiandao Shuzi and Tiandao Jinsan can He rushed to Tian Daowei's side as quickly as possible.

"Mother, I'm just curious, I feel that this little boy is very special and mysterious, which fascinates me very much.

Mother, did you just come out of the room of the sister who saved me? "

Tian Daowei asked.

Tiandao Shuzi patted Tiandaowei's head, "Daughter, human beings are so insidious and cunning, you can't be convinced. You should do your homework."

Tian Daowei said stubbornly: "I don't."

"Hey, daughter, since you want to stay here, so be here."

Tiandao Shuzi spoiled Tiandao Shuzi too much, so he stopped urging Shuzi to leave.

Tiandao Shuzi looked at Li Qinghe who was still unconscious.From Li Qinghe's immature face, Tiandao Shuzi couldn't feel other information, and couldn't detect Li Qinghe's strength at all.

This surprised Tiandao Shuzi. You must know that even ordinary people, even babies, Tiandao Shuzi can roughly estimate their strength from them.

Li Qinghe has the shelter of the pan-space, except for Li Qinghe himself, unless he fights against Li Qinghe, other people will not be able to detect Li Qinghe's strength.

"What a mysterious little boy. I hope he..."

After seeing Li Qinghe's strength, Tiandao Shuzi said something inexplicable and left.

"Daughter, don't fall in love with any man, you are the heir of the Tiandao family, you can't be troubled by your children's affair."

Tiandao Shuzi was worried that his daughter would be fascinated by Li Qinghe, although his daughter was already old, and she was very different from Li Qinghe who was eight or nine years old.

But Tiandao Shuzi, for some reason, was still a little worried that Tiandaowei would have an unpredictable change in the fate of Li Qinghe who was lying on the bed.

After Tiandao Shuzi left, Tiandaowei said with a smile: "Mother, he is so young, how could I like him. But he is really cute."

Tian Daowei pinched Li Qinghe's face.

Tiandao Jinsan activated the clocku and quickly passed the news to those big families. As for why he didn't arrange it for others.

It was because the information about the Zerg's arrival this time was too important, and it was most appropriate for him to convey the news, and it was also the least likely to be intercepted by the Zerg's strong.

However, Tiandao Jinsan did not expect that when he started the fluctuation of clocku, it was detected by the Zerg side.

"He has already been dispatched. Plan B should be launched. Although plan A was disrupted by unknown people, it does not affect the next plan."

The Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle conveyed the new information.

"Okay, follow the plan. You go to attack the Tiandao family. I have arranged for someone to stop the Tiandao tree. This time, Tiandaowei must be captured. If this mission fails, you should not come back."

A wave sent the information back to the brain of the coleopteran beetle.

"But what about Tiandao Jinsan? Once he finds out, he will definitely come back."

The Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle said worriedly.

"Do what you should do, he will never come back. I believe that the fall of a molted protozoa this time will definitely bring a lot of pressure to the protozoa side. Hahaha...".

The wanton laughter belonging to the zerg spread to the coleoptera Amera beetle, surprised by the strength of the organization, and began to act according to the plan.

Chapter 4 The Battle of the Sky Sword Tree

A series of figures began to surround the Tiandao family, and a powerful aura pointed directly at the Tiandao family.

Tiandao Shuzi immediately looked at the Zerg that released a powerful aura at the door.

"Just as my Tiandao family is made of mud?"

Tiandao Shuzi also knew that this might be a conspiracy of the Zerg, but at present only she could deal with the skinned Zerg.

Tiandao Shuzi had already sent a message to Tiandao Jinsan who was out, asking him to come back as soon as possible, but Tiandao Jinsan did not send any message back.Tiandao Shuzi felt a little uneasy.

Tiandao Jinsan received the message and rushed home, but on the way home, the clocku suddenly interrupted, and Tiandao Jinsan was forcibly withdrawn from that ability.

A young man who killed Matt stood in front of Tiandao Jinsan.

"The representative of the protozoa, Tiandao Jinsan, is right."

The Shamate youth actually stood in front of Tiandao Jinsan in human form under Tiandao Jinsan's ability to use clocku.

"Zerg? Do you think you can stop me? Get out of here."

Tiandao Jinsan is still very confident in his own strength. Last time the zerg sent three peeled zergs to stop him and Tiandao Shuzi, but they were quickly dealt with by their husband and wife, who dared to save Tiandaowei.

"He alone can't stop you. But with us."

In a blink of an eye, three zergs with their skin peeled off came out.

Tiandao Jinsan suddenly felt the crisis, "I am Tiandao Jinsan. You used the energy barrier to limit my clocku just now. You use the barrier, and you can't use this ability in the barrier."

"That's right, but this will ensure that you will not be allowed to leave here alive. And after killing you, we will kill the Heavenly Dao tree and remove your Heavenly Dao family."

Said a molting ribbon swallowtail butterfly.

Tiandao Jinsan looked at the four zerg in front of him solemnly.They are male Ribbon Swallowtail and Ascension Sword Swallowtail (male and female), which have similar characteristics to the Earth’s Ribbon Swallowtail, with wings as thin as paper, short antennae, short red hairs on the sides of the eyes, a red line and yellow-white markings on the abdomen.

The long-winged swallowtail has the same characteristics as the long-winged swallowtail on the earth.The basic color of the front of the whole body is orange, with black patterns on it.The forewings are long and narrow, and the hind wings are nearly round.The opposite side of the wing is mainly grayish yellow.The body is highly toxic.The toxin in the adult swallowtail butterfly is said to be able to poison six domestic cats. It is the representative butterfly of Africa and the most poisonous butterfly in the world.

The Ascension Sword Swallowtail has the same characteristics as the Ascension Sword Swallowtail on Earth.The back of the body is dark brown, with yellow-white long hairs, and the belly is gray-white.Wings yellowish white, very thin.Forewing markings are black or light black, with 10 horizontal or oblique horizontal bands, 2 near the base from the front edge to the rear edge, 5 in the middle region only to the posterior edge of the middle chamber, 3 in the sub-outer and outer edges to the buttocks horn.

Among them, the long-winged swallowtail butterfly surrounded Tiandao Jinsan.

Tiandao Jinsan also opened his moulting form, the protozoa in the form of a redbud tree.

The redbud tree native, has similar characteristics to the earth-growing redbud tree.It has excellent ornamental value and application value.It likes light and has a certain degree of cold resistance.Grows in fertile, well-drained soil.The bark and pedicel can also be used as medicine, which has the effect of detoxifying and reducing swelling, and has the effect of killing insects.

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