Tiandao Jinsan's ability has a strong restraint effect on Zerg, so Tiandao Jinsan was not afraid of the long-winged swallowtail blocking the way at first.But with the three new Zergs coming out, Tiandao Jinsan struggled.

Tiandao Jinsan was worried about the Tiandao tree and Tiandaowei at home, so he launched an attack first. The four insects surrounding him did not fight Tiandao Jinsan, but prevented Tiandao Jinsan from leaving in other directions.

Seeing this situation, Tiandao Jinsan knew that he could only escape by killing the four insects in front of him, and began to calm down and face the enemy in front of him.

In order to protect Tiandao Wei at home, Tiandao Shuzi activated the clocku, went out to fight, and directly came to the Zerg waiting outside.

But Tiandao Shuzi didn't expect that the Tiandao family, which seemed to be in full swing, had already started some small movements of their own, opening the door of the Tiandao family to the outside world.The Zerg that surrounded the Tiandao family attacked the Tiandao family.

"You traitors, actually..."

Tiandao Shuzi saw that just after he came out of the family, someone opened the door and let the Zerg enter, and immediately prepared to turn back.

But was blocked.

"Do you have any last words to say?" a yin-yang butterfly said confidently.

Tiandao Shuzi taunted: "The last words, I think it's better to leave it to you. Are you sure you can win me?"

Yinyangdie looked at Tiandao Shuzi and said, "I have." At the same time, she erupted with her powerful aura.

The yin-yang butterfly has the same characteristics as the earth yin-yang butterfly.One side of the yin-yang butterfly has a protruding tail peduncle, but the other side does not. This type of butterfly has both male and female sexual characteristics on the same body, and the chance of being born is only one in ten thousand.

Tiandao Shuzi's aura erupted from Yin Yang Die, and he could feel that Yin Yang Die's strength was really no less than his own.

Tiandao Shuzi looked at the Yin-Yang Butterfly in front of him seriously.

"It seems that I have to use my real power."

The Tiandao tree has transformed into a golden nanmu native, which is also a very rare tree-shaped native.

Golden nanmu native has the same characteristics as the golden nanmu on the earth.

Tiandao Shuzi transformed into a golden native.He took out a golden scimitar and used it as his weapon.

This golden scimitar is very unusual. Most of the zerg, whether protozoa, have no weapons, and they all fight with their own bodies.

Yin Yang Butterfly is the second most powerful Zerg sent to Earth.The Zerg that escaped from Tiandao Shuzi and Tiandao Jinsan would be blown up if he had no more than ten moves against the Yinyang Butterfly.

There are also civil wars among the Zergs, and Zergs are warlike by nature, so they often engage in battles. In the battles, it is inevitable that they will miss and kill each other, resulting in a group of powerful Zergs becoming famous among the Zergs.Although the Yin-Yang Butterfly is very strong, it does not have the strength of the famous Zerg.

But Yin Yangdie is very strong, otherwise he wouldn't let him stop Tiandao Shuzi alone.Yin-Yang Die only heard that a companion died under Tiandao Shuzi's hands, but Yin-Yang Die was overly proud, thinking that those Zergs who died at the hands of Tiandao Clan were weak and died for nothing.

The yin-yang butterfly spit out streaks of green body fluid, and Tiandao Shuzi nimbly avoided the venom of the yin-yang butterfly.

These venoms can easily corrode a large hole in the tempered glass of Longyuan Kingdom. Some of the venom that was avoided by the tree of heaven splashed on the worms in pupa form, and those worms in pupa form exploded immediately. .

Yinyangdie looked at the Tiandao Shuzi who was approaching her, and began to be shocked.

"What a powerful strength!"

Tiandao Shuzi was already close to the Yin-Yang Butterfly and hurriedly took off his wings, and threw them at Tiandao Shuzi as darts.

Tiandao Shuzi's castration continued unabated, the scimitar actually dropped the broken wings of Yin Yang butterfly to the ground, and he looked at the golden knife in Tiandao Shuzi's hand with palpitations.

"This knife..."

The hardest part of Yin Yang butterfly is his most proud wings, but it was scrapped by Tiandao Shuzi's knife.

Just before Tiandao Shuzi slashed at him, Yinyang Butterfly wanted to use her claws to resist, but she felt something wrong with her intuition, so she didn't hold back, took off her two wings and flew towards Tiandao Shuzi.

Fortunately, the Yin-Yang Butterfly used its wings to resist, otherwise his claws would have been cut off by the Tiandao Tree.

Tiandao Shuzi was in a hurry, so naturally he decided quickly. Although the strength of this foreign yin-yang butterfly was similar to his own, Tiandao Shuzi could firmly suppress the yin-yang butterfly with the scimitar in his hand.

"Go. Stop her."

Yin Yang Die regretted a little, she shouldn't be proud, she refused other people's support, and came to stop Tiandao Shuzi alone.Who would have thought that Tiandao Shuzi would have such an incomparably sharp scimitar.

A group of chrysalis brought by the yin-yang butterfly attacked the Tiandao tree.


Tiandao Shuzi's ability to instantly activate the clocku disappeared.

All the worms in the pupa form that blocked the Tiandao tree exploded in an instant, and the yin-yang butterfly was very alert and activated the clocku ability the moment the Tiandao tree disappeared.

"so close."

As soon as Yin Yangdie started the clocku, she found that the distance between the golden scimitar and her head was less than three centimeters.

Yin Yangdie hurriedly lowered his head, but Tiandao Shuzi hit him on the head with his knee.Immediately afterwards, he changed a leg, kicked again, and kicked Yin Yang Die again, and was kicked to the glass of the shop in the distance.


Yin-Yang Die woke up, and she couldn't fight the Tiandao Shuzi who held a sharp weapon by herself.Running is the only thought in Yin Yangdie's mind at the moment, and of course there is also the hope that the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle that sneaked into the Tiandao family can catch Tiandaowei.

When he was distracted, he found that the golden scimitar was thrown in his direction by Tiandao Shuzi.

Yin-Yangdie quickly lay down on the ground to avoid the blow, and the scimitar pierced through his back, making him break out in a cold sweat.

"It's dangerous."

Still thinking about it, Yin Yangdie got up from the ground and continued to start the clocku to escape. .

"How is it possible." A scimitar was inserted into the Yin-Yang Butterfly's body from behind, and the blade stretched out. .

Chapter 5 Transfiguration

"Damn it, it turns out that you are not the most dangerous person, but you. But don't be complacent, even though you killed me, your daughter and the three Jins will definitely not come back."

After speaking, the yin-yang butterfly exploded and died.

"Yes, my daughter."

Between her daughter and her husband, Tiandao Shuzi chose to save her daughter first.

"It turns out that you killed the Yin Yang butterfly so quickly with the scimitar in your hand."

Just as Tiandao Shuzi was about to leave to save his daughter, a new enemy came and blocked Tiandao Shuzi's actions.

Tiandao Shuzi looked at the new enemy and found that Tiandao Jinsan was caught by them.

At this time, Tiandao Sanjin was very miserable. His eyes were gone, his arm was missing, and he had a big hole in his body, leaving only a trace of breath.

The two sides fell into a stalemate.

However, Li Qinghe was indeed in crisis. To be precise, Tian Daowei in Li Qinghe's room was threatened, and by the way, Li Qinghe was also affected by Chiyu.

And Nagata Yuka dragged her injured body to fight reluctantly, killing the Zerg that came to her.

Because some protozoans of the Tiandao family rebelled, they opened the door and allowed the zergs to enter the Tiandao family.With the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle, it is naturally not something that ordinary protozoa can stop.The way to Li Qinghe's room was quickly opened.

"Isn't this the person who blocked me last time?"

The first thing that the Coleoptera Entomidae beetle felt was Yuka Nagata, who had turned into a crane-shaped orhonch and was killing the Zerg.

So the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle first came to the room of Nagata Yuka near Li Qinghe's room.

"It's you."

Nagata Yuka used her wings to kill a wave of Zerg in front of her.

Nagata Yuka also recognized the zerg in front of her, it was the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle that defeated her last time.

"Yes, it's me. No one will help you this time. By the way, where is that girl. Tell me, and follow me obediently. I don't want to be rough."

Said the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle.

"My lord, I know where the girl you mentioned, Tian Daowei is in that room right now."

A protozoa who betrayed the Tiandao family flattered and said to the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle.

"Go away, do you think I don't know?"

The Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle passed through the protozoa that took refuge in the Zerg.That protozoan regretted his betrayal, if he had known...

But all kinds of medicine are sold in the world, but there is no regret medicine.However, for this special kabuto world, there are still regret medicines, but how can the one who can get the regret medicine be a traitorous protozoa?

At the beginning, the Zerg made all kinds of promises, which shook the hearts of some protozoans in the Tiandao family, and finally betrayed the Tiandao family.

This protozoa was just one of the traitors who betrayed the Tiandao family, but the death of this traitor still scared the other protozoa traitors who followed the Coleoptera Yanjia beetle, and they felt sad when the rabbit died.

"Do you think I'll believe you?"

Nagata Yuka shook her head, and spit out a super high frequency wave from her mouth. Whether it was a protozoa or a zerg following the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle, they were all reduced to ashes.


The Coleoptera Yanjia beetle activated its clocku ability, came to the back of Nagata Yuka, and knocked Nagata Yuka unconscious.

Although the protozoa of the Tiandao family who took refuge in the zerg were killed by Nagata Yuka, there are still many zerg.

The coleoptera Yanjiake beetle handed over Changtian Yuhua to his subordinates, and led them to Li Qinghe's room by himself.

As soon as the coleopteran beetle entered the room, two protozoa transformed from maids attacked him.However, the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle that had already molted its skin easily solved the two protozoa.

"Don't come here, don't come here."

Tian Daowei backed away in fear.

"I'll go, I'll go."

The Coleoptera Yanjia beetle teased Tian Daowei humorously.

"You are coming, if you come again, I will have no place to retreat."

Tian Daowei's crying voice aroused the desire to kill the coleoptera Yanjiake beetle, but he thought of the command of the higher-ups to capture alive and not harm Tian Daowei, and then thought of the end of the mission failure.The Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle shivered, the mission was urgent.

"Go and take her away. As for the boy next to him, I will do it."

The Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle thought that it could not kill Tian Daowei, so it set its target on the unconscious Li Qinghe.

"No, I can go with you, but you can't hurt him, or I will die for you. You don't want me to die here either."

Tian Daowei took out a knife and pointed it at the throat.

"Miss, don't embarrass me. I didn't want to use it."

After the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle finished speaking, it disappeared again.

When Tian Daowei saw the Coleoptera Yanjia beetle in his hand, he was played by the Coleoptera Yanjia beetle.

"Is this the gadget?"

After the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle finished speaking, it crushed the knife.

"Let me tell you, my parents will be back soon, and it's still too late for you to leave now."

Tiandaowei tried to intimidate the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle with a haha ​​smile, "My Miss Tiandao, do you think the Tiandao family will still exist after today? If your parents could come back, they would have come back long ago. They won't come back .”

"They're not coming back, they're not coming back."

The words of the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle resounded in Tian Daowei's mind.


Of course Tiandaowei didn't believe it. In her heart, Tiandao Shuzi and Tiandao Sanjin were the strongest.

"Okay, enough fun, it's time to go."

When the coleoptera Yanjiake beetle saw Tian Daowei being pulled down by his subordinates, Tian Daowei was extremely uncooperative and lost his patience, so he took action himself.

When Tian Daowei was pushing and shoving those pupa-shaped zergs, because those zergs received the order and the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetles would do it themselves, they let go.

Soon, she was caught by the Coleoptera Yanjia beetle.

"You guys take good care of her and this woman, this child, I want to do it myself."

The Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle let his subordinates control Nagata Yuka and Tian Daowei, and came to Li Qinghe by himself.

"I can't wait to see your head crushed by me."

The Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle stretched its claws towards Li Qinghe.


Not only Tian Daowei, but also Nagata Yuka, who was in a coma, also woke up at this time. Seeing that Li Qinghe was in danger, he yelled loudly.

"Get your dirty hands off."

The Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle suddenly heard someone say this to itself, "Did you hear that?"

The beetles following the coleoptera Yanjiake shook their heads.Only Tian Daowei and Nagata Yuka heard this sentence.Since Li Qinghe had never spoken in front of Tiandaowei, Tiandaowei did not know that it was Li Qinghe's voice.But Nagata Yuka still recognized that this was Li Qinghe's tone of voice.

The Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle immediately looked at Li Qinghe, "Is it an auditory hallucination? I think my hands are dirty, and I can see your brain in a while."

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