
A resounding voice spit out from Li Qinghe's mouth.Now, as long as they are not deaf, everyone in the room can hear it.

Now the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle clearly saw Li Qinghe who was unconscious and opened his eyes.

"I wanted you to die unconsciously, but you don't want to, so just kill you like this."

The Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle continued to press down on Li Qinghe's head.

Li Qinghe raised his hand and grabbed the claws of the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle, and made the claws no longer downward.

"It's a bit exciting, but it can't change your final outcome."

The Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle increased its strength, and its claws pressed down on Li Qinghe's head again.

The situation is critical. At this time, Li Qinghe is facing a huge crisis. Once the paw is pressed down, Li Qinghe's head...

Li Qinghe was facing a huge crisis, but Li Qinghe remained unruffled, even though the claws of the Coleopteran beetle on his head were getting closer and closer.

Li Qinghe retracted the claws that blocked the Coleoptera Yanjia beetle and clawed down, piercing a big hole in the bed where Li Qinghe was.

Li Qinghe turned his head and saw that Nagata Yuka and Tian Daowei had been captured.

The Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle angrily pulled out its claws that got into the bottom of the bed.

"Keep running away, I'm surrounded by my people."

After the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle finished speaking, it wanted to see Li Qinghe's frightened expression.But Li Qinghe's reaction was indifferent.

"Do I need to run? It's you who should run. You won't even be able to run in a while."

Li Qinghe said coldly.

"Hahaha, eloquent little guy, no matter what, you will inevitably be caught by me."

Seeing Li Qinghe's calm performance, the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle was also a little dazed. Li Qinghe's behavior was very different from that of ordinary children.

Ordinary children would probably faint from fright when they saw the Coleoptera Yanjia beetle, but Li Qinghe looked at him with a deadly gaze.

The Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle didn't plan to hold back either, "Then let's see how you let me escape."

Li Qinghe touched his waist skillfully, and a black belt appeared.

"Old partner, we meet again."

After Li Qinghe said this with a sigh, he saw the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle frightened by his belt again.

"No wonder you have been at the bottom of the alien species, because you are too timid and cowardly.".

The Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle cannot deny Li Qinghe's words.

But the coleopteran beetle wants to survive, and the struggle within the Zerg is extremely cruel. If the coleopteran beetle's low-level strength might have been killed long ago.

Chapter 6 Waking Up

There is no such thing as the best of both worlds, because the Coleoptera Yanjia beetle is too timid and afraid, so it prefers to bully people who are weaker than itself to make itself feel alive.Therefore, the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle likes to talk nonsense, and wants to torture and kill Li Qinghe to gain a sense of fulfillment in his heart.

The coleopteran beetle also has its own dignity, its own dignity as a molting zerg.

Compared with the protozoa, the Zerg is easier to shed its skin. This is also relatively speaking, and it is based on the strong population base of the Zerg.Of course, the molt ratio of the same number of Zergs is higher than that of Protozoa, but it is not so outrageous.

Zergs are easy to shed their skins, and their strength is much weaker than protozoa that are not easy to shed their skins. God is fair.

"Hehe, say I'm cowardly, let's see how I can deal with you! Don't worry, I won't let you die all at once. I will..."

Li Qinghe's words made the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle point its claws at Li Qinghe, this time no matter what Li Qinghe said, it would not stop.

"Are you angry? I'll have fun with you."

Li Qinghe was far more angry than the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle. When he first came to this world, he finally pawned his valuables, but was beaten up by someone because of his money.

When Li Qinghe woke up again, what he saw was Nagata Yuka being controlled by Zerg.He was really furious in his heart, Li Qinghe hadn't been angry for a long time, because generally there was nothing worthy of his anger.

But as soon as Li Qinghe came to Kabuto World, he was put in a mess. Not to mention he was knocked unconscious by the gangsters, and when he woke up, he encountered a life crisis.

Li Qinghe has already received the news from Princess Celia in Panspace that the seal on his body has been lifted, but his strength is limited and Li Qinghe's body at this time cannot exert its full strength.


Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta.A hand catches the claw of a coleopteran gamma beetle.

"how is this possible?"

The beetle of the Coleoptera Yanjiake looked at Li Qinghe who had transformed into Kamen Rider Delta in panic.

Even Tian Daowei on the side opened his eyes wide, looking at the transformed Li Qinghe.

"Nothing is impossible."

Li Qinghe grabbed one of the claws of the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle with one hand, and then kicked it out of the room.

Li Qinghe drew the Satan sword from his belt, "It's time for you to see blood. Kill."

Li Qinghe rushed into the Zergs surrounding him and started killing them. Those Zergs were not Li Qinghe's all-in-one enemy at all, and Li Qinghe killed all the Zergs that entered Li Qinghe's room by himself.


Li Qinghe had just finished killing the zerg in the room and rescued Tian Daowei and Nagata Yuka when he was blown away by a sudden attack.

"Srustling..." Li Qinghe was beaten continuously, and was attacked again and again.

Li Qinghe fell heavily to the ground, and the figure of the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle stood in front of Li Qinghe.

"Well, where are you running now, you are lying at my feet."

The Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle used the special ability of clocku to attack Li Qinghe, bullying Li Qinghe for not having the ability to clocku.


Li Qinghe slowly got up from the ground, and supported his body with the Satan sword.

Li Qinghe exhaled, "Bang bang bang."

Li Qinghe hit the head of the unsuspecting Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle continuously at an extremely fast speed.

Right fist charge, "delta punch."

Li Qinghe's punch was in vain, because the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle disappeared again.


Li Qinghe felt that everything around him was still. The only thing that was not still was the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle. He was very excited. Although he just saw that Li Qinghe was beaten to pieces by himself with clocku, he was beaten dozens of times in a short period of time. He lost his vigilance, encountered Li Qinghe's counterattack, and was almost overturned.

Li Qinghe's "Delta Punch" just now made the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle feel a great crisis, so it started the clocku again.

To be honest, the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle is unwilling to activate the clocku, because every time it is used, it will cause a great load on the body, and during the clocku, the time that occurs is actually acting on it.

This means that if the clocku is used too many times, not only the body may be disintegrated due to the overload of the clocku, but also the life span may be sharply reduced.

Therefore, the coleopteran beetle is not willing to use the special ability of clocku frequently, not only him, both protozoa and zerg are unwilling to use clocku frequently, if they can not use it, they will not use it.

Now the coleoptera Yanjiake beetle has already used the clocku overload, this time is his last chance to use this ability recently.If it is used again within a short period of time, the body will not be able to bear the tear of time, and will be directly reduced to ashes.

The Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle had already fantasized about using Clocku to kill Li Qinghe and then take Nagata Yuka and Tian Daowei back to accept the reward.

However, the fact is not as the Coleoptera Yanjiake beetle thought, Li Qinghe dodged his sharp claws with extremely small body movements.

The beetle of the Coleoptera Yanjiaidae grabbed Li Qinghe again in disbelief.Li Qinghe used the Satan Sword to cut off the left claw of the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle.


The Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle using its left claw also exited the state of the clocku at this moment, kneeling on the ground.

"Why can you also..."

Li Qinghe didn't answer his question, and continued to attack, venting his anger.Although the coleopteran beetle could no longer use that clocku ability, Li Qinghe continued to use super speed to attack him non-stop, just not letting him die.

In the eyes of Nagata Yuka and Tian Daowei, they saw the figure of the Coleoptera Entrass beetle, flying upside down in various places in the house, and finally fell head-down into the ground.

Seeing the Coleoptera Yanjia beetle with only one breath left, Li Qinghe also voluntarily quit the speeding.

Li Qinghe has realized the specialness of this world. Because time particles are extremely abundant and highly active, the ability to use super speed is strengthened, the time of using super speed is longer, and it is easier to control.

Seeing Li Qinghe's figure appear, Nagata Yuka was relieved.

"Mr. Qinghe, are you alright?"

Nagata Yuka hurried over to support Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe smiled and said: "Jie Hua, you are here, it seems that what I saw that day was not a hallucination. Did you come alone?"

"Yes, I saw that you were in danger at the time, so I jumped in with you. But I still found you."

Thinking of Li Qinghe being with her, Nagata Yuka felt very happy.

"Die, it's only because you provoked me."

Li Qinghe took out the Satan sword and stabbed it into the body of the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle, which was only breathing.


The coleopteran gamma beetle exploded.

Li Qinghe saw someone coming in again, and was about to make a move, but saw a young girl standing in front of him.

"Don't kill them, they are here to protect me."

Li Qinghe didn't make a move when he heard Wei Tiandao's words.

The Zerg that invaded the Tiandao School, without the help of the molted Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle, naturally couldn't beat the guards of the Tiandao School that had managed their territory for many years.

Those worms in the form of pupae were quickly wiped out one by one, and the door for the worms to enter the Tiandao family was closed again. This time, they heard the sound of the room arranged by the Tiandao family for Li Qinghe. The old housekeeper asked some people to see how they could get back. thing.

Because Tiandaowei can hide his breath, and for Tiandaowei's safety, ordinary people don't know the location of Tiandaowei.

In order to protect Tiandao, the Tiandao family arranged two powerful maids for her, but they did not expect that the two maids had been killed by the Coleoptera Yanjia beetle.

Relying on his sense of being the king of orhonch, Li Qinghe quickly sensed several powerful auras not far away, and among them was an aura that was about to disappear.

"who are you?"

Li Qinghe asked the girl.

Li Qinghe didn't know what happened after he fell into a coma, and Pan Space didn't send Li Qinghe any information about his coma this time.

"I am your savior. After you fainted, I rescued you back."

Tiandaowei is not afraid of Li Qinghe who has transformed into a delta.

Tian Daowei told Li Qinghe what happened after Li Qinghe fell into a coma. Of course, it must be to highlight his kindness and his great kindness to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe heard Tiandaowei say that her parents scared away the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle just killed by Li Qinghe as soon as they appeared, and asked curiously: "Then what about your parents?"

As soon as her parents were mentioned, Tiandaowei remembered what the Coleoptera Yanjiao beetle had just said to herself. It is very likely that her parents are facing a life-and-death crisis at this time.

So Tian Daowei begged Li Qinghe: "Can you help me and see what's wrong with my parents?"

Li Qinghe is not an ungrateful person either, since Tiandao saved himself and Nagata Yuka, no matter what the reason is for the Tiandao family, it cannot cover up the fact that the Tiandao family is kind to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe agreed to Tiandaowei's request: "Don't worry, I'll go and have a look."

"Mr. Qinghe, you must pay attention to safety."

Nagata Yuka gave a warning before Li Qinghe left.

Li Qinghe ran in the direction of the breath he sensed. Along the way, he found many chrysalis-shaped Zergs waiting in formation. The formation was very large, and he didn't know who set it up to deal with it. .

Tiandao Shuzi is in a dilemma at this time.Because the zerg were threatening her to drop her weapon or kill the Trinity.

Tiandao Shuzi looked sadly at the dying Tiandao Sanjin who was beaten, wondering if he should do it.

Chapter 7 Revenge

"Shuzi, don't be sad. The reason I keep this breath is to see you again. Shuzi, take good care of your daughter."

After Tiandao Sanjin finished speaking, he hugged the male ribbon swallowtail that was carrying him with his last breath.

"Death to me."

Three silk threads protruded from the heart of Tiandao Sanjin, which were inserted into the body of the male Ribbon Swallowtail.The male Ribbon Swallowtail chopped off the head of Tiandao Sanjin with a knife.

With a bang, Tiandao Sanjin died in battle.Accompanied by the death of Tiandao Sanjin, Tiandaowei, as his daughter, felt a throbbing pain in his heart.

At the beginning, the Three Jins of the Heavenly Way were surrounded by the male Ribbon Swallowtail and the Ascending Sword Swallowtail with barriers. Without the ability to use the clocku, the strength of the Three Sisters of the Heavenly Dao was not fully utilized.

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