The strength of Tiandao Sanjin is even more manifested in the use of clocku.Restricting the clocku is equivalent to abolishing part of the combat power of the Three Jins of Heaven and Dao.

After a life-and-death struggle, Tiandao Sanjin finally killed the Ascension Sword Swallow Butterfly, but was gouged out by the remaining three Zergs and their limbs were broken.He was left breathless and used to threaten Tiandao Shuzi.

When the male ribbon butterfly arrived, he found that Tiandao Shuzi had already killed the Yinyang butterfly.I also know that Tiandao Shuzi's trump card is the golden machete.

Under mutual scruples, neither Zerg nor Tiandao Shuzi made the first move.

And the reason why the insects surrounding the Tiandao tree did it was to wait for the coleopteran beetle to bring Tiandaowei out, but after waiting for a long time, I didn't see that the coleopteran beetle could not come back anymore. It will be Li Qinghe who helped Tiandao Shuzi out.

Seeing Tiandao Sanjin die in front of him, Tiandao Shuzi exploded.

Among the strengths of the male Ribbon Swallowtails, the long-winged Swallowtails are the strongest.

The crazy Tiandao Shuzi attacked the male Ribbon Swallowtail.The golden scimitar made the three insects very afraid.

Because of the knife, the male Ribbon Swallowtail got hanged in a short while.

"This is not the way to go."

The long-winged swallowtail soon thought of a way to deal with Tiandao Shuzi.Although the crazy Tiandao Shuzi has a strong attack burst, once Tiandao Shuzi calms down, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

In a blink of an eye, Tiandao Shuzi's knife came again, and the male ribbon swallowtail was also ready to get out of the way.

But the long-winged swallowtail beside him kicked the male ribbon swallowtail towards the knife.And he took advantage of the opportunity to pass in front of the male ribbon swallowtail butterfly, and punched Tiandao Shuzi who was holding a short knife.

The male Ribbon Swallowtail was so unjust, seeing him getting closer and closer to the golden scimitar, he couldn't avoid it at all, so he made up his mind and took the initiative to stick to the scimitar, but it missed his heart.

Parts like the heart and the head are also vulnerable places for the Zerg.

"嗤", there was a sound of a scimitar entering the body.The male Ribbon Swallowtail endured the pain and held the handle of the knife, preventing the knife from leaving his body.

And the long-winged swallowtail also seized the opportunity to come to the Tiandao tree, and smashed the Tiandao tree into the air.

The behavior of the female Ribbon Swallowtail to sell her teammates, followed by the long-winged Swallowtail, kicked Tiandao Shuzi again.

Tiandao Shuzi received two attacks, his body flew upside down, and fell heavily to the ground.

The male ribbon butterfly looked at each other and saw the will to die in Tiandao Shuzi's eyes.

The three Zergs activated the clocku at the same time, and together launched the final blow towards the Tiandao tree.

"Overspeed. Hammer of the Fallen Angel."

Li Qinghe kicked and attacked the three Zergs who were attacking Tiandao Shuzi with his own knight.

Because Li Qinghe dared to come here in a hurry, seeing that Tiandao tree was in danger, he quickly used super speed to help.

Li Qinghe fought three times with one fight, and the fight was very difficult. With a "bang", Li Qinghe was sent flying by the long-winged swallowtail butterfly.After all, although the transformation ability has been unsealed by the panspace, it is limited by the small size of the human body, so the strength of the Creator God cannot even be displayed by one percent.

Li Qinghe was kicked out of super speed and hit Tiandao Shuzi who fell on the ground.The three zergs also appeared, slowly walking towards Li Qinghe.

This pressure, on the contrary, awakened the Tiandao Shuzi who had the will to die.

"Who are you and why are you here to save me?"

Tiandao Shuzi looked desperately at Li Qinghe who came to help.

"You are dead, what about your daughter?"

Li Qinghe came to help after receiving Tiandaowei's request. As soon as Li Qinghe came over, he saw that Tiandaoshuzi was in crisis.

Because of the death of Tiandao Sanjin, Tiandao Shuzi lost his fighting spirit, and wanted to leave with Tiandao Sanjin.

"Yeah, my daughter is still waiting for me. I can't die yet, I can't die yet."

Tiandao Shuzi thought that Tiandaowei was still waiting for him, and just after he came out, a traitor opened the door to let all the zerg in. He must be in crisis.

Tiandao Shuzi asked eagerly: "How is my daughter doing now?"

Li Qinghe said: "She's fine. But you are fine."

After hearing this, Tiandao Shuzi obviously breathed a sigh of relief. Li Qinghe wanted to ask when he saw Tiandao Shuzi, and quickly said:

"Sister, now is not the time to chat, your daughter is still waiting for you."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he started super speeding again.Fight those three zerg.

"I still have a daughter, I can't die. Lord Sanjin, I can't die now, I still have to take care of my daughter. But I will avenge you."

Tiandao Shuzi also activated Clocku's special ability, seeing Li Qinghe's transformed Kamen Rider Delta one-on-one.

The male Ribbon Swallowtail was unable to exert its full combat power because of the dying counterattack of the Three Jins of the Heavenly Dao, and the golden scimitar pierced into his body, which injured his body.

Even so, Li Qinghe was in crisis, and the zerg that could be sent to deal with the Tiandao family were not weak.

At this time, Tiandao Shuzi also joined the battle, "Revenge starts with you first."

As soon as Tiandao Shuzi sucked, the scimitar on the male ribbon swallowtail entered Tiandao Shuzi's hand again.

The male Ribbon Swallowtail was suddenly pulled out of the body because of the scimitar, and the pain affected his actions.

Li Qinghe naturally seized this opportunity. Li Qinghe put his body to accept the blow from the remaining two Zergs, and also killed the male Ribbon Swallowtail.Li Qinghe still understands the truth that injuring ten fingers is worse than cutting off one.

Li Qinghe took out the deltahone, "fire".

Li Qinghe fired continuously, and the light bullets repelled the female Ribbon Swallowtail.

Li Qinghe inserted the energy chip into his belt, and the sound of "exceedcharge" sounded, indicating that the energy had been filled.

"Hammer of the Fallen Angel"!

Li Qinghe used his nirvana move towards the male Ribbon Swallowtail. This blow happened to hit the male Ribbon Swallowtail controlled by Tiandao Shuzi with vines and was killed. Now only the female Ribbon Swallowtail is left. In the eyes of Li Qinghe Killing the male Ribbon Swallowtail was targeted by Tiandao Shuzi.

The fierce battle rang out again, and the female Ribbon Swallowtail fought desperately, not caring about her injuries, and wanted to exchange injuries for injuries, trying to die with Li Qinghe.

But Li Qinghe's strength is better than that of the female Ribbon Phoenix Butterfly. The result is that he was injured all over his body, but Li Qinghe didn't suffer a single injury.

The claws of the female Ribbon Swallowtail caught Li Qinghe. Li Qinghe put away the deltahone, grabbed the female Ribbon Swallowtail, ruthlessly threw her to the ground, and stomped heavily on her.

After crushing the female ribbon butterfly with one foot, Li Qinghe looked at the battle belonging to the tree of heaven.

Tiandao Shuzi held down the long-winged swallowtail butterfly, and slowly hit him step by step, obviously to torture the zerg to death.

Tiandao Shuzi put away the scimitar, and with his own strength, kicked the long-winged swallowtail into the cargo compartment of a large truck.

Tiandao Shuzi also followed in, and there was a sudden flash of light just after entering.Before Tiandao Shuzi could close his eyes, something entered his eyes.

Tiandao Shuzi can use the toxin to attack the wings of the long-winged swallowtail butterfly. This toxin entered Tiandao Shuzi's eyes, making Tiandao Shuzi fall into a state of blindness.

This time it was Tiandao Shuzi who was killed by the long-winged swallowtail and didn't want to let Tiandao Shuzi go, so of course he continued to chase.

Li Qinghe also saw this situation, so he would not allow this to happen.

Li Qinghe hugged Tiandao Shuzi who was in a state of blindness. Tiandao Shuzi thought it was a zerg hugging him, and planned to attack the person holding his body.But he sensed that the person holding him was Li Qinghe who had just helped him.Tiandao Shuzi also let Li Qinghe hold him.

The long-winged swallowtail also saw Li Qinghe, and when she saw that her companion, the female ribbon swallowtail, was not around Li Qinghe, she knew that she must have been killed by Li Qinghe.

It was also the first time that the long-winged swallowtail saw Li Qinghe who had transformed into a delta. This did not appear in the plan. It was the appearance of Li Qinghe that caused the Zerg's operation to suffer a major failure.

As the leader of this operation, the long-winged Swallow Die was all dead, and he hadn't completed the task, so he wouldn't be able to survive if he went back. It's better to kill Li Qinghe and Tiandao Shuzi, and then bring him back to Tiandaowei to make up for his mistakes. .

Thinking of this, the long-winged swallowtail butterfly who saw Li Qinghe was about to escape did the same trick again, turned around, and the toxin on the wings flew to Li Qinghe's side.

Chapter 8 successfully retreated from the enemy

Li Qinghe held the Tiandao tree with one hand, and suddenly covered his eyes with the other hand, and the deltahone in his hand fell to the ground, and it seemed that his eyes were injured by the toxin.

The long-winged swallowtail was very happy, its right paw was charged, and it seemed that it was going to kill with one blow.

The long-winged swallowtail butterfly rushed to Li Qinghe's side at the fastest speed in its life, and stretched out its claws accurately towards the abdomen of Tiandao Shuzi, who Li Qinghe was holding, and was about to pass through Tiandao Shuzi's body and then penetrate into Li Qinghe again. body of.

However, the claws of the long-winged swallowtail swallowtail stopped, because the scimitar of Tiandao tree was stuck in his heart.

The long-winged swallowtail looked at the scimitar stuck in her heart, and wanted to move her claws forward, but her body was no longer providing strength.After the death of the long-winged swallowtail butterfly, Li Qinghe exited the super speed state.

Li Qinghe let go of his hands covering his eyes, Li Qinghe's eyes were not attacked by the toxin of the long-winged swallowtail butterfly at all. Delta's ultimate eyes can block those toxins.

And Li Qinghe deliberately injured his eyes to attract the long-winged swallowtail and quickly resolve the battle.Li Qinghe already felt that his physical load had almost exceeded the standard, and there was another blind Tiandao tree in his hand.So the fight has to be resolved quickly.

Tiandao Shuzi is very strong, but she lacked combat experience at the time, which was the root cause of her being attacked by the long-winged swallowtail butterfly.

However, for a protozoan as powerful as Tiandao Shuzi, how could ordinary humans beat them before the Zerg discovered them.They don't even have the qualifications to fight against them, so they can only compete with some other protozoan families in normal times, and they can't do real killing tricks, so their combat experience is very poor.

Compared with the Zerg that often fights, although the protozoa that molts its skin is stronger, it lacks combat experience.

Li Qinghe hugged Tiandao Shuzi and said: "The battle is over, it's all right."

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, Tiandao Shuzi also returned to the human form from the native shedding state, but his eyes were still blind.

Li Qinghe hugged the sad Tiandao tree and walked towards the Tiandao family step by step.

The chrysalis attacking the Tiandao family retreated after seeing the long-winged swallowtail was also killed.

In this battle, the five molted Zergs sent by the Zergs, the Coleoptera Entaidae beetle, the male Ribbon Swallowtail, and the Ascension Sword Swallowtail, were all annihilated because of Li Qinghe.

This took a toll on the Zerg side who had just arrived on Earth.At this time, only a part of the pioneers on the side of the Zerg arrived on Earth, and the number of Zerg that had shed their skin was not much.

Although a message has been sent to the zerg army, it will take a long time for those zerg to reach the earth.

Li Qinghe entered the Tiandao family holding the Tiandao tree.

"Mother, mother."

Tian Daowei saw Tiandao Shuzi held by Li Qinghe, and anxiously held Tiandao Shuzi's hand.

"Daughter, I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

Tiandao Shuzi comforted Tiandaowei.

Tian Daowei looked at Li Qinghe, and Li Qinghe said: "Your mother's eye is injured and needs to be treated."

Li Qinghe put Tiandao Shuzi on the bed, and also canceled his transformation.

Li Qinghe's height shrunk again, turning into eight or nine-year-old Li Qinghe.

Although it was not the first time for Tian Daowei to see Li Qinghe's transformation, he still found it very novel.If it wasn't for Tiandao Shuzi's eye injury, she would definitely beg Li Qinghe to play delta for her, and let her try to transform herself.

"At present, where is father? Why didn't he come back with you. "

Tiandaowei held the hand of Tiandao Shuzi lying on the bed, remembering that his father Tiandao Sanjin hadn't come back yet.

Tiandao Shuzi was most afraid that her daughter would ask her this question, her body froze for a moment, unable to speak out, and she herself couldn't bear Tiandao Sanjin's departure, so she vomited a mouthful of blood and passed out.

"Mother, mother, what's wrong with you."

Li Qinghe took Tiandaowei's hand, "Your mother needs treatment now."

Tiandaowei hurriedly sent a message to the doctor in the family, and soon the doctor saw the unconscious Tiandao tree, and was shocked, but he quickly concealed his expression.

This doctor is not an ordinary person, he is also a protozoa, a dedicated doctor of the Tiandao family.How can a general doctor help the protozoa?

After the doctor took the pulse, he said to Tiandaowei: "Miss." Then he looked at Li Qinghe and Changtian Yuhua who did not belong to the Tiandao family.

"It's okay, you can just talk here."

Tian Daowei said.

Tiandaowei no longer believes in other people in the Tiandao family. This time the Tiandao family was attacked by zerg, which shows that it is not the protozoa that is reliable.If it wasn't for Li Qinghe, then Tian Daowei must have been caught by the Zerg.

Because of Li Qinghe, Tiandao's view of human beings has changed. Not all human beings are bad people, but there are also good people.

Tian Daowei classified Li Qinghe as "among the good people".If Li Qinghe knew Tian Daowei's thoughts, he would definitely be dumbfounded.Li Qinghe directly or indirectly killed countless people.

"Yes, ma'am."

The doctor informed Tian Daowei about the situation in Tian Dao Shuzi's body.

"Why do you say that my mother's eyes can't be cured, and she will be permanently blind?"

Tian Daowei grabbed the doctor's clothes, and the angry Tian Daowei actually threw the doctor out of the room, and the majestic momentum on Tian Daowei's body flashed past.

Tiandaowei is still underage, just like an ordinary girl.

Li Qinghe looked at Tian Daowei's movements, and made sure that he had clearly felt Tian Daowei's aura just now.

Li Qinghe looked at the unconscious Tiandao Shuzi, and understood why Tiandao Shuzi could survive for Tiandaowei.

As for the doctor who was thrown out of the room by Tian Daowei, because Tian Daowei threw him out, the hatred in his eyes immediately retracted.

"I was hesitant to betray the Tiandao family. Since you treat me like this, don't blame me."

The doctor left in despair.

Li Qinghe clearly felt the resentment in the doctor's eyes, and considering that he was in the Tiandao family, he had to act based on his feeling without a reason.So Li Qinghe let the doctor leave.

A few days passed in a flash, and the whole of Tokyo was peaceful, but there were unknown fluctuations hidden under the calm.

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