The Tiandao family lost its backbone because of the disappearance of the Tiandao Sanjin, and the Tiandao Shuzi was injured. The whole family lost its backbone and began to become chaotic.

Although Tiandaowei has ordered not to tell the news, the news about Tiandao Shuzi and Tiandao Sanjin has been leaked out, not only in the Tiandao family, but also to the outside world.

Now, after the entire Tiandao family experienced the Zerg Rebellion, an internal struggle for power and profit began.

The protozoa can only imitate one person in a lifetime, so the person's personality is completely integrated into it.Unlike Zerg, which can mimic at will.

Tian Daowei could only accompany Tiandao Shuzi and take care of her. As for the struggle outside, Tian Daowei also tried to stop it.However, Tian Daowei was too young and lacked prestige, and was questioned by some relatives such as her uncles.

In desperation, Tiandaowei also gave up, and An Anxin accompanied Tiandaoshuzi.

After Tiandao Shuzi learned that he could not heal his eyes, he also lost the idea of ​​​​managing the Tiandao family.

Tiandao Shuzi knew that based on her current state, she could only guarantee that Tiandaowei would not be involved in the family strife. If she tried to control the family again, she might die in the family strife.

The human heart, to be precise, the heart of a protozoa, is also very sinister.

Li Qinghe looked at Tiandaowei who was feeding Tiandao tree ginseng soup, thought for a while and said:

"Maybe I have a way to cure your eyes."


Tian Daowei asked in surprise.

But Tiandao Shuzi was very ordinary, "If my eyes can be cured, you will be a distinguished guest of our Tiandao family from now on."

Nagata Yuka didn't know that Li Qinghe had the Sage's Stone of Light in his body, so he looked at Li Qinghe suspiciously.

Li Qinghe walked to the bed, and because of his height, he simply sat beside Tiandao Shuzi, letting Tiandaowei stand aside.

Li Qinghe closed his eyes, and a healing light emitting white light emerged from the Philosopher's Stone at his waist, far exceeding the healing ball he used before.

Li Qinghe passed the light to his right hand, and the light on his hand was very dazzling.

Li Qinghe stuck to Tiandao Shuzi's body, and his right hand stroked Tiandao Shuzi's eyes, slowly transitioning from one eye to the other.

After half an hour of treatment like this, Li Qinghe's head was sweating, and Li Qinghe still didn't stop, because Li Qinghe felt that this kind of treatment was effective.

Not only Li Qinghe, Tiandao Shuzi also felt the warmth in his eyes, which was very comfortable, and suddenly a small body pressed on him.

Li Qinghe's current child-like body can't use much energy. This time, he was too mentally exhausted and fainted directly on Tiandao Shuzi.

Although Tiandao Shuzi couldn't see it, he could guess that the little boy who had just treated him was lying on top of him, and the light from Li Qinghe's waist also disappeared.

"Mr. Qinghe, Mr. Qinghe. What happened to him?"

Seeing that Li Qinghe had fainted, Nagata Yuka quickly ran to Li Qinghe's side and hugged Li Qinghe.

Tian Daowei also looked at Li Qinghe worriedly, looked at Tiandao Shuzi, and found that the black of Tiandao Shuzi's eyes became lighter, although the lightening was not obvious, but Tiandaowei still saw it with his extraordinary eyesight.

This shows that Li Qinghe's treatment is effective, Tian Daowei hurriedly came to Li Qinghe, checked Li Qinghe's breathing,

"The breathing is normal, it should be due to overwork, fainted, and needs a good rest.".

Tiandaowei was trained by Tiandao Shuzi and Sanjin as elites, and was forced to read a lot of books, including medical skills, so Tiandaowei still knows a little bit.

Physicians don’t heal themselves, so Tiandaowei found out that he couldn’t cure her mother’s eyes after diagnosing Tiandao Shuzi, so he called the doctor of Tiandao family to see if there was any way, but he got it Tiandao Shuzi answered that his eyes could not be cured.

Chapter 9 Restoring Sight

Changtian Yuhua didn't trust Tiandaowei very much, but after checking Li Qinghe's breathing, his breathing was very stable. Thinking that Tiandao Shuzi still needed Li Qinghe's treatment, Changtian Yuhua believed Tiandaowei's words for the time being. He carried Li Qinghe back to her room.

The moment Yuka Nagata saw Tian Daowei, she had the idea that she was her future competitor, so Yuka Nagata was not friendly to Tian Daowei.If it weren't for going out now, Changtian Yuhua couldn't guarantee that he could protect Li Qinghe, and Changtian Yuhua would have taken Li Qinghe away from the Tiandao family long ago.

After all, because of Li Qinghe's arrival, Zerg's plan was destroyed, and Zerg seemed very curious about orhonch, last time he wanted to take him back to study it, because of various reasons, Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka temporarily settled in Tiandao Family too.

When Nagata Yuka left with Li Qinghe, Tian Daowei hurriedly asked: "Mother, is that person's treatment effective?"

Tiandao Shuzi has already remembered Li Qinghe's breath,

"Well, it has some effect. I feel that the pain in my eyes has eased a little, especially during the period when the child treated me just now, the pain in my eyes is no longer there.

Daughter, don't think of other ways to threaten him to treat me, you know.They are the only ones who can protect us now.If they leave, we may be even more dangerous. "

"Ah, then I have to treat them well."

Tiandaowei did have that idea just now, and arrested Li Qinghe to treat Tiandaoshuzi specially.

For Tian Daowei, when he saved Li Qinghe, he just felt that Li Qinghe was special and pitiful, so he saved Li Qinghe on a whim.

Between Li Qinghe and his mother, there is no need to think about which is more important.

"Daughter, you don't have to do that, you can just do it as usual. If he leaves us, he will also be surrounded by Zerg. The safest thing is to be with us. This is the benefit of both."

During this time, Tiandao Shuzi taught Tiandaowei how to treat people.

Li Qinghe returned to the room and woke up after resting for a long time.

"Mr. Qinghe, are you alright?"

Li Qinghe only felt that he was very hungry, "Jiehua, I'm so hungry."

Li Qinghe rubbed his stomach, Nagata Yuka told the servant at the door that someone would cook for Li Qinghe.

The next day Li Qinghe treated Tiandao Shuzi's eyes as usual, but this time he also fainted.With the increase in the number of treatments, Li Qinghe can gradually know where his limit is, and the treatment time has also become longer.

This is growth. It is not without benefits for Li Qinghe to turn back into a teenager. He can have higher potential. If he grows up again, he will gain more strength than before.

After three months of treatment by Li Qinghe, Tiandao Shuzi felt that his eyes had regained their intuition.

"My daughter, I should be able to open my eyes."

Tiandao Shuzi said to Tiandaowei.

"Mother, wait, I'll call Li Qinghe and the others over right away."

During this period of time, Tian Daowei also admired Li Qinghe because of Li Qinghe's treatment of his mother.He started to communicate with Li Qinghe, and also had a certain liking for Li Qinghe.

But Tian Daowei just doesn't like Nagata Yuka, and Nagata Yuka is the same, Tian Daowei doesn't like it.

Soon Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka came to Tiandao Shuzi.

"Turn off the lights in the room, no need to accept high brightness."

Tian Daowei asked the servant to cover the glass of the room, and the room was dark.Tian Daowei personally lit a candle.

After everything was ready, Tian Daowei said: "Mother, you can slowly open your eyes."

Tiandao Shuzi slowly opened his eyes, and saw that the surroundings were still dark, with only a little light.

"Daughter, I can see now, light."

Tiandao Shuzi reached for the wick of the lit candle.But Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka next to the candle were still invisible.

Tiandaowei held his mother's hand to prevent Tiandao Shuzi from being burned by the fire.

After Tiandao Shuzi slowly adapted to the surrounding light, Tiandaowei asked the servant to lift the curtain of the glass in the room.

Tiandao Shuzi felt the surrounding environment suddenly brighten, and he could see the figure vaguely.

Tiandao Shuzi tried to touch Tiandaowei's head, but he touched the air.

Tiandaowei put Tiandao Shuzi's hand on his head with the other hand.

"Mom, how are your eyes doing now?"

Tian Daowei asked with concern.

Tiandao Shuzi said: "I can already see things, but it's still a little blurry."

Tiandao Shuzi is very satisfied that his eyes can still see things. Of course, it would be great if he could see clearly.

"Li Qinghe, I thank you on behalf of my mother. But you have to work hard for a while."

Tiandao said thanks.

"I've lived in your house for so long, so I naturally have to do what I can. You're welcome, if it weren't for you, I'd probably have to sleep on the street."

Li Qinghe said.

The news that Tiandao Shuzi could see things was blocked by Tiandaowei, except for them, only Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka knew about it.

Tiandao Shuzi received treatment from Li Qinghe for another month.

"Mother, can you see at all?"

Tian Daowei asked happily.

"Well, daughter, you have suffered during this time."

Tiandao Shuzi's eyes have completely recovered, and Tiandao Shuzi who has recovered his eyesight has the confidence to rectify the chaotic Tiandao family.

"Thank you, thanks to you during this time, from now on you will be the most honored guest of our Tiandao family."

Tiandao Shuzi said to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe waved his hand, "You can recover thanks to your daughter, Tiandaowei's careful care, I just did my best."

Tiandao Shuzi did not treat Li Qinghe as a child, but as an equal existence.Although they still don't know the origins of Li Qinghe and Changtian Yuhua, but for Li Qinghe, who is very eloquent, he also knows that Li Qinghe is not an ordinary person.

"I have an unfeeling request. I hope you can continue to stay. Now that such a big incident has happened to the Tiandao family, it is time to announce that I am back."

Tiandao Shuzi lowered his body and begged.

"In that case, don't bother, I will live with Jiehua."

Tiandao Shuzi didn't exchange pleasantries with Li Qinghe. After thanking him, he took Tiandaowei to start the family rectification operation.Of course, I also brought Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka along to increase my persuasiveness.

No matter when, strength is the most convincing.

Tiandao Shuzi hasn't left the room for nearly four and a half months, so he doesn't know what kind of chaos the family has become.

As soon as he walked out, he saw a group of children from the Tiandao family gambling, and some idlers chatting.


Tiandao Shuzi cursed loudly, scaring those gamblers to their knees immediately.

Tiandao Shuzi strongly announced his return in the Tiandao family, and announced the death of Tiandao Sanjin. He was temporarily appointed as the new patriarch, and Tiandao Wei was determined to be the next patriarch.

The return of Tiandao Shuzi did not come out with some brains to make trouble.Because apart from the Tiandao tree, the Tiandao family has no new strong men who have shed their skins.

The members of the Tiandao family hope that the Tiandao tree will continue to be blind so that they can continue to enjoy their rights.

But I urgently hope that Tiandao Shuzi's eyes will get better, because the Tiandao family who lost the strong molt has been suppressed by other families, and every member of the Tiandao family is not respected as before when they go out.

Tiandao Shuzi carried the banner of Tiandao family again, and Tiandaowei also learned to deal with family affairs.

On the contrary, Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka were free.

Tiandao Shuzi sorted out the documents from the past four months.The Tiandao family has experienced serious trauma. In terms of high-level combat power, the three Jins of Tiandao died, which broke the dominance of the Tiandao family.

The mid-level combat power also suffered a great loss because those traitors opened the gate to welcome the Zerg.

The middle-level combat power is okay, and it has recovered in decades, but it is not easy for the high-level.

Tiandao Shuzi discovered that during this period of time, the Tiandao family was in chaos, and its overseas properties were also destroyed, and one-third of the property was divided up by other families.

"The Kazama family, the Kamdai family, the Takemiya family..."

These families all participated in dividing up the Tiandao family property.

Tiandao Shuzi became angrier the more he looked at it, and he slapped the table, "It's too much to deceive people."

"What happened to mother?"

Tian Daowei hurried over when he heard the movement

"It's nothing, I accidentally dropped the document on the ground.

Daughter, you have grown up, are you still willing to listen to me? "

Tiandao Shuzi asked suddenly.

"Mother, I am willing. I have lost my father, and I don't want to lose you again."

Tiandaowei hugged Tiandao Shuzi, afraid that his mother would leave him too.

The reason why Tiandao Shuzi announced his return after his eyes were completely cured, instead of integrating the family after being injured at the beginning.It was because Tiandao Shuzi was worried that the patriarchs of other families would use Clocku's ability to sneak attack him.

Although there was Li Qinghe next to him, it wasn't very safe, what if Li Qinghe didn't notice.Tiandao Shuzi will not entrust his life on others.

Although Tiandao Shuzi can use clocku even if his eyes are injured, but he is blind if he cannot see the enemy, so he can only be used as a target.Because of the traitor, Tiandao Shuzi didn't trust the protozoa very much, even if it belonged to his own family.

Therefore, Tiandao Shuzi has been holding back until his eyesight is completely restored before making a comeback in one fell swoop.

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