"Patriarch, the Kazama family, the head of the Kamdai family... come to visit together."

Tiandao Shuzi was informed by his servants.

"Mother, they are..."

Tian Daowei asked curiously.

"This is to test and see if I have recovered. Let's see what other tricks they have... Hmph."

Tiandao Shuzi whispered a few words in Tiandaowei's ear, and Tiandaowei left. .

Tiandao Shuzi took Tiandaowei to the living room.Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka accompanied Tian Daowei.

Kazama and other families have already entered the living room and waited.

Chapter 10 Division

"You guys have been waiting for a long time."

Tiandao Shuzi sat on the chair in the center.

"Is this how you treat your guests as a host? Let us wait for a while."

Masaichi Kazama, the head of the Kazama family, said dissatisfied.

Tiandao Shuzi's expression suddenly became miserable, "Oh, then I will pay for it here. Do you want to care about me as a woman? Are you treating us like this when the bones of the three Jin Dynasties are not cold?"

After Tiandao Shuzi finished speaking, Masaichi Kazama was very embarrassed when he ran away, while the other families looked at Masaichi Kazama with strange eyes.

But Kazama does not change color on one side,

"It is precisely because of the unfortunate death of your husband Tiandao Sanjin that I want to help you share some of the burden. I heard that you were injured some time ago. I don't know if it will be helpful.

I don't think it's better to merge the Tiandao family and our Kazama family into one.Brother Sanjin has paid for us, I have nothing to repay, I can only repay in this way. "

Tiandao Shuzi's eyes turned cold, "Merge, how to merge, is our family all merged into your Kazama family?"

Kazama's performance of eating alone made the other families very dissatisfied.

"Inappropriate, inappropriate. Tiandao Sanjin was killed to tell us the news of Zerg. It's a pity that we got the news too late and didn't give a helping hand in time."

Takahashi Hideo, the patriarch of the Takahashi family, had a regretful expression on his face.

The patriarch of the Yoshida family, Yoshida Yohji, followed Takahashi Hideo's words, "Yes, the Tiandao family must be passed on by someone, otherwise how can we be worthy of the dead Tiandao Sanjin. We can help the Tiandao family manage some businesses."

The principle that the dead are the greatest is the same in island countries.But Yoshida Yohji wanted to carve up the property of the Tendao family.After all, Tiandao Shuzi is a protozoa that has shed its skin. Once it becomes crazy, everyone will be afraid.

"Do you all think so?" Tiandao Shuzi smiled.

"Yes, yes. I also think so."

Other families also echoed Yoshida Yohji's words.

"This is your attitude towards our Tiandao family. It seems that you think that the Tiandao family has already sunned down. It's time to spit out what you ate in those days."

After Tiandao Shuzi finished speaking, he transformed into a native of Jinsinanmu.

Seeing that Tiandao Shuzi was angry, these families wanted to do something.

"Tiandao Shuzi, because of the Tiandao Shuzi in the past, our families tolerated you. Now the Tiandao Sanjin is dead. Do you still have the ability to occupy so many assets?"

Said Kamidaiyama, a family member of the Jindai family, and transformed into the emperor scorpion native after speaking.

The emperor scorpion native has the same characteristics as the emperor scorpion on the earth.

The emperor scorpion is large and thick and round, with a semicircular chela and very rough and uneven surface, and the poisonous needle at the end is red.Predation behavior The feeding habits are quite wide, as long as it can eat, it will hunt for food, generally limited to moving prey smaller than the emperor scorpion, and occasionally the emperor scorpion will also eat the carcasses of larger insects.

"Kamidaiyama, we haven't competed for a long time, and now we can compete again. Let's see how much progress you have made."

When Tiandao Sanjin was still there, there were basically no molt protozoa from each family.Only the Jindai family and the Kazama family have it.

Tiandao Shuzi has also discussed with them, so he knows the basics.

"No, no, not with me, but with me and Kazama."

Masaichi Kazama also transformed and became a dragonfly native.

The colorful dragonfly native has the same characteristics as the emperor scorpion on earth.

The spotted winged dragon is larger, with wider hind wings than forewings.The male abdomen is 260-2 long.The wingspan can be 80, the abdomen is black, and there are obvious black and yellow spots on the wing surface.It is a very beautiful dragonfly.

Medium-sized, gorgeous.The wings are intensely colored.Forewing triangular chamber wider, slightly protruding, behind it there are 4 or 5 rows of chambers, 2 veins undulating and curved, heel of hip chamber very wide, often with several rows of joined chambers, middle rib almost straight ; Hind wing buttock transverse vein 1, forewing subtriangular chamber divided into several chambers.

Masaichi Kazama transformed into the dragonfly native in colored clothes, and the emperor scorpion native transformed into Jindaishan came out.The other families are also following the lead of these two families at present, who will let their own family not have faded protozoa.

All molted protozoa have the ability to clocku, and once they use this ability, they can kill their enemies without anyone noticing.This ability can only be resisted by protozoa that also moult.

"Then try it, and I'll see how much progress you have made."

Although the battle of the protozoa is not as fierce as that of the zerg, it is because the high-level people decide everything through high-level battles in order to avoid unnecessary losses.

Tiandao Shuzi did not lie in the wind between Masato and Kamyoyama.But she also knew that only her own strength plus her golden scimitar could suppress these two people.

The strength of the faded protozoa is much stronger than that of the zerg, so although Tiandao Shuzi can fight three times in a battle with the zerg, or even fight four times with his life, but switching to the protozoa, it is very easy to fight two times. Not bad.

"Don't forget me. I think the Tiandao family really needs to be sanctioned."

A yellow figure stepped out, it was a hornet native.

Hornet native, has the same characteristics as the hornet on Earth.

The body of the hornet is bright, usually yellow and black, with well-developed mandibles. The stinger at the end of the abdomen is connected to the venom gland. Bee venom is a poisonous protein composed of many amino acids, which can cause poisoning symptoms, such as redness, itching, and stinging. and other allergic phenomena, causing shock and death in severe cases.

Hornets belong to a tribe of social insects consisting of a single egg-laying female, the queen, and numerous worker bees, mostly females.Drones only account for a small number of bright colors, usually yellow and black, with well-developed mandibles, and the stinger at the end of the abdomen is connected to the venom gland.It has tiger stripes on its body, so it is called "hornet bee".They feed on various insects and are known as the king bee.

"you are?"

Tiandao Shuzi didn't remember that there was a new hornet protozoa native.

"I'm Norio Mishima."

The hornet native transformed by Norio Mishima also came out.

"Mishima-kun, we thought you weren't coming. If you came later, we would have finished the fight."

Masaichi Kazama continued:

"Norio Mishima successfully shed his skin the day before yesterday. He is stronger than me. Now we can have a match."

Tiandao Shuzi knew that he couldn't deal with the three protozoa that had lost their skin, so he looked at Li Qinghe.

Masakazu Kazama, Jindaiyama, and Norio Mishima saw Tendao Juko look at a nine-year-old human boy, and followed suit to see what was so special about this little boy.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll be shy."

Li Qinghe covered his eyes and walked to Tiandao Shuzi.


Li Qinghe became Kamen Rider Delta again.

"It's you."

Norio Mishima recognized Li Qinghe immediately.

Since Li Qinghe's identity was requested not to be disclosed by Tiandao Shuzi, very few people knew about Li Qinghe.

Masaichi Kazama didn't know, so he asked Norio Mishima, "Do you know who he is?"

Norio Mishima said: "Well, his strength is very strong, comparable to Tendao Shuko's strength."

After finishing speaking, Norio Mishima released his transformation, came to Li Qinghe, and stretched out his hand towards Li Qinghe.


Li Qinghe didn't remember knowing him, so he shook hands with Norio Mishima politely.

"Mishima, didn't we agree?"

Kazama asked anxiously as soon as he saw that Norio Mishima had lifted his transformation, which did not match the original plan.

Norio Mishima took out his business card and handed it to Li Qinghe.Li Qinghe turned over and looked: "The person in charge of zect?"

Li Qinghe was secretly surprised, was this zect, which will control the world in the future, established so early?


Kamitoyama asked suspiciously.

Except for Li Qinghe who knew from the plot that zect is an organization jointly established by humans and protozoa in the future to resist the crisis of zerg, everyone else heard it for the first time.

Norio Mishima saw Li Qinghe's calm expression at a glance, "Does he know zect? Or he doesn't care at all, the city is so deep at such a young age."

Norio Mishima is the third protozoan after Tendao Shuko and Tendao Sanjin moulted, and is still on Kazama Masaichi and Jindai Mountain.It's just that Norio Mishima is good at forbearance, and has never said that he has shed his skin.That's why other people think that there are only four protozoa on the earth.

Originally, Norio Mishima had been forbearance in order to arouse conflicts between the Kazama family, the Jindai family and the Tendao family due to interests, and after they were both defeated, he forced them to submit with force.

The reason why Norio Mishima knew about Li Qinghe this time was because he bought the latest information from the doctor in the Tiandao family who treated Tiandao Shuzi.

Who would have thought that the Kazama family, the Shendai family and the Tiandao family would form a three-part situation.The reason why there was no fierce collision was because Kazama Masaichi and Jindaiyama were not stupid, and Tiandao Juzi and Tiandao Sanjin of the Tiandao family were husband and wife, and they were very united in combat, and their strength was stronger.

And Kazama Masaichi and Jindaishan are both alone. As the head of the clan, they managed to shed their skin with great difficulty, knowing the difficulty of protozoa shedding their skin.Cherish it even more, without the certainty of victory, the two of them will not have fierce conflicts with the Tiandao family, because they can't fight.

Some of the conflicts caused by other families' disruptive plans, and the conflicts that hoped to make the three major families fight each other, were all resolved peacefully in private, and many of them were designed by Norio Mishima. .

The death of Tiandao Sanjin this time is an opportunity to break the balance of power of the three major families.If it is said that the Tiandao family alone accounted for half of the country in the past, the Kazama family and the Shendai family combined are still smaller than Tiandao Shuzi's territory.

The death of Tiandao Sanjin this time means that the Tiandao family building will collapse, so the major families are robbing the territory that originally belonged to the Tiandao family.

Chapter 11Arrangement

When Tiandao Sanjin was fighting alone, both Kazama Masaichi and Jindaishan knew that on the one hand, they were afraid of the forces of Zerg. Once they helped Tiandao Sanjin, they might become the next Tiandao family. They are not like Tiandao family There are two moulting protozoa.

So no one came to help.This eventually led to the defeat and capture of the Tiandao Sanjin army alone.

Maybe some people will say the truth of dead lips and cold teeth, don't they understand Kazama Masaichi and Jindaishan?They all understand that when the lips are dead, the teeth are cold.But they may die if they try to help.

If the Kazama Masaichi family or any of the Jindai family were attacked, they would definitely help.Because they are also "teeth." If you don't help, you will be knocked out.

In the final analysis, it was the Tiandao family's usual domineering that caused the families below to be inconsistent, leading to the current situation.You can eat as much food as you have a big stomach, and a tree of heaven alone cannot eat so much territory.

"Yes, I am the person in charge of zect, and I invite you to join this organization and fight against the coming Zerg army together with mankind."

Norio Mishima extended an invitation to Tendao Shuko, Li Qinghe, Masaichi Kazama, and Jindaishan.

"Norio Mishima, have you turned to humans?" Kazama asked angrily.

Seeing that Kazama Masaichi and Jindaishan could no longer fight, they also lifted their transformations.

It has been a long time since the protozoa arrived on the earth, but the number of protozoa has grown very slowly, so the mainstream on the earth is still human beings.

In getting along with human beings day and night, the protozoa gradually and roughly divided into three tendencies, "family faction", "neutral faction", and "anti-human faction."

And Norio Mishima belongs to the family group, willing to contact and understand human beings.Therefore, in order to resist the crisis of Zerg, it took the initiative to cooperate with the earth government and established zect.

"I think humans can help us resist protozoa, and the earth is our common home with humans."

Norio Mishima said with a somewhat fanatical tone.

"I, since it is your invitation, then I agree to you."

Masaichi Kazama wanted to refuse at first, but then he thought of the benefits of joining the zect organization, so he agreed, and it was also a face for Norio Mishima.

Jindaishan thought about it and said, "I am willing too."

Tiandao Shuzi nodded and agreed.Only Li Qinghe was left.

Li Qinghe thought of joining zect, and he could see the systems that appeared in the future, such as Jiadou (the god of the sun), Gangdou (the god of battle) and so on.

Speaking of which, Li Qinghe is very interested in their title suffixes, since other knight systems do not have titles.

Are there any unknown benefits to these titles?

This time, the crisis of Kazama, Jindai and other families visiting together was finally resolved because of Li Qinghe's appearance.The Tiandao family once again possessed two moulting protozoa.The low position has stabilized, but the territory is still divided.

And other families also accepted it as soon as they saw it, mainly the Shendai family, the Kazama family and the Tiandao family reached a new agreement again.

Just when the other families were about to leave, Tiandao Shuzi patted, "Clan chiefs sit down, I have a very important announcement to make next..."

"I declare Tiandaowei to be the next patriarch of the Tiandao family, and I will betroth Tiandaowei to him. Everyone is here today, please be a witness."

Hearing Tiandao Shuzi's words, all the patriarchs looked at the person Tiandao Shuzi was pointing at - Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe had an innocent face, and his heart was full of sloppy horses as he walked by, complaining: "My body is only nine years old, how can I get married. But Tian Dao Wei, this little girl, although she is a bit willful, is still quite cute. acceptable."

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