Tiandaowei was shocked by the sudden announcement by Tiandao Shuzi.

First of all, it is acceptable to become the next patriarch of the Tiandao family.But Tian Daowei couldn't accept marrying a kid like Li Qinghe, and his feelings for Li Qinghe were more like that of his younger brother.

Just as he was about to refute, he saw Tiandao Shuzi's stern eyes.

Tiandaowei remembered that not long ago, he promised his mother that he would listen to her mother's words. Thinking of his deceased father, Tiandaowei acquiesced to Tiandaoshuzi's arrangement.

Thus, the inseparable relationship between Li Qinghe and Tiandaowei was determined in this way.

The other patriarchs had already obtained information about Li Qinghe's strength through Norio Mishima, and they all wanted to win over Li Qinghe when they went back.

As a result, Tiandao Shuzi took the initiative, and the patriarchs could only congratulate with smiles.What a match made in heaven, the words against the will of a man and a woman have been said.

On the Zerg's side, they have lost troops continuously, and they don't have enough ability to launch a new attack.

"Trash, it really is trash. So many people took action, but they didn't destroy the Tiandao family."

In the center of a luxurious villa, a brightly dressed woman, who didn't care about her image at all, yelled at her.

"Jaguma, don't be angry. This failure is also a failure. At least you can clearly see the strength of the protozoa on the earth. It is indeed very strong."

The man in pajamas walked up to Jaguma and lifted her chin with his hand.

"Judging by human beauty standards, you are already a big beauty, why are you not happy?"

Jaguma shook off the hand touching her chin, "Lan Tian is wild, don't worry about such skins, as long as I want, I can transform into any woman."

Zergs are different than protozoa in that they reproduce differently.Protozoa are divided into male and female. Males can only imitate human males, and females can only imitate human females.

Zerg males can only imitate human males, while females are not restricted, and can imitate at will before giving birth.

"According to inside reports, the new operation we launched has failed again. The Tiandao family still exists."

Lan Tianye said while hugging Gaguma.

As for the action he just mentioned, it is the action of the major families visiting the Tiandao family together.

"It failed again, did it say anything?"

Jaguma took advantage of the situation and lay down in Lan Tianye's arms.

"I just said some nonsense again, those old and immortal guys, the times are changing. They are still immersed in the previous era."

Lan Tianye frowned dissatisfied and continued.

"However, after waiting for a while, we can wait until our zerg army descends on the earth. Now we just need to wait quietly for the opportunity to designate the correct road sign for the zerg army.

But according to the above, because we lost too many people, we sent some people to assist us again at a high price.Let us cause protozoa and humans as much trouble as possible during this time.It's best to cut out a protozoan or two. "

A gleam of coldness flashed in Jaguma's eyes, "Sure enough, this guy is self-reliant. Damn it."

Jaguma's identity is not simple. On the surface, Lan Tianye is his boss, but in fact she is used to monitor Lan Tianye.In order to prevent the wild blue sky from doing things that are not good for the Zerg.Not only protozoa have traitors, but zerg have them too.

"However, let's experience the primitive fun of human beings first. It is said that protozoa mimic humans can reproduce offspring. I don't know if we can."

Lan Tianye threw Jaguma on the bed and started the big thing he said, but he didn't notice the coldness in Jaguma's eyes.

After Tiandao Shuzi sent the patriarchs of the various families away, only Li Qinghe, Tiandaowei, and Changtian Yuhua were left in the living room.

"Li Qinghe, are you willing to marry my daughter?"

Tiandao Shuzi asked with a smile.

"Auntie, I'm not yet of age..."

Li Qinghe said awkwardly.

"What's your name now, aunt? Mother-in-law."

Tian Daowei suddenly grabbed Li Qinghe's hand generously, ignoring Nagata Yuka's staring eyes.

Tiandao Shuzi glanced at Changtian Yuhua curiously. She always thought that Changtian Yuhua was Li Qinghe's bodyguard or something.

"Yiehua, she is my wife. Are you sure you want Tiandaowei to marry me?"

Li Qinghe shared the big news.


Tiandao Shuzi and Tiandaowei looked at Li Qinghe in surprise. After all, Changtian Yuhua was bigger than Tiandaowei, how could he become Li Qinghe's wife.They didn't know about Li Qinghe's origin, and neither Li Qinghe nor Nagata Yuka had revealed their origin.

"I can marry you. Can you guarantee that I have the same status as her? I don't want to be a small one."

Tian Daowei thought that Li Qinghe was deliberately shirking and making excuses.And Tiandao only has confidence that he can conquer Li Qinghe with her beauty, who makes her look younger than Nagata Yuka.

"Okay, I agree with you not to be small."

This time it was Nagata Yuka who answered simply.

So much so that Tian Daowei thought that Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka cooperated to set him up.

Since Nagata Yuka didn't care, Li Qinghe took advantage of the situation and agreed.

Nagata Yuka is a traditional island woman. Although she also wanted to monopolize Li Qinghe, she also knew that it was not realistic.Since he couldn't stop it, he simply let go of his attitude.

"Since I am Li Qinghe's wife, then Li Qinghe should sleep with me."

Tian Daowei said slyly.

"You... yes, but I am also Mr. Qinghe's wife, one day per person."

Nagata Yuka is not the one who suffers, and Li Qinghe has been appointed to accompany Jiehua and Tian Daowei in turn.

The days to come will be a little dull, and Tiandao Shuzi slowly delegates power, letting Tiandaowei get in touch with some of them.And Li Qinghe also studied very hard.

That's right, learning.As the partner of the future head of the Tiandao family, he must receive higher education.

Tiandao Shuzi and the others didn't know that Li Qinghe was just wearing the body of a nine-year-old child. .

In desperation, Li Qinghe could only study under the supervision of Tiandao Shuzi. With Li Qinghe's gift of never forgetting and drawing inferences from one instance, Li Qinghe's learning progress was very fast.It surprised Tiandao Shuzi very much.

Among them, Li Qinghe also learned about the real history of this world.Not the compiled histories in the textbooks of this world.

Chapter 12 History of the Kabuto World

It has to be said that the world of Kabuto, where Li Qinghe lives, is also a very special world. There are still no nuclear weapons, but there are satellites.The study of space is the focus of this world.

Li Qinghe of the Tiandao family is still studying like this, and ten years have passed in a flash, and it is 1978.

A lot has happened in this decade.Tiandao Shuzi slowly delegated power, and let Tiandaowei take power three years ago, becoming the new patriarch of the Tiandao family.

Li Qinghe, who was young back then, has grown into a handsome man with a long-standing aura. If he is compared with Tiandaowei, others will immediately regard Li Qinghe as the patriarch of the Tiandao family.

However, in fact, Li Qinghe did not interfere with the affairs of the Tiandao family at all.

The only thing that troubled Li Qinghe was the matter about the tree.

It was a real accident that Li Qinghe had a relationship with Shuzi that he shouldn't have had a year ago.It happened to be Li Qinghe's birthday that day, to celebrate Li Qinghe's birthday.Tiandao Shuzi specially held a birthday party for Li Qinghe.

At the banquet, there were only Tiandao Shuzi, Tiandaowei, Li Qinghe and Changtian Yuhua, and they all got drunk after some fuss. Li Qinghe was the same. This was the first time he drank alcohol in ten years.Of course he was also very drunk.

After sending Nagata Yuka and Tiandaowei back to the room, he finally sent Tiandao Shuzi to the room, full of alcohol.

In Li Qinghe's eyes, the figure of Tiandao Shuzi gradually turned into Tiandaowei, and a strange energy suddenly appeared and entered Li Qinghe and Tiandao Shuzi.

But Tiandao Shuzi's hazy eyes saw Li Qinghe as the Three Jins of Tiandao.After some intimacy, Li Qinghe lost all energy for alcohol.

Seeing the naked Tiandao Shuzi who was asleep, I felt the same way, remembering what I just did, I don't know what to do.And Tiandao Shuzi had already woken up, but he couldn't face Li Qinghe, so he pretended to be asleep, but he didn't know what to do.

If Li Qinghe hadn't been drunk, he would have known that the strange force just now was a trace of pulling energy from the will of the planet.

Until Tiandaowei came to greet him in the morning, Li Qinghe and Tiandao Shuzi quickly got dressed.Act like nothing happened.

If there is one, there will be two, and gradually Li Qinghe and Tiandao Shuzi began to have a private tryst, and Li Qinghe definitely couldn't hide this matter from Nagata Yuka.After letting Nagata Yuka know about it, he laughed a lot.

"You chased Tiandaowei, but you got involved with Tiandao Shuzi, I laughed so hard." The consequence was naturally that Li Qinghe ate Nagata Yuka in anger.

Because of guilt, Li Qinghe began to slowly alienate Tian Daowei, making Tian Daowei not know what she did wrong.

Tiandaowei asked his mother Tiandao Shuzi, and her mother just said not to let herself think too much.But Tian Daowei always felt that Li Qinghe and her mother had some secrets that they didn't tell him.

When Li Qinghe had nothing to do, Li Qinghe began to explore the history of this world, to be precise, the history of the world of protozoa.

6500 million years ago, a mysterious meteorite landed, the age of dinosaurs ended, and mysterious creatures native appeared.

Years ago, human beings appeared, and the mimic object of native was determined.

8000 years ago, a new generation of female worms hatched, and the natives suddenly gave up their own civilization and began to integrate into human society.

On September 1939, 9, World War II broke out.

On December 1942, 12, Hitler's assassination plan was launched, and the leader of the All-Union Army was killed.

On January 1943, 1, representatives of native made their first contact with human beings, and the All-Leader Mimic Substitution Plan was launched.

In May 1945, the war in the European theater of World War II ended. In June, the native leader's plan to seize power broke out.

In 1948, the actual operation of the theory of relativity began, and the time-level travel device was activated.This laid the foundation for human victory.

In 1952, the native under the control of the time device was defeated, and the centralized control of the native began.

In 1953, Zect, Native's underground management organization, was established.

This is the earliest time when zext was established. The original zect was composed of high-level human beings.

In 1960, the world's native island country placement plan was implemented, and zect's headquarters was transferred to the island country.But it was not completely successful. Some protozoa escaped from control and completely integrated into every corner of the world.

In 1966, Native was integrated into the society of the island country, using the green spar as a passing symbol.

This is the information that Li Qinghe obtained at a great price.Let Li Qinghe understand the whole Jiadou world more clearly.

The protozoa in the Jiadou world have been integrated into the earth for 6500 million years, and their living habits have also adapted to the earth's environment. They can slowly reproduce on the earth. Later, with the emergence of human beings, they can combine with humans and give birth to the next generation.

Until now, after the protozoa has used mimicry, it can also have a new generation with another mimic protozoa, and a new protozoa will be born, but no one is mimicked.For example, Tiandaowei was born from two protozoa Tiandao Shuzi and Tiandao Sanjin.If the protozoa were allowed to return to the universe to develop now, it would definitely be impossible.

Although Li Qinghe has been in this world for ten years, he still clearly remembers the plot of the entire Jiadou world.Several of the characters were scouted.

Kaga Miru was born in 1954.

In 1970, the 16-year-old prodigy Kagamiru joined zect, at the end of the year. zect found the eggs of two ancient protozoan mother worms.But those two eggs have lost their breath of life and cannot be hatched.Otherwise, the native of the protozoa must have been snatched back.So those two eggs were placed in zect headquarters.

In 1971, zect considered the damage caused by the zerg that had begun to enter the earth continuously, and neither the protozoa nor humans had enough capabilities to deal with it.

Among them, Norio Mishima, one of the founders of zect, remembered the belt used by Li Qinghe to transform into delta, and decided to develop a belt similar to delta that can be used by humans.

In the same year, the zect knight system based on native larvae began to be developed. As the user of the delta belt, Li Qinghe took off the delta belt with a big wave of his hand, and handed it over to the zect organization for the development of the knight system.

Thanks to Li Qinghe's strong support, the development of the knight system went smoothly.However, zect's internal fighting has become more and more serious, and the internal fighting between humans and protozoa has begun. Of course, the battle between protozoa has become more and more intense.

For example, Kaga Milu hates protozoa very much, but she hides it well, otherwise she may be mimicked if she is too arrogant.

Protozoa can survive from ancient times to the present, not by being soft-hearted.

Li Qinghe, a human being who is willing to serve the protozoa, is a traitor to human beings in Kaga Milu's heart, and he can't wait to get rid of it as soon as possible.

The reason why Li Qinghe generously handed over the transformation belt to zect was because he could already transform without applying delta.In the end, delta can exert such a powerful force, more depends on the user's exertion.

And the Philosopher's Stone in the belt has entered Li Qinghe's body, and Li Qinghe can transform himself.Of course, it is more convenient to use a belt.

Others can indeed transform using delta, but they don't know how much their strength can be used. Among them, the ability of super speed can also be used.But the Satanic sword will not work.

As an ad hoc organization against Zerg, zect also experienced some ups and downs.

First of all, since the major families visited the Tiandao family, they joined the zect organization after consultation with the major patriarchs of the Tiandao family.

Among them is the determination of the leader of zect, and it is negotiated to be the leader of zect in turn.Every five years, after that, the patriarchs of the major families of the protozoa will be in charge.

In the past ten years, Norio Mishima and the Kazama family have been in charge successively. This year happened to be the change of the zect leader Masaichi Kazama.

During the period when Norio Mishima led zect, the relationship between humans and protozoa was perfectly balanced, and humans and protozoa got along fairly harmoniously.

Then it was Masaichi Kazama's turn to lead.Since no Zerg appeared in the past five years, the relationship between protozoa and humans has changed, and contradictions have appeared, and the contradictions have a tendency to expand.

Although protozoa can imitate people, the number of protozoa is a flaw, so there are not many people who mimic people.

Moreover, the initial zect was completely created by humans, so although some high-level protozoa joined zect.

It's just putting the identity of the protozoa on the bright side.After all, an enemy on the surface is always better than an enemy in the dark.

After Kazama came to power, he didn't handle the relationship between humans and protozoa well. Kazama knew clearly how much the leaders of human countries value zect.

The reason why the protozoan is so afraid of human beings is because human beings have a secret weapon, which is the time weapon developed by Einstein.It was with this weapon that humans defeated the protozoa.

Masaichi Kazama also wanted to manage zect well, but he failed to ease the conflict between humans and protozoa in zect.As a result, both humans and protozoa in zect were dissatisfied with his approach.

Masaichi Kazama only dealt with the conflict between humans and protozoa, and did not come up with an effective method. As time went by, people's hearts scattered.

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