This year is Masaichi Kazama's last year as zect leader.Kazama was in his office, staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

At the beginning, he secretly mocked Norio Mishima for being incompetent when he was in office, but when it was his turn, he found that he was not as good as Norio Mishima.At least during the reign of Norio Mishima, there were no major conflicts between humans and protozoa.

But when it was Norio Mishima's turn, he refused.Thinking of this, Norio Mishima sat on the leader's seat and sighed.

He later learned that humans had created a time weapon to deal with the protozoa.No wonder Norio Mishima was so polite to the human side before, why he was impartial, and finally knew how his ancestor protozoan side lost the world war.

Therefore, during his tenure, the conflict between humans and protozoa is the same as the mud, and he hopes to ease the conflict between the two parties as much as possible.

However, he did not expect that his actions would cause great dissatisfaction with Kazama Masaichi, both humans and protozoa. .

But as soon as Kazama received the information, the zerg that had been hiding in the dark might come out to make trouble this time.

For the zerg, Kazama never let go of his detection.Since the Zerg attacked the Tiandao family on a large scale last time, it almost wiped out the Tiandao family. If the target of that operation was replaced by other families, they would definitely not be able to survive.

Chapter 13 Zerg Assault

"Is the troubled world about to start? It's time to prepare."

During Kazama Masaichi's reign, it was not without any gains.Of course, in terms of strength, due to the management of zect, the strength has declined somewhat.

Li Qinghe and Tian Daowei were playing Go in the yard.

"you win."

Li Qinghe threw down the white chess piece and was about to get up.

"Hmph, I don't want you to let me. Sit down and play the next round with me. Only when you win can you leave."

Tian Daowei took Li Qinghe's hand, and pulled Li Qinghe down again.


Li Qinghe sat down helplessly, ready to lose another game.

Tian Daowei suddenly became obsessed with Go at some point, and after finishing his official duties, he dragged Li Qinghe to play Go.According to Tiandaowei,

"Go can activate my mind, relax my busy nerves, and more importantly, let you stay with me."

The last sentence is Tiandaowei talking to himself.

In fact, Li Qinghe's attainment in Go is not high, but it is higher than Tiandaowei.

At the beginning, Li Qinghe didn't know the reason why Tiandaowei always lost, and each move took a long time. It stands to reason that Tiandaowei's chess skills can quickly surpass Li Qinghe's.

Li Qinghe guessed later that he probably wanted Li Qinghe to spend more time with Tian Daowei.

In this matter, Tiandao Shuzi also acquiesced to Tiandaowei's approach, and secretly gave Tiandaowei other tricks, just to make Li Qinghe marry Tiandaowei.

When this happens, Nagata Yuka needs to help.

"Sister, I think you have been playing chess for a long time, so you should take a rest. Relieve your visual fatigue. What do you think, by the way, Mr. Qinghe is sleeping with me today."

Nagata Yuka casually dropped a piece on the chessboard, perfectly blocking Tiandaowei's dragon.

Seeing Li Qinghe being taken away by Nagata Yuka, Tian Daowei gritted his teeth angrily, "The coquettish fox will seduce Mr. Qinghe. He is mine."

However, Tian Daowei didn't know that Nagata Yuka, as a native orhonch, had superhuman hearing, so he naturally heard everything Tian Daowei said.

Nagata Yuka said: "When you find out that Mr. Qinghe has other wives in the future, I will see what you will do. Mr. Qinghe belongs to me during this time. A little bit."

Soon it was time for zect's leader to change, and the leader who took over this time was Jindaishan.

He just had a son, but he is still very happy. It's really a double happiness, and people feel refreshed when happy events happen.

On this day, Jindaishan arrived at the selection site early.

As the heads of the Tiandao family, Li Qinghe and Tiandaowei were naturally also invited.

Because of his strength, Tiandao will not participate in zect until he sheds his skin.Tiandao Shuzi still sits at home to prevent the family from being attacked by Zerg again.

Almost all the high-level protozoa have entered zect's leader election contest. You must know that not only protozoa, but also human beings have their own representatives.

If it weren't for the two protozoan patriarchs of zect who were not biased towards the protozoa, I am afraid that human beings would have thought of eradicating this institution. There is really no trouble from the zerg. Zect spends so much money every year on researching the crisis of fighting the zerg .Human beings still have grievances from all sides.

This is the same as learning the dragon slaying technique but there are no dragons in the world.Therefore, in the past few years, governments of various countries have begun to reduce their investment in zect, causing the progress of the knight system to slow down suddenly.

After the protozoa patriarchs and human representatives from all races arrived, the election began.

"The campaign is now declared open."

With the sound of counting the votes of the voters, the leader this time was finally established as Jindaishan.

Jindaishan was very happy talking about his inaugural speech, but he didn't expect that the Zerg had already started their actions.

As for the target——

On the side of Zerg, Lan Tianye stood at the door of zect headquarters, "Hehe, don't let me down, I gave you ten years of development time."

And Jaguma stood at the door of the Tiandao family, snorting coldly: "This time, all the protozoa that have lost their skin have gone to the zect headquarters, so this time, we will complete what we didn't finish last time."

zect headquarters base.

The sound of "da da da" bullets sounded.

And the alarm at the headquarters also beeped.

"what happened?"

Some protozoa began to panic, and the human side also began to think that it was the hands and feet of the protozoa.Seeing the panic of those zerg, it was obviously not the work of the protozoa.

Therefore, the personnel in the campaign hall quickly entered the monitoring room of Zect's headquarters base.It is very clear to see batches of Zerg rushing in.

A large number of human combat troops had no power to resist. The bullets hit the pupa-shaped Zerg, unable to break through the Zerg's defense, and were easily killed by the Zerg.

Moreover, the Zerg boldly appeared under the camera, imitating dead soldiers, wearing combat uniforms, trying to sneak in.

"Wei'er, you wait here. Go out to see the situation for your husband."

Li Qinghe has already sensed the position of his belt, although he can transform without using the belt, but in order to prevent the delta belt from falling into the hands of the Zerg, Li Qinghe walked towards the route closest to delta.

The attack of the Zerg was fierce, and they seemed to know the terrain very well, some of the Zerg walked towards the research institute where the delta belt was located.

In the end, Li Qinghe got there first, and found that although the outside was already in chaos, the destruction and transfer of data was still going on here in a steady manner.

"Please show your ID card."

The soldier guarding the door pointed a gun at Li Qinghe and said.

Li Qinghe handed over his identity card to the guard, and the guard swiped Li Qinghe's ID card against the wall.

"Identity passed. Level [-] confidentiality."

The seemingly ordinary white wall is actually a place for swiping cards, not the special place for swiping cards on the door.

I have to say that zect has considered this point very well, recognizing cards but not people.However, there are also disadvantages, that is, the card is easily impersonated by Zerg.

But it was impossible for Li Qinghe, because Li Qinghe was very powerful, who could take away the identity card from Li Qinghe.

I don't know about other people, but those ID cards that are not Li Qinghe's identity are not eligible to enter here.

Li Qinghe entered the research institute as he wished, and found that his belt had been put into the box, and was about to leave.

"who are you?"

A researcher in white asked.

"He is the owner of this belt. You go down first."

The steward here still knew Li Qinghe, and immediately asked the researcher to leave, and took the belt box by himself.It should be said that the person in charge here has seen Li Qinghe, but Li Qinghe doesn't know him.

"You have come to take the belt."

During the time Li Qinghe arrived here, the steward had received orders from his new boss, Shindaiyama, to hand over the belt to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe gave a "hmm" and took the box where the belt was placed.

"Seal this place immediately. No zerg can enter."

The guard at the gate pressed a series of numbers hastily, and sealed off all the heavy iron gates used by the institute. At the same time, there was a power outage in the institute, so the backup power had to be turned on urgently.

The guards at the gate have just blocked the research institute where Li Qinghe is located to protect the scientists inside.Immediately afterwards, he was killed and mimicked by the Zerg that came here.

A man in brown clothes asked the mimicking Zerg, "Have you unlocked the code for this room?"

"No, they only have the password to lock it in their memory. They don't know the password to open it, and the location where the password is entered is inconsistent with the place they know."

A zerg that mimicked a guard replied.

"Think I can't get in without a password?"

The man transformed into a firefly swallowtail with the same characteristics as a birdwing butterfly on Earth.

The hind wings of adult butterflies will flash pearly luster under the backlight.The forewing of the male butterfly is black, the hindwing is golden yellow, without tail-like protrusions, and has a wavy black outer edge; the outer side of the ventricle of the hindwing of the female butterfly has a thicker black band, and is embedded with complex golden yellow patterns.The eggs are spherical, about 26-28 cm in diameter and 20-21 cm in height.The larval stage has five instars, the first instar larvae are dark red, and then the body color gradually darkens to dark red or reddish black, with slender fleshy protrusions on the body, and horizontal white spots on the abdomen.

Firefly Swallowtail took her wings into her hands, and the wings turned into a pair of giant scissors.

The firefly birdie inserted the scissors into the gate of the closed research institute with ease, and drew a big circle with a little effort.

"See where you hide."

Firefly Swallowtail walked into the research institute with the zerg, scaring the researchers in the research institute to stand back.

"You see, you scare people. You are so scary when you grow up, so go back and rebuild."

Yinghuo Shangfengdie didn't expect that there were people who were not afraid of her, and looked cruelly at Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe opened the box containing the belt, and said to the researchers behind: "Look, let me show you the true strength of delta."

Li Qinghe installed delta on his waist.

He took out his phone and said "Transform." Then he inserted the phone into the side of his belt.

Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta.

Li Qinghe flicked his right hand, "I haven't seen you for a long time, let's fight together this time, I don't have much time for you in the future."

Currently, Li Qinghe can transform without using the belt, but this time, in order to prevent the Zerg from getting the belt, the best choice for Li Qinghe is to use the delta belt to transform.

The Firefly Swallowtail knew Li Qinghe's strength from other insects. Although Li Qinghe was very strong, the Firefly Swallowtail had no intention of retreating.


A group of Zergs ran towards Li Qinghe as a test. .

Li Qinghe was worried about the way of heaven, so he naturally wanted to make a quick decision and "speed up".

Yinghuo Shangfengdie didn't expect Li Qinghe to use super speed so soon, but after sensing similar clocku fluctuations, Yinghuo Shangfengdie also activated the ability of clocku and saw Li Qinghe's movements clearly.

Chapter 14zect's Counterattack

"Satan Sword."

Li Qinghe took out the Satan sword and quickly passed through the larvae in pupa form, picked up his giant scissors and cut Li Qinghe's head.

Li Qinghe tilted his neck, he just dodged it.But I didn't expect that Yinghuo Shangyan Die could divide a pair of scissors into two weird swords.

A sword slashed at Li Qinghe's neck again.Li Qinghe blocked the sword with the Satan sword.

But another sword came again.Li Qinghe blocked it with his arm, and when his arm collided with the sword, a cluster of sparks was emitted.

Li Qinghe's hand that blocked the sword turned into a fist, and hit Yinghuo Shangfengdie's head, causing her to take a few steps back.

It was the first time for Li Qinghe to hold a sword in both hands, facing Yinghuo Shangfengdie, he could only combine the two swords into scissors, hoping to block Li Qinghe's Satanic sword.

However, the giant scissors of the Firefly Papilio Zerg obviously failed to block Li Qinghe's Satanic sword.

The giant scissors were cut in half by Satan's sword, and they were smashed into the body of Yinghuo Swallowtail from top to bottom.

"You are really strong."

After Yinghuo Changsongdie finished saying this, it exploded.

Li Qinghe picked up the Satan sword and quickly walked through the insects brought by the firefly phoenix butterfly.

To the outside world, it's just an instant.Li Qinghe was able to deal with the Firefly Swallowtail and the chrysalis brought by the zerg.

Li Qinghe shook his hand, and said to the researchers behind him, "You guys leave quickly, this place is very dangerous."

Li Qinghe went all the way to clean up the zerg that invaded the Zect headquarters. Because he did not encounter any molting worms, Li Qinghe quickly rushed back to the location where Tian Daowei was, but found that Tian Daowei and the other people who had just been at the election site The patriarchs are all gone.

Only the corpses of dozens of combatants were left, lying in disorder.

Li Qinghe began to calm down to perceive the energy around him, although Tian Daowei's breath was very special and he couldn't feel it with his breath.But as long as they perceive the identities of other protozoa such as the patriarchs, they can naturally find Li Qinghe.

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