To Li Qinghe's surprise, although Li Qinghe sensed the aura of Jindaishan, Mishima Norio and others, those people dispersed. It was obvious that during the time Li Qinghe had just left, Tiandaowei might have a sudden attack. Condition.

Thinking of this, Li Qinghe could only learn about Tiandaowei from other people first.

Li Qinghe rushed towards the location of Shendaishan, and Shendaishan was in crisis at this time.

Lan Tianye looked at Jindaishan mockingly, "Yoyo, Jindaishan, just take a breath, and you can kill them."

There were three Zergs with their hands behind their backs surrounded by Mount Jindai, but they didn't make a move.The other two are Morpho Helena, which have similar characteristics to the terrestrial king moth, Morpho.

"Emperor moth yin and yang butterfly" is the rarest kind of butterfly. Only one butterfly can be found in 1000 million butterflies. Its wings are different in shape, color and size. A species of butterfly, found in only one in 1000 million butterflies, whose wings vary in shape, color and size,

Due to the different shape of the two wings, the emperor moth yin and yang butterfly cannot fly, and its life span is 6 days.

The male and female chimera butterfly is called yin and yang butterfly. It is said that the chance of producing wings is only one in ten thousand. The wings are different in shape, color and size, and it looks like a strange butterfly; what is more eye-catching is , the left side of its wings is female, the right side is male, and the male and female are mixed, which is very strange.

The smell of the poisonous butterfly is very strong, and the smell can be smelled within ten steps. At night, it will follow its own smell and return to the original place to roost.The imperial moth yin and yang butterfly belongs to the genus Poison butterfly.

Emperor Moth Yin Yang Butterfly.So he was very conceited, and instead of making a move himself, he let the two Zergs next to him attack Jindaishan.

Morpho Helena, has the same characteristics as Morpho Helena on Earth.

Morpho Helena is large and gorgeous, with a wingspan of 75-100 mm. It is sexually dimorphic. The male butterfly has a shiny metallic blue luster, greenish white luster, and orange-brown luster.The antennae are slender, about one-third the length of the forewings.The abdomen is short, the bottom of the wing is brown, there are stripes and rows of eye spots, but the eyes are hairless, the tarsus of the male forefoot is hairy, and the middle chamber of the hind wing is open.

The reason why the Morpho butterfly shines is that the wings of the butterfly are densely covered with scales containing various pigment particles. The structure of the scales is relatively complex. The fine structure is composed of multi-layer three-dimensional fences. Physical phenomena such as radiation produce a blue color under the action of optics. The denser the fine color ridges on the scales, the stronger the flash produced.

The sun morpho has exactly the same characteristics as the sun morpho on the earth.

Morpho wingspan can reach 20cm, but is usually 13-15cm.The color and pattern of the entire wing surface is like the sunrise in the east, the morning glow is all over the sky, and the brilliance of the sun drives away the heavy night.At first glance under the sunlight of the morning glow, the upper body of the butterfly is transparent.The colors are bright and the patterns are quite complex.The forefeet are rather degenerate, short and clawless.

There are 5 veins on the forewing, often with a common stalk.Eggs are in various shapes, such as hemispherical, steamed bun, melon or bowl.There are often protrusions on the head of the larvae, branch spines on the body segments, and hooks 1 to 3 in the abdomen and toes.The pupa is a drooping pupa.

Helena Morpho.It is a group of c with the sun morpho butterfly, and the combat power will increase greatly when combined.

So the Emperor Moth Yin Yang Butterfly can deal with Jin Daishan.

Jindaishan was indeed suppressed by these two Zergs.

With two "boom" punches, Shendaishan was hit by Helena Morpho, and hit Li Qinghe who was supporting him.

Li Qinghe found that only Norio Mishima came here at this time, and he came here only a step later than himself.

But Li Qinghe was blocked by Lan Tianye, "You are Li Qinghe sent by the Tiandao family, right?"

Li Qinghe didn't expect this zerg to know him. Li Qinghe has been keeping a low profile for the past ten years, even the Tiandao family doesn't know many people about Li Qinghe.

"You actually know me?"

Seeing that Shendai Mountain would be safe for a while, Li Qinghe felt relieved and chatted with Lan Tianye.

"Kamiyo-kun, I'm here to help you."

Jindaishan saw that Norio Mishima turned into a wasp native to help him, and Li Qinghe's transformed Kamen Rider Delta also came, confronting Lan Tianye, the planner who attacked the zect headquarters.

"Mishima-kun, are they settled?"

Jindaishan took a little time to fight and asked.

"No problem, it's safe to have Kazama Masaichi there."

Norio Mishima said.

Because of the distraction just now, Jindaishan was caught on the back by Sun Morpho once again.

"Fighting against us, you dare to be distracted, is this looking down on us?"

After Helena Morpho finished speaking, she kicked Jindaishan on the head again.

"Kamidai-san, here I come."

Norio Mishima was ready to help, and blocked Norio Mishima with the Emperor Moth Yin Yang Die who had been holding his hands behind his back.

"You can't make it through, by the way. I advise you to go back early, otherwise your family may become ruins."

Norio Mishima said coldly: "Really? My family has all joined zect, so if you want to destroy my family, you can only destroy everyone here. Can you do it?"

Huangmo Yinyangdie didn't expect that he didn't threaten Norio Mishima.

"Then there is only one battle. I hope you can survive."

The Emperor Moth Yin-Yang Butterfly is very special. His life corresponds to the two characteristics of the Emperor Moth Yin-Yang Butterfly on Earth. One is that it can only survive, and its life span is 6 days.The other is poison.

Therefore, the Emperor Moth Yin-Yang Butterfly can only use Clocku 6 times in its lifetime. In previous battles, the Emperor Moth Yin-Yang Butterfly has used it three times. If it uses Clocku again this time, then there are only two left to use Clocku.

Every time the Emperor Moth Yin Yang Butterfly fights the protozoa that has not molted its skin, it is fine, and there is no need to use Clocku's special ability.But once you fight the protozoa that has lost its skin, you must use Clocku's ability.

God is fair, although the emperor moth yin and yang butterfly can only use the ability of clocku 6 times in a lifetime, but each time it is used, its strength will be significantly enhanced.Moreover, it can crush common molting protozoa.

Helena Morpho once defeated.

Since the combination of Helena Morpho can suppress the scorpion native transformed by Jindaishan, then the emperor moth Yinyang butterfly can defeat Jindaishan.

"Li Qinghe, the origin is unknown. He came suddenly ten years ago, and just after arriving, the plan I designed to attack the Tiandao family for the first time failed.

And the second action failed because of you.Many zerg have died at your hands.

I wonder if you are my nemesis.So I arranged this plan in order to test this conjecture. "

Lan Tianye said.

Li Qinghe heard Lan Tianye said that he planned those actions, and couldn't help asking: "Are you the commander of the Zerg that descended on the earth?"

Lan Tianye said proudly, "Yes." This commander still has a lot of power, and the Zerg who come to Earth must obey his orders.

Lan Tianye then bewitched: "How about it, is it an honor to be paid attention to by me? If you are willing to rely on me, then I can let you be my number one little brother."

Li Qinghe snorted, "I can only say that provoking me is the biggest failure of your life. Then let the failure come quickly. And I like others to be my little brother. If you are my little brother, I think I can't help but kill you first."

Lan Tianye was shaken by Li Qinghe's hands angrily: "You, don't eat the fine wine after toasting. Go to hell."

Li Qinghe kicked the stone away from his feet in boredom, "I thought so too, you go to hell. What a waste of time."

Chapter 15 Respective battles

Lantian wildly transforms into Kashenf's ghost beauty swallowtail with the same characteristics as the earth's Kashenf ghost beauty swallowtail.

It is a butterfly with beautiful and skeleton wings. The shape, color and size of its wings are different. The left is female, the right is male, and the male and female are mixed. All of them died strangely.

Kashenfu, the ghost beauty, and the swallowtail butterfly are very powerful among the zerg.It can be evenly matched with the emperor moth yin and yang butterfly who uses the sixth clocku.

Li Qinghe became serious.

For the Tiandao family, Jaguma did not attack the Tiandao family at the end as planned, but started with the Tiandao family first.

"I'll see if the Tiandao family, which doesn't have ecdysis, can survive this time. The time is up, and it's time to do it."

Gaguma let out a weird smile.

Many protozoa families that were detected by the zerg have sprung out of the zerg.There were only two shed zerg, killing protozoa in different families.Those families don't have shed zerg, so they won't be able to stop them.

However, there are always exceptions to everything. When the two skinless insects entered the Yoshida family, they still slaughtered other families.Even without using clocku, protozoa larvae, which are protozoa in pupal form, can still be easily defeated.

However, two East Asian migratory locust natives that had just successfully molted appeared to block the two shed skinned insects that followed Jaguma to fight.

The East Asian locust native has the same characteristics as the East Asian locust on Earth.

East Asia migratory locust male adults have a body length of 33-48 mm, and female adults have a body length of 39-52 mm. There are three types: gregarious, scattered, and intermediate. Green (scattered type).round head.The face is straight, the tentacles are filiform, the pronotum is well developed, and there are black stripes on both sides of the midline.Forewings light brown with dark spots. Wing length more than 2 times longer than hind femur (gregarious type) or less than 2 times (scattered type).

The Yoshida family hides really deep. If it weren't for the attack of the zerg, no one would know that the Yoshida family, which is usually inconspicuous, actually has two moulting protozoa, although they just molted their skins not long ago.

And Jaguma also transformed into a rose crystal butterfly with the same characteristics as the rose crystal butterfly on earth.

The butterfly is named for the golden spots on the hindwings of the males.Wingspan more than 110.The body and wings of the male butterfly are emerald green with a dark brown background.It often flies high in the forest and sometimes stops among the flowers. Its graceful posture is like a gorgeous, noble and radiant "lady". It is loved by butterfly lovers and is famous all over the world.So people call it "Queen Butterfly".

And Jaguma is the Butterfly Queen. Most of the peeled insects that came to the earth this time belonged to butterflies, and they were under the command of Jaguma.In addition to being responsible for supervising Lan Tianye, he also has command authority.As for Lan Tianye, he always thought he was the commander, but in fact he was just a planner.

As for issuing orders, Lantian Yeye can only succeed if Jaguma does not object.And Jaguma has never issued an order to let Lan Tianye play freely.However, the wild blue sky has made her slowly accumulate enough disappointment.

Li Qinghe is very cautious when facing his new enemy Kashenfu, the ghost and the beauty, Swallow Die.

Lan Tian Ye Ye acted more casually, but in fact he had already made a move.

Li Qinghe stared closely at Lan Tian's wild transformation of Kashenfu's ghost and beauty Swallowtail.Suddenly, the environment around Li Qinghe changed. In the Tiandao family, Li Qinghe enjoyed the special services of Tiandaowei and Nagata Yuka.

Li Qinghe destroyed the flowers with his hands, blowing the heads of Tian Daowei and Nagata Yuka.Tian Daowei and Nagata Yuka looked as if they were dying.Then he turned around quickly and punched hard.


I only heard someone being hit and a soft hum.

The environment in front of Li Qinghe changed again to the scene where he had just fought against Lan Tianye.

And Lan Tianye was half kneeling on the ground, "You kill me, I am not as skilled as others."

Li Qinghe didn't pay any attention to what Lan Tianye said, and used his nirvana, "Hammer of the Fallen Angel."

It's just that this ultimate skill is not wild towards the blue sky, but towards the ground.


Li Qinghe's ultimate move was blocked by Lan Tianye, and the surrounding environment changed again, as if it was the same as before, except that Lan Tianye was not half-kneeling on the ground, but at Li Qinghe's feet.

"How did you see it."

Kashenfu, the ghostly beauty, and the swallow butterfly blocked Li Qinghe's hammer of the fallen angel with both hands.

"Don't tell you."

The sage's stone on Li Qinghe's body can see through all illusions.So just now Kashenfu's ghost beauty Swallow Die's special environment has no effect in front of Li Qinghe.

After hearing Li Qinghe's answer, Kashenfu's ghost and beauty Phoenix Die didn't take it seriously.

"I didn't expect you to be able to break the illusion I arranged."

Taking advantage of the moment Li Qinghe fell into the environment, Kashenfu's ghost beauty Fengdie came to Li Qinghe, ready to get rid of Li Qinghe.

The illusion arranged by Kashenfu, the ghost, the beauty, and the swallowtail is cyclical, and Lantian wildly and confidently calls his own illusion the realm of the world.

Ordinary people, that is, moulting protozoa or zerg, will also get trapped in it, and it is difficult to break out.This environment can only be broken with force. If you want to think about the way to break it, you think you can see the flaws one after another, but it will only make the next environment more realistic and make people hard to extricate themselves.

So if Li Qinghe hadn't broken the environment with all his strength, even if Kashenfu, the ghost, and the beauty, Swallow Die, hadn't made a move, he would have been immersed in his own illusion all the time.

Although Li Qinghe's Philosopher's Stone can see through illusions, it is not immune to the effects of illusions, and needs to be broken by Li Qinghe.

When Li Qinghe just entered the first illusion, he knew it was an illusion. At first, he thought that smashing the figure in front of him would break the illusion, so he punched out with his intuition.

However, when Li Qinghe shattered the first illusion, he entered the next illusion.Facing the palpitation-like crisis, Li Qinghe made a prompt decision.Facing the direction of the crisis, he used his nirvana.And then break the illusion.In the end, Li Qinghe succeeded.

Li Qinghe didn't say much to Lan Tianye, he pulled out his Satan sword and stabbed him.

Lan Tianye grabbed the Satan sword with one hand, "You can't do it with this sword."

Li Qinghe didn't expect that Kashenfu, a ghost and beauty, and swallowtail, who was transformed into a wild blue sky, could catch Satan's sword.He said softly, "Really?"

The Dark Philosopher's Stone attached to Satan's Sword infuses power into Satan's Sword.Then Lan Tianye's hand holding the sword was corroded all of a sudden.

Lan Tianye hurriedly withdrew his hands and asked anxiously, "What kind of energy is this?"

As soon as Satan's sword is freed from its shackles, it naturally continues to move forward, and it is bound to pierce Lan Tianye's heart.

Although Lan Tianye was not grabbing the corrosive Satan sword, he still hit the blade with the back of his hand, changing the direction of the sword.

Li Qinghe drew back his sword, this time he slashed horizontally.Lan Tianye got angry, "There is no end."

Blue Sky's ability to activate Clocku suddenly disappeared.

Li Qinghe also activated super speed, Lan Tianye had already approached Li Qinghe and grabbed Li Qinghe's lower abdomen with his claws.

With a sound of "gargling", sparks flashed across Li Qinghe's body. Li Qinghe picked up the tip of the Satan sword and swept it away, forcing Mrs. Kashen away.

Li Qinghe picked up the Satan sword and continued to chase naturally. Kashenfu, the ghost beauty, and the butterfly were left and right, and suddenly Li Qinghe's Satan sword was once again shown by Kashenfu, the ghost and the beauty, and the butterfly showed a very weird smile at Li Qinghe,


Li Qinghe quickly let go of the Satan sword, but it was still too late.Kashenfu spit out blue smoke from the mouth of the ghost beauty swallowtail, which directly affected Li Qinghe's eyes.

The world in Li Qinghe's eyes turned blue, and the blue smoke caused Li Qinghe's intuition to go wrong.Li Qinghe became completely blind.


Li Qinghe received a sword in his heart, and the blade penetrated deeply into Li Qinghe's heart.This sword was his own Satan sword, and he wanted to draw the Satan sword out of Li Qinghe's body again, but Li Qinghe temporarily controlled the Satan sword through the dark sage's stone on the Satan sword.

Li Qinghe transferred the Dark Philosopher's Stone from Satan's sword into his body, and heard the taunting of Kashenfu's ghost and beauty Swallow Die: "This sword is mine now. I will use this sword now." Kill you."

Li Qinghe held the Satan sword and pulled it hard, the blade was broken by Li Qinghe.Li Qinghe stabbed towards his body, and the broken blade of Satan's sword passed through Li Qinghe's body, and passed through Kashenfu's ghost beauty Swallow Die's body.


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