Ten years later, Tiandao Shuzi's own strength has strengthened again.

The Tiandao tree that became the native of golden nanmu appeared in front of Jaguma.

Tiandao Shuzi asked: "This time you brought people to attack our Tiandao family, right?"

"It's me, I just didn't expect that you were still in this family, otherwise I would have wiped out the Tiandao family today. It's a pity, but if you are willing to die for the Tiandao family, I will let the rest of the Tiandao family go. "

Although Jaguma had heard the description of Tiandao Shuzi's strength by his subordinates, he didn't take it seriously, thinking that he would definitely be able to defeat Tiandao Shuzi. .

Tiandao Shuzi took the lead, and the branch that appeared in his hand whipped Jaguma.

Jaguma looked at the branches in front of him with disdain. The wings of the crystal butterfly behind him flickered, and those branches were chopped into thousands, and some branches had already disappeared.

Chapter 19 Blue Sky's Wild Failure

Jaguma's shape is very special, there is actually a crescent-like golden spot on her forehead, and her wings are full of green luster like long field knot flowers.

Tiandao Shuzi didn't expect to be able to deal with Jaguma in one go. He knew that the Tiandao family was strong and still dared to provoke him, so he was either a fool, or he was strong and not afraid of Tiandao Shuzi.And Jaguma clearly belongs to the latter.

With a wave of Tiandao Shuzi's hand, fallen leaves flew, and suddenly a steady stream of fallen leaves appeared on Jaguma's head.Jaguma felt something was wrong, and naturally wanted to leave, but found that no matter where she moved, there was still a drop above her head.

And the falling leaves were definitely not ordinary fallen leaves. Those fallen leaves were like sharp knives, cutting into Jaguma's body one after another.

Jaguma is worthy of the title of Rose Crystal Butterfly, and every part of her body is harder than crystal.

Those fallen leaves couldn't break through Jaguma's own defense at all.Jaguma snapped her fingers, and roses began to circle around her body, fighting against the falling leaves.

"Since that's the case, how about you take a look at my trick?"

When Tiandao Shuzi saw those zergs, he forced his way into the Tiandao family.Last time, due to the traitor, there were only three keys to the gate of the Tiandao family, one for Li Qinghe, one for Tiandao Shuzi, and one for Tiandaowei.

This time, there were too many zergs, and they broke through the gate after taking relatively large casualties.

Once the Zerg is allowed to enter deeper, the Zerg will inflict another heavy blow on the Tiandao family that has not fully recovered.

To know the strength of a family, it is not only enough to have strong moulders, but also a backbone force in the middle, and these backbone forces may shed their skins and become moulting protozoa due to a coincidence of marriage in the future.

So Tiandao Shuzi didn't want the Tiandao family to suffer such a serious loss again.

Tiandao Shuzi didn't know that some protozoan families had already been exterminated by the two molting insects sent by Jaguma, and there might be a few more that slipped through the net, but there were no serious injuries.

Tiandao Shuzi got serious and took out his golden scimitar.

Tiandao Shuzi, who was holding a scimitar, launched a melee attack with Jaguma.

At first, Jaguma thought that his body was very strong, so he used his body and the golden scimitar to fight once.As a result, the golden scimitar came into contact with Jaguma's blood, making it even more bloodthirsty.

Jaguma didn't expect Tiandaowei's golden scimitar to be so sharp that it could hurt her in one hit.

Tian Daowei grabbed the scimitar and swung it at Jaguma again, and Jaguma quickly dodged.

However, Tiandao Shuzi's knife is not so easy to dodge. Even though Jaguma dodged desperately, he was still injured, and the wounds became more and more.

The wings on the back of the rose crystal butterfly transformed by Jaguma spun rapidly, and the wings of the crystal butterfly emitted a dazzling light.

Tiandao Shuzi's eyes have been injured before, even after being cured, there are still some roots of the disease left, which can only be treated slowly in the future.

Tiandao Shuzi's eyes still couldn't stand the strong light, they were irradiated by the strong light from Jaguma's wings, and they closed naturally.

What Jaguma was waiting for was now, seeing that Tiandao Shuzi closed his eyes, and activated Clocku's special ability.

Although Tiandao Shuzi couldn't see that Gaguma activated the ability of clocku, he felt the change of time particles around him, and guessed that Gaguma had super-speeded.

Tiandao Shuzi also used Clocku's ability.

In this state, Tiandao Shuzi made a late move and entered the state of clocku one step earlier than Jaguma.

But even if Tiandao Shuzi entered this state first, the light on Jaguma's wings was still so strong that Tiandao Shuzi still couldn't open his eyes.

However, Tens of meters long vines grew out of Tiandao Shuzi's hands, attacking the surroundings regularly.

In the end, the vines of Tiandao Shuzi hit Gaguma, but Gaguma took advantage of this time to enter the clku state.

Tiandao Shuzi could only throw the golden scimitar with his intuition, and this time the victory and defeat came at this moment.

Jaguma bent backwards, and the golden scimitar flew behind her.Just as Jaguma stood up, the swirling golden scimitar pierced her body.

"You won this time. But..."

Jaguma didn't smash the Heavenly Dao tree, and threw the golden scimitar far away.

It's not that Jaguma didn't want to take away this domineering weapon, so Tiandao Shuzi would lose a domineering weapon.

But the golden scimitar is the most important part of the Tiandao tree.Tiandao Shuzi can use the golden scimitar to detect the surrounding environment. Once Jaguma holds the golden scimitar, Jaguma's position will be exposed because of the scimitar, and Tiandao Shuzi can detect it.

Judging from Jaguma's current strength, he is not sure that he can defeat Tiandao Shuzi.

Originally, Jaguma could have an equal share with Tiandao Shuzi, but she didn't expect Tiandao Shuzi's golden scimitar to be so sharp, and she was cut by the golden scimitar because of carelessness at the beginning.

One wrong step, one wrong step, Jaguma didn't expect the appearance of molted adults from the Tiandao family from the very beginning.The appearance of the Heavenly Dao tree disrupted Jaguma's plan.

If Jaguma could pay more attention and send more people to monitor the Tiandao family, then it would not be difficult to find out that Li Qinghe and Tiandaowei participated in the zect election conference this time.

But Jaguma relied on his experience, and when he heard that all the patriarchs were going to participate in the zect conference, he thought that the Tiandao family had temporarily lost the ecdysis, and began to think about destroying the Tiandao family.

If Jaguma had known in advance that the Tiandao tree was in the Tiandao family, then Jaguma would never have come to destroy the Tiandao family with full confidence, at least he would have called Ku Shandie to act together.Of course, it is more likely that they will not attack the Tiandao family, but attack other families.

After Jaguma escaped, Tiandao Shuzi personally wiped out all the Zerg larvae that invaded the Tiandao family.

Tiandao Shuzi was worried about Li Qinghe and Tiandaowei who had left, and hoped that they would come back safely.

So far, the Zerg raid plan planned by Lan Tianye and Jaguma has all failed.

The Zerg raid plan took a total of 10 years to implement, using most of the power currently available.

This plan is roughly divided into two parts. The zerg taken away by the wild blue sky is responsible for destroying the zect headquarters, and Jaguma controls the remaining zerg. Taking advantage of the emptiness inside the major families of the protozoa, they attack the major families and strive for Kill all families.

The Zerg brought by Lan Tianye successfully defeated the protozoa that invaded zect because of Li Qinghe and Tian Daowei's moulting and the use of the perfect version of the new weapon machine gun sword, and Lan Tianye escaped by himself.

As for the subordinates led by Jaguma, in order to pursue efficiency, there is always the possibility of a fish slipping through the net when slaughtering a family. If the fish slipping through the net leaks secrets, then the remaining families will be on guard.

However, this approach led to the dispersion of the power at hand, and if you encountered a strong enemy, problems would arise.But Jaguma was too confident, thinking that he had already counted everything.

So Jaguma's own team was responsible for destroying the Tiandao family, and Ku Shandie was responsible for destroying other families one by one as the other team, but he didn't want to suffer heavy losses in the Yoshida family.

As a result, Jaguma's plan naturally failed, and even she ran away regardless of face.

No one would have expected such a result. The Zerg invasion plan succeeded for a little while, which played a role in deterring the protozoa, but also expanded human support for the Zect organization, and began to recruit talented people from all over the world in a planned way. People intensified the research and development of the knight system.

And Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Soichi formally joined zect with their outstanding talents. I believe that with the help of this group of outstanding people, the knight system can be developed soon.

Gaguma, who abandoned his subordinates, first returned to the room where he lived with Lan Tianye.

Panting heavily, Jaguma became even more afraid of the Heavenly Dao Tree.

"What a powerful woman, I can't let you survive, I definitely can't let you survive."

Jaguma recalled her battle with Tiandao Shuzi, and found that Tiandao Shuzi couldn't look directly at the strong light. This was the most obvious weakness she found of Tiandao Shuzi, and she could completely defeat Tiandao Shuzi by virtue of this shortcoming.

Jaguma immediately thought, doesn't Tiandao Shuzi not know his own flaws?If Tiandao Shuzi can improve this shortcoming next time, or come up with a better method for his own weakness.

Then Gaguma will take advantage of the weakness of Tiandao Shuzi's eyes that cannot look directly at the strong light, and she will be indifferent, and may be used as a trap by Tiandao Shuzi. Once Gaguma is tricked, she will definitely be caught by the golden scimitar kill.

Jaguma thought of the golden scimitar, and the part of his body that was scratched by the golden scimitar seemed to hurt even more.

Jaguma stumbled to her private room, where she was usually alone, and no one was allowed to enter, even Lan Tianye who lived with her.

Jaguma hadn't learned about Lan Tianye's failure in the same mission, and she began to wonder how much it would cost, how to make Lan Tianye exonerate her from the guilt of this mission failure by virtue of her contribution to destroying zect.

This time in her hands, she died two molting insects for nothing. If Lan Tianye returned from completing the task, then a comparison...

The pain on Jaguma's body was nothing compared to the melancholy in his heart.

In Jaguma's heart, Kanter waited for Lan Tianye's return, and the anxiety in her heart made her forget her own injuries.

After waiting and waiting, Lan Tianye finally stumbled in, dragging his injured body.

Jaguma quickly helped Lan Tianye up, and asked anxiously: "Why are you in this state, where are the others?".

Lan Tianye leaned on Jaguma wearily, "Jaguma, the mission failed, this time I almost couldn't come back."

After Lan Tianye fought with Li Qinghe, he was afraid of Li Qinghe's madness and fled alone to the place where he and the other zergs agreed to meet near the nearby phone booth.

Chapter 20 Jagumar's Ambition

But Lan Tianye waited and waited and waited, but he didn't get the subordinates he brought. You must know that Lantian Wild brought a lot of molting Zerg, and in the end, all the troops except Lantian Wild were wiped out.

Originally, Lan Tian had rested wildly for a while, wanting to see what happened, so none of his subordinates came back, but just as he went, he found Tian Daowei's transformed Poinciana native.

Lantian Yeye had injuries on his body, so he turned around and fled immediately. Because of Lantian Yeye's caution, he didn't release his aura deliberately, but hid it, completely different from his usual arrogant expression, so he was able to avoid Tiandaowei's detection.

According to the narrations of the young Zergs who escaped back, Blue Sky Wild also knew most of what happened to the Zergs after he left.

I can only feel sorry for what happened to those zerg. Lan Tianye felt that he would die if he stayed, so he went back to the room alone.

Lan Tianye told Gagumar about the encounters of those molting zergs one by one.

"Jaguma, what should we do next?"

Lan Tianye's eyes gradually turned green, and his tone became very gentle, which made people want to sleep.

Jaguma yawned and said lazily, "Just say..."

While talking, Jaguma fell asleep.

Lan Tianye stood up immediately, not at all what he showed just now.Lan Tianye was injured, but after recovering for such a long time, the injury has recovered by seven points.

"Let's say it was your fault that caused the mission to fail."

Lan Tianye whispered into Jaguma's ear softly.Lan Tianye used hypnosis to make Jaguma bear the consequences of the failure of this mission.

However, Fagakuma's hand, which seemed to be asleep, detoured behind Lan Tianye's back, and the hand turned into a claw, and inserted it from the wound Li Qinghe caused to Lan Tianye, grabbed Lantian Yeye's core, and The human heart is similar, which is why the heart is also the Zerg's weak point.


Jaguma opened his eyes, and crushed Lan Tianye's wild core with a hard squeeze, "Don't blame me for being unkind, I thought I'd used you for so long, so I'm embarrassed to do so."

Jaguma withdrew his hand, and whispered in Lan Tianye's ear: "Do you know? I was sent by the superiors to monitor you. Therefore, you did not die unjustly. From now on, all the actions of the zerg on earth will be under my control." .”

After listening to Jaguma's words, Lan Tianye clutched his chest in pain, twitched, and slowly relaxed his body and died.

Afterwards, Jaguma disposed of Lan Tianye's body without leaving a trace.

Started to send the information about the failure of the Zerg raid to the Zerg King who is still in the universe.And attributed the failure of this mission to himself, and of course more reasons were attributed to Lan Tianye.

According to Jaguma, the blue sky wildly rebelled against the mutants and betrayed all the information about the operation, which led to the failure of the operation.

And Lantian Yeye was still trying to persuade Jaguma to be with him at the end, but in the end Jaguma could only go through a battle and killed Lantian Yeye with pain.

Jaguma blamed herself for not being able to fully supervise Lan Tianye, which was her fault.

Although the Zerg King knows that there are many falsehoods in Jaguma, the Zerg army is still unable to enter the earth, and only a small part of it can sneak in.

At present, there is no zerg on the earth who understands the earth better than Gaguma. Naturally, the zerg king will not really blame Jaguma, on the contrary, he has to reward him to win people's hearts.The most suitable zerg to rule the earth at present is Gaguma.

Jaguma also showed a grateful expression, wishing to go through fire and water for the Zerg King immediately.

Jaguma became the ultimate beneficiary of this Zerg raid plan, and both the Zerg and the Protozoa suffered great losses.

Among the zerg, those zerg who were usually loyal to Lan Tianwild left with Lantian Wild, leaving only the zerg that was really heavier than Gaguma.

The protozoa side suffered extremely serious losses, not only those protozoa families suffered huge losses because of the molting zerg brought by Jaguma, some of the protozoa families were even exterminated except for the patriarch.

Zect is a joint cooperation between human beings and human beings on the earth. The protozoan usually invests a lot of effort here. Just as Norio Mishima once said, if you want to destroy his family, you can just destroy zect.

Norio Mishima's family is almost all in zect. This time the Zect headquarters suffered such a big attack, many of the security personnel were in charge of Norio Mishima's clan.

Norio Mishima's family was hit hard, and Norio Mishima's immediate family members were almost extinct.

Not only the Mishima family, but also the Kazama family. The slightly better one is the Jindai family. The two molting insects took the Jindai family as the family that was exterminated after the Yoshida family.

As a result, the two zergs were killed by two molting East Asian locust natives of the Yoshida family.The Age of Gods family was only attacked by some Zerg larvae, but most of the main family defenders of the Generations of Gods came to zect to protect the Age of Gods family.

As a result, the defense power of the Age of God family was greatly weakened, and they were attacked by Zerg larvae, and many protozoan larvae of the Age of God family were killed.

Among them, the most unlucky and arguably the luckiest is the Yoshida family.Yoshida Yohji, the patriarch of the Yoshida family, also went to participate in the zect election meeting.

When the Yoshida family faced the threat of the molting zerg Morpho, two newly molted East Asian locust natives confronted the Morpho.

Although the two East Asian locust natives won in the end, they suffered a dying counterattack from the two Zergs because of their inexperience in combat.Lost fighting spirit, began to escape from reality, escape from everything.

These two East Asian locust natives successfully protected the Yoshida family, but they were attacked by the Zerg, and the reason why the two East Asian locusts shed their skin was likely to be discovered by other families.

Once the information about the Yoshida family's possession of the protozoan king's egg was known to other families, and the Yoshida family also extracted the essence of the king's egg and used it on the clansmen to develop their brains and become molting protozoa.

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