Then it is very likely that the major families will unite to force their families to hand over the king's egg.Once the Yoshida family refuses, it will be the time for the Yoshida family to be expelled.

This Zerg raid made the human side feel a great threat, because the enemy's enemy is our friend.

Originally, zect had some measures to restrict the protozoa, but after this operation, it became open to the protozoa.

However, because the protozoa were encircled and suppressed by the zerg, the protozoa suffered heavy losses, and the remaining protozoa began to fear the zerg.

Although Jaguma's operation this time was unsuccessful tactically, strategically it achieved its goal of deterring the protozoa.And to let it go, all the protozoa that were wiped out this time belonged to the zect family.The surviving protozoa believed that this catastrophe was caused by the addition of zect.

So a large part of the protozoa began to withdraw from zect and remained neutral.

This made Jaguma's plan a success. Jaguma's plan was to make the protozoa start to oppose and doubt each other. They were no longer united as before, and they were full of mutual suspicion.

There are not many zerg around Jaguma, so the current plan of alienation also has an element of self-protection.Jaguma was waiting for the next batch of reinforcements.

However, like the Jindai family and the Kazama family, they still resolutely did not withdraw from the zect organization. They knew that this was a tactic of alienation by the Zerg.

At present, if you want to survive the attack of Zerg, you can only unite, and if you don't unite, you can only die.

This raid initiated by the zerg had a profound impact on humans and protozoa.

But time can dilute all grief, time passed in a blink of an eye 5 years, came to 1983.

In the past five years, zect has undergone great changes. Due to serious injuries, Jindaishan quit zect after only five years in power, and watched zect's development in secret.

In the past five years, the protozoa of zect has had differences, and conservatives and progressives have emerged.Moreover, the strength of the progressive faction is becoming stronger and stronger due to the indulgence of human beings.

In a few days, it will be the turn of Yoshida Yohji, the patriarch of the Yoshida family, to take over the leadership of zect.

The two new molting protozoa in the Yoshida Yohji family made the Yoshida family's ranking among the protozoa rise suddenly, second only to the Tiandao family.

This election was originally the turn of the Tiandao family, but the Tiandao family was not very keen on being the leader of zect, Yoshida Yohji first acted as the leader of this zect.

As soon as the newly appointed Yoshida Yohji took office, he squeezed out the influence of the Tiandao family in zect.Of course, other protozoan families were also squeezed out by Yoshida Yohji, but the strength was not as strong as that of the Tiandao family.

Li Qinghe's injuries also recovered within five years, and of course his height also increased, and Li Qinghe once again returned to his previous full-strength state.And the strength has become stronger, Li Qinghe doesn't know how strong his own strength is.

Because Tiandaowei had shed his skin, the patriarch of the Tiandao family officially handed it over to Tiandaowei.Tiandao Shuzi is completely free, and Li Qinghe runs between three o'clock on the first line every day.

Li Qinghe would either accompany Tiandao Shuzi or Changtian Yuhua every day, and at noon he would accompany Tiandaowei, reviewing the Tiandao family's documents with her.

Li Qinghe didn't have any capital, and at first he wanted to rely on his own strength to be the master of zect, but the patriarchs of the major protozoa began to reject the Tiandao family inexplicably.

The reason why the Tiandao family did not participate in the election of the zect leader this time is because other protozoan families united to resist the Tiandao family.This made Li Qinghe's plan to develop power from zect failed. .

No one has no money, so what can they use to develop their power.

Although Li Qinghe is Tiandaowei's husband and has an unclear relationship with Tiandaoshuzi, even though he is not yet married to Tiandaowei, Li Qinghe can use the resources of the Tiandao family.

Chapter 21 Overlord Eggs

Since the power of the Tiandao family is used, it must be discussed with Tiandao Shuzi and the others.But the machismo in Li Qinghe's heart made him unable to let go of his arrogance. Besides, if he did so, would it make Tiandaoshuzi and the others think that Li Qinghe never regarded them as his own?

Considering multiple factors, Li Qinghe gave up the idea of ​​using the strength of the Tiandao family to develop his own power.

Li Qinghe can be considered to have experienced the feeling that a smart woman can't cook without rice.

This world is too special. In the era when protozoa and zerg are fighting each other, the status of human beings is very embarrassing.Ordinary people, if they want to create a world in zect, they can only rely on flattery. Of course, they must have enough strength, otherwise they will not even be able to enter zect.

Li Qinghe, as Tiandaowei's nominal husband, has the brand of Tiandao family on his body, which prevents him from entering zect.Moreover, it is best to develop power during periods of turmoil, when people are impetuous and easy to pull power.

In the past five years, the protozoa, Zerg and humans have maintained peace, and the Zerg has not attacked humans once.The power of each family has stabilized.To put it bluntly, the cake has been divided up, and it is very difficult for new forces to get a piece of the pie.

Without the support of stable financial resources, how could the power develop.

Li Qinghe could only calm down and watch how the situation developed.

Soon zect came to the day of the general election, and the Tiandao family only sent representatives to participate. After the lesson of a zerg attack, every protozoan patriarch sent representatives to participate.

It is no surprise that Yoshida Yohji is the new leader of the zect organization.

But something serious happened to the Yoshida family, and two closely guarded royal eggs were stolen.

In order to ensure the success of this election, the Yoshida family will not be disturbed by the zerg and some protozoan families who are dissatisfied with themselves.After transferring the election sites many times, he also brought two molting East Asian locust natives from his own clan to the town.

With this increase and decrease, the defense of the Yoshida family naturally weakened, and someone stole the two king's eggs through the tunnel.

And there is a lot of publicity about the Yoshida family's private collection of protozoan king eggs.

Faced with questions from other families, Yoshida Yohji quickly admitted and agreed to jointly study how to hatch the two king insect eggs.

But the premise of everything is to find these two protozoa eggs, otherwise it will be useless to say anything.

Soon two king worm eggs were found in a well-known Ishida family who was usually dissatisfied with the Yoshida family, and everyone was especially angry that the eggs of these two protozoa were destroyed and the essence inside was extracted.

"Who, who dares to do this?"

Yoshida Yohji roared angrily.

Not only Yoshida Yohji, but also Norio Mishima who got the news to use the ability of clku to come here, Jindaiyama who has been coughing, Masaichi Kazama also came here.

In the end, Li Qinghe brought Tiandao Shuzi, the only one of Tiandao, here together.

Although the eggs of the protozoan king worm were secretly extracted by Yoshida Yoshida, they did not harm the root of the king eggs.

In the past, due to technological reasons, some protozoan eggs could not hatch because they lost their caretakers, but they couldn't bear to destroy them, so they were buried in the ground.

The two king worm eggs were buried underground and found by the Yoshida family precisely because they lost their caretakers, so they could not hatch the king eggs.

But according to the current science and technology, those two king eggs can be hatched, which can be used as a new generation force to deal with aggressive Zerg in the future.

However, the royal eggs were stolen from the Yoshida family, treated like this, and the essence inside was violently extracted, making it impossible for these two royal eggs to hatch life.

Except for Li Qinghe, all these people were furious.

The Ishida family, whose stolen eggs were found, naturally received a lot of attention.But more importantly, I found the essence of some king worm eggs in the Ishida family. According to the dna comparison, it was the protozoan.

As a result, although the Ishida family tried their best to explain, it is a pity that the facts speak louder than words.After one night, the Ishida family was devastated.

The angry other protozoa led by Yoshida Yohji slaughtered all the Ishida family members.The attack of the protozoan is different from that of the zerg. Some members of the Ishida clan of the Ishida family who went out on business were also killed on the same day.No one felt sorry for them, and identified them as the murderers who destroyed the eggs of the protozoan king.

Li Qinghe watched the development of the situation quietly, and said in his heart:

"You guys are so bold, you dare to steal the king worm eggs and extract the essence inside."

That's right, Li Qinghe had already guessed who was selected for this operation. It wasn't the Zerg who did it, but someone who belonged to zect, and they were humans.

First of all, the Zerg and the Zerg seem similar in appearance, and humans look similar, but in essence the Protozoa and the Zerg are fundamentally different.

The protozoa and the zerg can accurately distinguish who is the protozoa and who is the zerg as soon as they meet.

The protozoa can extract the essence from the eggs of the overlord insects and use them as molting.But it is useless for the Zerg to get the king bug eggs, and the essence of the protozoa eggs is useless to the Zerg.

If the zerg want to destroy the protozoa eggs, they can destroy them secretly. There is no need to take the essence inside, and take out the destroyed king worm eggs to deliberately provoke the protozoa, unless they are out of their minds.

The Zerg can chase the protozoa, which means that the Zerg is definitely not weaker than the protozoa, and naturally the brain is also very smart.

So that rules out the Zerg stealing the royal eggs.

Talking about the protozoa, maybe some protozoa may want to extract the eggs of the king worm, but as the same family, extracting the eggs of the king worm does not need to be so violent. They have their own way, and they can extract the essence in a way that hardly affects the hatching of the eggs. .

There is no need for the protozoa to do this. If you find the eggs of the king worm and send them to Yoshida Yohji, it will definitely be better than getting them yourself.

The success rate of the protozoan extracting the essence of eggs to promote brain development and molt is not too high.Moreover, through this method of shedding the skin, future strength growth will be limited.Otherwise, why didn't Yoshida Yohji extract more, but stopped after successfully molting two protozoa.

Let's talk about human beings, they are very quiet and think about moving.After five years without another Zerg attack, the nations let up.Seeing that the power of the protozoa in zect is increasing, I also want to curb it, lest the protozoa cannot be controlled in the end.

By stealing the Protozoa Overlord Eggs, the number of moults can be reduced.You can also use two king eggs to make the protozoa forces struggle inside zect more intense.

Humans have no way to extract the essence of insect eggs, so the way to take away the essence can only be violent.In order to make the internal fighting of the protozoa more smooth, part of the plan was deliberately left in the Ishida family.

Why not other families?Because the Ishida family is very special, although it is a protozoan family, it has not produced a single molting protozoa in the past thousand years. Every member of the Ishida family has worked hard to revive the family.

The patriarch of the Ishida family, Ishida Uryu, wants to let the Ishida family stand in zect, and also wants to be the leader of zect.But he was ridiculed by Yoshida Yohji, which led to great conflicts between the Yoshida family and the Ishida family.

Although Yoshida Yohji also wanted to destroy the Ishida family and had such strength, he couldn't do it without a sufficient reason.

The Ishida family also knew this. Although they usually provoke the Yoshida family, they never went out of bounds.

By planting some of the essence of the king worm's eggs to the Ishida family this time, the Ishida family has no reason to explain and will definitely be removed.

It is in the best interest of mankind to do so.And if you want to know where the king's eggs are, only zect can know. zect is a place where the world's top talents gather, and the collection of intelligence is also top-notch.

The news that the king worm eggs were at Yoshida Yohji's place was first known by Norio Mishima, and every zect leader later also knew about them, but they all acquiesced that the king worm eggs were kept by Yoshida Yoshida.

They all knew that it would be fine if the eggs of the king worm did not appear. Once the protozoa appeared, there would definitely be disputes within the protozoan.Neither Mishima Norio, Kazama Masaichi nor Jindaiyama sent out the news.

And this news is also listed as top secret, anyone who wants to know this news must be someone inside zect.

Even the members of the Yoshida family know only three people.One is Yoshida Yohji, and the other two are East Asian locust natives that have successfully molted their skin.Yoshida Yohji killed other clansmen who discovered the eggs of the king bug.

It is impossible to get this information from Yoshida Yohji, the only leak may come from inside zect.

When humans join zect, there are only two people who can plan to read this news, Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Souji.

In 1970, Kusakabe Souichi and Kagamiru were selected into zect for research as gifted teenagers. Because of their similar age, the two became close friends who competed with each other and cherished each other.

But as the assimilation time with humans got longer and longer, a small number of aggressive factions appeared in the protozoa group that dominated zect.

Therefore, Kusakabe Souji and Kaga Miru conspired to protect human beings, and the idea of ​​protecting human beings sprouted in the hearts of the two. They clapped hands and swore that they could sacrifice themselves to protect human beings.

This flawless plan to steal the eggs of the king worm was jointly formulated by Kusakabe Souji and Kaga Miru.

From Li Qinghe's point of view, this plan has been carried out very successfully, and the strife within the protozoa has become more serious, but the forces of the progressive faction have become stronger because of this incident.

The protozoa headed by Yoshida Yohji are the representatives of the progressive faction. They are not satisfied with the status quo and want to eliminate humans after solving the Zerg. .

What Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Souji did seemed perfect, but their experience was not enough after all.Seemingly perfect action, but there is still a flaw left.

That is, they are the only humans who can come into contact with the eggs of the protozoan king, and the only ones who know the news about the eggs of the protozoa are the patriarchs of the protozoa. Even Li Qinghe and Tian Daowei don't know about it.

Chapter 22 Kaga Miru's plan

Moreover, Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Shoji underestimated the cruelty of the protozoa, especially Yoji Yoshida, the patriarch of this year's zect, who is a representative of the protozoa's aggressive faction, and he is very distrustful of humans.

Although both Kaga Milu and Kusakabe Souji are genius-level figures who can promote the development of the knight system, and the two are already starting to develop the knight system.But if these two people were responsible for stealing the protozoan eggs, then both Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Souji would be mimicked.

Although the number of protozoa is not much, the genius of imitating humans is still enough.

That day, Yoshida Yohji blamed the Ishida family as the ones who destroyed the eggs of the protozoan king, and saved his face.But this matter is not over, secretly Yoshida Yohji stepped up his investigation, after many investigations, he really found some clues.

That was during the time when the protozoa eggs were stolen, neither Kaga Miru nor Kusakabe Souji were in zect, and there was evidence of alibi.

Yoshida Yohji already had the idea of ​​killing these two people. Although there is not enough evidence to prove that Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Souji did it, Yoshida Yohji said that as long as there is doubt, he can die.

If Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Souji had experienced more, then these small loopholes could have been avoided.

However, they don't have so much life experience now, and they don't know that they are about to be killed by Yoshida Yohji.

It's just because at present, the protozoa's influence in zect is not strong enough, and it urgently needs the help of human beings to develop the knight system.So let Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Souji live for a few more years.

Li Qinghe sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. Since he couldn't change anything, he could only watch the progress of history.

In 1984, only one year had passed, but this year was enough time for Kaga Milu and Kusakabe Souji to start using the essence of the protozoan king worm eggs.

In this short year, both Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Souji got married and had children.

Kaga Miru married Yoshida Akiko, a female native of the Yoshida family. Yoshida Akiko is Yoshida Yohji's niece. With her as a cover, Kaga Miru's actions became more covert.

Akiko Yoshida and Miru Kaga met at work. Akiko Yoshida fell in love with Miru Kaga at first sight, and Miru Kaga also had a crush on Akiko Yoshida. The two fell in love within a month of knowing each other. marry.

The reason why Kaga Milu was in such a hurry was because he discovered that the essence extracted from the eggs of the protozoan king would decrease with the passage of time.

Kagamilu was counting on the essence of the two protozoan eggs to play a big role.After destroying the eggs, Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Souji each took away the essence of an egg because of the emergency.

When Kaga Miru told the news to Kusakabe Souji, Kusakabe Souji was also anxious, rushed the ducks to the shelves, and found a girl who had a crush on him as his wife.

Moreover, Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Souji held their wedding on the same day, and soon after the marriage, a new life was born.

Yoshida Akiko conceived in October and left Kaga Miru with a boy, and soon Kusakabe Souji's wife Kusakabe Mayumi also gave birth to a boy.

However, Kaga Milu and Kusakabe Souji both implemented their own plans, injecting the essence of the protozoan king insect eggs into the two children, and they were perfectly absorbed by the two babies.

But soon Kaga Milu discovered that his child was too smart and could learn everything quickly, which frightened Kaga Milu.

He also knew from Yoshida Akiko's mouth that children born to ordinary humans and protozoa are not so smart.

In order to prevent others from discovering the abnormality of his child, he persuaded his wife to give birth to a boy again, and named the two children Kaga Meixin, and the second one was named Kaga Meiliang.

In order to curb Kagami's new growth, Kaga Miru lets him play and watch TV every day, and prevents him from learning too early.

However, Yoshida Akiko suffered a sudden dystocia when she gave birth to Kaga Meiliang, and died when Kaga Meiliang was born.

Because of Akiko Yoshida's death, Kaga Miru was trapped in the room alone for three months and stopped the infant Kaga Mishin every day. Kaga Miru couldn't stop crying, not even zect After going, the whole person fell into bald waste.

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