Kusakabe Souji gave birth to a child, but Kusakabe Fuer, from the name, it can be seen that Kusakabe Souji has placed great expectations on this child.

In order to cultivate this child, Kusakabe General Director invited the best tutors and spent a lot of effort to train this child.

This child is the same as Kaga Meiliang at the beginning, with extraordinary talents, learning everything quickly, and quickly absorbing human knowledge.Kusakabe General Director is very satisfied.

Kusakabe Souji also began to conceal the existence of his son Kusakabe Fuhr, trying not to let the protozoa find out that his child was abnormal.

After hearing the news about his companion, Kaga Miru, Kusakabe Souji came to Kaga Miru's home and met him.

At this time, only Kaga Milu and his two sons were left in Kaga Milu's house, and the servants and cooks were all driven away by Kaga Milu.

When Kaga Miru saw Kusakabe General Manager visiting her, she said in a hoarse voice: "Do you think I did the right thing? I have paid so much for this. If it weren't for my persistence, Akiko wouldn't have died in childbirth." .”

If Kaga Miru had a crush on Yoshida Akiko at the beginning, but after getting along for a year, Kaga Miru has fallen deeply in love with this virtuous woman.

Director Kusakabe frowned and said, "Are you really in love with that woman?"

Kaga Miru didn't make a sound, acquiescing to Kusakabe Souji's words.

Kusakabe Souji is an absolutely rational person. He grabbed Kagamiru's shoulder: "For the future of mankind, all sacrifices are worthwhile."

From getting married to having a child, Kusakabe Chief Director clearly knew what he was going to do and why he was doing it.

In order to prevent others from seeing his plan, Kusakabe General Director showed that he has a very close relationship with Kusakabe Mayumi.

If Kaga Miru belongs to the kind of person who acts on emotion, then Kusakabe Souji belongs to the kind of person whose reason suppresses emotion.

It's not that Kusakabe Souji doesn't love his wife or son, but he can give up the love in his heart for something more important.

Because in Kusakabe Souji's heart, the future of all mankind is more important than his own small family.So this time Kusakabe General Director came to comfort Kaga Miru and let him regain his glory.

"Are you going to let Akiko Yoshida die in vain? Don't you know what you did for? Remember when we swore that we could sacrifice everything for this?"

Kusakabe Souji grabbed Kaga Miru's neck and said loudly.

"I see."

Kaga Miru forcibly suppressed the sadness in her heart.

Kusakabe Souji hugged Kaga Milu tightly, he knew that Kaga Milu was in pain.

After Kaga Miru was persuaded by Kusakabe Souji, a pair of good friends continued to start their own plan.

Another two years passed, and it was 1987.

But Kaga Miru is still restraining Kaga Mixin's growth, preventing him from growing rapidly.

The Kusakabe Chief Director concealed his son's talent and did not let others know about it.

However, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. This news was inadvertently exposed by the servant, and it was known by Yoshida Yohji.

"It really is you."

Yoshida Yohji inquired about the two sons of Kusakabe Souji's good friend Kagamiru by the way, and found nothing unusual.

Yoshida Yohji originally thought that Kagamiru's son would also have the talent of Kusakabe Souji's son, but he was disappointed.

Both Kaga Miru and Kaga Meixin are mediocre, just like normal children.

Yoshida Yohji was already prepared for Kaga Miru's participation in that incident.Even if Kaga Milu exposed that he participated in the theft of protozoan king eggs, as the husband of Yoshida Yohji's niece, Yoshida Yohji would not do anything to Kaga Miru.

After all, Kaga Miru belonged to his relatives, and the broken bones were still connected.Even considering his dead niece, Yoshida Yohji would not kill Kaga Miru.And Kagamiru's children are all descendants of Yoshida Yohji.

So there is actually no need for Kaga Milu to worry, but Kaga Milu regarded herself as a human from the beginning, and did not classify herself as a protozoa just because she married Yoshida Akiko.

The perspectives considered by the two parties are different, and the natural results are also different.

Yoshida Yohji thought that Kaga Miru was not involved in that incident, and from the death of Yoshida Akiko, it can be seen that Kaga Miru really liked his niece, so he let Kaga Miru not come to work during that time .

Otherwise, Kusakabe Shoji would not be needed, and the protozoa would force Kaga Miru to work.

Yoshida Yohji felt that he owed Kaga Miru a little, and had always doubted Kaga Miru. When his niece Yoshida Akiko passed away in dystocia, Kaga Miru never thought of marrying another woman.

Yoshida Yohji has already regarded Kaga Miru as his own, since he is his own, he can be promoted.

Yoshida Yohji also called Kagamiru to his side, and told him that he had discovered that his good friend Kusakabe Soji had participated in the operation of stealing the protozoan egg, and had violently destroyed the egg.

Kaga Miru remained calm on the surface, but inwardly she was stirring up waves.

Kaga Miru intentionally showed a skeptical look, "Impossible. I think Kusakabe Shoji is working wholeheartedly for zect."

Yoshida Yohji then handed over all the materials he had compiled about Kusakabe Souji to Kagamiru, and there were many contents written about his son Kusakabe Fuir.

"Only humans who have absorbed the essence of protozoan eggs can be so smart. Even Einstein does not have such learning ability."

In this world, Einstein's theory of relativity shines brightly, and the time weapon is manufactured based on Einstein's theory.

Both humans and protozoa have sincere admiration for Einstein's talent.

Chapter 23, the subordinate of the lower part general division

Looking at the information about Kusakabe Souji, Kaga Miru knew these intermittent clues, and could already conclude that Kusakabe Souji was involved in that operation.

Destroying the eggs of the protozoa king is destroying the friendship between humans and protozoa, and no one can afford such a crime.

From the moment Kusakabe Souji was exposed, Kaga Miru knew that Kusakabe Souji was dead.

Kagamilu tried to ask: "Then you asked me to come?"

"Considering Kusakabe Souji is your good friend, so this operation is up to you to carry out. Don't let me down, the position of Chief of Police is still vacant."

Yoshida Yohji vaguely reminded Kaga Miru.

Kaga Miru nodded, with a happy face, "Although Kusakabe Souji is my friend, but he has made such a big mistake, I can't let him continue to make mistakes.

Is it okay to kill Kusakabe Souji?still……"

Kaga Miru made an expression of cutting grass and roots, showing a look of ready to move.

Yoshida Yohji nodded. "Cut the grass without removing the roots, you should know the truth that spring breeze blows and regenerates."

"Then I'm going to carry out the mission."

Kaga Miru gently closed the door of Yoshida Yohji's office and left.

At noon the next day, Kaga Miru and Kusakabe Souji met at the previously agreed place.

As soon as they met, Kusakabe Souji hadn't said anything yet, so Kaga Miru couldn't hold back and spoke first.

"You have been exposed, Yoshida Yohji is going to attack you, let's go."

When Kusakabe Souji heard Kaga Miru's words, his pupils shrank slightly, his expression was a little unnatural, and he seemed to have lost his composure.No one can know that he is about to die, and he can still make no waves.

But in the end it was Kusakabe General Director, who quickly adjusted his demeanor: "Oh."

When Kaga Miru heard Kusakabe's general oh, she stopped talking, and said anxiously: "You are running away. You can only survive if you run away."

"Flee, zect's influence is all over the world. Besides, I escaped, what should you do? Did Yoshida promise you that if you succeed in killing me, I will give you benefits."

Kusakabe Shoji said calmly.

"That's true. If you kill you, you will give me the position of chief superintendent."

Kaga Miru replied truthfully.

"It seems that my life is quite valuable. It's like we agreed before."

Kusakabe General Director turned and left.

"It's not just you, it's your whole family. Yohji Yoshida wants your whole family to die."

Kaga Miru's words made Kusakabe Souji stop.

"It's really cruel. I can die, and my wife can die, but the child can't die. You can just follow the previous plan. By the way, just give me a reminder on the day they act."

Kusakabe General Director left.

After returning home, Kusakabe Souji kissed his son Kusakabe Fuhr on the forehead.

"Son, Dad is sorry for you. You can't trust Kusakabe in the future."

On this day, Kusakabe received an invitation from Kaga Miru over the phone to go out and play together.

Kusakabe Souji closed his eyes: "Can't wait so soon?"

After finishing speaking, Kusakabe Souji began self-hypnosis to make his memory go wrong. In his memory, Kusakabe Souji took all the responsibility for stealing protozoan eggs.

After self-hypnosis, Kusakabe Souji left with Kusakabe Mayumi.

Kusakabe, who was hypnotized by himself, happily took his wife and set off to the place agreed with Kaga Miru, and by the way, celebrated that his wife was pregnant with a child again.

At this time, Yoshida Yohji was confronting the conservative party of the protozoan faction.

"Yoshida, what do you mean by cutting first and playing later.

Kusakabe Souji is very helpful in promoting our knight system. With him and Kaga Miru, the development of our knight system goes smoothly.

Why did you kill him? "

A representative of the protozoan conservative asked dissatisfied.

"What if I say that this person destroyed the eggs of the protozoan king?"

Yoshida Yohji took out the information he collected about Kusakabe Souji.

"Well, if you put it this way, it is indeed not too much to kill him, but he is still very helpful to the development of our knight system."

Another protozoan representative spoke out.

Yohji Yoshida heard what the conservatives said, and knew that the conservatives had already softened on this matter, and the next step was how to persuade them.

"I sent his best friend Kaga Miru to take charge of this matter. For Kusakabe Souji, the most important thing is that he studies the memory of the knight system, so it is enough to mimic Kusakabe Souji and his wife. What do you think?"

Yoshida Yohji saw that the conservatives had no objection to his arrangement, so he knew they agreed with him.

At this time, Li Qinghe, who was playing chess with Tiandaowei in the Tiandao family, suddenly received a letter.

"For me?"

Li Qinghe received a letter from the guard.

Li Qinghe stopped playing chess, tore open the envelope, and it said "Please come to my house, there will be a reward."

There are only these few words in this letter, Li Qinghe looked at the signature, Kusakabe General Director.

"Mr. Qinghe, what's wrong?"

Tian Daowei saw Li Qinghe pondering over the letter, curious about what was written in the letter and who wrote it.Tian Daowei also put down the chess pieces, walked to Li Qinghe's side and saw the letter.

"This is……"

Li Qinghe didn't stop Tian Daowei from seeing it.

Tian Daowei asked curiously: "Do you know the head of Kusakabe?"

Since the Tiandao family was squeezed out by Yoshida Yohji, Tiandaowei did not know the details about the knight system.

Li Qinghe put the letter on the chessboard, "I do know him, he is one of the main R&D personnel involved in the knight system."

In fact, Li Qinghe is more interested in Kusakabe's other identity, the biological father of the future Tiandao Chief.

Li Qinghe was also thinking about the purpose of the Kusakabe General Manager calling him. "What did he ask me to do at this time?"

Li Qinghe was surprised that he had not met Kusakabe General Director, how Kusakabe General Director found him, and why he found himself was a mystery in his heart.

All I have to do is to go to Kusakabe Chief Secretary's house, maybe I can get the answer, and I can leave as soon as I say.

Li Qinghe asked Tian Daowei:

"Are you interested in visiting with me?"

Tian Daowei agreed without hesitation, "Then let's go and see together. I also want to see how good the person you admire who develops the knight system is."

Li Qinghe turned into Kamen Rider Delta, using super speed, and Tiandao Yui used the ability of clocku to come to Kusakabe Zouji's home.

Entering the home, Li Qinghe found a three-year-old child watching a cooking video on TV.

"You are the guests that my father said. This is what my father asked me to hand over to you."

The three-year-old Kusakabe Fuer showed a calmness that was not in line with children of the same age, and gave Li Qinghe the file folder that the Kusakabe General Manager gave him.

Li Qinghe quickly opened the folder, and the first sentence on it was, "Please help me take care of my young son, this is some information about my revenge Kamen Rider system, I believe it is worth the price."

Li Qinghe looked at the signature, the landing page was the Kusakabe Headquarters.

Li Qinghe roughly flipped through it, and there were indeed some information about the knight system.

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