This meteorite is very special, it is very dark, it seems to be one with the dark universe, but it is very fast.

No country on the earth has found this meteorite, and all parts of the world are singing and dancing.

Because since the zect election when the Zerg raided Goddai Mountain, the Zerg rarely appeared.And human beings are under great suppression considering the conservatives of the protozoa.

In order to maintain the balance between the progressives and conservatives of the protozoa, human beings increased their support for the conservatives of the protozoa.With the conservatives supported by humans, they can gradually compete with the progressives.

In recent years, Yohji Yoshida has had a hard time, with gray hair all over his head.Especially after his connection with Zerg and eradicating dissidents was exposed, although this matter was suppressed, it was said to be a rumor.

But whether it is a rumor or not, the beholder sees benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

Because of this incident, not only other protozoan families, but even human beings are already very dissatisfied with Yoshida Yohji. This year is Yoshida Yohji's last year in power.

At this moment, Yoshida Yohji frowned, because another asset belonging to the progressives was given to the conservatives.

"Damn it, those conservatives actually join forces with human beings to deal with their own people."

Yoshida Yohji cursed those protozoans who took refuge in humans, but he didn't think he was such a person, and secretly contacted Gaguma to eradicate the disobedient conservatives.

Yoshida Yohji borrowed the hands of the zerg to allow his government orders to be implemented without hindrance, while Jaguma consolidated his position by continuously eradicating the protozoa family, and was rewarded by the zerg above, achieving a win-win situation.

During Yohji Yoshida's period, the knight system developed has become mature, and several systems have been completed. The first two knight systems based on Yohji Yoshida's two molting protozoa East Asian locust natives were completed.

Kamen Rider kickhoer is one of the prototypes of the Kamen Rider system, without the mask form.

The power of riderjurkick.

The following is the Kamen Rider kickhoer data.

Height: 192c

Kick force: 65t

Speed: 100

Nirvana: riderju)

Weapon: none

Kamen Rider unchhoer is one of the prototypes of the Kamen Rider system, and there is no mask form.

The following is the data of Kamen Rider unchhoer.

Height: 192c

Kick force: 65t

Speed: 100

Nirvana: riderju)

Weapon: none

These are the first two sets of knight systems produced, and Yohji Yoshida feels that he is most proud of his achievements during his tenure.

These two knight systems can be used by both protozoa and humans.The information of these two knight systems was firmly blocked by Yoshida Yohji.

Yoshida Yohji didn't know that outside the universe, a meteorite containing millions of Zergs was heading towards the earth, and the place where it was heading was Shibuya, his knight system research base.

And the only one who knows all this is Jagumar, the leader of the Zergs who arranged for the Zergs on the earth a few years ago.

After Jaguma learned the news, he publicized it among the Zerg, with the purpose of spreading the news.Because Jaguma didn't want the Zerg army to arrive so soon.

If the zerg army hadn't arrived on Earth so quickly, she would still be the ruler of the zerg on Earth.

So Jaguma spread the news on purpose to prepare humans and protozoa.

But her publicity was not taken seriously by Yoshida Yohji, the leader of zect.

On the contrary, Yoshida Yohji believed that it was rumors of Zerg Gubu that strengthened the military defense of Shibuya.

As the Zerg arranged for Jaguma to lead the Zerg on the earth, what she didn't know was that there was also a Zerg beside her who had the same mission as her back then—supervising Jaguma's behavior.

This Zerg is very loyal to the Zerg, so although he has shed his skin and is very strong, he pretends to be a Zerg that has not shed his skin.Even more hidden than the original Jaguma.

But this zerg, in the process of supervising Jaguma, actually fell in love with Jaguma.He is not stupid, and knows the reason why Jaguma deliberately propagated it.

Although it was not Jaguma who personally publicized the news that the Zerg army would reach the earth through the meteorite, but it was able to spread among the Zerg, which shows that this matter was agreed by Jaguma.

Otherwise why, Jaguma didn't block the news.So much so that this news spread out, letting both humans and protozoa know.

The zerg responsible for supervising Jaguma is called Jagua, whose name is only one letter different from Jaguma. This is his new name to remember Jaguma.

In the face of betraying the Zerg race and betraying the Zerg he likes, Jiagua still chose the former.

So Jagua passed on what Jaguma did to the Zerg in the meteorite that was about to go to Earth.

"How dare you betray us."

Jagua could hear the deep anger in the tone of the zerg in the meteorite.

Unbeknownst to Jaguma, someone had reported her actions to the Zerg upper echelons.

Soon Jaguma received a new task, to cooperate with the Zerg in the small meteorite that fell first, and center on Shibuya to wipe out the protozoa that came to help.

Jaguma has been on the earth for so many years, so she naturally knows that the protozoa on the earth are very powerful, and even the zerg she added to aid can at most compete with the protozoa on the earth.

Jaguma wasn't stupid, so he naturally knew that this was the mission of the Zerg above to send him to his death.

"It started so soon, just like what humans call a cunning rabbit. But the protozoa hasn't been wiped out yet, so you want to kill me so soon?"

Those Zergs still in the universe, after learning of Jaguma's idea of ​​wanting to stand on their own, came up with a countermeasure, which could not only eliminate the protozoa on the earth, but also let Jaguma "sacrifice" by the way.

Zergs in the universe have been wandering the universe for a long time. They have never seen a smart planet, and it is a planet suitable for Zergs to live.

Therefore, all the zerg in the universe gathered and entered the earth through meteorites.

But the number of Zergs in the universe is too much, and it cannot be carried by a meteorite.So a large number of Zergs began to kill each other.Until recently, the numbers have only just matched what meteorites can carry.

Some people will say, why not make the meteorite bigger, isn't that enough?

Meteorites are equivalent to spaceships. The materials of meteorites that can carry Zergs to fly are very complicated, and it is difficult to find them in the universe.

Even if it is found, it will take a long time to fill it into the meteorite.

Instead of searching for no purpose, it is better to reduce the number of zerg and pick out the elite of the elite.

Different civilizations have different products.The power that is more admired in the Zerg has led to their ability to survive and fight in the universe, but they do not want to navigate the universe by making battleships and the like.

This time, I accidentally found a new place suitable for Zerg to live.Such a barren starry sky will naturally be abandoned, and they will also arrive on the earth to live like protozoa.

So after they rectified their personnel, they all headed towards the earth.Originally, they wanted Jaguma, the leader of the Zerg on Earth, as a guide, but Gaguma had the idea of ​​self-reliance, which undoubtedly was very dangerous to the Zerg who was about to come to Earth.

This time it was a racial relocation. If an accident happened, it would be an extermination.They couldn't help being careless, no matter what race they were, the rulers above the pyramids were always afraid of death.

No one is not afraid of death, but those rulers are more afraid of death than ordinary people.Because they can't let go, can't let go of their power, and want to continue to enjoy it.

The same is true for the Zerg. The ruler of the Zerg didn't think of killing Jaguma immediately at the beginning, but after using her and thoroughly understanding the earth, he would get rid of her.

Then kill all the zerg that had inhabited the earth before the beginning, but Jaguma's behavior worried the zerg ruler.

The Zerg ruler planned to separate a small meteorite from the original meteorite and smash it into Shibuya, an island nation.

In the beginning, the small meteorite hit Shibuya, killing a group of guards who were guarding there.

Then Jaguma and the Zerg on the small meteorite jointly attacked and attracted the molted protozoa on the earth together. When they were almost done fighting, the real meteorite fell to Shibuya again, killing all the personnel fighting there.

Even if there are surviving protozoa, it will not help.The millions of zerg carried by this meteorite are irresistible to the protozoa on the earth.

But does the plan really work as the ruler of the zerg has in mind? ?

Jaguma wasn't stupid, but she couldn't disobey the Zerg ruler's orders openly, so she could only wait for orders first, and then figure out a solution.

It is worth mentioning that the home of Kusakabe Souji is also in Shibuya.

Chapter 26 Shibuya Battle II

Although Li Qinghe was not in Shibuya, even the blind could see the meteorite falling down in the sky.Even a blind person should know that something big has happened when he heard such a loud noise.

This small meteorite, after passing through the friction of the atmosphere, only burned a very small part of the surface layer, and accurately hit the island country Shibuya.

The meteorite smashed into the ground and sank in. As for the life that was hit directly below the small meteorite, even the scum could not be found.

At the same time, the research base in Shibuya issued a beeping warning sound.

"Is it true what the zerg said?"

Yohji Yoshida didn't take it seriously after knowing the news from Kakuma.Now I know that this is not lying to myself but the truth.

Thinking of this, Yoshida Yohji immediately ordered his knight system research base there to be transferred.At the same time, let their family's two East Asian locust natives rush there at high speed.

However, the place where this small meteorite fell did not hit the Knight System Research Base.

But the zerg inside crawled out from the meteorite, and the green chrysalis attacked the vicinity of Shibuya with its fangs and claws.

The research and development base of the zect knight system is indeed Shibuya, but no one except zect's top management knows exactly where it is.Even the researchers inside did not know that they were located in Shibuya.

So Jaguma only got vague information that the research base was in Shibuya, but he really didn't know the exact location.

Therefore, small meteorites can only be dropped randomly, so the chances of hitting the research base are pitifully small.Obviously the meteorite missed this time.

As the top priority of zect, the Shibuya research base is defensively leveraged.

From being hit by a meteorite to being attacked by Zerg, it took only two to three minutes.

The zect knight system research base is on alert.

Groups of scientific researchers were transferred quickly without any delay.Since the zect headquarters was attacked once and suffered heavy losses, many drills have been done to deal with the occurrence of such situations and reduce losses in the event that zect may be attacked.

Alien species from the universe are swimming around.Cruelly killing all life that can be seen nearby.Both humans and protozoa were killed by Zerg.

The zerg from the universe started out as larvae.Because the pupal state of larvae can reduce energy consumption.During the period from the universe to the earth, the Zerg will fall into a deep sleep to reduce energy consumption. After all, energy cannot be replenished during the flight.

But don't think that there is no way for the zerg to transform when they reach the earth.

Zerg can survive in the universe, it must have its merits.The Zerg had already considered this situation before they came to Earth.

Compared with the zerg, the protozoa that have lived on the earth for thousands of years have lost the ability to space.It cannot enter the universe and space to survive like the protozoa.

Because the protozoa have lived on the earth for thousands of years, they have been able to perfectly resemble the people on earth, so in terms of combat effectiveness, they have an advantage over the newcomers of the zerg.

Of course, there are many factors that have a higher combat effectiveness of ecdysis than that of ecdysis.

If we simply divide the strength of the molting protozoa, we can divide them into three grades: high, medium and low.

The strength of the low-level ecdysis can compete with the medium-to-high Zerg.A medium-strength molting can hold up against a high-strength zerg.

The Zerg that came to the earth, in addition to the moulting Zerg, also had pupal larvae.And part of the energy of the larvae will be used to supplement the energy consumed by the molting zerg during sleep.

The energy supplemented by the Zerg Larva can greatly reduce the self-consumption of the Moulting Zerg.

But even a Zerg that has shed its skin needs a certain amount of time to adapt to the earth's environment before it can successfully shed its skin.This is good news for protozoa and human beings on the earth.

Therefore, it will take some time for the currently active Zerg to molt, and this period of time is the time for the support of the major protozoa families.

The first Zerg to arrive here was naturally the Earth Zerg Gaguma, who had already been on standby.

Jaguma had already ambushed near Shibuya, she didn't plan to go out, she wanted to see the zerg and protozoa coming out of the small meteorite to fight.

However, those zergs that fell to Shibuya in advance cannot shed their skins because they have to adapt to the earth's environment.

And during this period of time, the protozoa that arrived here first, the two molting East Asian locust natives sent by Yoshida Yoshida, came here first.


Those Zergs were helpless against the molting East Asian locusts, in order to delay the Zergs that descended on the earth.

Jaguma brought his men to stop the massacre of the East Asian locust natives.

Jaguma brought all his subordinates this time, and naturally Jagua was among them.


Jaguma folded his hands, did not make a move, and watched quietly.

Jaguma brought a total of eight molting worms, which are all the forces she has managed over the years.

The presence of these molts eased the pressure on the first zerg to arrive on Earth via small meteorites.

Although there are still zect soldiers attacking the Zerg with a machine gun sword that has not yet fully matured.However, the damage caused by hitting the Zerg was not high, and only a few Zerg larvae could not bear the damage and exploded.

Of the eight molting insects brought by Jaguma, only four insects were dispatched to block the East Asian locust natives sent by the Yoshida family.

These four zerg are Narrow-spotted Emerald Swallowtail.

The narrow-spotted Swallowtail has the same characteristics as the narrow-spotted Swallowtail on Earth.

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