The wingspan of the narrow-spotted Papilio is about 10-12. The female butterfly is slightly larger than the male butterfly, and there is no obvious difference in gender characteristics.The antennae, head and thorax are black, as is the belly.

Narrow-spotted Swallowtail likes to suck nectar, and likes to glide and fly slowly.

Similarly, the action of the narrow-spotted emerald butterfly is slower than that of other zerg.

The Bicui Swallowtail has exactly the same characteristics as the Bicui Swallowtail.

Bicui swallowtail butterfly, adult form: wingspan 90-135.The body and wings are black, covered with emerald green scales, which are more concentrated between the veins, showing emerald green bands.The Washu Swallowtail has exactly the same characteristics as the Wattage Swallowtail on Earth.

The back of the body is black, with red hairs on both sides and ventral surface.The front of the wing of the male butterfly is shiny black with a texture of velvet, and the lower half of the hind wing has a large eosinous spot on the back.The female butterfly is slightly larger than the male butterfly, the front of the wing is black with some brown, and the lower half of the hind wing is lighter red.The forewings of male butterflies are rounded and blunt, and the hind wings are long and narrow.

Similarly, Washu Swallowtail and Watts Swallowtail have similar characteristics, so I won’t introduce them here.

These four swallowtail butterflies fought against the two East Asian locust natives in pairs, but the situation was indeed that the two East Asian locust natives were pressing down on the four Zerg insects.

But the remaining molting insects did not support them either.

It has to be said that because of the appearance of the zerg, the protozoan side has pressure, and its strength has grown rapidly.

As time passed bit by bit, soon those zerg that arrived on Earth earlier could molt their skins.

The first to molt is a Paradise Swallowtail, which has the same characteristics as the Paradise Swallowtail on Earth.

Li Qinghe just didn't expect that this was the Shibuya incident that appeared in the plot.

This also made Li Qinghe understand why in the original play, after the incident happened, no protozoa molted on the protozoan side.

Paradise Swallowtail - Alias: Glazed Swallowtail, Hero Swallowtail.

Paradise Swallowtail is the most beautiful butterfly in Australia and also the national butterfly. Its pure blue and black color and elegant shape are captivating. It is a beautiful butterfly for collection and appreciation.Because of their graceful and huge wings, and their whole body shining pure blue luster on the black velvet background, they are considered by the local aborigines to be messengers from heaven.

The Paradise Swallowtail, which is also molting, has a very graceful shape.As the first to shed her skin among this batch of Zerg, she is naturally the strongest among them.

Originally, among the Zerg bugs that came down this time, there were twelve Zerg bugs that could molt their skins, but due to the massacre of two East Asian locust natives at the beginning, nine Zerg bugs that could molt their skins were killed. Even with her, only There are three.

Angry, she started the clocku, and slaughtered those soldiers wearing white ant soldier clothes with machine guns and swords.


Yoshida Yohji, who came here to command, shouted angrily.

"It seems that you are the leader of this group of people. Killing you will make them give up resistance."

Paradise Swallowtail also knows the principle of catching the thief first, but she doesn't understand the complicated situation of protozoa on the earth.

"Be careful."

Those two East Asian locust natives were going to protect Yoshida Yohji immediately.

But he was delayed by the four zerg around him.

"Go away."

The two East Asian locust natives saw the heavenly swallowtail rushing towards Yoshida Yohji, and used their secret weapon - transformation.That is, kicking locusts and boxing locusts.


The two East Asian locust natives said in unison.

Kamen Rider kickhoer, Kamen Rider unchhoer.

"rider kick."


This is the first time zect's knight system came out, and they directly used unique moves to blow up a Zerg that was delaying themselves.

Immediately after the two used it, riderju restrained it.

"Put down your weapons, or I'll kill him."

Everyone in zect saw that Yoshida Yohji was controlled by the heavenly swallowtail, and they all stopped and attacked.But the zerg wouldn't stop attacking.

Many soldiers were killed by the Zerg in this short period of time.

Even Kamen Rider Kickhoer and Kamen Rider Unchhoer, who were transformed from the two East Asian locust natives, stopped attacking.

Norio Mishima also used the ability of clocku, and soon came here, and found that the Zect soldiers had no fighting spirit and were being slaughtered.Look at Yoshida Yohji again, and you will understand immediately.

"Yoshida-kun, do you have the heart to watch the protozoa being wiped out like this?".

The hornet native transformed by Norio Mishima said to Yoshida Yohji.

Yoshida Yohji watched his soldiers being slaughtered, and these were all his painstaking efforts.Once zect, the vanguard organization against the zerg, is destroyed, then both humans and protozoa on the earth will be wiped out by the zerg without any power to fight back.

Chapter 27 Shibuya Battle III

"My family depends on you."

Yoshida Yohji looked at Norio Mishima and said.

Norio Mishima nodded, Yoshida Yohji had fulfilled his wish, and turned around to hug the astonished Paradise Swallowtail.

With a bang, it exploded.Yoshida Yohji and Paradise Butterfly died together.


Norio Mishima shook his head, because if Yoshida Yohji gave him more time, Norio Mishima would become a new ecdysis.

Yoshida Yohji, as the leader of zect, was tempted by power, so he went further and further on the road of self-knowledge.

After his life was threatened just now, Yoshida Yohji saw his true self clearly, and coupled with his usual accumulation, he could shed his skin after a little more time.

Ordinary protozoa, even if they self-detonate, cannot hurt the skinned zerg, because the zerg can use the ability of clku during the explosion to escape the explosion range.

But Yohji Yoshida is different. As the leader of zect, he is ready to be captured in order not to leak the secret.The bombs in the body are the same as ordinary bombs.

This kind of bomb only exists on the top leader of zect. Once it explodes, it will slow down the flow of time particles around it, making the Zerg unable to use the ability of clku.

This ability is still learned from the Zerg's use of energy barriers to besiege and kill the three Jins of Heaven.However, the cost of this kind of bomb is extremely high, and the success rate is very low, otherwise it would have been used on a large scale.

I have to say that neither Yoshida Yohji nor Paradise Swallowtail are out of luck.

Yoshida Yohji has gone through such a crisis, and he will be able to shed his skin after a while.Yoshida Yohji also knew this, so Yoshida Yohji was suddenly afraid of death.

And Norio Mishima also knows Yoshida Yohji, once sheds his skin, it means Yoshida Yohji will become the next Tiandao family.One existence like the Tiandao family is enough.

Once Norio Mishima sheds his skin, according to Yohji Yoshida's thinking, he will definitely hold on to zect firmly and not let go.

So Mishima Norio gave up trying to save Yoshida Yohji.

The death of the Paradise Swallowtail was exchanged for a protozoa that was about to molt, which was very cost-effective.

The death of Yoshida Yohji liberated the soldiers of zect who were restrained, and because of Yoshida Yohji's death aroused their fighting spirit, they fought bravely to kill the enemy.

This is something that the Zerg side didn't think of, they only thought of making zect succumb to the Zerg by holding the supreme leader of zect hostage.But he didn't expect Yoshida Yohji to blew himself up and took away a very powerful heavenly swallowtail.

Kamen Rider Kickhoer, Kamen Rider unchhoer, who was transformed by two East Asian locust natives using fist and kick locusts, was also angry.

Facing these two angry knights, there were only two Zergs that Jaguma had used to delay them at first.

Naturally, they couldn't survive. With two bangs, the four zerg that Jaguma used to delay time were all wiped out by the angry knight.

During this process, Jaguma did not send reinforcements again.

Jagumar frowned, "Why are there so few Zergs that descended on Earth? Could it be that there was only one? Do you really want me to die that much?"

Just as Jagumar was thinking this, two more zerg molted, and these were the only two zerg left from the first batch sent to Earth.

These two zerg moult separately into Morpho, which has the same characteristics as Morpho on Earth.

The Morpho butterfly is a large and showy butterfly with a black base and broad, iridescent blue bands on its wings.The forewings are black with a chain of small white spots on the margin, and a very brilliant broad banded blue area on the wings.The underside is dark brown and marbled, with 3 very large eye lines.The hindwings are bright blue with large metallic blue areas, the underside is dark brown and marbled, and there are 4 very large eye lines on the wings.Body dark brown.Gender Differences: Females are dark brown with chains of yellow spots around the periphery and a very broad yellow area in the center.Females do not have brilliant cyan scales, but are larger than males.

The Morpho butterfly has the same characteristics as the Morpho butterfly on Earth.

The Morpho butterfly has a light color and a wingspan of 180 mm. The male butterfly has a shiny green-white luster.The antennae are slender, about one-third of the length of the front silvery white flash wing.The abdomen is short, the eyes are hairless, the tarsus of the male forefoot is hairy, and the middle chamber of the hind wing is open.The reason why the morpho butterfly shines is that the wings of the butterfly are densely covered with scales containing a variety of pigment particles. The denser the fine color ridges on the scales, the stronger the flash produced.The scales of the Morpho butterfly are more complicated in structure. When the light hits the wings, physical phenomena such as refraction, reflection and diffraction will occur, and brilliant colors will be produced under the action of optics.

These two zerg attacked Kamen Rider Kickhoer and Kamen Rider Unchhoer at the same time.

These two Zergs are also very powerful. Although they are slightly lower than the Heavenly Swallowtail at the beginning, they are considered above-average strength among the Zergs.

But Kamen Rider kickhoer and Kamen Rider unchhoer are stronger.You must know that the boxing locust kicking locust is based on these two East Asian locust natives as prototypes.

They are also the most suitable for using these two knight systems.

Therefore, the East Asian locust native who transformed into Kamen Rider kickhoer and Kamen Rider unchhoer must be much stronger than usual.

Kamen Rider Kickhoer and Kamen Rider Unchhoer are right in the face of those two Zergs.

Kamen Rider Kickhoer kicked away the Zerg in front of him, while Kamen Rider Unchhoer behind him punched the Zerg flying in front of him.

Just as the two of them were about to use their special moves to end the lives of the two zergs, the Jagua who had been hiding well all the time did it.

It wasn't that he wanted to do it, but the ruler of the Zerg in the large meteorite above asked him to do it.

As a molting worm, Jiagua directly used Clocku's ability to successfully attack Kamen Rider Kickhoer and Kamen Rider Unchhoer.

However, Kagua hadn't been complacent for long, and the Kamen Rider he attacked also entered super speed.

Kamen Rider Kickhoer saw a claw towards him.Instantly grabbed the paw, pulled it towards him, and kicked Kagua quickly with his left foot.

Jiagua was kicked dozens of times in a very short time, and the last kick directly landed in front of Jiaguma.

At this time, everyone saw Jiagua's appearance clearly. It was a black swallowtail with exactly the same characteristics as the black swallowtail on earth.

Wing width 80-90.The main feature is that the surface of the wings is almost completely black.The difference between male and female is that the front edge of the lower wing of the male butterfly has white stripes and horizontal spots; the female butterfly has none, and the wing color is lighter.The ventral part of the lower wing of the male butterfly has orange-red crescent-shaped markings, and the markings of the female butterfly are more developed than that of the male butterfly.

"Who are you? It's not Jiagua. Why didn't you obey my order?"

Jiaguma looked indifferently at Jiagua in front of him.


Before Jiagua finished speaking, he was kicked away by Jaguma.

"Who allows you to call me by my first name?"

Jaguma hated the kind of people who eat inside and outside.And Jiagua looked at Jaguma with that loving gaze, which reminded her of Lan Tianye who died at Jaguma's hands.


Jiaguma didn't want to see Jiagua's disgusting gaze anymore, so she turned into a rose crystal butterfly and pierced Jiagua's head with one claw.

With a sound of "chi", green blood flowed out of Jiagua's head continuously.

And Norio Mishima did not act without authorization after transforming into a hornet native. He found that Gaguma on the opposite side actually didn't want to make a move, otherwise there would be four zerg beside her, enough to wipe out Yoshida at the beginning The two East Asian locusts of the Yohji family are native.

Even if they turned into Kamen Rider kickhoer, Kamen Rider unchhoer would not be able to defeat the eight Moulting Zerg.

Jaguma didn't want to make a move now, she wanted to see how many of the first batch of molting zerg arrived on Earth through small meteorites.

It turned out that she only saw three molting zerg.

"Do you want me to die just like that?"

Jaguma said in a low voice with some unwillingness.

Originally, Jaguma thought that there should be ten of the first batch of molting insects to arrive on Earth.

That way, along with the zerg she brought with her, could deal with Earth's protozoa with less disastrous results.

But she only saw three, which made her very unhappy with the zerg ruler.

In fact, ten of the first batch of Zergs that landed on the earth did molt, but among the Zergs slaughtered by the two East Asian locust natives of the Yoshida family who had molted their skins, seven were killed.

You must know that there were five or six thousand of the first batch to reach the earth.And those who were killed by those two East Asian locust natives just killed four or five hundred locusts before they were stopped by the four Zergs sent by Gaguma.

The remaining three were just one step away from being killed, so I have to say that their luck was really bad.Finding these ten molting zergs among [-] zergs is a [-]% chance.

However, this seems to be their bad luck, and secretly there is the help of the will of this world planet.Subtly, let the two East Asian locust natives attack the location where the ten molting zergs were.

As a result, there were only three molting insects left, and the first one that came out, the most powerful heaven swallowtail insect, died together with Yoshida Yohji.

At present, only the Phantasmal Butterfly is left.These two Zerg are currently struggling under the hands of Kamen Rider Kickhoer and Kamen Rider Unchhoer.

Masaichi Kazama transformed into a dragonfly native in colorful clothes, and the scorpion native transformed into a sage by Jindaiyama also came here, walking up to Norio Mishima.

"I don't want to fight pointlessly with you. It's them you have to deal with."

Jaguma pointed to the large meteorite that had not yet fallen down.

After such a long time, Shibuya's core data has been transferred in sevens and eighties.The forces belonging to zect continuously gathered near Shibuya, bit by bit nibbling away at the beaten and retreating zerg larvae.

The whole battle format is very good. .

"I think you are the same as them, and the zerg should be damned, damn it."

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