Kamen Rider Kickhoer said angrily after finishing off Morpho.

Chapter 28 Shibuya Battle Four

And it will take a while for Dream Morpho to be solved.

Shendaishan persuaded: "Don't be impulsive. Cough cough."

The injury that Jindaishan suffered at the beginning, because he was busy with the work of zect, delayed the best time to treat the injury, so the root cause of the disease remained, and it has not healed.

"What kind of impulsiveness, isn't it because the patriarch died because he didn't come here in time? Don't think that I don't know what you think, you don't want our patriarch Yoshida Yohji to continue to have the leadership of zect, right?"

Kamen Rider Kickhoer looked at Masaichi Kazama and the others with hatred.

"Don't talk too much, just kill."

At this moment, Kamen Rider unchhoer also solved the Phantasmal Butterfly.

After speaking, Kamen Rider Kickhoer and Kamen Rider Unchhoer rushed towards Gaguma.

"Looking for death! I just don't want to fight, not because I'm afraid of you. Come on."

Jaguma thought she had been backing down, but she didn't expect the protozoan to be aggressive.

Following Gaguma's order, the four Moulting Worms beside Jaguma also joined the battle.

The four molting zergs are the Dawn Morpho and the Joy Goddess Morpho.

The Dawn Morpho has the same characteristics as the Dawn Morpho on Earth.

Morpho butterfly is a light blue butterfly with a wingspan of 90-110 cm.The forefeet are rather degenerate, short and clawless.There are 5 veins on the forewing, often with a common stalk.Eggs are in various shapes, such as hemispherical, steamed bun, melon or bowl.There are often protrusions on the head of the larvae, branch spines on the body segments, and hooks 1 to 3 in the abdomen and toes.

The complex structures on the wings of the morpho butterfly produce a rainbow of brilliant colors under the action of optics.When a group of morpho butterflies are flying in the rainforest, they shine with blue, green and purple metallic luster.The underside of the wing has rows of eye-stripes.

The morpho has exactly the same characteristics as the morpho on Earth.

The color of the morpho butterfly is light and elegant, and the male butterfly has a shiny water-white luster, and the front of the wing has a black wing edge.The antennae are slender, about one-third the length of the forewings.

The scales of the morpho butterfly are more complex in structure. When the light hits the wings, physical phenomena such as refraction, reflection and diffraction will occur, and brilliant colors will be produced under the action of optics.

The aurora has the exact same characteristics as the aurora on Earth.

Morpho butterfly has bright colors and complex patterns.The forefeet are rather degenerate, short and clawless.The complex structures on the wings of the morpho butterfly produce a rainbow of brilliant colors under the action of optics.When a group of morpho butterflies are flying in the rainforest, they shine with blue, green and purple metallic luster.The underside of the wing has rows of eyespots.

Li Qinghe, who was supposed to come here earlier, just stood there blankly.

"Qinghe, Qinghe, what's wrong with you?"

Tian Daowei asked worriedly when he saw Li Qinghe who said he was ready to leave but did not move.

"I, I'm fine."

Li Qinghe tried his best to conceal the joy in his heart.

Tian Daowei could feel that Li Qinghe's expression was different, completely different from usual.

When the goddess of joy Morpho stopped.

"You don't make a move yet, wait until you make a move."

The goddess of joy, Morpho, was specially arranged by Jaguma to stay to deal with the Tiandao family.

Because of the five Zergs including Jaguma, she was able to deal with Norio Mishima and the others by herself.

Gaguma and the others concentrated on Kamen Rider Kickhoer and Kamen Rider Unchhoer first.Because they have been fighting continuously, they have consumed too much physical strength and energy.

Compared with Mishima Norio and others who did not make a move, these two Kamen Riders have already consumed a lot of strength.

And because the actions of these two Kamen Riders were decided by them privately, and Jaguma was not one-on-one or two-on-one like before.

Norio Mishima and the others did not think of this either.

As a result, the four Zergs who shot out used Clocku's ability to attack Kamen Rider Kickhoer with all their strength.

Dawn Morpho made the first move, and the frontal attack was blocked by Kamen Rider Kickhoer.

Morpho, who was in charge of attacking from behind, hugged Kamen Rider kickhoer at once, and Morpho Aurora leaped together, concentrating energy on his legs and kicking Kamen Rider kickhoer.

"Boom" sound.

Kamen Rider kickhoer, not attacked.Because Kamen Rider unchhoer appeared in front of him and stood in front of him.

"Brother, live on."

Kamen Rider unchhoer has one leg inserted into the body of Morpho Aurora.

After speaking, the Kamen Rider Kicking System on his body retreated from him, and he also fell heavily to the ground.

"elder brother."

Kamen Rider Kickunch broke out in anger, and threw the morpho that was holding him behind his back and flew in front of him. He had full time to use the riderkick to severely damage or even kill the morpho.

But he didn't do this, but hugged the transformed Kamen Rider unchunch who fell to the ground tightly.

"Brother, brother. Open your eyes and look at me."

Kamen Rider Kickunch hugged his brother on the ground, shaking vigorously.

But he, who was in grief, didn't notice that when the Water Butterfly behind him was about to kick his head off, he was blocked by the hornet native transformed by Norio Mishima.

Seeing that Norio Mishima and the others made a move, Jaguma just sighed, but the plan had been achieved.After killing one Kamen Rider, the remaining one also fell into grief and lost his fighting spirit.

The death of the fist locust completely ignited the battle between Gaguma and the major families that joined Zect.

The Water Butterflies unite to deal with the Emperor Scorpion native transformed by Kamoshiroyama and the Saisao Dragonfly native transformed by Masaichi Kazama.

And the Rose Crystal Butterfly deals with the Hornet Native transformed by Norio Mishima.

Because of the hidden injuries in his body, Jindaishan's strength is not as good as before, and his ability to display is not strong.

The news was picked up by the Zerg side.Moreover, among the four Zergs that Jaguma left behind, one was stronger than the other, and one of them was even stronger than Jaguma.

Originally, Jaguma didn't want to fight Zect to the death.The reason why they came here was just to see how powerful the zerg from the universe would send to attack the earth.

But the two East Asian locust natives of the Yoshida Yohji family lost their minds because of Yoshida Yohji's death, which caused a big battle between the two sides.

Jindaishan dealt with Mizuchocho by himself, and Jindaiyama was very fast. When he saw that Mizuchocho hadn't turned on the clocku, he didn't turn it on either.Because opening that ability consumes a lot of energy and stamina.

The scorpion tail of Jindaishan's sneak attack was caught by Mizunobutterfly.

"Haha, I caught your tail."

Water Butterfly said proudly.

"Oh, why do I feel like I caught you."

When Mizunobute heard what Jindaishan said, he instinctively felt that something was wrong, and he was about to throw Jindaishan's tail.

But Jindaishan's tail was suddenly extended and tied to the body of the water butterfly.

The body of Water Butterfly started from the place where it was stung by the scorpion tail, and the paralysis quickly spread to the whole body.

"you you……"

The Water Butterfly could only watch as Jindaishan punched its head.

"How dare you do this?"

Jaguma saw the death of Water Butterfly, it was all her power, if she died, she would be the only one left.Jaguma couldn't bear it any longer.

"Go ahead, I originally wanted you to deal with Tiandao Shuzi."

Jaguma said to the goddess of joy, Mormodie, who had not done anything.


The goddess of joy, Morpheus, rubbed his shoulders: "My life is only for glory once. But that's enough."

Morpho, the goddess of joy, has exactly the same characteristics as Morpho, the goddess of joy on Earth.

The Morpho butterfly, the goddess of joy, has a wingspan of 150 mm, bright colors and complex patterns.The forefeet are rather degenerate, short and clawless.There are 5 veins on the forewing, often with a common stalk.Eggs are in various shapes, such as hemispherical, steamed bun, melon or bowl.There are often protrusions on the head of the larvae, branch spines on the body segments, and hooks 1 to 3 in the abdomen and toes.The pupa is a drooping pupa.

In front of Kamidaiyama, the goddess of joy, Morpho.

"Damn you."

The goddess of joy, Morpho Butterfly, just said these few words.


Jindaishan looked at the Zerg in front of him that brought him heavy pressure.

Jindaishan immediately used the ability of clku, but the zerg in front of him didn't move, until the first wave of probing attacks from Jindaishan was about to hit him.

But was caught by the goddess of joy Morpho Butterfly.

Jindaishan could only throw another punch, and Morpho, the goddess of joy who still hadn't turned on the clocku, was deflated, and the other fist was also grabbed by the Zerg.

"how is this possible?"

Before he had time to think about it, Jindaishan clearly felt that he was being thrown away a little bit in the clku state, and was slowly pulled out in that clku state.

With a "snap", Jindaishan was thrown to the ground by the goddess of joy Morpho, and Jindaishan was "dragged" out of his clku state.

Jindaishan climbed up in disbelief, feeling more and more terrifying of the goddess of joy Morpho.

"Let me deal with you."

The goddess of joy, Morpho, walks towards Mount Jindai step by step.

Jindaishan didn't dare to make the first move, so as not to be caught again by the goddess of joy, Morpho.

But if he doesn't make a move, it doesn't mean that the goddess of joy, Morpheus, doesn't make a move.Because the strength of the Goddess of Joy is time-limited, his strength is the only explosion accumulated in his life.

The goddess of joy, Morpho, raised her middle finger to despise Jindaishan, "I don't even need clku to deal with you."

After the goddess of joy, Morpho, came to the back of Shendaishi as if she had teleported, and patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm behind you."

Hearing the words, Jindaishan immediately turned around.

As soon as he turned around, he was punched in the abdomen by the goddess of joy, Morpho Butterfly. .

At the same time that Jindaishan felt being hit in the abdomen, he had been hit on the face dozens of times.

When Jindaishan reacted again, he had already been kicked by the goddess of joy, Morpho, and flew into an abandoned pit made by a meteorite.

Chapter 29 Shibuya Battle Five

The goddess of joy, Morpho, didn't even look at him, and went straight to the new battlefield.

Kazama is one against two. Although she saw the goddess of joy Morpho and Jindaishan fighting, she couldn't be distracted.

Kazama Masaichi couldn't be distracted, otherwise he might be the one who was defeated, so Kazama Masaichi could only hope that Kamyoyama could hold on for a while longer.If it was an ordinary Zerg, Masaichi Kazama believed that Jindaishan might still blow up the opponent before he could support him.

But Masaichi Kazama also knew that it was impossible, and the last one to make a move was usually the finale, and his strength must be very strong.

When Jindai Mountain was "played" by the goddess of joy Morpho, Kazama was slowly occupying the road with one against two, while the two insects Morpho Dawn wobbled up from the ground, naturally It's the seven meat and eight vegetarians who have just been beaten, and they can't tell things apart when they stand up.

Kazama was jumping into the air, gaining momentum, kicked through the Morpho butterfly and exploded on the spot, dying.

And Masaichi Kazama's kick passed through Morpho Dawn's body, and then kicked towards Morpho Aurora.

Just when Aurora Morpho thought he was going to be killed too.

Masaichi Kazama's foot was caught, and the goddess of joy Morpho felt a little numbness, grabbed Masaichi Kazama's foot and fell to the ground fiercely, then grabbed it, and then fell hard.Going back and forth more than a dozen times, Feng Jianzheng was thrown out heavily.

Masaichi Kazama felt as if his body was falling apart, and he couldn't even get up.

"Kamidai-san, what's wrong?"

Kazama asked nervously.

I have to say that even if we don't talk about the relationship between the Kazama family and the Jindai family, just talking about Kazama Masaichi and Jindaishan, they have a very good personal relationship, and they are no different from brothers.

"He is there."

The goddess of joy, Morpho, made a big hole, and Shendaishan was in the hole, chirping and humming, losing her fighting power just like him.

"You care about him, why don't you care about you?"

Morpho, the goddess of joy, walked towards Masaichi Kazama step by step.

Masa Kazama felt the crisis instinctively, he could feel that Morpho, the goddess of joy, wanted to kill him.

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