Kazama Masaichi didn't understand why the goddess of joy, Morpho, wanted to kill him instead of Kamyoyama, who had already lost her combat effectiveness.

The reason why the Goddess of Joy Samdie did not kill Jindaishan was because when Jindaishan was fighting with him, he was ill and could only display a part of his strength. Come and wait for him to defeat others, and naturally other Zergs will come to kill Jindaishan.

And another reason why Jindaishan can survive is because Kazama Masaichi has already defeated his two companions, Morpho Dawn, and will soon kill them.

Seeing that there are not many people left among the subordinates brought by Jaguma, he can't let the remaining people die.Originally, he was sent to allow Jaguma to have a few more people left.

However, even though he was as fast as possible, Zect's protozoan side was not a vegetarian either.In a very short period of time, only two Moulting Zerg Aurora Morpho butterflies were left.

In the end, he became anxious, and let go of the defeated Jindaishan, and came to Masaichi Kazama, ready to save the two Morphos.

In the end, it was still a step late, and the dawn flashed.

Moreover, Kazama Masaichi didn't have hidden injuries on his body, so he wasn't old, weak, sick or disabled.The goddess of joy, Morpho Butterfly, did not have the psychological difficulty of killing him.

Just as the goddess of joy, Morpho was about to make a move, Kaguma spoke.

"Aren't you coming to help me soon?"

There were two holes in Jaguma's body, both of which were pierced by the poisonous needles on the two fists of Norio Mishima.

The goddess of joy, Mormodie, heard Jaguma's call and had no choice but to stop.

"Good luck to you."

The goddess of joy, Morpho, reluctantly gave up the chance to kill Masaichi Kazama.

Norio Mishima's strength is very strong, he seldom makes a move, but he is very reliable at critical moments, suppressing Jaguma by himself.

Jaguma didn't expect that besides Tiandao Shuzi, there were other protozoa, such as Norio Mishima, who were so strong that they could suppress her.

The goddess of joy, Morpho, went to kill Jindaishan and Kazama Masaichi.


At this moment, the Zerg Lord accelerated from outside the universe, passed through the Earth's atmosphere, burned a small number of the Zerg, and fell straight towards Shibuya.

Once this giant meteorite falls to the earth, the [-]-kilometer radius of Shibuya will be affected.Neither ordinary humans nor protozoa survived.

Jaguma also saw the meteorite growing bigger and bigger above his head, "Don't hit it. It's unnecessary. We all have to die."

After hearing her words, Morpho, the goddess of joy, stopped her attack on Norio Mishima.

"What's wrong?"

Norio Mishima asked puzzled.

"Look at the sky."

Gaguma looked at the giant meteorite approaching above his head and gave up his resistance.

Even if she has the ability of clku, it is impossible to escape from the falling range of the giant meteorite.

"Are you trying to trick me into looking up?"

Norio Mishima did not raise his head, but looked straight at Kakuma, fearing that she would play tricks.

But as the giant meteorite descended at an extreme speed, the sky began to darken, "Didn't she lie to me?"

Norio Mishima looked up cautiously.

Norio Mishima saw a giant meteorite in the sky, looked up again, and found that the meteorite was getting closer.

Norio Mishima understood what Jaguma did, and he couldn't escape no matter what he did, so he gave up hope.Norio Mishima felt a pity that when the meteorite fell here, zect's knight system would suffer serious damage and might be disbanded.

However, Li Qinghe of the Tiandao family was indeed lost in thought. There were bursts of shouts in Li Qinghe's mind, and it was the voice of Yazi Yingshan.

"Mr. Qinghe, Mr. Qinghe, where are you..."

Li Qinghe tried to respond in his heart: "Sister Yazi, I am in the world of Kamen Rider Kato."

In the past, Yuka was responsible for the work of being drawn to the base, but now Yuka followed her to this world, and Saeko Kageyama was in charge of the base.

At the same moment when Li Qinghe contacted Kageyama Saeko, the world particle of Kamen Rider Koto World undergoes a momentary twist, acceleration and deceleration change, and the final result is that the world flow rate of Kamen Rider Kabuto World, where Kamen Rider 555 World is located, is the same.

At this moment, Li Qinghe, together with the connection between the base car and himself.

Li Qinghe's excitement is indescribable. After staying in this world for decades, the loneliness in his heart, the kind of loneliness that only he knows,

After staying in this world for decades, I thought that I might have to wait a few years to get the news of the base, but I didn't want the surprise to come so suddenly.

"Qinghe, how are you doing there now? Are you okay in that world?"

Saeko Kageyama sent back a greeting in Li Qinghe's mind.

"Not good, the world is now at the stage of the Shibuya incident. There is a giant meteorite in the sky. Once it falls, Tokyo will be smashed into ruins. Although I don't care how many people die in Tokyo, I am in Tokyo."

Although Li Qinghe seemed to be contemplating, he still knew what was happening outside.Others may not know, how can they not know that the meteorite above the head is about to fall.

"Then can you send troops over now?"

Li Qinghe wants to transfer now, he will not die with the protozoan.

"Qinghe, it's not enough yet. Because this world and Jiadou world have just been officially integrated, and the world particles of this world collided violently with the 555 world.

The fluctuations are most obvious in the crossing area, and no one can enter.Once you enter, you may be blown to nothing by the time-space storm formed by the rioting time particles.It is estimated that this time particle turmoil will calm down in three days. "

Saeko Kageyama's words made Li Qinghe's idea of ​​using his subordinates to help in vain.

"Then what should I do, how can I destroy the meteorite above my head?"

Since he couldn't escape, Li Qinghe changed his mind and began to think about how to smash the meteorite in the sky, so as to save himself from the disaster.

"The meteorite in the sky is so huge. If you want to destroy it, the ordinary bomb is not powerful enough, and the second is how to get into the large meteorite that is falling at such a high speed."

One solution after another flashed through Li Qinghe's mind, but they were quickly ruled out because they could not be implemented or were not feasible.

"If only there were an atomic bomb. Yes, an atomic bomb."

Li Qinghe thought of a solution.But I have to ask Saeko Kageyama if he can carry it out.

"Saeko, people can't come here, so can the nuclear bombs launched from the nuclear weapon silo come here?"

This was the most suitable method that Li Qinghe thought of. He remembered that there was an atomic bomb in the base.

"Yes, the atomic bomb can enter the world accurately through the nuclear weapon silo, but have you thought about it?"

Saeko Kageyama carefully reminded Li Qinghe to think carefully.

"I have thought about it, when not to use it now, when to use it. This nuclear weapon is the most appropriate to use now.

Although you can't send people here in front of you, you should be able to hack a satellite and scout this world. "

Li Qinghe knew that good steel was used on the blade, and that the nuclear weapon was used here, and it just happened not to be wasted at all.

"No problem. However, after the atomic bomb explodes, does it need to emit nuclear radiation?"

Saeko Kageyama asked. .

Li Qinghe thought for a while, after all, he still had to live in Tokyo, Shibuya was very close to Tokyo, nuclear radiation would definitely have a bad effect on his body.

So it was immediately decided not to emit nuclear radiation.

Chapter 30 Shibuya Battle Six

"Launch the atomic bomb, but after it explodes, cancel the emission of nuclear radiation. Now launch that atomic bomb through the nuclear weapons silo, and the target is that large meteorite in the sky."

Li Qinghe nodded, let Nagata Yuka use nuclear weapons.

In the world of Kamen Rider bck, Yuka Nagata had the authorization of Li Qinghe to unlock the launch authority of the nuclear weapon silo.

"Nuclear weapons, primary preparation, secondary preparation, launch."

The big killer of the base—the atomic bomb traveled through space, experienced the rioting time particles without being disturbed, and flew towards the meteorite in the sky with precision.

At this time, both Jaguma and Zect's protozoa gave up hope of survival, waiting for the meteorite to descend from the sky.

And the leader of the Zerg on the meteorite in the sky is also very excited. From his point of view, its plan has succeeded, and the remaining protozoa on the earth, as well as the uncontrolled Zerg, need to be wiped out.

The Zerg ruler watched himself getting closer and closer to the earth, and couldn't help being happy.

But from the sadness, a flying missile that the Zerg ruler had never seen hit the meteorite where he was.

The Zerg ruler didn't take it seriously at first, he was still very confident about the hardness of the meteorite he was riding on.Otherwise, how could this meteorite carry so many zerg from the universe into the earth.

And as far as the Zerg rulers know, there is no weapon so powerful on Earth that can break through the defenses of meteorites.

Therefore, the Zerg ruler is very confident. Although in his opinion, this weird weapon's flying speed cannot be successfully intercepted, but even if it cannot be intercepted, he is not afraid of this weapon.

"Although I don't know who launched this missile, the result is the same. Are you still fighting?"

The zerg rulers thought it was the useless efforts of the protozoa on the earth to resist themselves.

But he didn't know that the weird weapon in his opinion was not a product of this world. There was no atomic bomb in Kabuto's world, so neither the zerg nor the protozoan knew anything about such a weapon.

This nuclear weapon from another world dealt a heavy blow to his self-confidence.

In the confident eyes of the zerg ruler, the atomic bomb hit the large meteorite he was on.At the moment when the atomic bomb collided with the meteorite, the ruler of the Zerg had a bad feeling in his heart, as if the flying weapon could threaten him.

Because the atomic bomb was flying too fast, both Jaguma and the others below the missile, and Norio Mishima just saw a black object hit the meteorite.

Then there was a "boom".

The meteorite shattered into slag, scattered and fell towards Shibuya.

The ruler of the Zerg did not expect that the "small weapon" he despised would smash the meteorite where the Zerg stayed.

The Zerg ruler lives in the center of the meteorite, where the Zerg guarding him is the most powerful, and they are all molting Zergs, and there are a lot of them.

It was the protection of so many Zergs that allowed the Zerg ruler to survive, but he was still seriously injured, and his strength was not even one in ten.

The power of the atomic bomb is so great that it can easily annihilate everything, destroying 50.00% of the zerg in an instant.Blows up the remaining 50.00% of the Zerg to cripple them and fall from the sky.

The one above the meteorite was okay, but the meteorite below him was blown up, and it probably would have been killed if it fell directly from the sky.

Of the Zergs that fell to the ground, only a very small part of the Zergs survived, and many of the very small part of the Zergs fell into a deep sleep, leaving only five Zergs that could only move.

And the Zerg Ruler happens to be inside.Zerg ruler, his center takes the most damage from the atomic blast, although the surrounding zerg take a lot of damage from him.But he still suffered part of the damage.

All these injuries were borne by the Zerg ruler. Although he survived, part of the damage was caused by the surrounding Zerg, and more importantly, his own strength. His strength made him survive, otherwise he would be in the There are a lot of zerg in the center, why only he can survive.

In Zerg, strength is the most respected, and the ruler of Zerg can stand on the pyramid by strength. As long as you are a Zerg, you have a chance to challenge the ruler of Zerg once in your life. If you kill him, you will be the new Zerg Insect ruler.

And this Zerg ruler killed countless Zergs who wanted to challenge him, stabilizing the situation.Under his rule, all the Zerg were obedient.

But the Zerg rulers, who have enjoyed the rights, also have corresponding obligations.For example, in order to reproduce the race, the Zerg ruler can sacrifice himself.

Although the meteorite in the sky was blown to pieces, there were still some large fragments that hit Shibuya like the small meteorite at the beginning.

The humans near Shibuya looked at the shattered meteorite in the sky and could only hope that he would not hit themselves.However, the fall of meteorite fragments is random, but overall it is relatively uniform, and no one can escape.

Mimic Kusakabe Souji's family happened to be in Shibuya, and the house was collapsed by meteorite fragments. Mimic Kusakabe Souji and Mimic Kusakabe Mayumi struggled to push away the stone that was pressing on them, preparing to save their daughter.

However, a red figure appeared, "You killed my parents back then, now it's time to pay with your life."

The screen shifts to where Gaguma is fighting the Zect's protozoa.

The meteorite fragments suppressed Kazama Masaichi and Jindaishan who had lost their combat effectiveness at once.Jindaishan is okay, the place where he is is originally a big crater, and those meteorites just pressed into the crater on his head.Masaichi Kazama was crushed to death by a meteorite.

Norio Mishima also wanted to save Masaichi Kazama and the others, but he couldn't transform. Neither the protozoa nor the zerg could use the ability of clku within the range of the meteorite falling. This is also what the zerg ruler wanted. Take the reason why such a meteorite came to Earth.

Even if other protozoans use clku's ability to get close to the meteorite they are riding on, they will not adapt because of the disappearance of clku's ability, and will be attacked and killed by the zerg that protects the meteorite.

Therefore, Norio Mishima could only avoid falling meteorite fragments as much as possible.

And the Kamen Rider Kickunch, who was holding the dead brother's body, burned his own life at the moment of crisis, smashing all the meteorite fragments that fell from his head, preventing him from hitting the dead brother's body.

The same is true for Jaguma, but Morphodi's strength is not enough, and because of his luck, he was crushed to death by a relatively large meteorite fragment falling from the sky.

Only Morpho, the goddess of joy, was left, who helped Gaguma break the meteorite shard above her head.

After half an hour, the dust settled.

The only ones standing in the Shibuya area are Jaguma, Morpho, Mishima, and Kamen Rider Kickunch.

But Norio Mishima spoke to the empty place in front of him.

Sure enough, five zerg came out from the seemingly ruined underground.These five Zergs are the Zergs who came to the earth from the universe in the sky.

As for the other Zergs that survived, they fell asleep because of their heavy injuries, but the Zergs that came to Earth from the universe still need some time to adapt to the environment of Earth before they can fall asleep.

So this is why the Zerg rulers are no longer strong, and they still have to persevere and fight against the protozoa surviving on the earth, just to give the Zerg time to adapt to the earth's environment.

"Jagumar, you did a good job, you are the hero of our Zerg, the next thing you need to do is to kill them."

The Zerg Dominator is a female Zerg Ice Butterfly with the same characteristics as the Ice Butterfly on Earth.

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