"But he's alone, isn't he in danger?"

Kageyama Yako asked worriedly.

"This requires you to look for him after he enters that world. Only when he is in that world can the people from the Red Police base be extradited to this world without a trace."

Yazi Yingshan nodded seriously, "Well, I have already made arrangements. I will definitely find Mr. Qinghe in the shortest possible time."

Panspace sighed, "I'm going to follow him too, this time you have to find this little guy in that world in time. Although the World Will of that world won't notice him again. But there may be other dangers .”

After speaking, Li Qinghe's soul ball directly entered the space-time storm.

But the chaotic space-time storm did not affect the sleeping soul of Li Qinghe who was blessed by panspace.

With the protection of panspace, Li Qinghe really "smuggled" to the island country.The will of the world did not notice any traces of the invaders again.

Li Qinghe's soul entered a vegetative person named Kiba Kiyohe in an Osaka hospital ward.

"Beep beep".

As the lights in the intensive care room sounded, Li Qinghe moved unconsciously attached to Kiba Qinghe's body, and was immediately sent to the emergency room for treatment.

"Hurry up, patient 302 has abnormalities, urgent treatment."

This is the voice Li Qinghe heard in a daze.

"I, am I not frozen by the Zerg ruler Ice Butterfly?".

When Li Qinghe woke up, he found himself lying in the snow-white ward, and at the same time, a message from the panspace came in his mind.

Li Qinghe opened his eyes in a daze, and found a group of people surrounded his hospital bed.

Chapter 36 Return to the world of Kabuto

"This guy is really lucky. He was crushed by a big truck and became a vegetable, and he can still wake up."

I don't know who said such a sentence.As for the people around Li Qinghe, when they saw that Li Qinghe was recovering, they immediately fell silent.They didn't know that what they just said had already reached Li Qinghe's ears.

However, Li Qinghe kept silent before he figured out the current situation, pretending to be confused. In fact, Li Qinghe was really confused.

At first, Li Qinghe thought that he was sent to the ward by zect people, or sent back to the Tiandao family.But the moment he woke up, Li Qinghe felt uncomfortable all over, and it was strange to hear the words of the people around him near the hospital bed.

"Kiba Qinghe, when you wake up, pay the debt. Don't think that you are a patient in the hospital bed, so you don't need to pay the debt."

A man with a big beard and a fierce face was about to drag Li Qinghe up.

"Patients need quiet, need quiet. Please get out."

A nurse couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to let those people around Li Qinghe out.

"I'm a relative of the patient and have the right to take care of him. Take care of other patients obediently and don't meddle in your own business."

The menacing man threatened the nurse.


The nurse was very angry. She couldn't reason with a man with a beard.

"This is a hospital, if you have anything to say go outside."

The head nurse happened to pass by Li Qinghe's ward, heard the quarrel, and found out that the nurses in her hospital were being bullied by the patient's family members.

"Who are you, why do you care about me. I am Kiba Kiyokawa's uncle, and he owes me 500 million yen."

The bearded man said domineeringly.

"He is a patient, how can he owe you money?"

The head nurse is an experienced middle-aged woman, and she is very experienced in such things as medical troubles.Although this medical trouble is very unusual.

"He won a lottery of 2000 million yen, is it not normal to give me 500 million?"

The bearded man said in a reasonable tone.

Other people around the hospital bed also said, "I am the second aunt of the patient's family."

Wait, the purpose of these is to get Li Qinghe to give them money.

"So that's the case, but why did they give you their money. I've never seen such a brazen person, you get out immediately. If you don't get out, I'll let the security guard drive you out."

The head nurse yelled loudly.

People with a little sense of justice can't look down on the behavior of a bearded man, and the head nurse of this hospital is also a person with a sense of justice. Because of her temperament that cannot tolerate sand in her eyes, according to her qualifications, she finally The difference is also a vice president, not the head nurse.

The bearded group watched the aggressive head nurse eunuch, and left despondently under the head nurse's watch.

It wasn't until they left that Li Qinghe asked the nurse beside him, "Are those people just now my relatives?"

The nurse looked at Li Qinghe suspiciously, "You won't be in a vegetable state for a long time, your previous memories are gone."

It was only when the nurse turned around that Li Qinghe saw the whole picture of the nurse.

She was wearing a white nurse's uniform, and her silk-like hair fluttered gently under the white cap.Those bright and deep eyes are so moving, and the eyelids are so close that people feel that even the gap between opening and closing is astonishing.She has a graceful figure and a very slender waist. Against the backdrop of the white nurse uniform, she has a special flavor.

"Hey, hey. Don't stare at my Michelle like this. Your eyeballs are about to fall out."

The head nurse stood between Li Qinghe and the female nurse.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but she is really beautiful and so attractive that I can't take it back when I look at her."

Li Qinghe praised the female nurse.

"Hmph, you're not a good man at first glance, you're talking nonsense, you're not telling the truth. Miyuki, go see other patients. Since you've woken up, you'll be fine after a while, so you should leave the hospital early. "

The head nurse kindly reminded that if it was any other head nurse, she would wish that Li Qinghe would never be discharged from the hospital.

"Thank you. But do you know something about me?"

Li Qinghe didn't know his identity yet, knowing his identity was a top priority.

"You are not a star, how do I know. I just know, but the hospital has your hospitalization information, and it only says your name Kiba Kiyokawa on it. I don't know anything else. You go to bed early, maybe you will remember it sometime. Reminiscing about the past."

After the head nurse finished speaking, she took Miyuki and left like a wolf guard.

"Am I that pervert?"

Li Qinghe smiled wryly.

Li Qinghe began to accept the information sent to him by Panspace, "This is still the previous world, but has the body changed? Before the strength is strong, don't contact the previous people, so as not to be calculated by the will of the world?"

Li Qinghe thought about it slowly. Indeed, from the very beginning when he swaggered into this world, he was targeted by the will of the world.

Otherwise, at the beginning, how could he be hunted down by all kinds of people, first by the gangsters, and then by the zerg.This clearly meant that he was going to die from the very beginning. If it wasn't for Li Qinghe's deep blessings, he would have died long ago.

Pan Space didn't hide that he brought Li Qinghe's body back to the Red Police Base.

Li Qinghe knew his situation, he couldn't get in touch with the Red Police base at the moment, he could only wait for Yingshan Yazi and the others to find him, and Li Qinghe couldn't reveal his previous identity yet.

In this case, Li Qinghe needs to re-understand the world, such as which year is now after the Shibuya incident, where he is, and what is going on with his body and what happened to him, which led to him becoming a vegetative state .

There are also some original information about this body, which Li Qinghe needs to know.

Li Qinghe, no, the news of Muchang Qinghe's awakening spread quickly.

A woman named Hayashi Mariko claimed to be Kiba Kiba's girlfriend, and she came to see him this time.

"Mr. Qinghe, how are you doing?"

Mariko Lin asked with concern.

"I want to go to the bathroom."

Li Qinghe couldn't feel the real love from Lin Mariko's tone of voice, it seemed a little hypocritical.

Yes, it is hypocrisy.

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, Lin Zhenzi looked embarrassed, and felt great hatred in his heart, "You trash, why didn't you die. If you die, all the money won in the lottery is mine. If it wasn't for your family That piece of family heirloom, who will send you to the hospital and hang your life."

"Let me do it."

The nurse named Meixue came to see Li Qinghe who was being bullied by her relatives, and heard that a person who claimed to be Li Qinghe's girlfriend came to visit Li Qinghe.

Remembering that Li Qinghe had been hospitalized for so long and no one had ever visited Li Qinghe, I was a little worried that Li Qinghe would be cheated, so I came to have a look.

Li Qinghe looked at the female nurse named Meixue, and helped himself to the bathroom. Looking at the clumsy nurse, he could guess that she must seldom help others.

Although it is convenient for Li Qinghe to go alone, his soul has just settled in this body, and he is not very adaptable to this body, so Li Qinghe is now a little better than a vegetable, and it is not enough to take care of himself alone.

Take Li Qinghe back to the hospital bed that belongs to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe went back to the hospital bed and looked at Lin Lizi, who said he was his girlfriend, helping him into the bed.

"Are you here to see me?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Well, I heard that your condition has improved, so I came to see you."

Makoto Lin nodded.

"Then why didn't you come to see me before I woke up?"

Hearing Li Qinghe's question, Mariko Lin stammered a bit and said, "I want to see you, but..."

Li Qinghe continued to ask: "Just what?"

"It's because she's my girlfriend."

A young man in a white shirt came in, and Mariko Lin looked at the man, and his face changed suddenly.

"How did you come?"

The man grinned and said with a smile: "Why, I can't come, I'm Kiba Kiyokawa's good brother. Hey, why are you looking at me with this look? Is it really the same as others said, you Amnesia?"

Seeing Li Qinghe's continued silence, the man continued, "My name is Kiba Seimei, and I'm your half-brother. I'm also your good brother. The principle of being a friend's wife is not polite. I practice it well. Bar.

Mariko Lin, don't look at me like that, you don't look like this in bed.But I kept saying no. "

"You are shameless."

Mariko Lin said angrily.

Li Qinghe didn't ask any questions, but continued to watch what Kiba Seimei and Hayashi Mariko were up to.

"Do you think I don't know the reason why you came back to find my brother Kiba Qinghe? It's just to plot the lottery that my brother won, and a piece of treasure that my father left to their mother and son.

Back then, after your little brother got into a car accident, she took the initiative to climb into my bed.It's just that I didn't expect that you would dare to leave me before I got tired of playing with you. "

Kiba Seimei directly pinched Hayashi Mariko's face and sniffed it.

"However, since my brother has woken up, I will give this woman to you as your newborn gift."

Kiba Seimei pushed Lin Zhenzi onto Li Qinghe at once.

"what are you doing?"

Miyuki, the female nurse, questioned Seimei Kiba.

"There are still people who dare to meddle in other people's business. It seems that you don't know the strength of our Kiba family. Hey, it turns out that it is Miyuki Yanai, the jewel in the palm of the Yanai family. No, this hospital is your family's business."

Kiba Seimei recognized the true identity of the female nurse at a glance.

"Yes, this hospital belongs to our Yanai family."

It turned out that this female nurse was called Yanai Miyuki, and she turned out to be the apple of the eye of the Yanai family. .

"Speaking of which, I'm still your fiance. Can you avoid me like this?"

Kiba Seimei approached Yanai Miyuki.

Chapter 37 Recovery

"My father, my father just agreed to let me marry your family. But you are not the only one in your family who is the same age as me, he is also counted."

Yanai Miyuki pointed to Li Qinghe.

"He, are you joking? Hahaha."

Kiba Seimei put one hand on his waist, and laughed regardless of his appearance.

"His mother is his father, who was born in an accidental one-night stand. If it wasn't for grandpa, you would have been aborted as a baby, before you became pregnant in October. My dear brother, I have to say that your life is very good, Let you have the name of the second son of the Kiba family.

But you have disgraced our Kiba family.It depends on what woman you are looking for, she is only for your money.There are also those relatives in your mother's house. Before you woke up, no one came to see you.Woke up, still thinking about your lottery money. "

Seimei Kiba mocked what Li Qinghe had done before.

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