"Then you came to me to mock me?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Yes, you are really right. I just came to mock you. It's a pity that if it wasn't for the car accident, you would be able to see grandpa for the last time, and maybe you could get some property that grandpa gave you for pity on you. However, You, like your miserable mother, are born to suffer.

By the way, I forgot to tell you.I've used your lottery money to buy a new yacht.Take it as a subsidy for me to take care of Mariko Lin.

There is also the heirloom that grandpa gave you, here, it is the wrench on my thumb, I have already brought it back in advance, it does not belong to you, you do not deserve it. "

Kiba Qingming deliberately shook the wrench on his thumb in front of Li Qinghe.

Seimei Kiba saw that Li Qinghe only frowned, as if he was not angry, which did not achieve his expected goal.

"Oh, and I thought you'd been in a vegetable all your life. So in order to save your life, I auctioned off your real estate for a good price. Don't thank me, I'm just that good.

You see, in order to let others remember you, I hyped that you won the 2000 million lottery, and that there is a password to the heirloom safe that only you know.I'm such a nice guy. "

Kiba Seimei made an intoxicated expression.

"Are you trying to piss me off? If so, then you're going to be disappointed. Is there anything else to say? If not, then please leave."

Li Qinghe wanted to drive the annoying Kiba Seimei away like driving away mosquitoes.

"One more thing is that next month, Miyuki Yanai and I will get engaged. As an older brother, I am really worried about whether you will recover safely. I know you have no money, so gifts and so on will be waived."

Seimei Kiba seems to be very generous.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm not going to get engaged to you next month. I'm going to marry Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa, not you. Don't think about it."

Yanai Miyuki took the initiative to hold Kiba Qinghe, expressing her closeness.

Kiba Seimei clenched his fists, then said with a smile.

"I really haven't played enough with you. I have to say that you are a failure as a younger brother. I took away my girlfriend who has been dating for three years.

Forget it, just treat me as pity on you.This woman is for you.I have a new woman, don't I?Miyuki Yanai. "

Seimei Kiba continued to stimulate Li Qinghe.

"Oh, I think you are still worried about your position? Whether you will be the head of the family in the future is not certain."

Li Qinghe shot back.

"Impossible, apart from you being recognized by grandpa, the other illegitimate children have not been recognized. None of them have been recognized by the Kiba family."

Kiba Seimei looked at Li Qinghe with some jealousy.

Li Qinghe also saw Kiba Seimei's expression, "Are you jealous of me? This is really a funny thing."

"How could I be jealous of you. I hate you. Why did you become the second son of the Kiba family, and why were you recognized by grandpa. Otherwise, I would be the head of the family."

Kiba Seimei clenched his fists tightly.

"I'm tired, you should go down."

When Kiba Seimei heard that Li Qinghe had issued an order to evict the guests, he didn't want to be foolish and could only leave.But before leaving, he gave Li Qinghe the middle finger provocatively.

After Kiba Seimei left, Kiba Qinghe shook his head, "If the Kiba family is really handed over to Kiba Seimei, then this family may be destroyed."

Miyuki Yanai was very surprised at why Li Qinghe said such words: "Why do you say that? Kiba Seimei is very good. He has made great achievements since he was a child, and his leadership skills are also very outstanding. He has planned many meaningful actions. To Kiba The Chang family has made a great contribution.”

"That is the success of the Kiba family, not his success. With him, without sufficient qualifications, it is impossible to be crowned as the head of the family. This is to build momentum for him.

To be a patriarch, one does not need to have high intelligence or a flexible brain, he needs the art of manipulating others.The decision that the head of the family can make can be better completed by others.As the head of the family, you only need to read the plan and click agree or disagree. "

Li Qinghe's words shocked Yanai Miyuki a lot, he didn't expect Li Qinghe to say that.

"You seem to be different from before. Is this why you were recognized by your grandfather? Could it be that he has a keen eye and discerned your talent when you were young?"

Li Qinghe shook his head, "It's not for this reason, it's because Kiba Seimei needs a competitor for comparison. Without comparison, there is no harm. The family can know who is the most suitable successor by comparing the gap between me and Kiba Seimei.

As for why no one else should be the third son, the reason for the fourth son is that one is enough.There is no need for more.The worse I am, the more he said: "Since you have left me, you don't need to come back. You just heard it, right? I have no money, and I can't bring you a good life."

Sure enough, Mariko Lin looked at Li Qinghe with disgust, "Kiba Qinghe, you are a waste. If I didn't know that Kiba Seimei has been playing with me, I wouldn't even want to see you."

"It's you who want my money, right? You and Kiba Seimei are also for the sake of gaining the power of the Kiba family. When you come back to see me, isn't it just for the money I got from winning the lottery?"

Li Qinghe's words left Mariko Lin speechless, but Li Qinghe still couldn't say anything about Mariko Lin's shamelessness, after all, it was her choice.

"You have delayed my youth for three years, so it's not too much to pay me some money to compensate me."

Lin Zhenzi asked Li Qinghe confidently.


Li Qinghe didn't get angry at Kiba Seimei's sarcasm just now, but was irritated by Hayashi Mariko's repeated rogue behavior.

Li Qinghe really despises the Kiba Qinghe before his body. After being played by such a woman for three years, it is really embarrassing to the majority of male colleagues, especially Li Qinghe is still attached to his body.

Li Qinghe felt ashamed.I really hope that, if possible, Li Qinghe is willing to change his body again.

But in this world, apart from this body, there may not be another body similar to Li Qinghe's foreign trade.

Lin Lizi was frightened by Li Qinghe's word "roll".

"You dare to murder me, you dare to murder me, you dare to murder a woman, are you still a man?"

Mariko Lin questioned Li Qinghe loudly.

"Whether I am a man or not, I don't need to prove it to you. Since the moment you betrayed me, you are not my girlfriend. You are a stranger to me now. So, please leave. "

Li Qinghe's words made Lin Zhenzi have no choice but to retreat.

"You trash, you really blinded me for the first three years. Even if I am your brother's lover, it is better than being your woman."

Mariko Lin muttered.

Before leaving, Mariko Lin glanced at Miyuki Yanai: "I saw Seimei Kiba just now, she is very interesting to you. Why don't you marry her, you and him are really good match. Compared with this man, she is really stronger too much."

"Pa", a slap sounded.There was a bright red palm print on Mariko Lin's face.

If Yanai Miyuki just felt a little uncomfortable when Li Qinghe said "get lost" to Lin Mariko, she felt a little uncomfortable that Li Qinghe was rude to women.

But when she heard Lin Lizi's words, she felt that she was also a woman, and women should not make things difficult for women.But Yanai Miyuki couldn't bear what Lin Mariko said.

Miyuki Yanai is the apple of the eye of the Yanai family, even though Yanai and the Kiba family have established a marriage in Miyuki Yanai's generation.But whether they can be together in the end depends on Yanai Miyuki's intentions.

Yanai Miyuki is not a fool either.The reason why Hayashi Mariko persuaded Yanai Miyuki to marry Kiba Seimei just now is because she knew that she could not be by Kiba Seimei's side only with her own physical chips.

But if Miyuki Yanai is added, it will be different.It is very likely that Kiba Seimei will admire Yanai Miyuki because of her.

Yanai Miyuki, as the apple of the eye of the Yanai family, has come into contact with many people of all kinds since she was a child, and her scheming is naturally not as pure as her appearance.She just doesn't like calculating people like that.

Yanai Miyuki felt much more comfortable after that slap, and the annoying flies in her ears seemed to have disappeared.Miyuki Yanai suddenly understood what Li Qinghe had just done.

As a boy, Li Qinghe could only say "Fuck off" without making a move.Of course, it is also possible that Li Qinghe's current body is not capable of doing it.

"You, you pair..."

Before Mariko Lin could finish speaking, the head nurse suddenly appeared behind her and kicked Mariko Lin out of Li Qinghe's ward. .

"Miyuki, for this kind of woman, don't beep if you can do it."

The head nurse educated Miyuki, while Mariko Hayashi left the hospital limping.

Chapter 38Marriage


The head nurse glared at Li Qinghe, "You boy, don't have any wrong thoughts about my Michelle. Otherwise, I will castrate you."

The head nurse left after speaking.

"You came to this hospital alone as a nurse?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"How did you know?"

Yanai Miyuki widened her eyes and asked curiously.

"From the head nurse's attitude towards you just now, she was too close. Without that kind of respect, with your status, if she knew about it, she would definitely not have such a relaxed attitude, and her attitude towards you would definitely not be the same as caring for a subordinate. Well, my guess is right."

Li Qinghe asked.

"I really don't know how you have such a strong observation ability. You can get this accurate information from slight details. This is very different from the previous you. I have also understood the previous you. Very childish, But very passionate."

Yanai Miyuki told her previous investigation of Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe finally knew that the meeting between himself and Yanai Miyuki was not accidental.It was inevitable, the seemingly simple meeting in the ward was actually arranged by Miyuki Yanai.

There are not too many coincidences in the world, and too many coincidences are undoubtedly arranged by humans.

The reason Yanai Miyuki came to this hospital was because she knew that Li Qinghe had recovered from a vegetative state.

She only started to pay attention to Li Qinghe, because the marriage between the Yanai family and the Kiba family was predetermined by the previous generation.She has no ability to resist, unless she can find a family more powerful than the Kiba family.

Otherwise, once Yanai Miyuki regrets her marriage, it means that the Yanai family and the Kiba family are going to war.Regardless of whether it is Miyuki Yanai or Seimei Kiba, no matter how much they are valued by the family, they still cannot be violated.

So Miyuki Yanai was very unhappy when she first learned that she could only marry Seimei Kiba.Because Yanai Miyuki wants to control her life, and doesn't want to end her free life prematurely because of marriage.But Kiba Seimei is the only person in the Kiba family who can marry Yanai Miyuki.

In the eyes of the outside world, they are a good match, and they are a golden boy and a jade girl together.So at the beginning, although Miyuki Yanai was not happy, she could only hide it and wait quietly to get married.

But Li Qinghe's awakening, no, to be precise, the current Kiba Qinghe's awakening gave Yanai Miyuki another choice.The reason why Yanai Miyuki chose Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa was because Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa had this qualification, he was recognized as the second son of the Kiba family.Although he is not valued by the family, and even excluded, this cannot affect Kiba Kiyokawa's true status.

The second Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa has no influence, even if Yanai Miyuki married Kiba Kiyokawa.Yanai Miyuki thought that she had countless ways to make Li Qinghe a "good husband" quietly.

But now Kiba Qinghe's body lives in Li Qinghe's soul, and the former Kiba Qinghe's soul has been completely wiped out by the panspace.

Third, Yanai Miyuki can also get in touch with the Kiba family's family business through Li Qinghe.Maybe he can slowly control the Beidao family.

Yanai Miyuki is a strong career woman with a strong temper.

So Yanai Miyuki came to the hospital immediately after learning that Li Qinghe was awake, pretending to be a nurse, and thus slowly approached Li Qinghe, making Kiba Qinghe fall in love with her.Yanai Miyuki is still very sure.

Sometimes, people are not as good as God.The awakening of Kiba Kiyokawa made Kiba Seimei, the next important person of the Kiba family, who was almost recognized as the "future patriarch", feel the crisis.

After the death of Kiba Seimei's grandfather, Kiba Seimei has consciously started to gather forces. His father's other illegitimate children caused various accidents and used different methods. Anyway, the result is that there are no bones left.

Of course Kiba Seimei's father's illegitimate daughters were no better than they were all sent to geisha houses, and their reputations were completely ruined, which basically wiped out other competitors.

And Seimei Kiba's father is now very old, and it is difficult for him to have children.So the only one who might pose a threat to Kiba Seimei is Kiba Kiyokawa.

Kiba Seimei's father, Kiba Shimizu is a door-to-door son-in-law who joined the Kiba family. In the past, the power of the family was in the hands of Kiba Seimei's grandfather.

So Kiba Shimizu has no place to speak, and is also very dissatisfied with her wife.But she couldn't resist her wife, because she had the backing of her father-in-law.This caused Bei Dao Shimizu to start looking for women outside under frustration.

Kiba Seimei was born to his regular wife.And Kiba Kiyokawa was born by the same lover he was looking for.Maybe Kiba Seimei's grandfather wanted to give Kiba Shimizu a chance and let Li Qinghe become the second son of the Kiba family in name.

But Kiba Shimizu is very disrespectful, like a cat who stole the fish, can't control his lower body, shows mercy everywhere, and gave birth to many illegitimate children.This made the father-in-law of Kiba Shimizu very dissatisfied, and did not let those illegitimate children get their names right.

Under such circumstances, naturally he didn't like the illegitimate son Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa anymore, so Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa didn't receive any subsidies other than having the reputation of being the second son of the Kiba family.

Although Kiba Seimei was sad to see his sons and daughters killing each other, he had no right to stop it.As a result, Kiba Seimei actually doesn't like his son Kiba Seimei very much.

Seimei Kiba managed to beat his father-in-law to death, and slowly began to take power.As a result, his son Seimei Kiba couldn't wait to "abdicate" himself.In the face of power, family affection is extremely fragile.

And what Kiba Seimei did to his other children, Kiba Shimizu remembered clearly.I have not forgotten that no matter what the reason is, Kiba Shimizu is unwilling, and Kiba Seimei is the current patriarch of the family.

And the news of Li Qinghe's waking up was naturally also known by Kiba Shimizu.Kiba Shimizu suddenly remembered that he also had a son named Kiba Kiba who was in a vegetable state in the hospital.It was just "forgotten" by him.

Kiba Shimizu remembered now, and couldn't help but pay attention to his son all of a sudden.You know, among his sons, only Kiba Seimei and Kiba Kiyokawa survived, and he didn't care much about the plight of his other illegitimate daughters.

In island countries, especially in big families, the general status of women is very low.So Kiba Shimizu just let his men rescue them and let them fend for themselves.

Kiba Shimizu is also a scumbag at heart.The red flag at home is not down, but the colorful flags are fluttering outside.But now those colorful flags are left with flagpoles.

Kiba Shimizu is very worried about his status and needs a new person to check and balance his son Kiba Seimei.No matter how you look at it, Kiba Kiyokawa is the most suitable choice.

Besides, next month will be a big event about the next marriage between the Kiba family and the Yanai family.Now, Kiba Shimizu is willing to do anything that can add obstacles to Kiba Seimei, let alone something that can stop Kiba Seimei's forces if it succeeds.

As for Yanai Miyuki's marriage, if possible, Kiba Seimei wouldn't mind taking part in the battle in person.But his seniority and age are doomed to be impossible.So he felt that the most suitable candidate was Kiba Kiyokawa.

In this way, Kiba Shimizu attaches great importance to the safety of Kiba Shimizu.Before Kiba Qingming came to the hospital, he had already sent someone to protect Li Qinghe.He didn't want his only remaining son to be killed by Seimei Kiba.

Once Kiba Kiyokawa is killed by Kiba Seimei, kill him.At best Seimei Kiba suffered a little verbal punishment, because dead people are worthless.

So Kiba Shimizu was more concerned about Li Qinghe's safety than anyone else.

As for Kiba Seimei, he said that even if he wanted to do it himself, he would not kill it in front of the public in the hall.His feeling towards Kiba Kiyokawa was that he was a little bit of a threat.The main purpose of coming this time is to warn Kiba Kiyokawa and let him recognize his position.

That's why he let Lin Mariko, the "toy" he hadn't finished playing, leave.As for causing some trouble for Kiba Qinghe, Kiba Seimei is still very happy to do it.It's because Kiba Kiyokawa is his half-brother.

But Li Qinghe didn't care about his threat like a clown at all. What Li Qinghe wanted to conquer was this world, not for the little power of the Kiba family.

In this way, many elements lead to Li Qinghe's safety at present, and Li Qinghe really doesn't know all this.

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