As for Li Qinghe, Miyuki Yanai knew her identity, so she no longer concealed herself.

"I will announce my engagement to you in a few days, that is, on the third of next month. You will be my husband from now on."

Yanai Miyuki said to Li Qinghe domineeringly.


When Li Qinghe found out, he just let out an oh, and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Yanai Miyuki saw Li Qinghe's behavior, and thought that Li Qinghe was using such behavior to attract her attention.In fact, it was Li Qinghe who felt bored. It was this kind of family story at the beginning. Li Qinghe is now thinking about what happened after the Shibuya incident.

"Do you have any news about Shibuya lately?"

Li Qinghe opened his eyes and asked before Yanai Miyuki left.

"Shibuya? It was attacked by a meteorite, and creatures outside the earth appeared in the meteorite. It is said that they are called Zerg. It started to attack humans, but it has been solved by the relevant mysterious department. This crisis has been resolved. Shibuya is currently in the rescue phase, and part of it is crushed under the building.

But according to my father, the situation in Shibuya is very complicated.Even the rescuers will be in danger.No one from our family is allowed to go to help rescue. "

Yanai Miyuki showed a very interested look.

"Zect is still a mysterious department?"

Li Qinghe asked. .

"Zect? What is that?" Yanai Miyuki heard this institution for the first time.

Li Qinghe said: "This organization will appear soon, and it will quickly spread all over the world. You will know it by then."

Chapter 39 Masao Yanai, the Wily

Li Qinghe heard Yanai Miyuki's words, and knew that zect, which was not mysterious in his mind, was a mysterious institution in the eyes of ordinary humans.And ordinary humans don't know anything about Zerg.

"Really? Then I will wait and see, and wait for the appearance of the zect organization you mentioned."

Yanai Miyuki felt that Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa who woke up was more mysterious and attractive than the previous Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa, especially the kind of self-confidence that was inadvertently shown.

Li Qinghe asked again: "Do you know the Tiandao family?"

"The Tiandao family, it's so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere before."

If Miyuki Yanai thought that Li Qinghe was trying to attract him by making herself different at the beginning, now Miyuki Yanai believed that Li Qinghe really wanted to ask for these materials.

"I went back to look for information. I heard about the Tiandao family before. I just can't remember where I saw it."

After some exchanges, Li Qinghe said that he was sleepy, and asked Yanai Miyuki to go back, while he was sorting out the news he got from Yanai Miyuki.

Since the Zerg has not been widely known by humans, and zect is extremely mysterious in the eyes of ordinary people, this shows that the Zerg was not active at all at this stage just after the Shibuya incident.As for humans and protozoa, they are thinking of a plan to deal with zerg.

Before the plan comes out, I don't want ordinary people to know the existence of Zerg, and Zerg can still imitate people.Such news, if known by human society, will definitely cause great panic.So it is necessary to block the news.

What Li Qinghe has to do now is to restore this body as soon as possible, and strive to understand this body as soon as possible. At least he must be like a normal person, able to walk and run, instead of lying in bed.

Of course, the most important thing for Li Qinghe is to protect himself. Li Qinghe cannot transform, and his strength is extremely weak.

When Yanai Miyuki returned to the family's database, she began to search for some information about zect, but found nothing.But the information about the Tiandao family can still be found.

It says that the Tiandao family existed a long time ago.The inheritance has never been broken, and the family is powerful. It is a hermit family and is unknown to everyone.But the power of the Tiandao family can cause waves in the entire island country and even the world.

Although Yanai Miyuki got almost very little news about the Tiandao family in the family information.But her interest in understanding the Tiandao family is getting stronger and stronger.

In order to learn more about the Tiandao family and what Li Qinghe called zect, Yanai Miyuki decided to ask his father Yanai Zhengxiong.

Yanai Miyuki pushed away the study room, where her father was reading.

"Aren't you going to go shopping? Why are you back?"

Masao Yanai asked without raising his head.

"I've finished exercising, and I came back to ask some questions, to ask some news that is not in the family reference room."

Yanai Miyuki said.

"I remember that it's the place you don't want to go the last time. What information do you want to check there when you go back?"

Masao Yanai put down the book in his hand, and looked at Miyuki Yanai with doting eyes.

"I want to ask my father, do you know the Tiandao family?"

Masao Yanai's eyebrows trembled unconsciously after hearing his daughter's question.

"It seems you know."

To be on the safe side, Yanai Miyuki asked the Tiandao family first, and then asked questions about zect.

"Mei Xue, from whom did you hear about the Tiandao family?"

Masao Yanai asked solemnly.

"Father, I accidentally read some news from... the reference room."

Miyuki Yanai almost slipped her tongue and exposed Li Qinghe.

Knowing daughter Mo Ruofu, Yanai Zhengxiong knew that his daughter must not be telling the truth and was hiding something, but he didn't ask his daughter deeply, but said:

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it.

If you meet someone from the Tiandao family, be sure to stay away and be respectful.Once the Tiandao family is offended, our family may immediately become a thing of the past. "


Yanai Miyuki saw her father so serious, and knew that Yanai Masao was going to talk about the key points next.

Yanai Zhengxiong seemed to be recalling something, "At the beginning, I had the honor to meet Tiandao Sanjin, the patriarch of the Tiandao family. Because of a family that is stronger than ours, the grandson of the patriarch of the Tsuruta family met Tiandao at an auction. The patriarchs of the family clashed. On the night when the auction item successfully arrived at the Hetian family, the Hetian family was silent. When someone passed by the Hetian family, they found that all the members of the Hetian family were dead. Not only that, but those The bodies of those who were not in the Hetian family were also found outside for unknown reasons. People in the huge Hetian family who had a little bit of relatives all died.

No one knows who did it.

Since then, no one dared to provoke the Tiandao family.

But fortunately, the Tiandao family is generally not born.It's just that as a hermit family, they generally don't make any moves, at least I don't know that the Tiandao family is born again. "

Masao Yanai turned around and looked at Miyuki Yanai, "Miyuki, I don't know where you learned about the Tiandao family. But news about the Tiandao family must never be disclosed to outsiders."

Yanai Zhengxiong solemnly warned his daughter Yanai Miyuki again.

"Don't ask about that zect. I have heard about this organization, but that's not what ordinary people should know."

Yanai Zhengxiong said at the beginning that he did not know any news about zexc, and now he said a little bit.I was afraid that my daughter would be curious to find information about zect.

"Father, I understand. If there is nothing else, then I will leave."

Yanai Miyuki had already learned the news she wanted from her father Yanai Zhengxiong, so she wanted to leave her father's study.

"Wait a moment."

Masao Yanai stopped Miyuki Yanai who was about to leave.

"Are you ready for the engagement ceremony with the Kiba family? If possible, I also want you to choose your own happiness. However, this is the misfortune of being a big family. You can't help yourself. The interests of the family are above everything else. .”

Masao Yanai sighed.

"Father, I'm ready."

Yanai Miyuki smiled, "Father, although I can't choose to marry into a family other than the Kiba family, I can choose whoever I like in the Kiba family, right?"

"Well, that's true. Could it be?"

Masao Yanai immediately thought of the reason why her daughter said this, that is, she already has someone she likes, and the person she wants to marry is definitely not Kiba Kiba Kiyomi.

"Yes, father, I want to be engaged to Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa."

Yanai Miyuki said firmly.

Yanai Zhengxiong looked at his daughter Yanai Miyuki with firm eyes, and wanted to say more, but thought that her daughter had already made such a big sacrifice for her family.

In Masao Yanai's heart, he still prefers Kiba Seimei. Although Kiba Seimei is a bit fickle, Kiba Seimei has strength.Who doesn't want to hand over their own woman to such a person, although they may feel a little bit wronged by their own daughter emotionally.But the quality of life is guaranteed.

But Masao Yanai heard that Miyuki Yanai already wanted to get engaged to Kiba Kiba.Masao Yanai did not object either, and he had just learned of the news that Kiba Kiba had woken up from a vegetative state.He didn't pay much attention to Kiba Kiyokawa, because in his eyes.

Kiba Qinghe is Kiba Seimei's whetstone, which was prepared for Kiba Seimei by the previous patriarch.So he didn't help Kiba Kiyokawa too much.

In fact, Yanai Zhengxiong is also very disgusted with the behavior of the previous generation forcibly arranging the marriage of the next generation. He has experienced political marriage, so he does not want his children to experience such things.After being unable to resist the fate of marrying with the Kiba family, you can choose a suitable man from the Kiba family, which is also good for your daughter.

Moreover, Kiba Kiyokawa has status, a prominent status, and is the second son of the Kiba family.It can be said that the door-to-door match is right, and there is nothing wrong with it.

And Kiba Kiyokawa has no influence, no background, even if his daughter marries him, he will not be bullied.It would be nice to have Kiba Kiyokawa as a door-to-door son-in-law, this was Masao Yanai's idea.

Even if Miyuki Yanai and Kiba Kiba are married, it would be nice to have Kiba Kiyokawa as his son-in-law.In this way, he doesn't have to worry about his daughter being wronged by Kiba Qinghe.Moreover, this is also in line with the family's political marriage, and there is nothing wrong with it if you don't delve into it.

"Daughter, just let go and do what you want to do, and I will stand behind you."

After Masao Yanai finished speaking, Miyuki Yanai hugged her father immediately.

"Father, I thought you wouldn't agree with my self-willedness. I know you want me to marry Seimei Kiba so that I can not be wronged. Let me be self-willed this time.

The husband-in-law I choose will never be worse than Kiba Seimei.Although he is very ordinary at present, his future achievements must be incomparable to Seimei Kiba. "

Miyuki Yanai spoke highly of Kiba Kiyokawa.This is the conclusion Yanai Miyuki came to after watching many men. Even if he tried his best to hide the temperament of a person, he couldn't completely cover it up.Of course, if you want to talk about assassins, that's another story.

"When I have time, I also go to see the man my family Miyuki admires. What is Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa that can take away my family's Miyuki's soul."

Masao Yanai laughed.

"Dad, what are you talking about. I don't like him so much, but I think he is very special. He is a man I have never met before. And his temperament is stronger than that of you, Dad. "

Miyuki Yanai's face turned crimson when she heard Masao Yanai's words.

"Then the Tiandao family, and zect, did he say it?"

Masao Yanai immediately had a magical turning point.

"Father, hum, I won't tell you anymore."

Yanai Miyuki stomped her feet, turned and left. .

"Daughter, it's my fault, I won't ask you anymore."

Masao Yanai already knew the answer, even for a patriarch who is good at calculating, even for his own daughter inadvertently.This is what gets used to.

Chapter 40 Self-righteous Seimei Kiba

Masao Yanai waited until his daughter left, and lay down on the armchair of his desk.

"Daughter, you only call me daddy when you are happy. I really want to hear you call me daddy more often.

Don't worry, I will definitely not let our daughter suffer.Although he married someone I didn't like at first.But since my daughter has made a decision, I will respect her decision. "

Masao Yanai is also a miserable person. After giving birth to Miyuki Yanai, her wife left this world with postpartum hemorrhage.Therefore, Masao Yanai is both a father and a mother, and he really doesn't want a nanny, because he is afraid that his daughter will be bullied even a little bit.Raising his daughter by himself, he devoted all his heart to his daughter.

Masao Yanai gritted his teeth when he thought of Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa mentioned by his daughter.

Whoever's little padded jacket is snatched away by someone, will not be happy in his heart.It's like someone has pulled out the carrot that I worked so hard to cultivate.

Masao Yanai is the same, although he respects his daughter's decision.Especially Masao Yanai never remarried after his wife died.So there is only one daughter, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they depend on each other for life.The bitterness in Yanai Zhengxiong's heart was even more serious.

Thinking of the excellent Kiba Seihe in the eyes of his daughter, Masao Yanai also became interested, "Could it be that I was wrong before, is this kid stronger than Kiba Seimei?"

Masao Yanai also started to send people to collect information about Kiba Kiyokawa, to see the man who is worth entrusting to his daughter for a lifetime, especially this man who actually knows the Tiandao family and the mysterious zect organization.

If he hadn't heard someone from afar say that zect is an organization responsible for protecting human beings all over the world, otherwise he would have forgotten it even if he heard it.

Li Qinghe, who was in the ward, began to try to recover his body's intuition, and slowly lifted himself out of bed with one hand.

With a "plop", Li Qinghe fell off the bed.

"Why are you so careless?"

Miyuki Yanai had just arrived at the hospital and found some people surrounding the hospital. Miyuki Yanai immediately guessed that they were from the Kiba family. Except for the Kiba family, no one else cared so much about Li Qinghe.

But whether those people are protecting Li Qinghe or hurting Li Qinghe, I don't know.But she also sent someone to protect Li Qinghe.

As soon as Yanai Miyuki came to the hospital, she went straight to Li Qinghe's ward, found that Li Qinghe had fallen off the bed, and quickly helped Li Qinghe up.

"I want to go out and walk around. Try to get back to normal as soon as possible."

Miyuki Yanai did not tell him the news of her engagement to Li Qinghe in a few days at first.

But in a few days it will be the [-]rd of next month, so we can't delay any longer.

Yanai Miyuki looked at Li Qinghe seriously, "Kiba Qinghe, do you think I'm beautiful?"

Li Qinghe took a serious look at Yanai Miyuki, you are very beautiful, what's wrong? You can't be the one who wants to marry me, right? "

Li Qinghe said jokingly.

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