After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he found Miyuki Yanai blushed, "It can't be true."

Li Qinghe didn't expect that what he said casually turned out to be true.

"Well, it's my engagement ceremony with you in a week. So, so I need you..."

Yanai Miyuki continued shyly: "I need you to marry me."

"No way, you have to know that I have a wife, so you still want to join me?"

Li Qinghe's other women refer to Uncle Tiandao and the others.But in Michelle Yanai's ears, she thought that what Li Qinghe was talking about was the Mariko Lin who betrayed Li Qinghe and made her feel disgusted.

Miyuki Yanai suddenly became angry, pointed at Li Qinghe and said:

"That woman, do you still like her? She has already given you a cuckold. Could it be that I am not as good as her? In terms of appearance and family background, I am no better than her."

Li Qinghe looked at Yanai Miyuki who misunderstood him, and smiled bitterly: "Of course it's not her, I don't even like her."

Yanai Miyuki looked at Li Qinghe's expression and felt that what Li Qinghe said was true, but in her investigation, Li Qinghe only had Lin Mariko as a woman.

"Really? You didn't lie to me, you really don't like her anymore?"

Yanai Miyuki knows that some men always look at what is in the bowl and think about what is in the pot, and what they can't get is always the best in their hearts.

"Don't worry, I definitely won't like her."

Li Qinghe promised.

"Then tell me, who is the woman you just mentioned?"

Miyuki Yanai asked again.


Li Qinghe couldn't say it all at once. On the one hand, he had too many women. Yazi Kageyama and Yuka Nagata were all his women.On the other hand, he has no other women in this world except Tiandao Shuzi, Nagata Yuka and Tiandaowei.

However, it is not suitable for the Tiandao family to speak out in front of Miyuki Yanai, which made Li Qinghe unable to tell the name of his woman.

Yanai Miyuki saw that Li Qinghe couldn't speak, and thought that what Li Qinghe said just now was an excuse not to marry her.

"Hmph, I don't care if you have other women or not, anyway, you are the one I want to marry. I have prepared everything that should be prepared, and you will know when you go."

Miyuki Yanai overbearingly announced her engagement with Li Qinghe next week.

A week passed quickly, in this week.With the help of Miyuki Yanai, Li Qinghe was able to stand up on crutches. During the week of helping Li Qinghe recover, the relationship between Qinghe and Miyuki Yanai was also deepened.Miyuki Yanai felt that Li Qinghe was more mysterious.

A week later, Li Qinghe was officially discharged from the hospital.Wearing a black dress, a blue tie, and a pair of shiny leather shoes on his feet, Li Qinghe, leaning on a cane, stepped into the extended Lincoln with the support of Yanai Miyuki step by step.

The journey was smooth and unimpeded, and they arrived at the place where the engagement ceremony was held, a mountain villa.

Li Qinghe didn't look at the scenery outside in the car, but closed his eyes and began to think about what to do next.

Soon Li Qinghe arrived at the designated place, and with the guidance of the waiter, Li Qinghe began to see many nobles wearing expensive clothes.

"Brother, ah, why are you here?"

Before Li Qinghe could take a closer look at the people around him, his elder brother Seimei Kiba had already seen him and came directly in front of Li Qinghe.

"What's wrong, I can't come?"

Li Qinghe replied indifferently, he wanted to see what Kiba Seimei wanted to say.

"You can come, but I am afraid that you will lose the face of our Kiba family. Why don't I give you the fare, or let someone send you back to the hospital to continue recuperating. Look, alas, look at your legs. Don't worry, come and listen to your brother and go back."

Kiba Seimei had an expression of thinking of you.

"Kiba Kiyokawa, I don't know if I will lose the face of the Kiba family. But if you continue to be aggressive like this, you won't know."

Miyuki Yanai heard Kiba Seimei's words and spoke for Li Qinghe.

Kiba Seimei looked at Yanai Miyuki who was supporting Li Qinghe, and roared in his heart: "Bitch."I am such an excellent person, you look down on you, but you deliberately get together with Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa to piss me off.Do you want to marry me or not, but is that up to you?

Seimei Kiba thought that Miyuki Yanai didn't want to marry him, so he deliberately joined forces with Kiba Kiba to let him withdraw voluntarily.

Kiba Seimei didn't show any displeasure on his face, it was still a smiling expression.

"Miyuki, you will soon be a member of our Kiba family, you have to adapt to the new environment in advance. My brother, let him go back to rest early. Look at him, he can't even take care of his own woman, and I have to be an older brother help."

Kiba Seimei's heartbroken expression made outsiders think how much he cared about Li Qinghe.

"No, I think the engagement of the Kiba family and the Yanai family is such a grand happy event, it's not bad to need more witnesses."

Kiba Seimei's father, Kiba Shimizu also saw the aggressive Kiba Seimei's performance, and immediately came to help Kiba Seihe speak.

Kiba Seimei heard his father's words, and nodded with a smile, "Just do what father says."

"Qingming, go and entertain the other guests, and I'll have a good chat with your brother."

Kiba Shimizu said to Kiba Seimei.

Kiba Seimei turned and left, and really went to entertain other guests.At least in the eyes of outsiders, Kiba Seimei and Kiba Shimizu are a scene of a loving father and a filial son.This is Kiba Seimei's shrewdness, good at disguising.

In Kiba Seimei's heart, he is already the next patriarch of the Kiba family, and naturally he will not let some scandals happen to him, affecting his future as the patriarch.He is sure against his father Kiba Shimizu.But at present, what is most needed is to formally establish his status through this engagement ceremony.

Seimei Kiba began to warmly entertain the other patriarchs. It is always good to know more people, especially for him who is inspired to be the patriarch.

Soon the engagement ceremony began, and the patriarchs of each clan began to sit in their seats, quietly waiting for Kiba Shimizu and Yanai Masao to speak.

Kiba Shimizu stepped onto the stage and delivered a series of irrelevant words of welcome to all the guests before he got down to business:

"Today is the marriage between our Kiba family and the Yanai family. Welcome to join us."

After Kiba Shimizu finished speaking, the audience burst into applause.

Immediately afterwards, Masao Yanai also walked onto the stage, holding the hand of his daughter Miyuki Yanai.

"My daughter, Yanai Miyuki, will pick out a suitable husband from the Kiba family today to enhance the friendship between the Kiba family and the Yanai family."

After Masao Yanai finished speaking, he walked off the platform with Seimei Kiba.

And Kiba Kiba Seikawa and Kiba Seimei, as the only remaining Kiba family candidates suitable for marrying Yanai Miyuki, walked in front of Yanai Miyuki.

"Qing Shui, I think these two children in your family are both young talents, they are both very outstanding, and I really can't pick them as suitable candidates...

And if we choose, it will inevitably make another person dissatisfied.Why not let my daughter do you feel. "

Yanai Masao said to Kiba Shimizu.

Chapter 49 Abolition of Seimei Kiba

"That's right, the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, and I can't make a choice, so I'll do as you said."

Kiba Shimizu said heartily.He didn't know what kind of medicine Masao Yanai sold in the gourd.There must be something hidden from me.

But Kiba Shimizu knew that it must not be beneficial to his son Kiba Seimei, otherwise there would be no need to engage in so many tricks.In the past, it was the woman's father who chose the right husband for his daughter.

This time Masao Yanai didn't follow the routine, and there was only one reason why her daughter might not want to marry Seimei Kiba.

Kiba Shimizu is very happy about this situation.For him who has just enjoyed being the head of the family, he has great power.It is impossible to be taken away by others before enjoying it for a long time.Even if that person is his own son.

Kiba Shimizu became so cruel that he was even afraid.Therefore, in order to deal with his son Seimei Kiba, he tried to weaken him as much as possible, knowing that a son is like a father.

He knows about his son Kiba Seimei's desire for power, and Kiba Seimei's private expansion of power, he is not ignorant, but he just turned a blind eye before taking back all the power of the Kiba family. Just close one eye, I don't want to conflict with Kiba Seimei.

In the anticipation of everyone, Yanai Miyuki looked at the two men in front of her, Seimei Kiba, a popular lover, and I don't know how many girls want to marry him.Even Kiba Kiba Seihe's ex-girlfriend Mariko Hayashi easily changed her target and fell in love with Kiba Seimei.

But Yanai Miyuki is more optimistic about Kiba Qinghe, because Kiba Qinghe has an inexplicable attraction that fascinates Yanai Miyuki. She believes that Li Qinghe will definitely not be a thing in the pool in the future.

So in Kiba Seimei's confident and slow eyes, Kiba Seimei saw Yanai Miyuki walking towards him step by step, and immediately wanted to reach out and hug Yanai Miyuki.

But Yanai Miyuki bypassed Kiba Seimei and came to Li Qinghe.

Yanai Miyuki lay on Li Qinghe's shoulder, Li Qinghe never thought that Yanai Miyuki really chose him.Even though Yanai Miyuki said she wanted to be his husband when she was in the hospital, Li Qinghe also thought it was a joke.

Li Qinghe's heart is not here. What Li Qinghe hopes most at the moment is to break through the world barrier so that the Red Police base can send troops here as soon as possible.

What Li Qinghe didn't know was that although the Red Police base could send soldiers to this world through him.However, due to the influence of time and space turbulence, it was not possible to mobilize soldiers on a large scale at the beginning.Only come here in small batches.

And the soldiers who come to the world of Kamen Rider Kato, their location is random.This world is getting bigger, and the soldiers sent out are like a drop of water falling into the sea, and it is difficult to distinguish.

And Li Qinghe hid it so well, who would have known that he was in the hospital.No one knew about Li Qinghe's location. Kiba Qinghe's body didn't have the ability to accurately locate the body, so being able to teleport soldiers was pretty good.

So what Li Qinghe needed was to calm down and wait for the help he received.

Kiba Seimei's outstretched hand felt awkward all of a sudden, it was wrong to take it back, and it was wrong to leave it.

Li Qinghe leaned on a cane in one hand, hugged Yanai Miyuki in the other hand, and asked in a low voice in Yanai Miyuki's ear: "Does your father know that you do this? You must know that in the eyes of others, Kiba is the best choice." Seimei, not me who does nothing."

Yanai Miyuki nodded and whispered: "Father, he knows."

Li Qinghe didn't expect Yanai Zhengxiong to agree to her daughter's absurd behavior for the sake of her daughter.You must know that the combination of Seimei Kiba and Miyuki Yanai can further promote the relationship between the two families.

"Why? I'm no better than a cripple like him."

Miyuki Yanai's choice made Seimei Kiba angry. He is only a young man. Although the city is deep, he is still much worse than an old man.

At this moment Kiba Seimei couldn't control his emotions anymore.

Yanai Miyuki got up from Li Qinghe and said to Kiba Seimei: "You are an excellent man, and you will find a better woman than me in the future. I wish you to find your other half as soon as possible."

Miyuki Yanai's act of issuing a "good person card" to Seimei Kiba was just a magic trick, which made Seimei Kiba completely lose his mind.

Kiba Seimei yelled hoarsely, when Kiba Shimizu walked up to Kiba Seimei and slapped his son hard.

"what are you doing?"

Kiba Shimizu's slap woke up Kiba Seimei.

"I'm sorry, father."

Kiba Seimei lowered his head to apologize, but the fist in his hand was clenched unconsciously.

Kiba Seimei has never been touched since he was a child, and no one dares to touch him, even his father Kiba Shimizu.

This is where Kiba Seimei is not yet mature, and he can't perfectly cover up his psychological activities.

"This is an agreement between you and I, Uncle Yanai, do you still have any dissatisfaction?"

Kiba Shimizu scolded Kiba Seimei.

"No, I was wrong, I shouldn't be so gaffe."

Kiba Seimei lowered his unwilling head.During those few minutes, no one could see the humiliation and anger in Kiba Seimei's eyes.

"Since you know you're wrong, go back and contemplate behind closed doors for a month."

Kiba Shimizu determined the punishment result for Kiba Seimei.

Once Kiba Seimei accepts this punishment, all the forces he recruited during this month will be recruited by his father Kiba Shimizu, and he is equivalent to being a wedding dress.At the same time, the power of all the Kiba family will be integrated by Kiba Shimizu.


When Kiba Seimei heard what Kiba Shimizu said, he immediately expressed dissatisfaction.

"It seems that you still don't know what you did wrong. If you make mistakes, you will add more mistakes and crimes. You will not be allowed to come out within half a year after you go back."

Kiba Shimizu had a tone of hating iron but not steel.

"Kiba Shimizu, what do you want to do? My son is right, why are you punishing him? It's clearly the bastard Kiba Kiba..."

Seeing his son being punished at this time, Kiba Seimei's mother, Kiba Shimizu's first wife, Kiba Yako rushed in front of him, protecting her precious son.In her heart, what her son did was right, and he was more important than Kiba Shimizu, the good-for-nothing husband.


With a crisp sound, Kiba Seimei's mother had a slap mark on her face.

"You say Kiba Kiyokawa is a bastard, so what am I?"

Kiba Shimizu immediately had his wife forcibly dragged back.Kiba Shimizu is also a very forbearing person. He didn't control the Kiba family until his father-in-law died.

In the past, Kiba Shimizu always calmly tolerated his wife's unreasonable troubles because of his father-in-law's reasons.But her wife didn't know how to advance or retreat, and these grievances kept pressing in Kiba Shimizu's heart.

Similarly, Kiba Seimei is even more so as her wife's obedient son, even he has no right to take care of him. Kiba Seimei is raised by his father-in-law and his wife together.

With great difficulty, Kiba Shimizu boiled his father-in-law to death like an eagle, and finally the opportunity to stand up came. With the hole cards left over from decades, he easily controlled most of the Kiba family's power.

There is only a small part left, and of this small part his son Seimei Kiba occupies a part, and his wife also occupies a part.

After Kiba Seimei turned himself into a landlord, he immediately purged a group of people who usually didn't like him.At the same time, a small amount of poison was added to his wife's food every day, causing her to die slowly.

It's just that his wife's performance today made Kiba Shimizu feel that he was too kind. Such a woman, how can she be a woman who can work with him for the rest of her life?

And once his wife's power is combined with the power of his son Kiba Seimei, it will be a big threat.

So Kiba Seimei decided that it would be better for his wife to accompany her father earlier.

Because of Kiba Shimizu's wife's troubles, Kiba Shimizu's punishment for Kiba Seimei was reduced, and he was not allowed to talk to anyone for a week.

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