In this way, the engagement ceremony, which was supposed to be joyful, ended carelessly and prematurely due to the disturbance of Kiba Seimei's mother.And Li Qinghe also reported the return of the beauty, and temporarily lived in the Liujing family.

According to Yanai Zhengxiong, he had the idea of ​​making Li Qinghe his son-in-law.Yanai Zhengxiong also found out that Li Qinghe is not an ordinary person through the verbal conversation with Li Qinghe, and his future achievements will be extraordinary.I just don't know, why did Kiba Kiyokawa perform so well in the previous investigation?Could it be that it was hiding clumsiness, in order to avoid the persecution of Kiba Seimei?

Masao Yanai measured it in his heart, and only such an explanation could make sense.

Back in the family, Kiba Shimizu looked at his angry wife on the sofa, and didn't lower his dignity to kneel down as usual.

"Why are you willing to come back? No matter what method you use, I must let my son Kiba Seimei marry Yanai Miyuki. As for your useless son Kiba Kiyokawa, just marry him."

Kiba Shimizu's wife issued orders to Kiba Shimizu in an orderly tone.

"My son, it's not trash. Yours is."

Kiba Shimizu held the top-secret information from the clinic, which showed that he had no blood relationship with Kiba Seimei.But the strange thing is that her wife has a blood relationship with Kiba Seimei, and his father-in-law and Kiba Seimei have a blood similarity of 9999%.

After Kiba Shimizu's careful recollection, her wife gave birth to her son at a different time than he had estimated in October, and gave birth to Kiba Seimei in six months. .

According to Kiba Shimizu's wife, she was born prematurely.But how can premature birth be three months premature.The more I think about it, the more something is wrong, and Kiba Seimei's appearance is actually not similar to Kiba Shimizu's.

This has always been hidden in Kiba Shimizu's heart. After Kiba Shimizu became the patriarch of the Kiba family, he "accidentally" knew that Kiba Seimei was the effort made by the Kiba family to keep the blood pure.It was indeed born to the father-in-law of Kiba Shimizu and his wife.

Chapter 50 Seimei Kiba

No wonder why Kiba Shimizu's father-in-law doted on Kiba Seimei so much, and left some power for Kiba Seimei to inherit.

The more Kiba Shimizu thinks about it, the angrier he gets. Should an honest man take over? Fuck you honest man.

Under Kiba Seimei's anger, the documents in his hands were crushed.Flipped to spit flying, still ordering his wife's face.

Kiba Shimizu's wife unfolded the documents thrown on her face, glanced at them casually, and her face suddenly turned pale.

"You actually investigated me?"

Seeing his wife's behavior, Kiba Shimizu immediately confirmed this point.Sure enough, he was greened by the old man, no wonder his wife is black fungus.

"Since you already know, then you get out of this family, and I will make my son Seimei Kiba the new head of the family."

When Kiba Shimizu heard about his wife, he drove him away without thinking about any old feelings.The last bit of burden in my heart was also thrown away.

With a livid face, Kiba Shimizu pulled out a dagger and approached his wife from behind.And his wife still doesn't know.

"Let me tell you, it's too late even if you kneel down and beg me now."

Kiba Shimizu's wife said arrogantly behind Kiba Shimizu's back.

"I won't kneel down to anyone again."

At this moment, Kiba Shimizu's wife seemed to feel something was wrong and wanted to turn her head, but found that her head was held down by Kiba Shimizu's hand.

And Kiba Shimizu stabbed his wife with the hand holding the dagger.

Half an hour later, Kiba Shimizu had already dealt with everything, "Oh, it's been a long time since I exercised. Thank you for allowing me to exercise for a while."

Kiba Shimizu quickly disposed of his wife's body, and publicized that his wife had traveled around the world.

Kiba Seimei asked him to lock him in a small room.For this son who has no real blood relationship with him, Kiba Shimizu felt that Kiba Seimei hadn't posed a threat to him, so he should be put in confinement for a while. During this period of time, he can perfectly collect power.All the forces of the entire Kiba family can be taken back during this time.

But Kiba Shimizu didn't expect that Kiba Seimei, who had already been imprisoned, was already free and easy outside.

Although Kiba Seimei didn't know what happened to his mother, but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Kiba Shimizu's preemptive attack did catch Kiba Seimei by surprise.The key is that Seimei Kiba did not expect Miyuki Yanai to choose Kiba Kiyokawa, which interrupted his prepared plan at once.

One wrong step and one wrong step led to Seimei Kiba being dominated by Kiba Shimizu on the day of the engagement ceremony, when all the patriarchs came.Kiba Seimei couldn't help not listening to his father's current Kiba patriarch.

But Kiba Shimizu's act of taking power from Kiba Seimei broke the tacit understanding between the two parties at once.And these benefits were taken back by his father, which Kiba Seimei could not tolerate, so Kiba Seimei was ready to take action against his father.

That night, Kiba Seimei bribed the doorman guarding the family with money, and with a few heavily armed soldiers, sneaked into Kiba Shimizu's bedroom.

Kiba Shimizu was still in the bedroom, sleeping with a concubine in his arms.

"Puff puff."

Just like that, Kiba Shimizu died in his sleep in a daze.

Although Kiba Shimizu has mastered most of the power of the Kiba family, but his behavior is too impatient.There is an old saying in Longyuan State, haste makes waste.

Kiba Shimizu's eagerness to take power is not just Kiba Seimei alone, so after Kiba Seimei promised to give others enough benefits, he was able to successfully bypass the defense line and approached his father Kiba Shimizu bedroom.

Kiba Seimei doesn't control much power, but the power he controls is the defense power that guards his father.

For Kiba Seimei, it is not difficult to seize power, so Kiba Seimei has always been silently accumulating strength and striving for "peace" as the head of the family.

Have you ever heard a saying that a man conquers the world by virtue of his strength, and a woman conquers the man by herself, so she conquers the world.

Kiba Shimizu controls the entire Kiba family, but Kiba Seimei controls his life and death, which means that he has already controlled the Kiba family through Kiba Shimizu.

Kiba Shimizu didn't know until his death that it was his son Kiba Seimei who he thought was still in confinement who killed him.

After Kiba Seimei killed his father, he announced that his father had a sudden heart attack and died unfortunately.The Kiba family is officially taken over by him, and he will be the new patriarch of the Kiba family.

To be honest, Kiba Seimei's act of killing his father to seize power was a wrong act.The reason why each family can survive and develop depends on the rules.There are no rules.

So Kiba Seimei did become the patriarch of the Kiba family by means of disgraceful means.But each family began to alienate the Kiba family.He could even kill his own father, let alone other people.

Although Kiba Seimei has kept a low profile as much as possible during this power seizure operation.But there is no wall in the world that does not expose the wind.Not all the people he brought to kill his father Kiba Shimizu were his subordinates.

Since these people can be bribed by Seimei Kiba, they can also be bribed by other people. Maybe they are the secrets planted by other families.

Naturally, all the information about Seimei Kiba's operation has been known to all the families.

Yanai Zhengxiong, the patriarch of the Yanai family, also knew the news at home.

"Daughter, what do you think about Kiba Seimei becoming the patriarch of the Kiba family?"

Masao Yanai asked his daughter.

"Father, this Kiba Seimei is really vicious. Fortunately, I didn't choose him at the beginning. However, Kiba Seimei is a narrow-minded person. It is probably because I chose Kiba Kiyokawa instead of choosing him to hate me, or hate Kiba Kiyokawa. It is very likely that he will use his power to kill Kiba Kiyokawa."

"Yeah, I'm worried about Kiba Kiba's safety. Kiba Kiba Seikawa and Kiba Seimei are the only remaining candidates who are suitable to succeed the Kiba family patriarch.

After Kiba Seimei became the patriarch through improper means, there will definitely be people who are dissatisfied with his despicable means.And the existence of Kiba Kiyokawa is undoubtedly the person who can threaten him at present.

In addition, although Kiba Seimei became the patriarch, he was no better than his father Kiba Shimizu.Kiba Shimizu has worked hard for so many years to control the entire family in a short period of time.

Kiba Seimei is inferior to his father Kiba Shimizu in terms of qualifications, status, and prestige.

If Kiba Shimizu is given a little more time, he can completely consolidate the entire family as solid as gold.It's a pity that the inside of the fort is always the easiest breakthrough.

Seimei Kiba couldn't bring the whole family together in a short period of time.You must know that a family is also divided into factions. Since there is a faction that hates Kiba Shimizu, there are also people who support Kiba Shimizu.

What Kiba Seimei did this time was really inappropriate, and suddenly made the eldest son of his most dominant family bear the reputation of killing his father.In the family, there must be someone who will make a fuss about it.Look, under Kiba Seimei's rule, the Kiba family was ruined. "

Masao Yanai seems to have thought of the scene of the ruined Kiba family.

The fact is that the situation of the Kiba family is more serious than Masao Yanai imagined.

Seimei Kiba got his coveted position through dishonorable means, but he also discovered many secrets.

For example, his father is not Kiba Shimizu, but his grandfather.And he is for the purity of the family, as a product of inbreeding marriage, he is very talented.

Kiba Seimei didn't expect that the reason why his father didn't like him so much was actually this.Also know that her mother is not out to travel around the world, but was killed.Still killed by Kiba Shimizu.

Think of Kiba Kiyokawa in contrast.After Kiba Qinghe woke up, Kiba Seimei intentionally or unintentionally leaned towards Kiba Qinghe, which made Kiba Seimei very jealous.

There is no harm without comparison.Kiba Seimei's troubles are naturally more than that.

At the beginning, he promised to those who helped him, but he backed out.It's not that they don't want to be paid, but that the lion opened his mouth and wants to get more benefits.

It was only then that Kiba Seimei knew that being the patriarch of a family was really tiring and physically and mentally exhausting, especially for him who rose to power through dishonorable means.

Moreover, those who supported Kiba Seimei at the beginning, after seeing that Kiba Seimei became the patriarch and did not give him greater benefits, have lost their stance and want to change factions.If Kiba Seimei does not make changes, then it is not known whether those who support him will support others.

However, some benefits cannot be distributed, so the benefits that seem to be generously promised, in the end, are paid by Seimei Kiba when they are actually implemented.

This is the same as businessman investment, you bought the funds into inventory goods, but did not sell them back in a short period of time.If one's own principal is very thick, then it is understandable to share some benefits.

However, Seimei Kiba's own capital is very thin, which has caused difficulties in turnover, and if it is not done properly, it will lead to bankruptcy.

Kiba Seimei's head hurts when he thought of this.Moreover, many families outside have already cut off business relations with their own families, which caused the assets of the Kiba family to shrink by one-third. .

If that's the case, that's fine. The key is that there are still a group of people who didn't give in to him after learning that Kiba Seimei became the patriarch. They even betrayed him to support another Kiba Seihe who can inherit the position of patriarch. .This made Kiba Seimei suddenly worried.

Thinking that it was because of Kiba Kiyokawa's awakening, Kiba Seimei thought so.He believed that Li Qinghe was the culprit for this series of actions, so the idea that Li Qinghe must die sprouted in his heart.

Chapter 51Assassination

This thought got out of hand, so Kiba Seimei began to think about how to kill Li Qinghe.One must know that Li Qinghe is currently staying in the Liujing family, so it is very difficult to kill him.

But it's just difficult, not impossible.From Kiba Seimei's point of view, human beings have weaknesses, even Li Qinghe.His weakness might be some woman, if it's not enough, then just add some more.

After the engagement ceremony, Li Qinghe didn't know if it was because of the so-called happy event.Three days after the engagement ceremony, Li Qinghe was able to walk normally without crutches, but he couldn't run yet.But walking can go, and running is not far away.

"Uncle, this is a letter from someone."

The guard handed a letter to Li Qinghe.

Kiba Qinghe opened the envelope, and there were some nasty love words written in it, which were written to him by Hayashi Mariko.Mariko Lin said that she knew she was wrong, and hoped that Li Qinghe could forgive him once.He met at Samsung Cafe.

After Li Qinghe scanned the contents inside, he threw the letter and the envelope into the trash can.


Li Qinghe continued to open a book and began to read and appreciate it.

After a while, someone sent a greeting card to himself.

Li Qinghe let the person who sent the post come in.

Li Qinghe found that the people scattered in front of him didn't even know anyone.

"Second son."

This group of people is the faction in the Kiba family that supports Kiba Shimizu, and in Kiba Seimei's view, they have always been old and stubborn.

"What are you looking for me for?"

Although Li Qinghe didn't know what these people were called, he knew that they were all members of the Kiba family.

An 80-year-old man, leaning on crutches, half-kneeled on the ground, "Kiba is clear and innocent, and I sincerely invite the second son to go back and preside over the overall situation."

"I won't go back. Since Kiba Seimei is now the head of the house, let Kiba Seimei continue to be the head."

Li Qinghe shook his head and rejected the old man's proposal.

"If you don't go back, the Kiba family will be ruined."

Other people belonging to this faction also knelt down and begged Li Qinghe to drive Kiba Seimei down and put Li Qinghe in power.

Since Kiba Seimei came to power, he likes to make decisions with his head.The whole Kiba family was in a mess.Moreover, the status of the Kiba family has obviously declined, and some outsiders have begun to look down on the Kiba family.

But Kiba Seimei failed to take any effective defensive measures, or even implement them.Those who supported Kiba Seimei at the beginning were okay, those who did not support Kiba Seimei could clearly feel other families' views on the Kiba family.

These people really regard the Kiba family as their own home, and they are all prosperous and all damaged.Thinking about how to revitalize the Kiba family again.

Since Kiba Seimei is not strong enough to save the Kiba family from the crisis, then it is time to change positions, and Li Qinghe will replace him.

Amidst all the pleadings, Li Qinghe did not refuse directly, but agreed with half-push and half-satisfaction.Because he also wanted to see what kind of family the Kiba family was.

After getting Li Qinghe's affirmative recovery, these people began to support Kiba Qinghe as the new patriarch.Those who didn't like Seimei Kiba were separated until they were forced to leave by Li Qinghe's order.

Li Qinghe thought that once he entered the upper echelons of the Kiba family, he would be able to get the information that his men came here earlier.At the same time, you can use the Kiba family as a cover to develop your own power.

After those people had left, an MMS message was sent from Li Qinghe's cell phone, suspected to be from Lin Lizi.

"Kiba Kiyokawa, I hate you."

This photo was followed by such a hateful sentence.

Li Qinghe felt very uncomfortable when he saw it, and he also wanted to finally fulfill his wish to meet Lin Zhenzi for this sentence.

So when Li Qinghe found out that his fiancée Miyuki Yanai was not there, he asked his servants to let Miyuki Yanai tell her that he would leave for a while.

Just as Li Qinghe left, Yanai Miyuki also came back, and heard what Li Qinghe told the servant to tell her.

"No, it might be Kiba Seimei's trap, I'm going to rescue Kiba Seimei."

Turning around, Yanai Miyuki immediately left the house and drove to catch up with Li Qinghe who hadn't gone far.

"Miyuki, do you want to come with me?"

Li Qinghe looked at Yanai Miyuki who rushed over and asked.

"Don't go, this is Kiba Seimei's trap. I just investigated, Hayashi Mariko is fine. Kiba Seimei wants to use her to lure you out."

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