When Li Qinghe heard Miyuki Yanai's words, he didn't have any doubts, got in the car and prepared to return.It was too late for Li Qinghe to go back. Kiba Qingming's subordinates saw that Li Qinghe was approaching the ambush circle, and when they were about to leave, they shot immediately.

"Bang bang bang."

Both Li Qinghe and Yanai Miyuki's driver were killed in an instant, and even Li Qinghe was shot several times. Fortunately, Li Qinghe was wearing the special body armor that Yanai Miyuki gave him.It greatly reduced the shock force of bullets hitting people, allowing Li Qinghe to withstand attacks below the neck.

The remaining bodyguards began to cover Li Qinghe and Yanai Miyuki as they left slowly.But Kiba Seimei's plan had already taken this into consideration.In the room where Li Qinghe and the others were going to retreat, a large number of automatic rifles protruded from the windows of the room after Li Qinghe approached.

Those who were in charge of protecting Li Qinghe were soon unable to stop the enemy.

"Go to a public restroom over there."

Fortunately, there is another place where Kiba Seimei has fewer people.

Li Qinghe was also holding a pistol, and his marksmanship was precise and he quickly cleaned up the people in the public toilet.Just when Li Qinghe and the others ran there despite the hail of bullets.

Li Qinghe suddenly thought of whether Kiba Seimei would deliberately expose such a weakness in firepower and let him enter.What if a bomb is planted in the toilet.Then it will be served in one pot.

Thinking of this, a trace of cold sweat broke out on Li Qinghe's head.

Li Qinghe immediately pulled Yanai Miyuki to lie down.Let the subordinates enter wearing their own and Yanai Miyuki's coats.While pulling Yanai Miyuki by herself, she was still in place.

In this way, if the bathroom is safe, it can form a firepower point and support it for a while.

Li Qinghe didn't believe that there was such a big commotion, and the Liujing family would still be silent?

It's good to hold on for a while longer, in this case, Li Qinghe and the others will be safe.

In fact, Li Qinghe's guess came true. The people sent by Kiba Seimei vaguely saw the people wearing the coats of Li Qinghe and Yanai Miyuki, and immediately exploded the time bomb in the toilet.

"Boom" sound.

That bathroom exploded.

And the people arranged by Seimei Kiba began to come out one after another, approaching the toilet.Of course, where Li Qinghe stayed at the beginning, some people also came to watch. They shot people who were not dead, and even those who died would be shot again to ensure that you will die. Playing dead will not work.

Li Qinghe didn't have the habit of waiting for death, even if he died, it wouldn't make him feel better.If I don't die this time, then those who plot against me will definitely die in an ugly way.

Li Qinghe saw a dozen or so people orderly surrounding him and Miyuki Yanai.

However, the rescue sent by Masao Yanai was far away.Waiting for Yanai Zhengxiong's rescue is probably impossible.I can only hope that there will be more subordinates sent by Yazi Yukageyama.

Li Qinghe sent out the distress signal, and when those people got closer and closer to Li Qinghe, Yanai Miyuki looked at Li Qinghe with piercing eyes, although she was very unwilling.But being able to die with Li Qinghe, he is not alone anymore.

Thinking of Yanai Miyuki, she no longer fears the imminent death.Li Qinghe picked up the Uki submachine gun in the hand of a bodyguard who died next to him.

As soon as the shuttle went down, the three people who were closer to Li Qinghe were shot because they had no cover.Unsurprisingly, he fell to the ground.

Others were frightened by the sudden attack, and quickly found a nearby bunker to hide.At the same time, Kichang Qingming placed other people nearby, and they also began to take aim at Li Qinghe's place, waiting for Li Qinghe to show up. As long as Li Qinghe dared to show up, there would be at least four sniper rifles on his head.

Under such circumstances, those who were suddenly attacked by Li Qinghe also began to come out.From time to time, gunfire hit the place where Li Qinghe had to be exposed if he wanted to attack.

This kind of suppression of firepower made it impossible for Li Qinghe to take the lead, but the grenade was still possible.It has to be said that the people Yanai Zhengxiong sent to protect Li Qinghe and the others were well equipped.

Ordinary people would carry a grenade, Li Qinghe pulled out the fuse with the grenade, and threw it out.


Although the thunder that Li Qinghe threw at will didn't hit anyone, it also brought pressure to those who tried to kill Li Qinghe quickly, making them unable to move forward quickly.

But no matter how slow you run, there is still time to walk.Those who walk fast are already very close to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe took out the grenade and threw it out again.This time Li Qinghe threw not one grenade, but eight.

A smart man saw the grenade thrown by Li Qinghe, picked it up and was about to throw it at Li Qinghe.As a result, as soon as he picked it up, the grenade exploded.He was also blown to pieces.

Li Qinghe's grenade played a big role, killing everyone who was closest to him.But this also led to Li Qinghe having no more grenades.

In other words, once those people approached again, Li Qinghe and the others really had nothing to do.Can only sit still.

Li Qinghe looked over the body of the dead bodyguard to see if there was anything useful, but he couldn't find any useful weapons. .

Although Li Qinghe's grenade hit a group of people just now, they had a little fear and became cautious.Approaching Li Qinghe's position at an extremely slow speed.

But Li Qinghe was not worried about the attack from the people sent by Kiba Seimei, because Li Qinghe already felt that the soldiers sent by the red police had arrived, and they were still soldiers.

Chapter 52 Reinforcements

When the armed men who were getting closer and closer to Li Qinghe were about to rush over together, all the sniper rifles were drawn at Li Qinghe's place.Because there are no survivors in the toilet.The location of Li Qinghe and Yanai Miyuki is the last survivor.

"泙泰泰", "泰泰泰泰".

The sound of the 95-type automatic rifle came out, and those who approached Li Qinghe first fell to the ground.

"The support has arrived."

The last stone in Li Qinghe's heart fell to the ground, and he was safe.Li Qinghe believed that the soldiers sent by the Red Police base were definitely better than those miscellaneous militants who besieged and killed him.

The result is exactly the same. The soldiers of Longyuan Kingdom are indeed the strongest army in the world.

Although there were many people attacking Li Qinghe this time, more than 200 people, and they occupied a favorable terrain, but such a big advantage did not bring any benefit to the soldiers of Longyuan Kingdom.

The well-trained soldiers rushed into the tall buildings where the unprofessional snipers were located.

Several snipers had a doubt until their death, "How did they come up and when did they come?"

This time, the soldiers responsible for protecting Li Qinghe all occupied a favorable terrain.Condescending, set up a sniper rifle.

Snipers from Longyuan Kingdom made precise headshots. Those militants who thought they were hiding in a safe corner were shot one by one by bullets from different angles.

"I quit. I quit."

A militant can no longer stand the fear of being shot in the head.

Of course, the result is to run out, yes, it is to run out.

It was the decision made by the captain of the Longyuan country team who was in charge of supporting this time.Let them run out of the corner first.It's better than they're in the corner and they don't come out all the time.And this also prevents them from jumping over the wall in a hurry, and may attack Li Qinghe desperately.

So let a few people leave first, and their departure is also within the field of vision of the soldiers of Longyuan Kingdom.

A person saw his companion run away without dying, but the person who stayed behind started to die again.He also started running around, throwing away all the guns because he thought he was running too slowly.

In this way, one person runs, two people run, and all militants who are currently alive start to run.Now is their time to die.

The person who runs first is also the one who runs the farthest.He thought he was safe, so he ran a little slower, and began to think about how he would deal with Seimei Kiba when he fled back like this.

But when he thought that there were many people running with her behind, he felt relieved.The law that does not blame the public should not be regarded as in Longyuan country, it is applicable in any country.

Just when he thought of a countermeasure, there was a "bang", and his brain flowed everywhere.He fell to the ground.

At the same time, all the Type 95 rifles fired at the same time, and the sound of "da da da" was continuous.

Rows of militants fell to the ground.There were also some people who saw something bad and gave up running decisively. Instead, they took advantage of their companions to attract firepower and rushed into nearby residents' houses.

When the gunfire subsided, Li Qinghe was still hiding in the corner with Yanai Miyuki and did not come out.Because Li Qinghe didn't feel safe yet.

Li Qinghe didn't like some people's dying counterattack.This is especially true when acting on oneself.

Li Qinghe held a pistol in one hand and Miyuki Yanai in the other.

Yanai Miyuki also heard the gunshots outside, she thought it was reinforcements sent by her father Yanai Zhengxiong.He was no longer afraid, lying in Li Qinghe's arms, waiting for the attacker to be strangled this time.

The precise marksmanship of the soldiers of Longyuan Kingdom quickly wiped out most of the people sent by Seimei Kiba.Of course, there are still a few fish that escaped the net and are hiding, waiting for the opportunity.

Li Qinghe deliberately exposed a piece of clothing on his body.


There was an extra bullet hole in the dress.At the same time, the shooter revealed his location.

This time the shooter was a child of Renlou.

Regardless of whether he is a child or not, his actions have already threatened Li Qinghe's safety.This is intolerable to the soldiers in charge of protecting Li Qinghe.If Li Qinghe hadn't been careful, Li Qinghe might have been injured in that shot just now.

"Clap clap clap."

The assailant missed a shot and had decisively left the shooting position.


The ten rockets perfectly covered all possible hiding places of the sneak attacker.If the assailant was not killed by the rocket, he was crushed to death by the collapsed house due to the rocket.

Li Qinghe's usual caution saved him once again.Li Qinghe believed that there must be someone squatting on him.Those who chased and killed themselves at the beginning were only people on the bright side. If they went well at the beginning, the people in the dark naturally didn't need to do anything.

But it is a pity that those who did it at the beginning did not go well.So the last-hand preparation arranged by Seimei Kiba also came in handy.

After the soldiers in charge of protecting Li Qinghe learned of Li Qinghe's location, they quickly informed Yingshan boy of Li Qinghe's location.

"You must protect the commander. If something happens to him, don't come back."

Yazi Yingshan ordered them to stay put and continue to protect Li Qinghe.At the same time, more soldiers were sent to the world of Kamen Rider Jiadou, heading towards Li Qinghe's position.

Of course, many dragon knights, elephant knights, and monkey knights also followed suit.

In the beginning, only ordinary soldiers were allowed to set off, because they were afraid of revealing the password of the knight system.If you know Li Qinghe's location, it doesn't matter if it's leaked or not, it's all to protect Li Qinghe anyway.

Five minutes after Li Qinghe was attacked, Yanai Zhengxiong had already learned that his daughter and son-in-law had been attacked.So immediately send your men.

But he found that he was under house arrest.Kiba Seimei sat where he used to sit.

"Father-in-law, hello."

Masao Yanai frowned. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm only here to tell you that I will be your son-in-law. As for my dear brother, I believe he will be gone soon."

Kiba Seimei stroked his chin with one hand.

"How do you control the people here?"

Yanai Zhengxiong didn't understand why Kiba Seimei could come here, and he was imprisoned by visual inspection.

"Father-in-law, don't you understand? All the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. I paid some money for your people. It's really very simple. I really don't know why your family can survive until now .”

Kiba Seimei sighed deliberately.

"Nonsense. Someone should want me to step down and let him be the new patriarch. Because I don't have a son, only a daughter.

In the future, only my son-in-law Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa will succeed me, which makes him very dissatisfied.So that person, hit it off with you.And the person who cooperates with you can mobilize the defense forces around me.Right. "

Masao Yanai's words stunned Kiba Seimei.

"how do you know?"

Kiba Seimei asked in surprise, you must know that his actions are really completely kept secret this time.He believes that the person who cooperates with him, as long as he is not stupid, will not leak the news like the last time he seized power.

"You don't need to know. I still have to tell you that you are still too young."

Masao Yanai's words made Kiba Seimei, who considered himself the proud son of heaven, very uncomfortable.

"Shut up. Rely on the old and sell the old, no matter what, you are still in my hands. Your life is already in my hands."

Kiba Seimei said angrily.

Masao Yanai thought about it, and it was true.He is currently in the hands of Seimei Kiba.It is very possible to say one more word and die here.Someone who could easily kill his own father.Masao Yanai believed that other people who offended him would be mercilessly killed.

It's just that Masao Yanai began to worry about the safety of his son-in-law and daughter.One can only hope that Seimei Yukiba can survive.

A small team of soldiers at the Red Police base discovered Li Qinghe's location.Soldiers who have come to other parts of the world, especially those who are still in the island country, quickly moved towards Li Qinghe.

On the one hand, the soldiers who rushed over blocked the positions where those fishes that slipped through the net might want to escape.On the other hand, they gradually investigated possible threats around Li Qinghe.Li Qinghe will not go out until the threat is dealt with.

And in order to prevent those fish who slipped through the net from sending out messages, all network signals here are temporarily blocked by the blocking device.Nobody knows what's going on here.

One is that there are very few residents here. Even if there is a gun battle, ordinary people in the island country, a special country where gangsters are prevalent, have already gotten used to it.In order to avoid getting burned, they pretended not to see it.Even if someone saw it and wanted to call the police, they would find the beeping sound in their landline.

In this way, the remaining fish that slipped through the net will truly become the turtles in the urn after the soldiers who arrive have completely formed an encirclement circle.

Thanks to Kiba Seimei's secret attack plan, Kiba Seimei paid a lot of money to bribe a group of police officers from the police station to let them come later.Moreover, the place where Li Qinghe was attacked this time was relatively remote.Even if it is discovered, the information is difficult to pass on.

Therefore, those survivors who were besieged and killed Li Qinghe became shrinking turtles at this moment, and began to disguise themselves in order to try to escape the siege of Li Qinghe's soldiers.

They could only hope that there were not many soldiers, and after taking perfect security measures for Li Qinghe, they left.

However, Li Qinghe is not the kind of person who won't fight back after suffering a loss. He really thinks that Li Qinghe is eating grass.Li Qinghe is not a Buddhist mind.


This was the only word Li Qinghe uttered. For those who dared to attack him this time, they must not be easily let go.Anyway, there are not many residents here, and it is king if they are all chug.

Li Qinghe thought of the assailant who seemed to be a child just now, and there was no pity for the innocent left in his heart.

Chapter 53 Yanai Masao was murdered

Some people may think that Li Qinghe is too ruthless. There are only one or two hundred residents here. There are old people and children, women and students, all of whom were slaughtered because of Li Qinghe's word "kill".

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