Soon the monkey knight sent by Yazi Yingshan came here and gave Li Qinghe a set of Leo knight belt.

Li Qinghe took over the transformation system of Leo Knight.Originally, the Monkey Rider was meant to be used as a training belt.But Li Qinghe felt that there was still a need for the Knights of Leo, as the knight system with the most strength, agility and uniformity.The improved version of the Leo knight system has extremely low standards of use, and even ordinary people can use it.

Therefore, for Li Qinghe's current body, the Leo knight belt is the most suitable.

With a trace of nostalgia, Li Qinghe successfully dressed the Laiou knight system.

"This is the second time I've become a Leo Knight."

Li Qinghe also handed a set of Leo Knights to Miyuki Yanai.Yanai Miyuki saw how Li Qinghe used this system, and she followed suit and transformed into a Leo Knight.

Yanai Miyuki touched her body with her hands, and felt very novel when she saw Li Qinghe's transformation into a Leo knight, so she also touched Li Qinghe.

"Let's go. Let's see if Seimei Kiba dares to design an ambush for me."

After Li Qinghe gave the order for the massacre, he took some soldiers and drove back to the Liujing family first, planning to make arrangements for Liujing Miyuki first, and then settle the accounts with his brother.

However, when Li Qinghe drove to the gate of the Liujing family, he found that the Liujing family was suddenly under martial law.

Li Qinghe noticed something was wrong, and asked Yanai Miyuki next to him, "Miyuki, do you know what's going on?"

Yanai Miyuki shook her head, "I don't know, but as far as I remember, I have never seen such a martial law in the family. I will get out of the car and ask them, what happened?"

Li Qinghe suddenly remembered that since they were attacked, there had been no rescuers. If it wasn't for the soldiers from the Red Police Base, then Li Qinghe's body would not be safe.

Why didn't Masao Yanai send people to reinforce him? Could it be that Zheng Xiong Yanai sent people to kill him? It shouldn't be, if you want to kill yourself, you don't have to take advantage of your only daughter, and if you want to kill yourself, it is even more difficult in the Yanai family Convenient and secluded.

So it doesn't make sense that Yanai Zhengxiong sent people to kill Li Qinghe.This meant that it was impossible for Yanai Zhengxiong to attack Li Qinghe this time, and Kiba Seimei was the only one who had a status dispute with Li Qinghe and had considerable conflicts.

Only Seimei Kiba can make such a big deal.And only Kiba Seimei wished he could die immediately. Li Qinghe and Kiba Seimei both hated to take their wives.

If it were Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe probably also wanted to kill the other party, but Li Qinghe didn't realize that Kiba Seimei dared to attack and kill Li Qinghe who was under the protection of the Liujing family.

Li Qinghe looked at the vigilant Yanai family, thinking in his heart, did something happen to Yanai Zhengxiong? Only the explanation of Yanai Zhengxiong's accident can explain Li Qinghe's attack, but there is no crude oil for reinforcements.

"Miyuki, don't go down. Let's go in quietly. By the way, have you entered the secret passage of the family?"

Li Qinghe asked.

Yanai Miyuki thought about it seriously, and suddenly said: "Yes, there is a path leading to our family's back garden, and the back garden has always been very little guarded. I haven't sneaked away from there for a long time, you follow me."

Yanai Miyuki led the way, and Li Qinghe led his men into the back garden easily from the path.

As Yanai Miyuki said, I don't know what happened in the back garden. There used to be a patrolman, but now there is not even a guard.

Yanai Miyuki also found something wrong, "Did something really wrong happen to my father?"

Yanai Miyuki was worried about the safety of her father Yanai Zhengxiong, and she was extremely anxious.

"Go to my father's study first. My father is always there."

Yanai Miyuki trotted towards the study.

After walking for a while, Miyuki Yanai made a booing gesture.

Li Qinghe also saw dozens of people guarding the door of the study.

"Looks like something really happened."

In the past, the study room was where Yanai Zhengxiong worked, and there were usually bodyguards guarding it, but only two bodyguards guarding the door were enough.

When Li Qinghe was thinking about how to enter the study, there was a scream in the study, which sounded like Yanai Zhengxiong's voice.


Yanai Miyuki immediately wanted to rush out desperately.Li Qinghe held him tightly, "No, you will only expose yourself if you go out like this now. We need to know what happened."

Miyuki Yanai nodded her head, tears streaming down her face.


Li Qinghe heard another scream, which was also from Masahiro Yanai.

Li Qinghe thought that Yanai Zhengxiong was kind to him, so naturally he couldn't let Yanai Zhengxiong ignore him.Just when Li Qinghe was about to act forcefully.

"Ah, Sihui, you must die."

This time the screams were even louder, and they even cursed out loud.This time, Li Qinghe can be sure that Yanai Zhengxiong sent it.

The study room where Masao Yanai used to work opened, and a short, fat man with a mustache came out.At the same time, there was a man by his side, and this man was Seimei Kiba.

"Who is he? Why did Seimei Kiba appear here?"

This is the hinterland of the Liujing family, outsiders are not allowed to enter, even Li Qinghe cannot enter without permission.But there are two irrelevant people here.


Yanai Miyuki looked at the chunky middle-aged man and said in a low voice.

That chunky man is the one Yanai Yoshie who was just cursed by Yanai Zhengxiong.

Yanai Yoshie happily thanked Kiba Seimei: "Thank you, otherwise I might not be able to win the position of patriarch. Don't worry, when I become the patriarch, I will abide by the agreement."

Seimei Kiba waved his hand, "I'm just doing my best, and the position of the head of the house should be yours. How can he be the head of the house, Yanai Masao He De, he will flatter and flatter every day."

After listening to Kiba Seimei's words, Yanai Yoshie was delighted, and the two began to carry people in a sedan chair.

Yanai Miyuki couldn't bear it any longer and rushed out.And Li Qinghe could only do it by force.

"Da da da."

The bodyguards who were waiting for defense in the study were shot and fell to the ground one after another.That short fat man was blocked by Kiba Seimei as an obstacle in front of him, so Yanai Yoshie was beaten into a sieve.

And Kiba Seimei took advantage of this time to escape.Without command, Li Qinghe's soldiers quickly killed the soldiers outside the study.

Li Qinghe walked like a tiger, pulling Yanai Miyuki quickly opened the door, and entered the study.

As soon as he entered the study, a strong smell of blood came to his nostrils.

Li Qinghe looked around, and saw Yanai Zhengxiong being hung upside down, and his face was cut by a sharp knife, blood dripping drop by drop.

Li Qinghe asked the soldiers to put Yanai Zhengxiong down quickly, and found that Yanai Zhengxiong was dying at this time.

However, Yanai Zhengxiong still managed to open his eyes, and saw Li Qinghe and his daughter Yanai Miyuki.

Miyuki Yanai saw her father's miserable condition, and she cried so much that she couldn't make a sound.

"Daughter, don't cry. People are mortal. It's just that I was soft-hearted at the beginning."

Yanai Zhengxiong put Yanai Miyuki's hand in Li Qinghe's hand, "From the first time I saw you, I knew that you must not be a thing in the pool."

Yanai Zhengxiong glanced at the soldiers brought by Li Qinghe, and continued to say to Li Qinghe: "I don't care who you are, I only have one request, take good care of my daughter. I will hand her over to you.

At the beginning, I was worried about your safety. Now that you are safe, I believe that you have the strength to reintegrate the possibly broken Yanai family. "

Li Qinghe looked at his father-in-law with a sad expression, but he was too cautious, if he rushed in in time when he heard the first scream, maybe Yanai Zhengxiong would not be so miserable.

Masao Yanai stretched out a hand to wipe away Miyuki Yanai's tears, "Daughter, don't be sad, I just went to see your mother. I saw her, is she talking to me? She misses me too."

Masao Yanai's voice became lower and lower until it became silent.And Yanai Masao's hand that wiped Yanai Miyuki's tears fell feebly.

"Dad, Dad, wake up. My daughter needs you."

Miyuki Yanai saw that her father was dead and completely out of control, and she lay on Masao Yanai's body and cried bitterly.

"You protect her well, and the rest follow me."

No one dared to object to Li Qinghe's words.

Li Qinghe wanted revenge and tore Kiba Seimei to pieces.Before Li Qinghe could make a move, a group of armed men had already surrounded Li Qinghe and the others.

"Drop your weapons, put your weapons down."

Batch after batch of bodyguards fired while talking, apparently wanting to keep Li Qinghe and the others here.Several soldiers brought by Li Qinghe were left here forever.

Li Qinghe was angry and was attacked again.How can I care so much. "Kill me, kill those who stand in the way."

Several elephant knights, dragon knights, and monkey knights beside Li Qinghe transformed one after another. Li Qinghe used the enhanced version of the Leo knight, and he got close to the bodyguards who were shooting with the firepower, and then broke their necks.

The knight system on Li Qinghe and the others blocked a large number of bullets. Their sturdy behavior scared the private armed forces belonging to the Liujing family who were still pouring fire at them.

"Kill, kill them. They killed the patriarch."

There are always some people who are booing, and the booing has achieved good results at first.

The passionate and loyal bodyguard poured his blood on the knight system and added a new badge to the knight system.

"Stop hitting. Stop hitting."

Yanai Miyuki also found out that there was a fight between her family and the people brought by Li Qinghe, so she immediately came out to stop it.

The appearance of Yanai Miyuki made both sides stop their attacks.

Chapter 54 The Escape

"She's a fake patriarch's daughter."

A man who thought it was safe to hide in the crowd booed.As soon as he finished speaking, his head was killed by a sniper covered by a tall building, and he suddenly became quiet.

Yanai Miyuki stood up, "The owner was killed by Seimei Kiba, and because of their appearance, we were able to survive in the gloves arranged by Seimei Kiba. Is this how you treat our benefactor?"

"Since the head of the family is dead, the country cannot be without a king for a day, and the family cannot be without a head for a day. So we need a new patriarch to succeed."

Yanai Miyuki's distant cousin asked "concerned", never mentioning revenge for Yanai Zhengxiong.

"Whoever can kill Seimei Kiba will be the new patriarch."

Yanai Miyuki answered this sentence neatly, and the quarrel started.

"How is it possible, this girl is crazy."

"Who would kill another Patriarch because of the position of Patriarch?"

"That's right, that's right, occupying the favor of the old patriarch and doing something wrong."

Many people in the Yanai family opposed Miyuki Yanai's decision.

But Yanai Miyuki did not change her words, and returned to the study after she finished speaking, crying while hugging the body of her dead father Yanai Masao.Those who cry are really heartbroken.

Others who want to be the patriarch must get the consent of Yanai Miyuki, the daughter of the previous patriarch.

With Miyuki Yanai's reconciliation, and the pressure from the soldiers brought by Li Qinghe, the security personnel of the Yanai family believed Miyuki Yanai's words and obeyed Miyuki Yanai's words.

Miyuki Yanai is the jewel in the palm of the Yanai family, and the Yani family will naturally listen to what she says.

The entire Yanai family began to operate in an orderly manner, and some ambitious people had already begun to set their sights on the position of the head of the Yanai family.

That Yanai Miyuki's cousin has already started planning how to kill Kiba Seimei who killed Yanai Masao.

However, with his ability, it is impossible to complete this plan no matter what.

Because Li Qinghe had already led his soldiers towards the Kiba family.

After Kiba Seimei escaped from the Yanai family, he kept speeding up and driving very fast, and he was almost at the Kiba family.

Kiba Seimei returned to his room, finally relieved.He had great doubts about Li Qinghe's survival.Why did Li Qinghe come back alive? Could it be that all the people he sent out betrayed him?It shouldn't be, even if it fails, there should be a message sent back.

Kiba Seimei wanted to break his scalp, but he never thought that Li Qinghe would have the help of the Red Police base, and with the help of the Red Police soldiers, he saved himself from danger.

Kiba Seimei suddenly remembered the person he sent out, but there was no news.A smog appeared in Kiba Seimei's heart.

"It seems that they really betrayed me. They even ignored their own family members."

Kiba Seimei judges others by himself, so he will naturally speculate on others with the greatest malice.

Some of the militants sent by Seimei Kiba are not afraid of death because Kiba Seimei controls the life and death of Li and his family.

Kiba Seimei saw Hayashi Mariko waiting for him, his eyes were full of disgust.

Nobody likes a traitor!

If he didn't want to use Lin Zhenzi, he would have kicked her away long ago.

"I need you, my younger brother, at Kiyohe's place now, you go to find out why they can come back alive this time. If you do, then you will be my wife."

Kiba Seimei knows that even a stone has its uses, so even though he hates Hayashi Mariko, he still resists the idea of ​​pushing her aside and let her realize her value first. If she fails, then there is no need to come back .

But Kiba Seimei didn't need to think too much this time, because Li Qinghe had gathered many soldiers after he came out of the Yanai family.

A group of people headed towards the Kiba family.Li Qinghe didn't like to beep beep for things that could be solved with fists.Because a peaceful settlement is no longer realistic, if you want a sickle, then I will give you a sickle.

For the success of this plan, wait until the situation is completely laid out and surround the Kiba family so that not even a single bird can fly out.

By the time all this was done, it was already night.Li Qinghe didn't have time to eat dinner, and saw that the hands on his watch pointed to eight o'clock.


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