Following Li Qinghe's order.The red police soldiers rushed out towards the Kiba family.

There is no unnecessary fighting sound.Only a muffled sound.

The sound of the sniper rifle "Su Su Su" with the silencer on.The security guards who apparently belonged to the Kiba family fell to the ground.

Group after group of soldiers poured in, entering the Kiba family.

"Who are you."

Until a guard in a daze who was anxious to urinate in the middle of the night saw the strange soldiers approaching one after another, and woke up suddenly.


Naturally, there was only one gunshot to answer him.

There was a hole in the man's forehead, and he fell in response.

The guard's cry let the entire Kiba family know that there was an invasion of foreign enemies.

Kiba Seimei, who had just fallen asleep, suddenly heard a gunshot.

"not good."

The gunshot left Kiba Seimei's pajamas completely gone, and he didn't even bother to wear clothes. He was wearing pajamas, dragging his slippers, and was just about to open the door. He looked outside, and a bullet just happened to graze his scalp. .

Kiba Seimei's scalp was burned by the bullets flying at high speed.

Kiba Seimei ignored his wound and closed the door immediately.He found that the men led by Li Qinghe he had seen during the day had already barged into his place. There were many armed men everywhere.

The well-trained red police soldiers are no match for the general security guards!

Many security guards with guns were covered by the night by the red police soldiers, and they cut their throats cleanly with triangular army stabs.

Li Qinghe's subordinates advanced very fast, Li Qinghe overestimated the power of the Kiba family, the Kiba family was just an ordinary family.

Especially after Kiba Shimizu was killed suddenly, there was no time to hand over many things, so some real power, Kiba Seimei didn't know at all, so naturally he couldn't say he had mastered it.

Otherwise, Li Qinghe's attack would not have gone so smoothly.

It is because the core force belonging to the patriarch of the Kiba family did not recognize Kiba Seimei's status, so coming out did not help Kiba Seimei.

It's ridiculous that Kiba Seimei thought that killing Kiba Shimizu would make him a patriarch.

But Seimei Kiba was clever but was misunderstood by his cleverness. Even after the accidental death of each patriarch, the power that belonged to the previous patriarch would be handed over to the next patriarch if there were no accidents.

Because Seimei Kiba was the patriarch who usurped the throne, he was not recognized by those who belonged to the core force of the previous patriarch at the beginning.If Seimei Kiba successfully controls the Yanai family, maybe he can be recognized.

In fact, Seimei Kiba's sneak attack on the Yanai family was perfect.But in the end, it turned out that Seimei Kiba was frightened and fled back in despair.Now the hidden forces among those parents are very disappointed with Seimei Kiba.

They began to think about Li Qinghe. Li Qinghe's identity was the second son of the Kiba family, and he also had the right to inherit the future patriarch of the Kiba family.Moreover, Kiba Kiyokawa's identity is innocent, and he is the husband of Yanai Miyuki, Yanai Masao's favorite.

Except for some doubts about Kiba Kiyokawa's ability, Kiba Kiyokawa is qualified to be the patriarch in other aspects.

Moreover, the subordinates brought by Li Qinghe this time are extremely capable, and they are not much better than the trump cards secretly cultivated by those patriarchs.

Those dark forces, after making a comparison, decided to see how much stronger Kiba Qinghe was compared to Kiba Seimei.

Groups of Red Police soldiers soon occupied half of the territory of the Kiba family.The rest of the country is attacking.

After Kiba Seimei noticed the attack from outside, he took Hayashi Mariko and accelerated towards the hinterland of the family.

The reason why Kiba Seimei pulled Lin Mariko was not because he had feelings for Lin Mariko.

It's because he needs a suitable shield now. Lin Zhenzi betrayed Li Qinghe, isn't she the best shield now?He believed that Li Qinghe would not shoot Lin Zhenzi at the slightest disagreement.This is his wishful thinking.

Seimei Kiba, who fled to the hinterland of his family, was frightened along the way and killed several people who stood in his way.In a panic, no one will let you go first because of your status.

In the end, Kiba Seimei brought Hayashi Mariko to the hinterland of the family, and the security forces belonging to the Kiba family began to occupy favorable terrain to resist the soldiers' attack.

"Don't care about the buildings."

Li Qinghe's words undoubtedly made the soldiers start using restricted weapons.

"Boom boom boom", ten rockets blasted down several family guards who were hiding in the house and fighting positional warfare.

The soldiers took advantage of the situation and stepped up their advance.

Kiba Seimei could hear the gunshots getting closer, and he became more and more frightened.Kiba Seimei knew that he obtained this status through means that others would not be ashamed of, so other families would definitely not send troops to help.As for the police, Seimei Kiba didn't count on it. He believed that the police were here, probably to collect his body.

So Kiba Seimei held back the discomfort in his heart and let go of Mariko Hayashi.A person walked towards a wooden house.

As soon as Kiba Seimei entered, the door closed automatically.

"Why did you come to me? Didn't I say that you must become the patriarch if you want to get my help?"

A hoarse voice came.

"I have become the patriarch, now you can help me."

Kiba Seimei asked anxiously, the sound insulation effect of this wooden house is not good, he can hear the sound of guns getting closer and closer to him.Thinking of what he did to Li Qinghe, he couldn't help but not panic.

If you do something bad, you will naturally panic when disaster strikes.

"Since you have become the patriarch, there is a basis for cooperation."

A man stepped out, who looked exactly like Seimei Kiba.

"Tell me, how do you need me to help you?"

The fake Kiba Seimei asked. .

"Help me kill those who attacked our family and seize the leader. I will kill him with a knife."

Kiba Seimei said gloomyly.

Chapter 55 Zerg

"Is it Kiba Kiyokawa? Speaking of which, since that day, has the outside world changed like that? Humans are really a race that keeps fighting among themselves, so why can they survive and reproduce?"

The fake Kiba Seimei pushed the door open, Kiba Seimei was about to go out, but found that the door was closed, no matter how Kiba Seimei knocked on the door, pushing the door was of no avail.

"When I kill them, it's time for me to replace you. At that time, I will be more perfect. I can use your identity to survive for you and complete for you what you wanted to do but failed to accomplish."

Kiba Seimei's voice reached Kiba Seimei's ears.

Kiba Seimei understands that once the fake Kiba Seimei succeeds, it means he has to disappear.Because one identity cannot accommodate two people.

Thinking of Kiba Seimei's regret, he regretted why he came here. After saving an injured man, he said that he would repay in the future.

Kiba Seimei felt that the injured man was unusual and capable, so he let him stay.

After the man recovered from his injury, he said to him, "If you have difficulties in the future, you can come to me. The premise must be that you become the patriarch. This time is the basis for cooperation between the two parties."

So Kiba Seimei arranged this man here as a master hermit.

It's just that Kiba Seimei didn't expect that his life might be lost here.

Thinking that the fake Kiba Seimei would use his identity to survive after repelling the invaders for a while, Kiba Seimei felt that he had done a stupid thing.The one who was rescued was obviously a wolf, who didn't help you when you were in trouble, and even set his sights on your flesh.

At this moment, Kiba Seimei desperately hoped that the fake Kiba Seimei's plan would not succeed, so that he could survive.

Mariko Hayashi saw Seimei Kiba coming out of the cabin, and asked, "Where were you just now?"

Kiba Seimei waved his hand, "Don't ask if you shouldn't."

The fake Kiba Seimei knew that he had succeeded, but although he had some memories of Kiba Seimei, they were still incomplete.So he tried to speak as little as possible, so as not to reveal his flaws.

After Kiba Seimei came out, he also heard the sound of guns getting closer and closer to him, without a trace of panic on his face.

"Humans are really weak creatures."

Kiba Seimei is a white jade snail who entered the earth with the second meteorite. Before seeing the beautiful scenery of the earth, he was swept off the meteorite by the aftermath of the collision between the atomic bomb and the meteorite.

And this white jade snail also suffered inexplicable injuries and fell into a coma.When he woke up, he found himself rescued by Seimei Kiba.In order to repay his kindness, he promised to make a move for Kiba Seimei, and the reward was to mimic Kiba Seimei.

Seimei Kiba thought that as long as he became the patriarch, the people he saved could work for him for the rest of his life.

But he didn't know that what he saved was not a human, but a Zerg.

The white jade snail has the same characteristics as the white jade snail on the earth.

White jade snail, animal kingdom, agate snail family, also known as brown cloud agate snail, agate snail mollusk.White jade snail hermaphroditic, allogeneic mating.As long as the temperature and humidity are suitable, it can reproduce all year round.

The white jade snail lives on field crops, forest trees and damp environments, and is sensitive to light stimulation. Its visibility under weak light is 6 to 7 cm, but its visibility under strong light is less than 1 cm. .It likes to grow in a damp environment, and likes to drill into loose soil. The main purposes are first to absorb nutrients, organic matter, and calcium, second, to regulate body water, temperature and humidity, third, to prevent predators, and fourth, to lay eggs.

White jade snails also don't like light and are more sensitive to light.Very poor vision in bright light.For a long time, the white jade snail stayed in the cabin prepared for him because he hated light.

It happened to be night at this time, and Baiyu Snail thought that he could use his full strength at this time, which was more than enough to deal with ordinary humans.

The memory obtained by the white jade snail from the mimicry is not complete, because the person who was mimicked was not killed.

Only by killing that person can the memory of the mimicked person be fully obtained.

The mimic Kiba Seimei is very proud of his identity as a zerg.Thought it would be possible to kill those who attacked tonight even without peeling off their skins.

And the mimic Kiba Seimei did just that, letting the others back down.Because Kiba Seimei's memory he absorbed was incomplete, and there happened to be no information about Hayashi Mariko.And Mariko Lin's enthusiasm for "him" made him very uncomfortable.

The white jade snail thinks Lin Mariko is Kiba Seimei's wife.

So in order not to show any flaws, Bai Yusnail avoided Lin Mariko a little calmly.

"I'm going to see how the battle is going, you are waiting for me here."

The white jade snail adheres to the principle of talking less, so as not to expose its flaws.Leaving quickly, go to deal with the attacks of ordinary people first.

Kiba Seimei, who was imitated by a white jade snail, returned to his original form in a corner where no one noticed.Originally, the white jade snail wanted to take advantage of the moment when the soldiers stopped attacking to deal with the intruders alone.

But from the beginning of the attack to the present, the attack of the soldiers brought by Li Qinghe has not stagnated in the slightest.If it goes on like this, it is very likely that they will be beaten to the end by the guards of the Kiba family.

So in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, Baiyu Snail couldn't wait any longer and decided to take action. In his opinion, those attackers were hot chickens.

The white jade snail is a white zerg before it molts, and its body color is white.

Compared with ordinary green non-molting insects, the white zerg has a solid shell with excellent defense capabilities, can kill humans and mimic adults, and can easily mimic in all aspects from memory to ability.hidden in human life.The number is extremely huge, and the strength itself is not weak.When the skin becomes an adult, it can show its own state. After becoming an adult, it can use the special ability of clocku, and its strength will also be greatly enhanced.

And the white jade snail is a zerg that can shed its skin at any time, and after shedding its skin, it is naturally much stronger than the average zerg.

The white jade snail didn't shed its skin at the beginning. He thought that in his larva form, he could completely torture those who dared to invade the Kiba family. Forget it, their molting is irreversible except for the second molting.Once the molt is successful, it will not return to the larval form.

The more it accumulates when it is a larva, the stronger it will be once it successfully molts.And the white jade snail also thinks the same way, he wants to accumulate more energy in the larval form so that he can gain more power after moulting.Unless it is necessary or if you think that you have accumulated to the limit, you will shed your skin, otherwise the Zerg will not take the initiative to molt in advance.

In fact, most Zerg are unwilling to accumulate strength in the larval form, and they will actively molt when their strength is enough to molt.After molting, the strength will also increase, but it is not as strong as those Zerg that accumulate strength in the larval form.You must know that accumulating strength is also risky. If you underestimate the strength you can accommodate, it may lead to self-destruction.

Another reason is that the Zerg will also die young, and the competition within the Zerg is very fierce.It is very possible that two zerg in the form of larvae fighting each other, one of which was accumulating strength, was killed by the other ordinary zerg, and instead made himself a whetstone for others, which is very unlucky.So the zerg are willing to accumulate very little of themselves in larval form.

If it wasn't for the fact that the group of Zergs on the meteorite were hit by Li Qinghe's atomic bomb, the strength of the Zerg rulers would decline, and they would be killed in the end.The zerg that survived fell into a leaderless situation, and this white jade snail was the least injured zerg and hadn't fallen into a coma, so he had the idea of ​​accumulating strength as a larva.

If there is indeed a Zerg ruler in the universe, and the Zerg's competition for survival is very fierce, even if you give the white jade snail a hundred courage, he would not dare to accumulate strength in the form of a larva without shelter, then really It's an act of courting death.

Li Qinghe calmly watched his hand move forward step by step, and believed that in another hour or two, he would be able to completely occupy the entire Kiba family.

"Boom" sound.

The white jade snail broke through the wall from the side, just a shot away from the soldier, and a worm-shaped hole appeared.And the zerg in the form of white larvae got their wish and attacked in.

"Cancancan. You hot chickens, die."

The white jade snail didn't hide his complacency at all. From his point of view, these people would flee in a panic, and he could enjoy the first real killing after coming to the earth.

Li Qinghe looked at this arrogant white jade snail in the form of a larva with a foolish look.


The sound of a 95-type automatic rifle sounded, and the bullets hit like a storm. The white jade snail did not hide, and of course he couldn't dodge it in the form of a larva.The white jade snail was hit by a 650mm bullet at 58 rounds per minute, and felt a slight pain. Because of the impact of the bullet, the pain was also intensifying.

He couldn't be a target, he had to fight at close quarters, so Bai Yusnail endured the pain and approached the soldiers, but the soldiers were not incapable of moving. He quickly took a step forward with Bai Yusnail, and the soldiers surrounding him took a step back.Keep him out of reach.

Li Qinghe soon realized that it was impossible to kill this mutated white Zerg with ordinary 58mm bullets.

That being the case, it's time for them to act.

"You can't kill me, don't waste your efforts."

After the white jade snail endured the attack of the Type [-] rifle for a period of time, it adapted to the intensity of the attack. .

"You hot chickens, die."

Just as Bai Yusnail finished speaking, he was slapped in the face.

Chapter 56 White Jade Snail Worm Dies

This white jade snail's fighting skills are also good, if it is not good, it must have died in the struggle to enter the meteorite aircraft.

The white jade snail was kicked on the back by a dragon knight again. Before he could return to defense, a new attack came again. The two monkey knights in front of him used the short knives they wore to slash the white jade snail and let out a painful grunt. It was obvious that the attack just now The attack works.Other knights also used short knives converted from accelerated light guns to fight in close quarters, but the white jade snail's only weapon was his pair of sharp claws, so it was undoubtedly a disadvantage in fighting.Sparks from time to time when the short knife is cut across the body of the white jade snail.

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