This undoubtedly shows that the white jade snail is not stupid if it goes on like this, knowing that if it doesn't lose its skin, it will die here.

The white jade snail still wanted to escape from here while accumulating strength, which was undoubtedly a dream.So the white jade snail chose to shed its skin, although the shedding of its skin now was completely inconsistent with his original plan, and it was shedding its skin a long time in advance.

The white jade snail breaks when it breaks, and immediately begins to shed its skin.The white jade snail sheds its skin while fighting, because there are no more powerful knights, so after the white jade snail sheds its skin, its strength soars.He saw clearly the monkey, monkey, and elephant knight's attack route and successfully blocked it.

"You ruined my plan and made me shed my skin early. I'm going to kill you."

After speaking, the white jade snail disappeared, and the knights were blown away one by one.


Others don't know what's going on, but Li Qinghe still knows. Clocku is the special ability of Kamen Rider Koto World.But it's useless to know it. Without countermeasures, people who use clku cannot be defeated.

The only ones who can defeat the clocku zerg are protozoans or zerg who also use this ability.If you transform into Kamen Rider Delta, you can use super speed, but Li Qinghe can't transform into Kamen Rider Delta at the moment.

Li Qinghe has no way to deal with the crisis at this time.

Suddenly, a seemingly ordinary monkey rider lifted his transformation, and unconsciously flicked his right hand.

"Sure enough, there is trouble. If it is not because I don't want to make the truth sad, I will not do it."

A familiar voice came.

"What a coincidence?"

Li Qinghe recognized it all at once, it was a skillful voice.

Li Qinghe knew that among the personnel who had just transformed into dragon knights, Qianqiao was also there.Qianqiao will only act when Li Qinghe is in danger.In the absence of threatening Li Qinghe's life, Ganqiao would hide among the dragon knights and quietly act as a bodyguard.

And the white jade snail also knocked away all the knights except Qianqiao during the little time Li Qinghe communicated with Qianqiao.

Just when he was about to deal with Qianqiao, "Wait a minute."

Baiyu Snail immediately felt that Ganqiao might be delaying time, so he ignored it.

Instead, he looked at Li Qinghe (Kiba Kiyokawa), the old enemy in Kiba Seimei's eyes.

Coincidentally, he saw that the knights who were with him just now were all blown away in an instant, and many knights died.

"Damn you."

Angry and skillful, the fighting power soared.Gan Qiao tied the faiz belt on his body, "Transform."

Skillfully transformed into Kamen Rider Faiz.

"Another little fish, let's see if you can survive.

The white jade snail said in a flat tone.

"Then try it."

The white jade snail saw that there was only one knight left to fight, so he relaxed his vigilance.Under clocku, the white jade snail guessed that no one could defeat him, so he didn't use clocku's ability, but "fairly" looked at the weirder faiz in red.

Faiz is right when he says he can do it. In terms of combat experience, he happened to wipe out the orhonch with many thieves alone in the world of Kamen Rider 555. The combat experience is not blown out.

Before the white jade snail approached, Faiz's mobile Pegasus transformed into a combat robot came first with a wave of fire support.Of course, if it hit the white jade snail, it would definitely not have much impact.

The mobile Pegasus transformed into a battle robot with a certain AI, and taking advantage of the suppressed fire just now, it approached the white jade snail and flew aside.And the Pegasus Pegasus turned into a motorcycle again.

The white jade snail, who looked so weak and liked to talk nonsense, shook his head.

"So weak, yet so arrogant."

Coincidentally, those sharp words stung Bai Yusnail's heart. He violated the principle of not using clocku that he just said. In a state of rage, he couldn't care less.He wants to tear up the cleverness and prove himself.

The moment Ganqiao saw the white jade snail disappear, he knew that the white jade snail had used an ability similar to acceleration.

But Ganqiao wasn't worried at all, because he had a way to deal with it.

Qianqiao turned on the unique acceleration mode of a small component axelforiz.

"Acceleration mode activated, 3, 2, 1."

After equipping this part, the faiz armor unfolds to expose the core, which can instantly increase the speed and strength of the shapeshifter. After turning on the acceleration mode, it only takes 10 seconds to complete what you want to do at 1000 times the usual speed.You can use the nirvana skills without reloading power, and you can use the nirvana consecutively.

In the acceleration mode, Qianqiao clearly saw the claws of the white jade snail grabbing its head.

Gan Qiao bent down and easily avoided the body of the white jade snail, and when she passed by her, she did not forget to kick her back.

Jiang Baiyu snail looked suspicious, "Can you see my movements?"

Ganqiao didn't answer his question, firstly because what he asked was nonsense, how could he avoid the attack in time if he didn't see clearly.The second is because the mode of the clever acceleration form is very special.

That is, after 35 seconds of transforming into the acceleration mode or 10 seconds of starting the acceleration mode, you must change back to the original faiz, and it will crash if it exceeds.

This is still different from the zerg's clku, which can act in that state for a little longer compared to the zerg.

Therefore, it must be done quickly.

It was deftly pulled out from the handlebar of the mobile Pegasus.Ganqiao took out the beam saber, and first used a coagulation bomb from faizhone to temporarily immobilize the white jade snail.

"Accelerate the Red Flame Slash."

A huge red wave emanated from the beam saber.

Li Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief when this accelerated Chiyan Slash directly killed the white jade snail.Li Qinghe didn't expect that there would be a peeled zerg in the Muchang family.

If there is no skillful shot, this operation will fail, and it is very likely that even I will fall here.

But there are no ifs in the world, there are only results.As a result, the death of the white jade snail means that Kiba Seimei's greatest support has disappeared, and naturally the Kiba family has been pushed flat.

Lin Mariko and others who were waiting inside were caught in a pot.The people inside were very bored, thinking that Seimei Kiba had abandoned them and left secretly.

So there is no resistance anymore.After Li Qinghe came to this hinterland belonging to the Kiba family, he saw Mariko Lin's panicked expression with a trace of regret and expectation.For the first time, Li Qinghe knew that a person can show so many emotions at the same time.

Li Qinghe walked straight towards her, "Do you know when Seimei Kiba's weird behavior started?"

Seeing Li Qinghe coming in front of her, Lin Zhenzi felt her heart pounding. She suddenly felt that Li Qinghe was the Prince Charming in her heart.

In order to gain Li Qinghe's affection, Mariko Lin exhausted her brain cells to think carefully, "It seems that after Seimei Kiba entered here, after he came out, I felt something wrong with him. But I can't see it."

Li Qinghe asked other members of the Kiba family, "Where is that?"

"It's a forbidden place for the family. Outsiders are not allowed to enter."

A person who belonged to the Kiba family, who was considered a high-ranking person, replied.

"Is that so, did that Zerg stay there all the time?"

Li Qinghe rubbed his chin, "Then go in and have a look."

Li Qinghe has skillful protection, so naturally he is not afraid of danger.

In fact, there was no danger.Li Qinghe saw a small wooden house with special features.It was very quiet inside.

Li Qinghe pushed open the door and found Kiba Seimei lying on the ground.Naturally, someone went down to see Kiba Seimei's condition.

"Report to the commander, he died. He should have been frightened to death."

A soldier returned after carefully checking Kiba Seimei's condition.

"It's true that your heart is higher than the sky, and your life is thinner than paper."

Needless to say, Kiba Seimei's talent is very strong.But no matter how talented you are, you can't erase the tricks of fate.

After Kiba Seimei saw that he was being mimicked, he had already begun to guess that it was very likely that the mimic Kiba Seimei would go back and kill the Quartet, and then come back and kill himself, completely replacing him.

Seimei Kiba was afraid of death, more than anyone else.In fact, he is more afraid of pain, and he has never been touched by anyone since he was a child.Kiba Seimei thinks about that mimic Kiba Seimei, coming back to kill himself.

Kiba Seimei guessed that the way the monster killed himself was through what.Use claws to penetrate your body, or bite yourself to death, and then eat yourself, or dismember yourself.

Seimei Kiba was imprisoned here alone, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he became paranoid and persecuted.In the end, Kiba Seimei was frightened to death by his own delusion. .

Li Qinghe shook his head, "Man, you can't give up hope at any time. You don't know if hope has come the moment you just gave up."

Of course, even if he was alive, Li Qinghe would not let him go.

Chapter 57 The Tiandao Family Retires

In this way, Li Qinghe took over the Kiba family and the Yanai family, and became the patriarch of the Kiba family, while the Yanai family was headed by Yanai Miyuki, so the best of both worlds.

Three months later, Li Qinghe and Yanai Miyuki were officially married, and of course he also cultivated a lover, Lin Mariko.

After getting married, Li Qinghe never touched Yanai Miyuki, because he didn't want to use other people's bodies to do what he wanted to do.So Li Qinghe was not polite to Lin Zhenzi.Turned Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa's first love into a lover, and Hayashi Mariko still enjoyed it.

Time flies, time changes, and the era of 2006 has come.

It has been seven years since the Shibuya incident, and a lot has happened in those seven years.

Before 2002, Kiba Kiyokawa kept himself clean. Apart from Hayashi Mariko, he didn't even make a move to Yanai Miyuki who was close at hand.

Kiba Kiyokawa didn't like to let his temporary body enjoy too many benefits.Li Qinghe still likes his original goods.

In 2002, Princess Celia in Kiba Qinghe's mind told Li Qinghe that his soul had almost recovered and could be replaced.

Li Qinghe naturally changed back to his body without hesitation.Of course, when changing back to the body, there is still a process of matching the body and the soul.

During this process, Miyuki Yanai did not come to help him recover, but Aiko Kageyama nursed him instead.

Li Qinghe enjoyed the nursing and treatment of Yazi Yingshan, and quickly adapted to the body he used at the beginning.

"The body is still as good as the original one, and it smells good when you eat it."

After Li Qinghe's soul returned to his body, because Li Qinghe's appearance was not the same as that of Kiba Qinghe's body.So I can't go to see Miyuki Yanai and Mariko Hayashi directly.

Instead, he used the mask method, tearing off a little bit every day without showing any traces.People can accept changes slowly, but cannot make big changes immediately.

Soon Yanai Miyuki and Hayashi Mariko got acquainted with his real face, thinking that Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa had a new hairstyle and had plastic surgery.

After 2003, Li Qinghe was no longer abstinent.At a romantic party, Li Qinghe and Yanai Miyuki lived together. As for Lin Mariko, Li Qinghe thought it would be better to let her be his lover.

Li Qinghe has a virgin complex, no, to be precise, every man has it, it's just seriously different.

After 2003, Li Qinghe, who had completely recovered, allowed the Red Police base to smuggle into this unusual world.

With the help of the Red Police Base, Li Qinghe established a company again in this world, still Shenglong Company.Main bodyguard business, responsible for protecting dignitaries and the like.

Li Qinghe's Shenglong Company has a sound management structure and advanced management concepts.Relying on the influence brought about by protecting the dignitaries, he managed to gain a foothold in this world.

After gaining a foothold, Shenglong Company boldly innovated and began to slowly extend its tentacles to various fields.

A world-renowned large consortium named Shenglong was established in this way.

In the past few years, the sleeping Zergs began to wake up due to various reasons such as injuries, mimicking humans on a large scale.

And this is why Li Qinghe's Shenglong Company has established itself so successfully in this world.

The dignitaries protected by Shenglong Company have never been successfully attacked.Once attacked, Shenglong Company will dispatch secret men to protect it.And made a promise that once the protector is successfully attacked, Shenglong Company will pay 1000 times the employment fee as compensation.

It's unreasonable that such a high-quality and high-guarantee security company should not be popular.

It has to be said that there are always people who pay a lot of money for themselves to hire the security guards of Shenglong Company, but pay a higher price to assassinate themselves.Of course, this kind of people are bankrupt lunatics who want to take advantage of this form of fraudulent insurance and use themselves as a bet to deliberately cheat insurance to death.

But Shenglong Company is not a vegetarian anymore, and will never forgive this kind of intentional trouble, withdraw the bodyguard, and announce that this person will never be a customer of Shenglong Company.

In this way, those who tried to take advantage of the loopholes could only return disappointed.The reputation of Shenglong Company is getting bigger and bigger, and it has squeezed out other similar security companies.

These companies are not vegetarians. After realizing the threat of Shenglong Company, they began to attack the branches of Shenglong Company all over the world.And specifically assassinate the people that Shenglong Company wants to protect, in an attempt to tarnish the reputation of Shenglong Company in this way.

The result of this approach was to anger Li Qinghe.Li Qinghe mobilized several small Clexis Fortresses from the world of Kamen Rider BCK, and bombed those companies that united to deal with Shenglong Company.

Li Qinghe's iron-blooded instructions were fulfilled by the soldiers without any compromise.Li Qinghe once again felt the importance of the Red Police Base - people's loyalty.

Through multiple means, it forcibly annexed other security companies of the same type and absorbed its internal elite.

The complete localization of Shenglong Company marks that Shenglong Company has completely integrated into the world.

Although Shenglong Company eliminated its competitors through multiple means.But new competitors have emerged.That is zect.

The human beings in this world still have a strong ability to be prepared for danger in times of peace, otherwise they would not have defeated the natives during World War II.Let humans grasp the general trend and start to control the protozoa.

Li Qinghe is also a witness of zect organization.

zect After the Shibuya incident, humans really felt the threat of Zerg.Although the atomic bomb launched by Li Qinghe shot down the meteorite spacecraft on which the Zerg was trying to invade the earth from the universe.As a result, the power of the Zerg has been greatly reduced, and it is currently in a state of lingering.

But this state of affairs will certainly not last.The sleeping zerg will wake up one day, and the zerg is easy to shed its skin and reproduce quickly. Compared with the protozoa, they are more of a threat.

So using the protozoa to deal with the zerg and let them bite the dog is naturally the idea of ​​​​the high-level human beings.

And zect, an organization originally established by the protozoa to deal with the Zerg, although it was attacked by meteorites and raided by the Zerg.

But this further proves the necessity of zect.Otherwise, the zerg didn't need to spend so much time and experience to eliminate zect.

Zect experienced the Shibuya incident and was reborn from the ashes. The zect organization has received the support of political figures from all over the world and has developed rapidly.People ask for money and give money.And because of the impact of the Shibuya incident, the moth protozoa of the major protozoa families have suffered a devastating blow.

Because of Li Qinghe's disappearance, the Tiandao family began a real seclusion.

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