The captain of the ant soldier team ordered.

Kaga Meixin entered the apartment cautiously, wearing a bulky combat uniform.

The moment the camera entered, all the instruments of Shuichi Tiansuo in the combat command vehicle began to operate, and the situation in the apartment appeared.

"A small team, to the direction of 3 o'clock. Is there any situation?"

Tiansuo Shuichi asked in the headset of the team leader.

"No signs of life, you can rush in. Please approve."

The team leader asked Tian Suoxiu for instructions.


With Tian Suo Xiuyi's approval, the first team rushed in in an orderly manner.

"Tasuo, I apply to join this battle."

Misaki Yuzuki asked for instructions.

"Why do you want to join this operation? You can also deal with Zerg if you are in charge here."

Tian Suoxiu asked puzzledly.Misaki Yuzuki never applied to join the combat team before.

Misaki Yuzuki's parents were both crushed to death during the Shibuya Incident when the Zerg's meteorite ship crashed into their house.

Therefore Misaki Yuzuki hates the Zerg very much, and hates the Zerg very much. This time Misaki Yuzuki joined the zect organization.

Misaki Yuzuki asked for instructions again: "Tasuo, I apply to play."

Although Tiansuo Shuichi didn't know why Yuzuki Misaki was so persistent this time, but seeing that Yuzuki Misaki had made up his mind this time, he didn't stop him anymore.

"Then you go to the third team, pay attention to safety."

Tian Suoxiu waved his hand.

"I want to go to a small team."

Misaki Yuzuki said persistently.

"Oh. Well, let's go."

Kaga Meixin is also in the first team, responsible for collecting data using cameras.This time Misaki Yuzuki entered the first team, and I don't know if it was because of Kagami Shin.

A small team is very powerful, it is Tian Suo Xiuyi's elite team.Usually, the efficiency of completing tasks is the highest, and of course the casualty rate is also high. In the battle with Zerg, it is not just that you are strong enough to survive, but you have to rely on some luck.

The reason why Tian Suoxiu first wanted Misaki Yuzuki to go to the third team is because the third team is generally not the first to contact the Zerg.But if you encounter Zerg raiding the back row, if you go around the back, you may be in danger.

After Misaki Yuzuki left, Tiansuo Xiuyi took the pager and said to the team leader, "Misaki Yuzuki will join this operation, you must protect him."


After hearing what Tian Suo Xiuyi said, the captain of the small team immediately promised.

Misaki Yuzuki is the popular lover of Tiansuo Shuichi's team, everyone likes it.The captain of this team is also the one who admires Misaki Yuzuki.But Misaki Yuzuki was very arrogant, and once said that she would not get married until the Zerg was wiped out.

If there is anyone who can talk to Misaki Yuzuki, there are only two people, one is Tian Suo Shuichi, and the other is Kagami Shinobi, the new addition to zect Tian Suo Xiu's team.

For some reason, Misaki Yuzuki felt that Kaga Meixin was very unusual. The reason why she applied to join the first team this time was because of her sixth sense as a woman.She sensed that something might go wrong with this operation.

Misaki Yuzuki was a little worried about Kagami Shin's safety, so she applied to join the small team.Kagamixin's fighting skills are not up to the mark, and he came here through the relationship with the police station, so the members of Tian Suoxiu's small team did not like Kagamixin, the newcomer who was airborne at first.

Misaki Youyue didn't understand why there were people rushing to join zect, and like her, they all had the same desire to destroy the Zerg.The same wish made Misaki Yuzuki and Kagami Shin's relationship closer.

With a common goal, although Kaga Meixin has some shortcomings, his enthusiasm for eliminating Zerg is not comparable to other zect players who complete tasks in order to complete tasks.

Of course, Li Qinghe was not included, because Li Qinghe always disappeared, and usually sent a double who looked similar to him to complete the task for him.

The person who looks similar to Li Qinghe is also an ordinary person in this world. He can only enter zect with the support of people from Shenglong Company, and Li Qinghe has already bought his life.

In the modern money society, there is nothing that money cannot solve.If you can't, then you're not paying enough.

Li Qinghe's stand-in is usually in charge of daily training, and his family has been safe all their lives with the protection of Shenglong Company.

Li Qinghe did this operation himself, and he hadn't seen the peeling zerg for several years.

Li Qinghe wanted to see if the Zerg, which had been sleeping for many years, had changed after waking up.Take a general look at their strength, and of course take a look at his little grandson Tendo Souji, and see the demeanor of the Kamen Rider Kabuto.

This is why Li Qinghe joined this operation, and Li Qinghe is also a member of the first team.Li Qinghe didn't expect that the plot would be different because he or the giant butterfly of Shenglong Company flapped its wings.

Although Li Qinghe has minimized the interference with the plot as much as possible, but Li Qinghe's early entry has created and changed some history.Li Qinghe is also part of history. .

"A small group enters and meets at the next assembly point."

The captain of the small team waited until Misaki Yuzuki joined the team before proceeding.

Chapter 60 First Meeting Misaki Yuzuki

As for Kaga Meixin, a newcomer, he continued to move forward with the camera, not knowing that the first team had stagnated behind him for a while.

"Second point, the field of vision is fine, and there is no interference from radio waves."

Arriving at the next assembly point, the team leader reported the situation to Tian Suo Xiuyi.


Tiansuo Shuichi's voice came from the headset.

And Kagami Shin's place also heard Tiansuo Shuichi's order, "Kagami, you stop moving forward. Pay attention to safety and start joining the small team behind you, pay attention to safety."

Tian Suoxiu and a pair of ordinary players would not say to pay attention to safety.Only Kagami Shin and Misaki Yuzuki have this treatment.

"The second team, cover the first team and collect information."

As soon as Tian Suoxiu finished speaking, he heard the report from the captain of the first team.

"The victim was found and confirmed dead."

The captain of a small team reports.

Tian Suoxiu looked at the positions of the combat teams on the screen and felt that there might be an accident in this operation.

"All teams gather and surround."

Shuichi Tiansuo could see the members of all the teams start to join together.

And when all the ant soldiers are gathered together, they will back to back to prevent possible crises.Avoid unnecessary crises due to vision.

Suddenly the ceiling above the two ant soldiers cracked, and a zerg fell down, crushing the two unsuspecting ant soldiers to the ground.He scratched the heads of the two ant soldiers with his claws. Although the two ant soldiers were wearing thick protective clothing, they still couldn't withstand the deadly attack of the zerg.

Zergs are not stupid either, they can hit the head, but never the body.The zerg also know the deadly part of the human head, and of course the zerg do as well.

"Squad C, enter attack mode."

Tian Suo Xiuyi also knew about it immediately, and issued an emergency order. It's not like he has encountered such a thing before.

So Tian Suo Xiuyi was very experienced and didn't panic.

And Tian Suoxiuyi's c team also quickly executed the order, using the machine gun sword to launch a concentrated fire attack on the unfaded zerg that fell from the ceiling at the beginning.

But that Zerg was a little different from the Zerg that Tianxiu's team encountered before, that is, the armor was very thick, and the focused fire of Team C caused serious injuries to the Zerg, but they didn't kill it. The zerg.

When team c changed magazines, the attack weakened somewhat.The Zerg rushed directly into Team C for a melee attack.

This Zerg is very good at melee combat, and beat the members of Team C to pieces.

"Stay away and attack this zerg in the face."

Tian Suoxiuyi also saw the unusualness of this zerg, since the zerg couldn't be dealt with in close combat, let's attack from a distance.

So the leaders of all the teams stood on the other side of the Zerg, and began to focus fire.

When Kaga Meixin heard the movement, she also rushed over with a camera, and carried out data detection on the Zerg.Kagami Shin's camera is different from ordinary cameras, it can be connected with Tiansuo Shuichi's headquarters.

Of course Misaki Yuzuki also joined the attack sequence, attacking the Zerg.

But suddenly another batch of zerg fell from the ceiling above the heads of all the team members, completely messing up the formation of Tian Suoxiu's small team.

"The number of monsters has increased. But why is there still no data?"

Tian Suoxiu frowned, his brows tightened, and a pencil could be caught inside.

Kaga Meixin held the camera and could see the ant soldier team was being massacred, unable to fight back.Many team members have been killed.

"Attack level increased to 384, defense 240. Evolved, actually evolved."

Tian Suoxiu looked at the battle data sent back from Kagami Shin in surprise.

While Kaga Meixin was already shooting data, she had already begun to retreat habitually.He was not a combatant, but an investigator, responsible for data transmission.

So Kaga Meixin did this, which was a normal practice in the zect organization team, but it was not recognized by Tian Suo's other members.Because there are many zect teams, even as scouts, they will fight with the teams.In such a comparison, every time Kaga Meixin "escapes", it makes the other team members unhappy.

If it wasn't for knowing that Tian Suo Xiuyi's attitude towards the unqualified airborne player Kaga Meixin was unusual, and that Kaga Meixin seemed to have a background, he would have been beaten by other team members long ago.

Misaki Youyue was in a crisis at this time, the captain of a small team had been killed by the Zerg.Of the two ant soldiers killed by the Zerg just now, one of them was the leader of the first team, and the other was the leader of the second team.The results are all gg.

That's why Tian Suoxiuyi conveyed the order to Team C.

There were not many people left around Misaki Youyue, she was knocked to the ground by a zerg's paw while holding a machine gun sword.

Misaki Yuzuki and ordinary team members were all wearing thick protective clothing, unlike Kaga Meixin who always took off the helmet on his head, so Li Qinghe didn't know that Misaki Yuzuki also joined this operation of.Even Kaga Meixin didn't know that Misaki Yuzuki joined the combat team because he was worried about his safety.

In the original drama, Misaki Yuzuki never participated in a team battle even after the plot was over.

However, Misaki Yuzuki unconsciously groaned in pain when she was knocked to the ground by the zerg.

Women's voices are different from men's voices. In a noisy combat environment, ordinary people can't hear them. Even if they hear them, there is nothing they can do about it. They still have trouble protecting themselves.

And because Li Qinghe is an orhonch, his hearing is well-developed, and Li Qinghe noticed Misty Youyue's voice.

"Why is there still a woman's voice?"

When Li Qinghe saw the zerg, he obviously wanted to crush the team member using the ant soldier combat uniform with his whole body.

Holding the machine gun sword, Li Qinghe stopped teasing the Zerg that had been chasing him, and used the machine gun sword to bypass the protection of the Zerg, and inserted it into its eyes.


Li Qinghe didn't have time to care about the explosion of the Zerg behind him, but pulled Mi Youyue who had fallen to the ground.

He fought the zerg that wanted to sit on Misaki Youyue's body.

"Da da da."

Li Qinghe emptied the magazine, and found that the zerg had just stepped back a few steps, seemingly unharmed.

"This machine gun and sword are really unreliable, you have to get close."

Jiao Youyue heard Li Qinghe mutter a few times, and unfolded the blade of the machine gun sword.Had a hand-to-hand combat with that zerg.

The sparks of "Sisisi" continued to flash across the Zerg, but the Zerg that hadn't shed its skin just didn't die.

"Damn, why is the skin so thick?"

Li Qinghe didn't want to expose himself, so the strength he used was similar to that of ordinary trained players.

In the end, Li Qinghe's machine gun sword managed to find a gap to insert into the abdomen of the zerg, but just after it was inserted, the blade was caught by the zerg.

"Human, you are very strong."

After speaking, the zerg smashed the blade of the machine gun sword in Li Qinghe's hand.

"However, no matter how strong you are, you will die."

The Zerg was also angry. You must know that he was a well-known fighter on the side of the Zerg in the universe before, and he killed countless opponents.

Unexpectedly, after finally waking up on the earth, he encountered such a difficult enemy.

Li Qinghe could only throw away the machine gun and sword in his hand, and prepared to run away.Is a machine gun sword without bullets and blade still called a machine gun sword?

And Tian Suoxiuyi still had a hint of the idea of ​​defeating these Zerg.

Tiansuo Shuichi immediately issued a new order, "Before they evolve, defeat them."

So the remaining team members concentrated their firepower and launched a concentrated fire on the Zerg.

Li Qinghe took up the weapon of a dead ant soldier again, the machine gun and sword, and continued to fight.

However, in fact, even if all the ant soldiers fired at the same time, not one zerg that had faded their skin was killed, but five ordinary zerg were blown up.

Li Qinghe immediately felt bad, "Run. They have evolved successfully, and the current firepower cannot destroy them."

Jiao Youyue let out an "ah", not knowing what Li Qinghe meant, but she still ran after Li Qinghe.

You must know that they are on the top floor of the apartment floor, and it is a long way to run down.Except for Kaga Meixin who left early as soon as he finished the task, it was difficult for others to escape.

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