From Misaki Youyue's voice, Li Qinghe knew that this was Misaki Youyue, one of the heroines of Jiadou World.

Just when Li Qinghe and Jiao Youyue ran not far away, those zergs that should shed their skins all shed their skins.

After the peeling of the zerg, a total of three acromantulas came out this time.The colors are red, yellow and white.

The acromander has the exact same abilities as the acromander on Earth.

An acromantula is a large, murderous spider with eight eyes.The English name of the acromantula is acrou.Native to Kalimantan, it inhabits dense jungles and is covered with thick black hair; its legs can extend up to fifteen feet on either side of its body; it also secretes venom. .

An acromantula is a large, murderous spider with eight eyes.It is native to Kalimantan and lives in the dense jungle.Its characteristics are very distinctive: the whole body is covered with thick black hair; Secrete venom.Eight-eyed spiders are carnivores and prefer large prey.It weaves dome-shaped webs on the ground.Female spiders are larger than males and can lay up to a hundred eggs at a time.The eggs are white, soft, and about the size of floating water balloons.The hatching time for the eggs is six to eight weeks, and Acetracantula eggs are clearly listed as a Class A non-trade commodity by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, which means that importing or selling Acromantula eggs will be severely punished.

After these zergs shed their skin, they naturally couldn't forget the ant soldiers who had just caused them losses.

Chapter 61 Besieged

These faded zergs activated the special ability of clocku, and in the blink of an eye to the outside world, each teammate was sent flying, crashing into various places on the floor, and some were kicked out of the apartment building and fell to the ground. go down.If you fall, you will definitely not be able to live.

The two ant soldiers who ran first, Li Qinghe and Jiao Youyue, were not attacked by those peeling insects, but were blocked by three ordinary non-shedding insects at the exit.

"I'll entangle two zerg and you run away from the last one. Should be fine."

Li Qinghe didn't say arrogantly that these three zergs, I will fight them.Do as much as you can.

"Well, you have to be careful."

Misaki Youyue didn't hesitate either, and in Misaki Youyue's heart, she also had a slight liking for this man who dared to face the Zerg and cut off her queen, but she didn't know what he looked like.

When Michelle Youyue saw Li Qinghe teasing the three Zergs with machine guns and swords, she seized the gap and left.

But there was a zerg also chasing Misaki Youyue.

Li Qinghe used the blade of the machine gun sword to cut off the claw of another zerg who wanted to chase Misaki Youyue.

This angered the remaining two zergs, and they were so angry that they tried to tear Li Qinghe apart with their claws.

Li Qinghe finished the magazine of the machine gun sword in his hand, but the two zergs were only blown up, and the zerg whose claw was cut off by Li Qinghe was blown up.

Li Qinghe used the blade of the machine gun sword to wantonly leave his own marks on the remaining Zerg, just like a Spanish matador fighting a bull, teasing that Zerg all the time.

Suddenly Li Qinghe felt a stabbing pain in his back. It turned out that it was the Zerg that was chasing Misaki Youyue, but finally let Misty Youyue escape, so he came back to help.

Attacked Li Qinghe from behind, and the protective clothing on Li Qinghe's body was torn a big hole by the zerg.

Naturally, a not-so-deep wound appeared on Li Qinghe's body.

"It seems that you want to die"

Li Qinghe took it seriously, he knew that Kamen Rider Delta's transformation fluctuations would definitely be discovered by zect, an organization formed jointly by humans and protozoa.So I can't transform into Kamen Rider Delta.

However, this does not mean that Li Qinghe has to fight in human form.

Li Qinghe is the king of orhonch, this time Li Qinghe wants to see how strong his own strength is.

Li Qinghe let out an "ah".

A unicorn-shaped orhonch appeared, but this time Li Qinghe discovered that he had been in the orhoch form for a long time, and could summon a sword, "the unicorn sword."

One hilt is the head of a unicorn, and a golden sword with a whole body is drawn from the tail of a unicorn orhonch.And the tail of the unicorn-type orhonch is also shortened because of the unicorn sword.

"It looks like this sword is pretty good."

Li Qinghe picked up the unicorn sword and collided with the Zerg's claw, without any hindrance, the Zerg's claw was cut off.

Li Qinghe sighed, this unicorn sword also nailed a zerg with unfaded skin to the wall with the unicorn sword.

"Da da da".

Li Qinghe heard the sound of someone approaching here, and it sounded very close.

Li Qinghe directly canceled the transformation, and the unicorn sword belonging to Li Qinghe also disappeared.

And the remaining ordinary Zerg, seeing Li Qinghe's performance just now, wanted to run away when he saw Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe stabbed the Zerg with the blade of the machine gun sword. Since someone came, let's pretend for a while.

When Li Qinghe's machine gun sword pierced into the ordinary zerg this time, the zerg caught it easily.

This zerg broke the blade of the machine gun sword as a habit.

The last remaining zerg grabbed Li Qinghe, who was holding a machine gun sword, and swung it vigorously, and Li Qinghe was "unsurprisingly" thrown against the wall.

At this time, the ant soldiers rushed in, and immediately set fire to Li Qinghe, who was still surprised why he had just shown his skills, and was easily beaten away by himself this time.

However, before he could think about it, he had already been beaten to pieces by the ant soldiers who came to support him.

Li Qinghe was miserable at this time, the ant soldier's protective clothing on his body had become a beggar's uniform, and the wound on his body began to bleed, and the protective clothing began to ooze.

"Take him away."

The ant soldiers who came to support were not to defeat the three peeled zergs, but to rescue those ant soldiers who were stuck in the floor and hadn't left yet.

Those are all Tian Suoxiuyi's elite, and they cannot all be included here. The ones who came to the rescue this time were ordinary reserve soldiers.

The situation this time is very critical.It was the first time the zect organization encountered the peeling zerg, which caused Tiansuo Shuichi's zect team to suffer heavy casualties.

So this time the privilege was used, and the reserve team was able to be used this time.

Li Qinghe was still doing well, those ant soldiers who hadn't had time to escape were being brutally killed by the three Zergs using the ability of clku.

Li Qinghe was rescued by people sent by the reserve team, and the others continued to move forward, making sure to open a passage.

"Boom", there is the sound of fixed-point blasting from time to time, that is for the sake of speed, so they don't take detours and go straight on the rampage.

Soon those reserve teams opened up the positions of the first group of ant soldiers.

But seeing the tragic scene inside, several reserve team members took off their helmets and vomited, regardless of the danger.

Because the three giant eight-eyed spiders used the spider silk to hang up many ant soldiers, and began to devour them one by one, blood splashed inside, and broken internal organs were everywhere.

"Don't be afraid, use special barrage."

Tian Suo Xiuyi also saw the tragedy inside, and ordered to the reserve team who rushed to support.

The reserve team picked up a large shotgun and fired it in. The bullets spread like smoke bombs.The reserve team seized the time to take away the injured players who were not dead. For those who were already dead, there was nothing they could do.

The special bomb developed by zect can make the Zerg invisible to the enemy for a short period of time, and can't figure out their minds.This is also one of zect's weapons to deal with Zerg.

Soon, under the rescue of the reserve team, the ant soldiers quickly withdrew, and the mission was declared a failure.All life in that apartment was mimicked by zerg, so zect headquarters used tnt explosives, and finally blasted the apartment.

This time the incident was considered a perfect solution.

In a VIP room in a ktv.

"Idiot, who made you lose your skin in front of zect."

A coquettish old bustard asked the three beautiful girls in their prime of life in front of him.

"If we don't shed our skin, then we can't live."

A girl explained.

"You dare to quibble, you can't escape"

The madam was about to slap the girl who talked back to her.

"Don't be angry, zect has been chasing and killing us Zergs for so many years. It is understandable to teach them some lessons, otherwise we really think that Zergs are afraid of them.

Over the years, the command above has been waiting for the right time. After waiting for so many years, many companions who could shed their skin were killed by zect. "

Another beautiful woman with long hair grabbed the hand of the procuress who was about to beat him down.

"Then how do you explain it to your superiors?"

After listening to the long-haired beauty's explanation, the old bustard asked instead of blaming them.

"Just say that we are the most outstanding seeds here, and we cannot be killed like this."

The long-haired beauty replied.

The beauty with the mushroom head next to her asked worriedly: "Sister, will it work if you do this? The zect organization has existed for so many years and has been committed to eradicating the Zerg. Can we defeat them?"

Seeds refer to Zerg with great potential.But there are quite a few Zergs with potential, but not every Zerg is willing to be a seed.Because the seeds have to fight on the front line, through battle after battle, to collect human battle data for other Zergs.

This was the reason for the last battle, the reason why the three shedding zergs made the reserve team rescue the remaining elite ant soldiers.They want to use reinforcements to see the strength of zect.

"I don't believe that with the protozoa that we have hunted down in the universe for thousands of years, humans can develop weapons that threaten us within a few decades.

If so, why were the reinforcements last time so weak that they didn't dare to fight us. "

The long-haired beauty said confidently.

The old bustard shook his head, "That's because you don't know the strength of zect, but since you are determined to be seeds, then forget about this time. I guess other people can't stand it anymore, and they will appear in the form of seeds .”

If zect was really that weak, he would have been wiped out by the zerg long ago.But the fact is that zect is developing well.

The Zerg side didn't pay much attention to the newly emerging Shenglong Company, because Shenglong Company was too low-key. Although it killed a few Zergs, they were all ordinary Zergs.

The mutated white zerg didn't count, because he was selfish and didn't want other zerg to know his existence.So the other Zergs didn't know the existence of the white Zerg until they died.

Kagami Shinobi was beside the ambulance carrying the wounded outside the apartment, helping the wounded soldier into the ambulance.

The zerg once wanted to imitate the ant soldier to infiltrate zect, but zect discovered it through other means, and used the plan to wipe out the zerg army in that operation, which immediately attracted the attention of the zerg.

Now the Zerg's main opponent is zect.

Looking at the wounded soldiers, Kaga Meixin was tormented in his heart. The other ant soldiers fought bravely to kill the Zerg, but he ran away after seeing the Zerg.

Kaga Meixin rescued the injured ant soldiers, while Tiansuo Shuichi listened to his subordinates' report on the operation.

The captain of squad c clipped the helmet on his head where his right arm was.

"The statistics are good. 60 people were injured and 218 people died."

When Tian Suoxiu heard such data and looked into the distance indifferently, he felt very uncomfortable.

And Kaga Meixin, who came over, also heard the price paid for this operation, and was deeply shocked.

After Misaki Youyue heard about the loss, she suddenly remembered the ant soldier who helped him that day, and asked herself to leave him first to finish it off, but she didn't know what happened. .

Several people have a worried expression.

Kaga Meixin was pushing the motorcycle, brooding over the loss of this operation. He didn't expect that humans would suffer so many casualties in the battle with the Zerg.

Chapter 62 Tiandao General Director Appears

He didn't notice that behind him was a thief in a cylinder hat and mask, who had been staring at his pockets for a long time.

When Kaga Meixin passed by an alley, the thief couldn't bear it anymore, ran to Kaga Meixin, lifted his pocket and took the wallet.

Maybe because the thief is a newcomer, the movement was a little louder.Even Kagami Shin, a rough-natured person, felt it.

"and many more."

Kagami stopped the motorcycle and chased after the thief.

The thief seemed to be a real novice, and he tripped over himself in his haste to escape.

The thief hugged his cramped calf and threw out the wallet he had stolen from Kagami Shin.

Kaga Meixin picked up the snatch bag thrown by the thief from the ground, and found that the thief's leg was no longer cramped.

Because the thief had already stood up angrily, and took out a dagger from his pocket, "Damn, I thought I could steal successfully, but I insisted on forcing me to engage in the robbery industry before."

From the words of the man who just stole his wallet, Kaga Meixin can conclude that this thief used to do robbery.It is estimated that he has just come out of prison and is still thinking about getting something for nothing.But I don't want to go in again because of the robbery, so I want to be a thief and steal money. Even if I catch it, I will be detained for a few days.

Unfortunately, Kaga Meixin, who is distracted, is a good target.But this thief, whose stealing skills were too poor, awakened Kaga Mixin who was distracted.

"calm down……"

Kaga Meixin yelled at the thief holding the dagger.

That person didn't want to get entangled with Kaga Meixin, so he picked up the dagger and ran away.

But Kaga Meixin ran faster than him, so the thief could only run while waving his dagger, forcing Kaga Meixin back.

But when the thief turned his head, he saw a man walking up.

Kagami Shin yelled, "The person in front runs away."

And the thief didn't want the people in front to block his way, so he also shouted: "Go away."

When the thief passed the man who was walking towards him, the dagger was slashed towards the neck.

But Kagami Shin behind him pushed him to the ground at once.

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