Two officers drew their pistols and pointed them at the man.But the man with a pale face stretched out a claw that belonged to the Zerg, and a straw protruded from the claw, and inserted it into the body of a younger policeman.

Another policeman hurriedly got out of the car and found that only his colleague who had been killed was left in the car, and the man just now had disappeared.

Suddenly he was shot on the back, and the policeman turned his head and found that the man just now was behind him, with a gunshot wound on his face from a bullet he had shot.

"Ah ah ah."

Obviously, the policeman couldn't accept this beyond his knowledge, and he was also killed.

The man transformed into a zerg, mimicked the policeman he had just killed again, and was about to get into the car.As a result, when she turned her head, it happened that Kusakabe Hee was pushing her bicycle.

Then from the Zerg's point of view, killing people and killing them is very simple.

At the same time, Shuichi Tasho's headquarters received news of the zerg activity.

"A bug appeared. His target is zect, this time he must be eliminated."

Mishima Masato received orders from Misaki Yuzuki on the phone.


Misaki Yuzuki replied.

"Has anyone from the headquarters come?"

Kagami asked.

Misaki Youyue replied: "Not yet."

Suddenly, there was a beeping sound in the suitcase Misaki Yuzuki was holding, and Kagami opened it curiously, and found that the belt was sparkling.

At the same time, the belt on the head of Tiandao himself also received the induction.

"Finally awake. Has my time finally come?"

The head of Tiandao hurried towards Kusakabe Hee on his motorcycle.

And Tian Suoxiu's first department was also heading towards the location where Kusakabe Hee encountered the Zerg.

After seeing the whole process of the zerg killing and imitating the two policemen, Kusakabexi was very scared when he saw the zerg looking towards him, and ran away on a bicycle at a faster speed. But he was killed by that monster.

Under the oppression of death, Kusakabe Xiqi rode so fast that the Zerg behind him couldn't catch up.But the Zerg knew the nearby terrain through the mimicry of the policeman, and took a shortcut to stop Kusakabexi.

And Kusakabexi looked behind her from time to time, for fear of being caught by the zerg, so she didn't pay attention to her front.

As a result, the Zerg suddenly appeared in front of Kusakabe Hee, dragged her off the bicycle, and the bicycle was also broken.Although Kusakabexi was also very distressed, it was important to run away. With the scratch on his leg just now, he couldn't run away from the Zerg if he ran in a straight line.

So Kusakabe Hee made a bold decision and ran towards the floor in front of her.And that Zerg didn't want to continue the cat-and-mouse game anymore, so it hissed and transformed into a Zerg.

Kusakabe Hee looked behind while running forward.

The Zerg followed Kusakabe Xi closely and walked upstairs.At this moment, the zect team led by Tian Suoxiuyi rushed here.

Kaga Meixin saw Kusakabe Xi hiding on the stairs at a glance.

Li Qinghe happened to be in this group of attack echelons. Li Qinghe's injury seemed to be deep, but Li Qinghe possessed the physique of the king of orhonch, and his resilience was far stronger than that of ordinary orohonch.

So after Li Qinghe was hospitalized for a day, his injuries were almost healed.Because Li Qinghe rescued Misty Youyue wearing a helmet, Misty Youyue didn't know who the person who rescued her was or what he looked like.

By the time Misty Youyue went to the hospital to find someone, Li Qinghe had already been discharged from the hospital.So Misaki Youyue naturally couldn't find the person who saved him.

Misaki Youyue naturally left, and Li Qinghe also returned to the team when he returned from the hospital.

Just a few days after Li Qinghe came back, he received news of the appearance of zerg.Li Qinghe attacked with the first team, and as soon as he got out of the car, he found the Zerg chasing a girl.

"Isn't this Kusakabe Hee? Why is she here?"

Li Qinghe was full of doubts, and immediately heard Kaga Meixin's voice, "Don't shoot, you will kill that girl."

However, Kagami Shin's words didn't affect the ant soldiers who were firing at all. They killed a lot of zergs and experienced many things. There was an incident where zergs mimicked their teammates, so for those ant soldiers explain.

Kusakabe Hee, who was hunted down above, is also likely to be mimicked, but he is just acting now.

Li Qinghe's marksmanship was the most accurate, and the bullet hit the Zerg who was chasing Kusakabexi behind him without any mistakes.

"Don't shoot. Please stop you guys trying to kill that normal guy?"

Kaga Meixin tried to stop the ant soldier from shooting, but was immediately pushed away by the ant soldier he resisted shooting.

The ant soldiers found that the Zerg was running into the floor along the stairs, so they followed them.Kagami Shin was left waiting anxiously.

Misaki Yuzuki, who was in the command vehicle nearby, was carefully collecting and analyzing the data of this Zerg.

"It's starting to evolve."

Misaki Yuzuki said.

And the ant soldier following the zerg came across the peeled zerg.

This zerg was one of the last time the zerg attacked the ant soldier in the apartment.He was just a normal zerg back then, but his drive to survive evolved when he felt he might be doomed.

The shedding zerg is a giant spider that has exactly the same characteristics as the giant spiders on Earth.Giant spiders are hundreds of times larger than ordinary spiders. They are quite terrifying jungle hunters. They are at the top of the jungle food chain.Giant spiders can effortlessly catch any unlucky creatures that accidentally bump into the spider web. They don't even need to make a web. They can tear the approaching creatures to pieces with only their powerful forefoot. Individual spiders with even larger sizes It can even hunt and kill biped dragons and other creatures with huge bodies.Of course, spiders of this size are even rarer.

The giant spider is the largest spider in the world, and it has been painted as scary and mysterious by novelists or explorers many times.

Under normal circumstances, giant spiders make their webs at the very top of trees.Although the webs made by such large spiders are quite tough, it is still a miracle that such a huge giant spider can crawl on the webs safely.In order to be able to find the prey that hit the web in the first time, giant spiders always build their nests near the web - but this is really not a nest, because it is difficult for them to find a burrow suitable for their huge body, the so-called nest is just Just a decent sized open space between a few trees.A large area around this clearing (often marked by animal bones) is the territory of giant spiders.

Giant spiders are extremely cruel, and they will attack any creature that comes close to their territory-whether they are hungry or not.Moreover, they are good at killing each other. No giant spider will regard "sharing the territory with its companions" as an honor. They will spare no effort to attack the same kind and close relatives who invade their territory. It is also the reason why the number of giant spiders is scarce.

Giant spiders live alone in their burrows.In order to get enough food, there are generally only 1-2 giant spiders per hectare of forest.It hides in the curved burrow covered with leaves during the day, and only goes out at dusk and night. It mainly preys on rodents such as mountain mice and small mammals such as marsupials, and sometimes snakes.

Giant spiders are very ferocious.It has a pair of sharp hooks on its mouth, and it stabs the prey with the hooks when attacking, and at the same time injects venom to kill the prey.The unfortunate prey is gradually turned into a liquid under the action of venom, and then it will be sucked by the giant spider.Another weapon of the giant spider is the poisonous hairs on its back.When it is attacked, the poisonous fur on its back will stand up, and its front paws will be raised high to face the enemy.If the enemy does not retreat, it will scratch its back one after another with its hind feet, and immediately the fine fluff will flutter into the air and fall into the animal's eyes or nostrils.

The giant spider is still adapting to the powerful power brought by shedding its skin.And the ant soldiers who just came after them just caught up with this wave.

Unsurprisingly, the ant soldiers who met the Zerg on the narrow stairs started a close combat.

The ant soldiers were easily thrown from the stairs by the giant spider, and many ant soldiers were thrown to death.

There are also some ant soldiers who are useless in front of giant spiders.

This is something that normal shed zerg cannot do.So this peeled zerg is very strong, stronger than ordinary worms.

Naturally, the ant soldiers couldn't stop them, but Li Qinghe didn't want to accept being thrown off by this ugly zerg.Although Li Qinghe couldn't die if he fell, but he was definitely not an ordinary person if he could fall from upstairs and survive.He will definitely expose himself.

Now Li Qinghe can only work hard without changing his body.

"Da da da."

Li Qinghe nimbly dodged a blow from the giant spider's tentacles, and the machine gun and sword in his hand kept spraying his own firepower.

It was okay at first, but after the giant spider found out that Li Qinghe was difficult to deal with, it attacked the other ant soldiers first.

The other ant soldiers didn't have Li Qinghe's ability either, they were either killed or fell to their death.

Kaga Meixin downstairs can see that the ant soldiers in this battle are almost dead.

Anxious, he said to Tian Suoxiu with his mobile phone: "Mr. Tian Suo, please let me use the Jiadou device to transform."

"No, without the permission of the Ministry."

Tian Suoxiuyi immediately refused again.

"But, in this case..."

Before Kaga Meixin finished speaking, another ant soldier's corpse fell from his head.

Kaga Meixin went directly to the car where Tiansuo Shuichi's headquarters was located.

Kagami Shin, while speaking, forcibly took away the suitcase containing the Koto.

"Mr. Tiansuo, please let me do..."

"No, new, no."

Misaki Yuzuki held down the box to prevent Kagami Shin from leaving with the box.Yuzuki Misaki and Misin Kagami get into an argument.

"Okay, I'll tell the headquarters. I'll leave the belt to you."

What Tiansuo Xiuyi said made Kagami Xin overjoyed.

Kaga Meixin rushed to the stairs with a suitcase in his belt, and found that almost all the ant soldiers involved in this operation were dead.Only one ant soldier was left fighting with a half machine gun sword.

"Damn it, zect's immature machine gun and sword are just unreliable. If this Zerg didn't use me to practice, I would have died."

Li Qinghe knew the reason why he was able to persevere until now. Although there were also reasons for Li Qinghe's own strong quality, the more important thing was that this zerg had the idea of ​​using Li Qinghe as a whetstone to use his new power.

The giant spider thought to himself: It's really good to hone yourself by being with someone who can't hurt you, but you can scrap the opposite person at once.

Chapter 59 Tiandao first battle

Kaga Meixin didn't wear the ant soldier combat uniform this time, but came in front of the zerg wearing casual clothes.

Kaga Meixin put the belt on her waist, and said domineeringly to the giant spider: "I will not forgive you. You killed so many of us humans, and I will knock down all your bugs. look."

Then Kaga Meixin pointed to the sky with one hand, and a kabutozecter came to Kaga Meixin through space.Kagami Shin confidently gave it a firm grip, but the kabutozecter flew away.

The kabutozecter hit the giant spider and tried to catch this teasing kabutozecter and failed.

And Li Qinghe also withdrew from the battle circle taking advantage of the giant spider's avatar.

Li Qinghe was panting heavily. If Kaga Meixin didn't disturb the situation just now, even if the giant spider wanted to continue to use Li Qinghe to hone himself, Li Qinghe couldn't handle it in human form. Can only change.

Kagami was surprised to see that the kabutozecter that he almost got just now flew into the hands of a man.

The Director of Heavenly Dao grabbed the kabutozecter, looked at the sun in the sky and said, "I am the chosen one."

After speaking, the Director of Heavenly Dao looked at the kabutozecter in his hand and said to himself: "Now my hand has grasped the future. I have been waiting for this moment, no, I just live for waiting for this moment."

"You are?"

Kaga Meixin looked at the sudden appearance holding a kabutozecter and asked Tendo Souji.

Tendou Souji put down the kabutozecter in his hand, and Kaga Meixin saw Tendou Souji using his own kabutozecter to transform, and immediately shouted: "No, it's mine."

However, his words were useless, and the head of Heavenly Dao inserted the kabutozecter in his waist.


As the metal template quickly covered the whole body.And at the moment when the battle was completed, the air wave that appeared hit Kaga Meixin against the wall.

Kaga Meixin was knocked unconscious, and the belt attached to her waist was also knocked to the ground, and she saw a red figure with blurred eyes.

However, due to the shock wave of Tian Suoxiuyi's first armor transformation, all the cameras temporarily failed.As a result, Tiansuo Shuichi didn't know what happened to Kaga Meixin.

However, Tian Suoxiu soon felt something was wrong, and immediately informed the headquarters of the situation just to be on the safe side.The headquarters immediately sent a new batch of ant soldiers over to support, and this newborn Jiadou could not be damaged here due to lack of combat experience.

So Shuichi Tiansuo set off with Yuzuki Misaki after the arrival of the ant soldiers sent by the headquarters.

As soon as they arrived, they found Kamen Rider Kato appearing.


Misaki Yuzuki shouted at Koto.However, Kato didn't reply.

Tian Suoxiu immediately felt that something was wrong, and turned his head to see Kaga Meixin who was unconscious.The belt that Kagami Shin was wearing also fell to the ground.

Tian Suoxiu knew immediately that things had turned.

"That's not Kagami Shin, he's there."

Misaki Yuzuki followed Tian Suoxiu's finger and found the unconscious Kaga Meixin, and also found the only standing ant soldier holding a half-bladed sword. Maybe he could learn something from him.

Misaki Yuzuki didn't think much about it, the Kamen Rider Koto transformed by Tendo Souji had already started a battle with the giant spider rn.

Kamen Rider Kato suddenly tuned up and fell down.

Kamen Rider Kato got up quickly, and hit the giant spider in a circle when Kato finished fighting and was about to charge up to attack.

The giant spider thought that Kamen Rider Koto was also killed, so he immediately turned around and walked towards Tian Suoxiu.

"Da da da da."

All the machine guns and swords were all aimed at the giant spider without a single pause, and with the firepower, they took the frontmost ant soldier down to the bottom of the building as before.

The front of Misaki Youzuki Station was also targeted by giant spiders.When the two ant soldiers in front of Misaki Youyue were easily pierced by the giant spider, Misaki Youyue was dragged by the huge force, trying to push Misaki Youyue down the stairs.

Li Qinghe didn't want to see Misty Youyue die so soon, and immediately pulled Misty Youyue to him.The corpses of the two ant soldiers in front of her fell to the bottom of the building.

Misaki Youyue glanced gratefully, saved her ant soldier, and found that this ant soldier was very unusual.With a woman's sixth sense, this ant soldier is probably, no, the same ant soldier who saved him last time.

"Did you save me last time?"

Misaki Youyue looked into Li Qinghe's eyes and asked.Li Qinghe kept silent and didn't answer, which was regarded as acquiescing to Misaki Youyue's statement.

Before Jiao Youyue could say anything more, Li Qinghe pressed him to the ground.Under Misaki Youyue's surprised eyes, she realized that the giant spider's tentacles had stabbed the wall where she was standing just now.

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