"You saved me again."

Misaki Youyue looked at the deep hole pierced by the giant spider's tentacles with lingering fear.

Misaki Youyue thought that if the tentacles touched her body, there would be an extra hole in her body, and her life would be lost.

The giant spider glanced at Li Qinghe, who had just escaped from his hands, and thought that it was this person who could fight with him for such a long time, so it was not easy to kill.

In line with the principle of picking the softest persimmons, the giant spider began to kill other people, and all its eyes pointed at corpses.

Just when the giant spider was killing him, he suddenly felt a pain in his back. It turned out that Kamen Rider Kato, who had just been knocked down the stairs, attacked him with a Kunai gun.

The giant spider felt that killing the ant soldiers was too boring, except for the ant soldier who had been able to evade his own attacks just now, the other ant soldiers were rubbish.

The reason why the giant spider kept Li Qinghe from doing anything was not because it was grateful to Li Qinghe for being its sparring partner, but because it wanted to use Li Qinghe as an object of imitation.But Li Qinghe was wearing a helmet all the time so he couldn't see his face.

This giant spider is still very picky eater. Affected by human memory, it doesn't want to imitate those who are not strong enough, and don't need to consider those who are poor in appearance.

If Li Qinghe looks ugly after removing the helmet, then this Zerg will never mimic him.

The giant spider looked angrily at Jiadou who was attacking from behind.

Kamen Rider Kato smiled coldly, and continued to attack it with weapons.The giant spider's armor is extremely high, which is not comparable to that of ordinary zerg.

Bearing the firepower, the giant spider came to Jiadou step by step.The paw slapped the Kunai gun away.

Immediately afterwards, multiple tentacles on the giant spider's shoulder struck out at the same time, hitting Kamen Rider Kato's chest.

Kamen Rider Kato was sent flying aside again.This time the giant spider kept an eye out and didn't knock Kamen Rider Kato down the stairs at first, but forced Kamen Rider Kato to a corner.Limit the movement space of Kamen Rider Kato.

Kamen Rider Kato also knew that the giant spider retreated into the corner.

The giant spider was a little excited when he saw that the transformed Jiadou had nowhere to go.This time I can't let the little mouse get away.

The tentacles on the giant spider's shoulders thrust towards Jiadou.

Jiadou couldn't dodge in this narrow environment, so he was naturally attacked by the tentacles.Instead of dodging, Jiadou used the Kunai gun held in the other hand to transform into a hatchet form, "Avalanche Assault".

Jia Dou cut off the giant spider's tentacles with a Kunai gun and roared as it was cut off.He directly pressed Jiadou into the wall, punching towards the wall.

Jia Dou was punched through the wall and fell into another room.

Just as Jiadou stood up, the giant spider sat down on Jiadou.Jia Dou wanted to dodge too, but it was not so easy to dodge.

The giant spider was huge. Although Jiadou moved its position a little bit, the giant spider was still sitting on Jiadou, paw after claw on Jiadou's body.

Jia Dou is not a vegetarian either, "Avalanche shooting."

At such a close distance, Jiadou used the Kunai gun to stare at the giant spider's eyes, and Jiadou took advantage of the situation to make the giant spider's skin rough and thick, even the mouth.

If it wasn't a giant spider that Jiadou attacked just now, he would only feel a little pain.

Jiadou stood up, using the short ax form of the Kunai gun, taking advantage of the neck of the giant spider just now.

This time, Jiadou's attack inserted the Kunai spear into the giant spider, and the furious giant spider pulled out the Kunai gun from its neck and threw it on Jiadou's body.

Sparks flew from Jiadou's body, and Jiadou's Kunai spear was inserted into Jiadou's body backwards.

Before Jiadou could draw out the Kunai Spear, the giant spider sprayed a thick blue liquid from its mouth, spraying it on Jiadou's body where the Kunai Spear was inserted.

Jiadou was about to pull out the Kunai gun on his body, and found that the Kunai gun was connected to his body.

The giant spider smiled triumphantly when he saw that Jiadou could not pull out the Kunai gun in the form of a hatchet.

Jiadou's Kunai spear was embedded in his body, but he couldn't pull it out.I can't use my own weapons, and Jiadou can only attack with fists and feet.

However, the strength of Jiadou's attack hit the giant spider that was also attacking Jiadou in the form of a mask one by one claw by claw, especially focusing on the position where the Kunai gun was inserted into Jiadou's body just now.

In the end, Jiadou couldn't bear it anymore. Originally, the giant spider wanted to nail the Kunai gun into Jiadou's body with the last kick, but Jiadou tested his body, and the giant spider's kick knocked the Kunai gun out of Jiadou's body. The bucket kicked out. .

Jiadou endured the pain and didn't make a sound.Picked up the Kunai gun on the ground, "Avalanche Assault".

Jiadou took the Kunai spear and slashed at the head of the giant spider.

Chapter 60 Tiandao lost

Since it is the first time for Tendo Souji to transform into a Kato, it is not known that Kato can also transform into a knight form, so he is currently using a clumsy masked form.

Although the mask form is slow, his defense is high.It's hard to break through the armor. Just now, Jiadou was also broken by his Kunai gun.

The giant spider started a new round of confrontation with the serious head of Tiandao.

The giant spider's claw, and the other hand holding the Kuna Gun, transformed the Kuna Gun into a gun form.

"Clap clap clap."

The impact force brought by the bullets fired by the Kunai Gun made the giant spider back after being hit by the Kunai Gun's impact gun, and Jiadou flexibly turned the Kunai Gun into a hatchet form.

The short ax flew up and down flexibly around Jiadou's hand, while avoiding the attack of the giant spider, while rotating his body, he used the inertia brought by the rotation to increase the strength of the short ax attack.

Every hit on the giant spider's body brought him inexplicable injuries.

Li Qinghe, Tian Suoxiu and the others who watched Jiadou fight also felt that Jiadou would surely win.

If Kato was killed, then they would most likely all be killed by this zerg.

This zerg is simply too powerful.One of the reasons why Jiadou was beaten so badly was because of the strength of this giant spider, and because this was Jiadou's first transformation, he was not very familiar with the Jiadou knight system, so he was beaten so badly. awful.

With the prolongation of the use time, Tiandao Chief Division uses the Jiadou system for more time.Director Tiandao has become more and more proficient in the Jiadou system, and every battle with Zerg is a fight with life.

Under the pressure of survival, anyone can quickly master skills.Therefore, the head of Tiandao can already use the Kunai gun flexibly.

The giant spider began to be suppressed, and the usual training of the Director of Heavenly Dao was not without effect.1 minute on stage, ten years off stage.If Director General Tiandao is not strict enough for himself, then even under the pressure of survival crisis, it is still difficult to suppress the giant spider so quickly. I also feel that Director General Tiandao is getting more and more difficult, unlike the beginning. Easily solved.

The giant spider is not a person who is specially selected to accompany him. After he felt that the head of Tiandao was not easy to deal with, he began to try his best.

"not good."

Misaki Youyue exclaimed when she saw the giant spider disappear all of a sudden.

Sure enough, before Director Tiandao noticed, his body had been sent flying to another apartment.

Immediately afterwards, Director Tiandao felt a pain in his head, and the pain in his body became more and more serious, just when Tiandao felt that he was approaching the limit.

The giant spider thought silently.

"Boom" sound.

Jiadou was kicked into the deep pit by this last kick.

With a bang, another explosion occurred in the deep pit.

At the moment before the Director of Heavenly Dao fell into a coma, he vaguely heard a voice.

"Boy, if someone hadn't asked me to save you, you would have died.

That person asked me to tell you how my grandson could be overwhelmed by this difficulty.If you have time, visit your grandma for me. "

These were the last words the Heavenly Dao Director General heard.

"My grandpa?"

Director Tiandao thought of a vague appearance and fell into a coma.

The head of Tiandao was sent into his newly purchased villa by a red figure.And Tiandao Shuhua was still in school and didn't come back.

The giant spider retreated from the state of clku, approached the deep pit where the head of heaven just fell, and took a look.

He found that Jiadou was no longer on the facade, and he thought that Jiadou, who was transformed by Tiandao Chief Director, had been killed by himself.

From the giant spider's point of view, since Jiadou had already been wiped out by himself, it was Tian Suoxiu's turn.You don't even need clku to deal with them.

A group of ant soldiers saw that Jiadou was killed by this zerg, and they were frightened by the strength of the giant spider, but as zect ant soldiers against the zerg, they could fight no matter how afraid they were.

So all the ant soldiers fired at the same time.The attack of so many machine guns and swords is something that the injured giant spider doesn't want to bear.

In order not to be injured, the zerg that shot at the giant spider zerg, in the eyes of Misaki Yuzuki and the others, all flew into the air in an instant, and then landed.And the giant spider withdrew from the state of clku again.

There are not many people who can stand up at this time.Li Qinghe knew that the machine gun and sword had little damage to the peeled zerg, so he didn't shoot just now.So the giant spider appeared again, and there were not many members of the zect team who came to support.

Li Qinghe knew that the situation was critical, and Fazi was asked by him just now to take the injured Tiandao Director General back, at least to ensure that the Tiandao Director General would not be hurt again before he woke up.

At present, the only way for Li Qinghe to deal with speeding is to transform into Kamen Rider Delta.But delta is too special, as long as Li Qinghe transforms, zect will immediately know that the delta that disappeared at the beginning has returned.

Li Qinghe didn't want to expose himself when his strength was not enough to crush the world.Just be a fisherman with peace of mind.

Li Qinghe saw the giant spider walking towards him step by step, so he had no choice but to do so in desperation.

Li Qinghe ran to the unconscious Kaga Meixin, and picked up the belt that fell from Kaga Meixin's body.

"what are you doing?"

Misaki Youyue looked at the ant soldier who had just saved her, and actually tied Jiadou's belt around her waist.

Li Qinghe installed the belt and took a deep breath.

"Since my arrival has allowed my existence to enter history, where is my future?"

Li Qinghe pointed to the sky with one hand, and after speaking, the zector belonging to Jiadou flew out from the space of another dimension, and was firmly held by Li Qinghe in his hand.This zector has the same shape as the Jiadou, but the outer color is different.Jiadou's is red, while Li Qinghe's is holding a golden one.

"How is this going?"

Misty Youyue covered her small mouth and looked at Li Qinghe who was holding the Zector Transformer.


The gleaming Jiadou system slowly dresses up, and the shape is similar to the Jiadou mask, but the color is very different.After Li Qinghe's transformation, Jiadou is golden yellow.

Li Qinghe just had the attitude of trying, but he didn't expect to succeed.Li Qinghe looked at his gleaming golden hand, and clenched his right hand into a fist.

Li Qinghe pronounced the death penalty for this giant spider in his heart.

"Let you bully my grandson."

Li Qinghe's fighting skills are very superb. After passing through this world, Li Qinghe has experienced quite a few battles.Naturally, it cannot be compared with the Tiandao Director General who transformed for the first time.

Li Qinghe didn't take out the Kunai Spear. Different people, using the same knight system, have great differences in power.

Li Qinghe didn't want to play with the giant spider with his bare hands, he wanted a quick victory.Directly entered the clocku state.

"Do you think I am the head of the Heavenly Dao, and I don't know how to use the knight form?"

Li Qinghe sneered in his heart.

The giant spider stood up from the place where it was thrown, and Li Qinghe sent it over with a sweeping leg. The giant spider's leg was attacked, its foot was unstable, and it fell to the ground.

Li Qinghe took out his golden gunless spear and switched to dagger mode.

With a "chi", the dagger pierced into the chest of the giant spider for a moment.

Li Qinghe was beaten in front of Misty Youyue.

"Damn it, do you think you are the only one who can clkuo?"

Li Qinghe stood up and also activated clku's ability.


Li Qinghe transformed into a knight form.Also entered the state of clku.

Li Qinghe found that the giant spider's big mouth had bitten towards his neck.

Li Qinghe put the dagger on his neck, Li Qinghe deliberately pretended not to use the clocku ability, and waited for the giant spider's mouth to bite Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe pointed the dagger with the blade pointing to the outside, just touching the spider's body.

The giant spider fell out of the state of clku, so everyone thought that Li Qinghe's transformed Jiadou was also killed by that zerg.

As a result, Li Qinghe suddenly came to the back of the giant spider, "Avalanche assault."

Li Qinghe's Kunai Spear switched to sword mode, inserted a giant spider from the back of the head, and was wiped out by Li Qinghe.

Seeing that the crisis was resolved, Li Qinghe canceled the transformation.He returned to the appearance of wearing the ant soldier combat uniform again, and threw the belt on his body to Misaki Yuzuki who was dazed aside.

"What's wrong, catch it. Stunned by my transformation?"

Li Qinghe teased Misaki Youyue.

"Not at all."

Misty Youyue carefully put away the belt that Li Qinghe had just used.

"Return to the team, I will report this incident to my superiors."

Tian Suoxiu let the living ant soldiers take away the injured, and the corpses of the dead ant soldiers left.

Li Qinghe also left, but Li Qinghe found that Misty Youyue was always close to him in a subtle way.

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