"What do you want?"

Li Qinghe couldn't help being seen by Misty Youyue, and finally asked.

"I want to see what you look like without your helmet?"

Misaki Yuzuki tilted her head and asked in a playful tone.

"I'm just an ordinary person, just like you, with one head, two arms and two legs."

Li Qinghe didn't take off his helmet. Now that Misaki Youyue is curious, this is the first step to make Misaki Youyue fall in love with him.

Then it is very important to maintain a sense of mystery, so Li Qinghe didn't take off his helmet.

"Misaki Yuzuki, let's talk when we go back."

Tian Suo Xiuyi's words made Misaki Youyue stop asking Li Qinghe.However, Misaki Youyue's curious little eyes still stared at Li Qinghe blinking.

Tian Suoxiu didn't want others to know what Li Qinghe looked like, so he didn't let Li Qinghe take off his helmet in front of everyone.

Chapter 61 Zect's Dissatisfaction

If possible, Tian Suoxiu would like to keep Li Qinghe here. An existence that can transform into a knight can greatly enhance the strength of Tian Suoxiu's small team.

Back to the place where Tian Suo Xiuyi worked, after the other ant soldiers sent Kagami Shin to the hospital for treatment, Li Qinghe also came to Tian Suo Xiuyi's office.

At this moment, there are only three people in this office, Li Qinghe, Misaki Youyue and Tiansuo Xiuyi.

Misaki Youyue saw that there was no one else, and asked again: "Can you take off the helmet?"

Since Misaki Youyue once again stated that he wanted to see Li Qinghe's appearance, Li Qinghe didn't hesitate this time, and took off his helmet directly, so that Misaki Youyue can watch to his heart's content.

Tian Suoxiu said straight to the point: "Based on your excellent combat ability, zect headquarters means to let you enter the headquarters for further studies."

"Can I not go?"

Li Qinghe said bluntly.

"Why? That's an opportunity to go to the headquarters for further study, and it's something that many people want to go to."

Misaki Yuzuki asked puzzled.

"Because there are people here who are willing to stay here."

Li Qinghe looked at Jiao Youyue with burning eyes.

"you you……"

Michelle Youyue avoided Li Qinghe's gaze. She thought that Li Qinghe also liked her, so she didn't want to leave.

Of course, Li Qinghe also had reasons for this, but this was not the main reason.There are other reasons, Li Qinghe also wants to see other people, such as the head of Tiandao, and Kaga Meixin and others.And only Zai Tian Suo Xiuyi's team can directly meet those main plot characters.

This is why Li Qinghe wants to stay.

"Why, can't I stay?"

Li Qinghe deliberately asked Tian Suoxiuyi.

Tian Suoxiu asked with a serious face: "Are you sure you want to give up this rare opportunity to go to the headquarters for further studies?"

"Yes, I don't regret it. I want to stay here. With the people I like."

Li Qinghe's words made Misty Youyue's face blush, this was the first time someone showed her love publicly.

Misaki Youyue encountered such a scene for the first time, and she didn't pay attention to the conversation between Tian Suo Xiuyi and Li Qinghe, but became a little at a loss.

After Tian Suoxiu heard Li Qinghe's affirmative reply, he directly dialed the number of the headquarters above, and told the above that Li Qinghe refused to pursue further studies and continued to apply to stay here.

Masato Mishima answered the phone, "If that's the case, then let him stay in your team. But Koto's belt must be taken back. I've already dispatched a new capable person."

"But Kiba Kiyokawa is also capable, I think he is competent for Koto."

Tian Suoxiuyi objected to his superior for the first time.

"You think, hehe. Accept the order."

Masato Mishima hung up the phone after speaking.

Tian Suoxiu's face was gloomy, making Li Qinghe think that zect headquarters insisted on letting him enter the headquarters for an internship.

Li Qinghe asked: "Why, does zect headquarters not agree to my staying?"

"Ah, what? I don't agree with Kiba Kiyokawa leaving."

Misty Youyue heard Li Qinghe's words in a daze, thinking that the zect headquarters forcibly transferred Li Qinghe.

Tian Suoxiu shook his head, "No. The higher-ups agreed to let you stay here, but the Jiadou belt must be used by someone sent by the headquarters, and you no longer have the right to use the Jiadou belt."

Li Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought it was something, as long as I can stay. When will the belt be handed over to the new able-bodied people?"

"Tomorrow at noon, the new able-bodied person belonging to the Jiadou belt will come."

Tian Suoxiu frowned and said.

"What, you want to give up the Jiadou belt? Is it worth it for you?"

Misaki Youyue saw that Li Qinghe gave up the chance to go to zect headquarters for himself, and even lost his Jiadou belt.

Misty Youyue felt uncomfortable in her heart, and she began to fight for Li Qinghe. "Tasuo, Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa still has the opportunity to go to zect for further studies."

Tian Suoxiu shook his head, "It's impossible, even if Kiba Kiyokawa repents, the higher-ups won't agree. Those people won't let a lower-level person who disobeys them have a chance to be promoted."

Misaki Youyue knew that what Tian Suoxiu said meant that Li Qinghe had actually been abandoned by Zect headquarters.

"Why is this happening? Kiba Kiyokawa is also a member of our zect organization. How could this be?"

Misaki Yuzuki said excitedly.

"That's enough. Kiba Kiyokawa, Misaki Yuzuki, go down and rest."

With a wave of his hand, Tian Suoxiu let Li Qinghe and Misty Youyue leave, and stayed in the command room alone to think about how to let Li Qinghe continue to hold the Jiadou belt.

Misty Youyue and Li Qinghe went out together. During the walk, Misty Youyue didn't know what to say to Li Qinghe.

"Do you have time now?"

Li Qinghe took the lead in opening up the topic.

"Ah, yes."

Misaki Yuzuki said hurriedly.

"Then am I honored to invite the goddess to have dinner together?"

Li Qinghe stretched out one hand behind his back, half bent his body, and made a gentleman's movement.

"Ah, yes."

Misaki Youyue felt her heart beating pounding, and her heart was pounding wildly.

"Then I just know that there is a restaurant nearby. I heard that it's newly opened. The service is good and the food is Chinese. I don't know if it suits your taste."

Because the restaurant is very close to here, Li Qinghe and Misaki Youyue walked to the restaurant together.

Li Qinghe's hand grabbed Misty Youyue's hand at once, and Misty Youyue wanted to break free, but Li Qinghe held it tightly, and she didn't shake it too hard.

When Jiao Youyue found that she couldn't get rid of Li Qinghe's hand, she also acquiesced to Li Qinghe's approach.

Li Qinghe happily had a romantic date with his sister.

The restaurant mentioned by Li Qinghe is a new one opened by Shenglong Company, specializing in Chinese cuisine, which suits Li Qinghe's taste very well.

As for the Tiandao chief who was sent home by Ganqiao, although he was in a coma, Ganqiao applied special healing medicine to him, coupled with the superhuman physique of the Tiandao chief, when Shuhua returned home, he was already recovered about there.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Although the wounds of Tiandao Director General have healed, some scars have not faded, and some wounds still have blood on the outside.So Tiandao Shuhua saw it, and Tiandao Shuhua asked anxiously when she saw that the chief executive of Tiandao was injured.

"Shuhua, I'm fine. Look at what time it is now. By the way, I forgot to cook for you."

The head of Tiandao got up and found that his injury had really healed. After washing his wound, he hurriedly cooked for Tiandao Shuhua.

Director Tiandao is a sister-in-law, and he spoils you Tiandao Shuhua too much. Although Tiandao Shuhua can also cook, Tiandao Director still does not let Shuhua interfere, and regards cooking for his sister as his own responsibility.

This day passed smoothly.

After Tiandao Director made breakfast for Tiandao Shuhua in the morning, he began to read the newspaper alone.

"Such a big thing happened, and so many people died, yet it wasn't reported in the newspapers. It seems that the organization grandma said is very powerful."

Director Tiandao leaned on the sofa and sipped tea, which was influenced by Li Qinghe who loves tea.

Director Tiandao began to recall, when he was in a coma, he once heard a voice, Director Tiandao slowly recalled,

"Boy, if someone hadn't asked me to save you, you would have died.

That person asked me to tell you how my grandson could be overwhelmed by this difficulty.If you have time, visit your grandma for me. "

Director of Tiandao began to think about "my grandpa."

"Shuhua, do you still remember Grandpa's face?"

Tiandao Shuhua, who was having breakfast, heard her brother asking about her grandfather,

"Grandpa, I heard from grandma that he died during the Shibuya incident while fighting the Zerg. Grandpa, I miss him so much."

When Tiandao Shuhua mentioned grandpa, he lost the mood to eat.

The relationship between Li Qinghe and Tiandao Shuzi was also accidentally leaked by Tiandao Shuzi after Li Qinghe disappeared.

Therefore, in the eyes of Tiandao Shuzi, Li Qinghe was the grandfather of the Tiandao Chief Director and the others.With the unconscious Tian Daowei, Li Qinghe was their father, and the relationship was really messed up.

Director Tiandao thought of that person and said to himself, "Could it be that grandpa is still alive? Otherwise, why there is no corpse. It seems that it is time to find grandma."

Director Tiandao saw that his sister Tiandao Shuhua felt a little uncomfortable because of his words, so he quickly comforted him: "Sister, don't feel bad, grandpa is not dead."

"Really? Where is Grandpa?"

The words of Tiandao Director General made Tiandao Shuhua no longer feel uncomfortable.

At the beginning, Li Qinghe loved Tiandao Director General and Tiandao Shuhua very much.It made them feel warm and cozy, but soon they received the news that Tian Daowei was seriously injured and comatose, while Kiba Qinghe died in battle.

In the eyes of the Director of Heavenly Dao, he didn't know the difference between protozoa and zerg, so he saw them as zerg.Therefore, under the new and old hatred, Director Tiandao hated Zerg extremely.

"Then brother, you must find grandpa."

The Director of Heavenly Dao fondled the head of Tiandao Shuhua.

"Hey, don't worry, I will definitely get grandpa back. Eat well, and go to class after eating."

After Tiandao Shuhua left, the head of Tiandao began to use his memory to find the place where Tiandao Shuzi lived in seclusion.

Li Qinghe and Misaki Youyue received a new mission from Tian Suo Xiuyi.

"People other than us zect are not qualified to be riders. Although you are also a member of zect, you should know that orders from zect headquarters are above everything else. Therefore, the Jiadou belt can only be taken over by people from the headquarters."

It seemed that Tian Suoxiu felt very uncomfortable, even more so than Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe didn't feel bad, because he knew that the able-bodied person sent by the Zect headquarters would be killed by the Zerg, except for that person, Li Qinghe and the Director of Heavenly Dao, who were the only able-bodied people left in the Jiadou system.

"I know."

Li Qinghe said lightly, without any resistance. .

Misaki Yuzuki was very dissatisfied, holding the suitcase with Kato's belt.

Tian Suoxiuyi continued: "Now you need you to go to the agreed place to hand over the Jiadou belt to him."

Chapter 62 Zect's Compromise

Li Qinghe took Misty Youyue's hand and left. After the romantic date last time, Li Qinghe and Misty Youyue's relationship got closer.This time Misaki Yuzuki had almost no resistance.

Kaga Meixin, who had already woken up and was called by Tian Suoxiu to inquire about the situation, was also dissatisfied and said: "Since there is already a suitable candidate for the Jiadou belt, why do you have to give the belt to the headquarters, as long as you can kill those damned people?" Wouldn't the Zerg be good?"

Kaga Meixin was bitter about not being able to transform into a Kato last time, he thought that his inability to transform into a Kato was caused by accident.So he also has a little heart for the Jiadou belt.

Li Qinghe took Misaki Youyue, who was silent in the car, to the place where Tian Suoxiuyi wanted them to go.

After getting off the car, Misty Youyue looked at Li Qinghe seriously, "Don't you regret it?"

Li Qinghe stroked the loose hair on Misty Youyue's forehead, and replied seriously: "For you, I don't regret it."

Misaki Youyue cursed: "You idiot, there are so many women in the world, why do you have to be so nice to me?"

Li Qinghe hugged Jiao Youyue, "Because you only have one. Weak water is three thousand, and I will only take you a scoop."

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