Misty Youyue's face turned red, she felt that Li Qinghe had paid too much for herself, she felt a little guilty, but more moved.

"Let's go."

Li Qinghe took Misty Youyue's little hand and came to the place where the headquarters asked them to hand over the belt, which was in the subway.

Misaki Yuzuki called, but found no one answered.

With his keen hearing, Li Qinghe heard a jingling sound from a mobile phone, which was the same frequency as when Misaki Youyue hung up the phone.

Misaki Youyue called several times, but still no one got through.

"What's going on here? It's the appointed time."

Misaki Yuzuki looked at the time displayed on the phone.

Indeed, it was 20 minutes past the specified time.

Li Qinghe said to Misty Youyue, "Hit it again."

Although Misty Youyue didn't know why Li Qinghe asked her to make another phone call, she did so.

Li Qinghe took Misty Youyue's hand, "here."

Li Qinghe saw the notice board of an accident next to the nearby public toilet, and ignored it.Pulling Misaki Yuzuki towards the sound of the jingling cell phone.

After 1 minute, someone suddenly connected the phone, but hung up immediately.

Li Qinghe felt that this operation might be a little dangerous. It seems that this time is completely different from the plot.

Li Qinghe asked Misaki Youyue to call again, this time the ringtone of the phone was closer, and Misaki Youyue could hear it too.

Misaki Youyue and Li Qinghe sped forward, but this time the call was not connected.

Li Qinghe felt more and more dangerous, "Miss Youyue, be careful, there may be danger around here."

Li Qinghe carefully checked the surrounding environment, and Misaki Youyue also took out the pistol that comes standard with zect.

The two moved forward step by step, Misaki Youyue took out the flashlight, and stepped on the sticky net on the ground.It seems that the spider in the Zerg did it, but I don't know which one.

Just as he was getting very close to the sound, the ringtone suddenly stopped.

Li Qinghe kicked open the door of a nearby toilet, and found a man covered in a net, dead.

"this is not?"

Misaki Yuzuki saw the photo and knew that it was the capable person belonging to Jiadou sent by zect to hand over.

"Yes. Let's see if there are any other leads."

Li Qinghe also saw it.Just when Michelle Youyue breathed a sigh of relief, Li Qinghe made this very unreliable request, and the direction was to go outward, so shouldn't the investigation be directed inward?

After walking a few steps, Li Qinghe pinched her ears.It looks like this from the outside world, of course, it is also true in fact.

"Run, zerg, lots of them."

Li Qinghe suddenly dragged her and fled crazily.Fortunately, this time the depth was not far, and Li Qinghe finally came out by pulling Michelle Youyue.When Misaki Yuzuki came out, she found that the closed toilet doors were open.

A person who was mimicked by the Zerg with the same appearance as the able-bodied person just now came out.

"Why are you so anxious. This station is our people, you can't escape. If this person didn't forget everything about himself before I killed him, I could use you to enter zect just now.

But if the plan fails, then only the mimics are left to you.See if there are other ways to enter the zect, the belts in your hands are a threat to us zerg. "

Then the man turned into a red acromantula.

"Well, did the news get out?"

Li Qinghe asked in a low voice.

Misaki Youyue nodded, and she also observed the surrounding environment, and found that many zerg came out of the toilet under construction one after another.

"It seems that this time is in trouble."

Li Qinghe pulled Misty Youyue and turned around to continue running.

Li Qinghe took Misty Youyue and ran towards the place with the most traffic.

Li Qinghe didn't believe that the Zerg could mimic all the people in the train station.

Sure enough, there were indeed some people who transformed from human form into chrysalis form.That is, the zerg that has not shed its skin,

"Ah ah ah."

"What the hell is this."

These unsheltered zerg, hidden among the humans, suddenly appeared.The people nearby screamed in fright.

Those zerg were also the passengers who started massacring the train station.

The passenger in front of Li Qinghe bumped towards Li Qinghe intentionally or unintentionally, seemingly in a panic.

Li Qinghe took out the pistol that zect provided for each team from his arms, and fired at the nearby Zerg repeatedly. Of course, the person who rushed to Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe dodged him without hesitation.

"Kiba Kiyokawa, how can you kill someone?"

Misaki Youyue blamed Li Qinghe for his actions.

But before she said much, she realized that the passenger who had been shot in the head by Li Qinghe just now stood up.

"Damn, how did you find me?"

The traveler directly lost its human form and turned into an acromantula. It was also one of the zerg that caused Tian Suo Xiuyi's team to suffer heavy losses.It's just that the giant eight-eyed spider was also angry when he saw the sneer at the corner of Li Qinghe's mouth.

"Since you don't say it, then die."

The acromantula rushed in front of Li Qinghe at once, and Li Qinghe pushed Jiao Youyue aside, and he also accelerated to get out of the way.


The yellow acromantula waved its claws to signal its strength.

But when Li Qinghe couldn't transform, he could only fall into a stalemate like this.

The situation at the station was quickly learned by zect, and the zect headquarters immediately dispatched a zect elite team to deal with the zerg massacre that happened here.

A large number of island self-defense forces quickly blocked the place, while batches of ant soldiers rushed in.

With the arrival of the organized ant soldiers, they will soon use intensive firepower to kill many zergs that have not shed their skin.

"It really came."

A white acromantula released its mimicry from a beautiful woman, and tore the two fleeing children beside it into pieces.

A group of ant soldiers quickly aimed their fire at him, "Damn it."

The intensive firepower of the machine gun and sword still hurt him.He began to dodge the dense bullets.

This white acromantula, a zerg, blocked the ant soldiers who came in to support at the door.And through clku's special ability, which entrance did those ant soldiers come in from, and which entrance was opened.

And the security guards at the station, with their batons, dealt with the Zerg, protecting the passengers behind them, even though they were very scared.But the duty of security made them stand up.

After the initial panic, especially after the exit was firmly blocked by the Zerg, the chaotic passengers had begun to calm down.

Under the command of several train conductors, the crowd quieted down, the security guards, and the men in the crowd stood up one after another, holding everything that could be used, fighting with the zerg, in order to protect the relatives behind them.They cannot back down.

However, the disparity in strength will not change because of the desperate resistance of the passengers, it just slows down the pace of being killed by the Zerg.

Jiao Youyue watched Li Qinghe desperately dodge the attack of the yellow acromantula.

"Tasuo, I want to apply for the right to use the Jiadou belt, and the able-bodied person sent by the headquarters has been killed."

Misaki Yuzuki asked Tiansuo Shuichi for instructions.

"The headquarters hasn't approved it yet."

Tian Suoxiu shook his head, at first he disagreed.

"But Kiba Kiyokawa is about to lose his hold."

Misaki Youyue found that in front of her, there were also several Zerg larvae surrounding her.


The mobile phone that Misaki Youyue was holding was smashed to the ground by the Zerg.

"Hey Hey hey."

After Tiansuo Shuichi heard Misaki Yuzuki's scream, he didn't respond anymore.His fist was clenched all of a sudden.

"The headquarters approved Kiba Kiyokawa to use the Koto belt in this emergency."

Masato Mishima called Shuichi Tiansuo at this time.

Masaichi Mishima also wanted to be a capable person in Kato, but due to the particularity of the Mishima family, and he was also a member of the former Mishima family, he was implicated.So there is no way to become a capable person in Jiadou.

However, Masato Mishima was not reconciled, so he cultivated a capable man who obeyed his own words, but the man was not as good as the sky, but the fit man was killed by the Zerg.

As a result, there are no able-bodied people in the appropriate Jiadou belt in the zect headquarters.The zector of Jiadou's belt will also choose the able-bodied, not everyone can become the able-bodied of Jiadou.

So Li Qinghe became the only user of Jiadou in disguise.They didn't know that Tiandao Chief Director didn't die after being blown up by the giant spider for the first time in his transformation into Jiadou. .

This has led the outside world to think that only Li Qinghe can transform into a Jiadou, otherwise it would be unrealistic to spend a lot of time cultivating a capable Jiadou.

The Kamen Rider project has already started at the upper level of zect, and the time is imminent, so since the general director of heaven and the able person trained by the top zect are dead, then let Li Qinghe, who is also a member of zect, be a fighter the shapeshifter.

Chapter 63Fazi Plays

They have already investigated the identity of Kiba Qinghe, and his background is innocent.This is the final reason why they agreed with Kiba Kiyokawa to use the Koto belt.My own.It will be fine to promote more in the future.

Tian Suoxiu wanted to inform Misaki Yuzuki of the news, but he couldn't get in touch.

And after Jiao Youyue's mobile phone was blown away by the zerg, she was also surrounded by a few zerg. If there were no accidents, then both she and Li Qinghe would die.Then it's better to fight.

Misaki Youyue gritted her teeth and threw the suitcase in her hand towards Li Qinghe.Li Qinghe caught it quickly with sharp eyes and hands.

"Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa, please."

Misaki Youyue looked at Li Qinghe seriously and said.Li Qinghe skillfully installed the belt on his waist.

"Come on. Time to end this. Transform."

Li Qinghe grabbed the kabutozector with one hand and transformed into a Jiadou.

On the other side, the station passengers who were besieged by the zerg spontaneously formed combatants, holding batons and leather bags to fight against the zerg.

But the result was that they were slaughtered one by one by the Zerg. The wife and children who were hiding behind saw their man, and their father was brutally killed by the Zerg in order to save them, crying helplessly.

"Damn, you can't be forgiven."

Gan Qiao, who stayed by Li Qinghe's side all the time and was in charge of protecting Li Qinghe, heard the screams of the people killed by the Zerg.

Coincidentally moved, although the people here are not human beings from the world of Kamen Rider 555, they are also human beings, and they are also islanders.

How could this cold-faced and warm-hearted man tolerate those zergs killing humans endlessly.

Qianqiao this time is the first time to stand up without Li Qinghe's consent, in order to protect those innocent people.

Qianqiao stood out from the crowd, and looked at a Zerg waving its claws at him.

Ganqiao put the faizhone in the card slot calmly.When transforming, press the transformation code first, and press the enter key to report standgby after completion.

Insert the mobile phone into the belt and shout: "Transformation", the transformation is completed, and the voice of standgby is issued.

Gan Qiao handsomely flicked his right hand, Gan Qiao took out the faizshot and punched a Zerg that was rushing towards him.

The other Zerg put down the ordinary humans and began to surround the cleverly transformed Kamen Rider Fazi.

Gan Qiao punched a small dish, and those zergs that had not faded their skins were killed by Qian Qiao with faizshot.The other Zergs began to fear, calling for the Molted Zerg to come.

"Huh? Is there anyone else?"

As soon as the red acromantula came out of the toilet, it began to flexibly move the arrangement of the zerg.

These three giant eight-eyed spiders are the bosses and think tanks.The zerg responsible for scheduling the operation.

So the red acromantula walked towards Qianqiao's position.

Ganqiao also saw the Zerg retreat, but when he thought that they were just slaughtering the innocent people here, he became angry.

"I will never forgive you."

Those zerg that haven't shed their skin aren't a neat match at all.

Those who were besieged, seeing someone rescued them and killed the zerg that had been killing them, pinned their hopes on Qianqiao.Only Qianqiao can take them away.

As soon as the red acromantula came, he saw Ganqiao showing off his might.And the Zerg that I sent here were killed in sevens and eights.

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