"who are you?"

The red acromantula could tell at a glance that the skilfully transformed Kamen Rider Faiz was not the knight system developed by Zect.Because the system developed by zect has the smell of protozoa, they can still feel it.

However, Kamen Rider Faiz, who transformed neatly, doesn't have that kind of taste. Of course, it is impossible to say that this may be a new belt developed by Zect.

"I am the one who killed you."

He replied in a dry and cold tone.

Youdao is not speculative, but half a sentence is too much.

Feeling the impatience in Ganqiao's tone, the red acromantula stopped talking to Ganqiao. Anyway, there is plenty of time to take down Ganqiao soon.

The acromantula rushed towards Qianqiao, and Qianqiao's faizshot had been accumulating energy.

The sound effect of "exceedcharge" means that Qianqiao's nirvana is ready.

And the red acromantula, when he was very close to Qianqiao, sensed something was wrong, but it was too late, he paid the price with his life for his underestimation of the enemy.

"Huge impact."

The faizshot accurately hit the abdomen of the red acromantula.

"What a strange attack."

The red acromantula reluctantly uttered Chong Sheng's last words.

The death of the red giant spider was naturally noticed by the yellow and white giant spider.

So he shook off his opponent and headed towards Qianqiao.The white acromantula was alright, there were no ant soldiers at the entrance that could fight him, so he easily got rid of the ant soldiers at the door and came to Ganqiao.

The yellow acromantula was not so lucky.

Li Qinghe successfully transformed into Jiadou in the form of a mask.

"You hit me so many times just now, now it's time for me to pay you back."

Li Qinghe and the yellow acromantula punched each other at the same time, Li Qinghe didn't take a step back, while the yellow acromantula had already been punched into the wall

Li Qinghe took advantage of the victory to pursue, "Avalanche shooting".

Li Qinghe took out his gunless gun and shot continuously at the location of the yellow acromantula.

Jiadou's continuous attacks made the yellow acromantula have a sinister idea.But Li Qinghe was not fooled and did not check.Instead, it kept attacking him with avalanche shots.

So the yellow acromantula had to come out first.

Li Qinghe turned the Kunai Spear into a hatchet form, and easily attacked the yellow acromantula that tried to defeat him in close quarters.

On Qianqiao's side, Qianqiao just eliminated a red acromantula that underestimated the enemy.

As soon as the white giant spider came, he realized that he had just killed the red giant spider for revenge, so he never thought about the possibility that he might be killed skillfully.

As soon as the acromantula arrived, it found that Qianqiao was still active and immediately activated the ability of clocku.

Qianqiao only felt that he was attacked by an invisible enemy, and knew that this was the Zerg's ability to use clku.

Cleverly install faiz's small accessory faizaxel on the arm.

Accelerated skill, speed and strength are greatly improved.After the acceleration mode is turned on, under the management of the central energy reactor and the brain computer, it only takes 10 seconds to move at a speed of 1000 times the usual speed, reaching the Mach-level speed, which cannot be caught by the naked eye of ordinary people.

Ganqiao clearly saw the movement of the white acromantula.

"An ability similar to my acceleration mode?"

Ganqiao said while fighting with the super-speeding white acromantula.

The faizshot in Qianqiao's hand gave the white acromantus an involuntary tremor every time the body was hit by the faizshot.This is a very painful feeling.

This caused the acromantula to be suppressed by Qianqiao.

"Accelerate the huge impact."

Ganqiao used the trick of faiz accelerated form, and hit the white acromantula. At first he didn't understand what Qianqiao did, but when he was bounced away by the force fed back from the ground, he understood.But it was too late.

"99 Crimson Electric Drill."

Shouted dryly.

In the eyes of the outside world, it was only a moment, and the Zerg that came to support had been killed.

Not only that, but also the unfaded skinned insects brought by the white giant acromantula, and the unfaded skinned insects that were not exterminated just now were almost instantly reduced to ashes.

After Ganqiao used the 99 crimson electric drill, he half-kneeled on the ground, and his body felt weak for a while.After resting for 5 minutes, I gained strength.

Fortunately, during this period of time, those zergs who were still alive were frightened by the massacre just now, and they did not dare to go there, but scattered and fled.

That's why Qianqiao can have enough time to wait until Qianqiao stands up again.Those who were saved by him began to cry.Some people knelt down to Qianqiao, thanking Qianqiao for saving their lives just now.

If there is no skill, they will all die in the end.

On Li Qinghe's side, after the yellow acromantula was killed, the yellow acromantula's weakness, which was not considered a weakness, was the eyes of the acromantula.

Li Qinghe picked up the Kuwu gun and attacked the ladder used for maintenance and construction behind the acromantula. The ladder broke suddenly and hit the acromantula. Sensing the movement behind him, he immediately turned his head and slapped it. , and sent the broken ladder flying, but it immediately knew that this was Li Qinghe's trap.

Turning around quickly, Li Qinghe transformed the Kunai gun into ax mode, colliding in the eyes of the yellow acromantula.

The yellow acromantula became cyclops blind.

The giant eight-eyed spider suddenly fell into a state of rage, attacking everything in front of it frantically, and killed a lot of zerg larvae around it.

Li Qinghe picked up Misty Youyue and jumped onto the train, quietly waiting for the yellow acromantula to vent.

Misty Youyue watched Li Qinghe's transformed Jiadou obsessively, and hugged Li Qinghe. .

Li Qinghe originally wanted to find the weakness of the furious yellow acromantula and make a surprise attack.But seeing Misaki Yuzuki hugging herself blankly, like a lover.Li Qinghe also terminated his upcoming action first.

As for the ant soldiers outside, because the white giant arachnid at the entrance was wiped out, only ordinary zerg remained.Naturally, it was quickly wiped out by a large number of ant soldiers.

Chapter 64 Finding Granny

On the side of Qianqiao, after recovering his physical strength, he started to use faizshot to destroy the zerg near the tourists and protect those tourists.Wait until he knows the news of the arrival of the ant soldiers.And he had almost cleaned up the Zerg here, and was about to leave.

"Thank you for saving me and my son. My son wants to know what to call you."

A woman led her son to Qianqiao, and his son looked curiously at Fazi who had transformed into Qianqiao.

"Big hero, thank you for saving me. May I know your name."

Qianqiao patted the child's head, and was also very satisfied with his action this time.


Ganqiao has heard the footsteps of the ant soldiers.

"who are you?"

The fast-running ant soldiers had already seen Qianqiao, and unanimously aimed their machine guns and swords at Qianqiao.

Qianqiao activated his faziaxel accessory, activated the accelerated form and disappeared immediately, leaving behind the ant soldier with a surprised face.

Soon ant soldiers came to Li Qinghe's battle area.The ant soldiers started to clean up the normal unshedding zerg there.

Li Qinghe patted Misty Youyue lightly, and put Misty Youyue down.

"It's time to deal with you."

After venting for so long, the yellow acromantula was no longer furious, and began to think about how to survive.

When it saw the arrival of the ant soldiers, it immediately activated the ability of clku and disappeared.

Li Qinghe bent down the kabutozector at his waist and said: "csatoff".

The thick protection on Li Qinghe's body was separated from his body, and he changed from a masked form to a knight's form.

The outside world heard a "changebattle" (beetle form) beep.

Li Qinghe also disappeared.

Li Qinghe punched the yellow acromantula that was about to slip away from him and flew into the train.

Li Qinghe entered the train, and was kicked out of the train by the ambushed yellow acromantula.

The yellow acromantula has only one eye to see, so the range of vision is limited.Li Qinghe adjusted his steps and came behind it.

A heavy knight kicked the acromantula to the highest height when it was kicked away, another kick.

He lifted the giant eight-eyed spider heavily to the ground.


Li Qinghe withdrew from speeding.

Seeing the yellow eight-eyed zerg, Li Qinghe got up from the ground again, and continued to sneak away using clocku again.

Li Qinghe also continued to activate super speed, and put a hand on the shoulder of the yellow acromantula.


Li Qinghe said.

"I want to go, no one can stop me."

That zerg made such a sound, even at this point, this acromantula still has its own arrogance.


Li Qinghe was crushed on the shoulder of the acromantula.

Li Qinghe didn't expect that the yellow acromantula had such a strong desire to survive, that it would cut off the shoulder held by Li Qinghe by itself. It was impossible to cut off the whole root.

Green blood dripped from the irregular wound.The yellow acromantula spat out a silk thread from its mouth, binding Li Qinghe's transformed Jiadou.

"Oh, is this the final blow?"

Now that Li Qinghe was restrained, the yellow acromantula naturally wanted to fight back, killing Li Qinghe to avenge its brother.

Especially in the state of super speed, Li Qinghe has no one to help him.

The acromantula used its only square claws to gather the maximum energy, and burst out all of a sudden.

Just when the yellow acromantula thought that Li Qinghe was going to die, he found that Li Qinghe had disappeared.At the same time, I heard a voice from behind, "riderkick."

Meanwhile, the yellow giant acromantula was in the charging state of attack at this time, so it couldn't dodge.

"If it weren't for the annoyance of racing with you, how could I be bound by you, and your silk screen is too easy to be opened."

At the moment when the acromantula was kicked, after hearing Li Qinghe's explanation, he understood that his death was not wronged, and that he had been tricked.

"Boom" sound.

The last yellow acromanders were also killed.

Li Qinghe withdrew from speeding.

"You'll be fine."

Seeing that Li Qinghe was safe and sound, Misty Youyue said happily.

Li Qinghe came to Misty Youyue and undid Jiadou's transformation.

"Thanks to it this time."

Misaki Yuzuki put away Kato's belt.But Tian Suoxiu hurried over with his team, and found that the battle was over, and Li Qinghe and Misty Youyue were both safe.

"Tian Suo, this is the Jiadou belt."

Misaki Yuzuki handed it over to Tiansuo Shuichi with some reluctance.

Tian Suoxiu took away the suitcase of the belt, and handed it to Li Qinghe, "I'll leave this belt to you, please."

Tian Suoxiu said seriously.

Li Qinghe nodded, and took Jiadou's belt, while Kaga Meixin, who was behind Tian Suoxiu, looked at Li Qinghe with envy.

Kaga Meixin also wanted his belt, to kill those damn Zerg.

Li Qinghe walked in front of Kaga Meixin, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "Don't be envious, you will have your own belt in the future."

"Ah, what?"

Kaga Meixin was about to ask more questions, but Li Qinghe had already walked away.

This time, the plan organized by Zerg to ambush the able-bodied was destroyed by Li Qinghe.

However, the existence of Qianqiao was learned by Zect and Zerg. For the first time, they knew that there was a third-party force.Through the survivors rescued by Qianqiao and the monitors in the station, they slowed down and began to study the transformed Faiz slowly.

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