"Faiz? It's a strange third-party force. It's really strange. But it's really amazing to be able to develop a knight system that can kill the fading zerg."

Kaga Miru was talking to himself, while Masato Mishima next to him lowered his body and bent over and asked, "Do you need to..."

Masato Mishima made a murderous move.

"No, no, this operation let us know the existence of this third party, but can you make sure they only have one knight?"

Kaga Milu is old and cunning, so naturally she won't act lightly until she finds out.

"However, this organization can be used to suppress zect."

This sentence was in Kaga Miru's mind, but he didn't say it.

Some words, Kaga Milu knew that saying it would mean death, and he was surrounded by people sent by the protozoan, so he couldn't relax a bit.

Although the Tiandao was killed at the beginning, it caused him a little doubt, why the Tiandao Chief Director who got the egg of the king worm was killed so easily.And it becomes a very ordinary person who can transform into Jiadou.

But for his son, Kaga Meixin paid a lot of price. In order to curb his son's talent, he made him an ordinary child.This is not something an ordinary father can do.

The Tiandao family did not hide the location of the head of Tiandao at that time, so it was easily detected.

Kaga Miru also has a plan that belongs to him and his dead father Kusakabe Souji.The red shoe system has already entered the knight system, waiting for the opportunity to bloom.

The Director of Tiandao spent a long time talking, and finally returned to the place where the Tiandao family hid before, but found that there was chaos there, as if a battle had taken place.

"It's unforgivable to actually attack my grandma. Transform."

Tiandao Sousji used his belt to transform into a Koto.Li Qinghe also had a feeling at the moment when the Director of Heavenly Dao transformed into Jiadou.But Li Qinghe's transformation into Jiadou, Director of Heavenly Dao, didn't feel the slightest sense.

Otherwise, in the last battle at the train station, Director Tiandao must have come back to help out of curiosity.

Sure enough, at the moment when the head of Tiandao transformed, many insects that had not faded their skin appeared in the hiding place of the seemingly uninhabited Tiandao family.

And of course a shed spider with the same features as the black spiders on Earth.

Black spider is the common name for a variety of spiders in the genus Arachnid, which derives its frightening name from the female spider.

The black spider is a spider with a strong neurotoxin.Of all known spider species, it is the most poisonous.

Black spiders like to build their webs in a place where one side of the web can face the sun and the other side is shady, such as under the edge of the house or where the gutter opens.

Like all spiders, they are carnivorous (rather eating than drinking) and they first stun the webbed animal with their venom, then break down the flesh into a liquid and suck the sap .

In addition, the strength of its spider silk surpasses all known natural fibers, even steel wire and Kevlar fiber, which are known for their toughness, are far behind. times

The toxicity of its venom is stronger than that of rattlesnakes, but the amount of secretion is less so that the lethality rate appears to be slightly lower.

Black spider bites often go unnoticed, and the wound resembles a pinprick, so even if you have been bitten, you may not notice it.At first, you will usually only notice slight swelling in the area of ​​the wound and a faint, fuzzy mark.

However, after a few hours, the pain of the wound began to intensify, and the wound showed signs of hardening.Other bite symptoms include: chills, fever, vomiting, severe abdominal pain.Those with mild poisoning can be discharged from the hospital after a day or two of treatment, while those with severe poisoning will spend a month in the hospital or even be life-threatening.

"Although the location of the Tiandao family was not found, a small reptile was caught.".

Director of Tiandao understood why grandma didn't let him come back after going out.One is because the Tiandao family is being besieged by the Zerg, and the other is that he doesn't want to expose his family's position, and the hatred of the Zerg in the head of Tiandao's heart destined him not to stay in the Tiandao family forever.

So Tiandao Shuzi asked him to take his younger sister Tiandaoshuhua out, and continued to escape with his clansmen.

Chapter 65 The Battle of the Heavenly Dao Chief Division

The head of Tiandao transformed into a Koto, and started a fight with the zerg surrounding him.

As for Li Qinghe, it was very boring.Misaki Yuzuki was sent out by Tian Suoxiu to do some errands.

Li Qinghe was bored and started to walk around. It happened to be noon, and his stomach was rumbling with hunger.Li Qinghe didn't know how to cook, so he found a nearby restaurant called Bistrosalle.

Li Qinghe went in and looked at the shop Zhugong Gongzi here.

"Why is it here?"

Li Qinghe is also hungry. This is where Kagami Shin usually works part-time, and it is also the place where the heroine Hikabe Xu in the original drama works.

"Would you mind waiting, sir? The seats are full."

As a waiter, Kusakabe Xu lowered his head and asked.

Li Qinghe knew that Kusakabe Xu hoped that he would mind, so he left here directly.Because Kusakabe Xu doesn't like to communicate with people.

Li Qinghe looked at Kusakabe Xu who bowed his head, and he was quite cute, but he was a little autistic, probably because of the impact of the death of his parents in the Shibuya incident.

Li Qinghe said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll just wait for a while."

"Boss, why haven't you eaten yet? I'm starving to death."

There was a table of guests talking dissatisfiedly.

Li Qinghe saw that Kusakabe Xu was bearing the arrogance of the countrymen at the table alone.

"This waiter looks pretty good, with big buttocks."

One of them, a national guy with dyed green hair, touched Kusakabe Xu with his salty pig hand.

Kusakabe Xu dodged for a while, but the man got more and more aggressive, stretched out his salty hand again, and reached for Kusakabe Xu's chest.

Li Qinghe got up immediately, took the hot water in Kusakabe's hand, and poured it directly on the group of countrymen. Seeing a yellow-skinned pig dare to resist, he was immediately angry.Get up and prepare to beat Li Qinghe.

The shop owner Yumiko Zhugong saw that something was wrong, so he put down the prepared meals first, and hurried over to apologize to the group of Chinese on Li Qinghe's behalf.

"sorry Sorry."

The ninety-degree bow of the bamboo palace bow fully shows the humility of the island people towards the people of the country.

"Slap" a slap.

Yuko Takemiya's face was slapped by one of the countrymen.

"I bother."

Immediately afterwards, Yuko Takemiya was spat on the face again.

"Get out, I want him to kneel down, and this woman will stay with me all night."

The Chinese with green hair pointed at Li Qinghe and said.

"I hate being pointed at like that."

Li Qinghe grabbed the outstretched finger and folded it forcefully, breaking it.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qinghe took out the pistol that zect provided for everyone, and pointed at the Chinese people who were holding their fingers and yelling.

"Apologize, or die."

Li Qinghe's cold tone, as well as the thing in his hand, made all the people of the country kneel down, while the other guests saw that something was wrong, they called the police, and some left.

"Sorry, we were wrong."

The Chinese with green hair also scolded himself for his mistakes with snot and tears.

"No, they haven't accepted your Daoqin yet."

Li Qinghe's finger was on the trigger.

The group of kneeling Chinese swallowed unconsciously and cried louder.

"We were wrong, please forgive us."

Yumiko Takemiya quickly accepted the apology.

"Go away, don't let me see you bullying other people in the future. Otherwise, you will never do it next time."

Li Qinghe's words made those Chinese feel as if they were being pardoned, and quickly got up and rushed out of the restaurant.

Zhugong Gongzi was very grateful when she saw what Li Qinghe had done, but she was very worried about Li Qinghe, "You hurry up, a guest has called the police. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Li Qinghe shook his head and said, "I belong to zect, and their actions just now have threatened my life, so I have the right to self-defense. This gun is owned by every zect team member."

Li Qinghe's words dispelled Zhugong Gongzi's doubts, and Li Qinghe looked at Kusakabe Xu.

"Are you OK."

Kusakabe Xu shook his head lightly, but did not speak.

"Don't mind, this child has been like this since he was a child. He doesn't like to communicate with others."

Yumi Takemiya saw that Kusakabe Xu was still so indifferent to her benefactor who helped her, so she hurriedly explained for Kusakabe Xu.

"what is her name?"

Li Qinghe wanted to see if she was Kusakabe Xu.

"Her name is Kusakabe Xu."

Takemiya Yuko said on behalf of Kusakabe Xu.

"Okay, the annoying flies have finally been driven away. Then we can eat. You see, my stomach is growling with hunger."

Li Qinghe drove away the group of Chinese, and just had a spare position.Li Qinghe took advantage of the situation and sat there, Zhu Gong Gongzi quickly wiped the table clean.

Yumiko Takemiya cooked the most famous dish of the restaurant, and let Kusakabe Xu serve it out.

Li Qinghe tasted the delicious food made by Kusakabe Xu.

"Is it Kusakabe Xu? Your cooking is so delicious, it suits my taste."

After Li Qinghe finished eating, he didn't stay any longer, and left after paying the money.

Li Qinghe walked to a remote corner and waited quietly.

Sure enough, the few Chinese who were chased away by Li Qinghe just now came back, bringing a large number of island warriors with them.

The leading samurai bowed his head and bowed to the Chinese.

"It's him. He just broke my finger. You cut off all his fingers, including the one below."

The green-haired Chinese man said fiercely.


The leading samurai waved his big hand, and his subordinates rushed up with a samurai sword.

Li Qinghe took out the pistol assigned to him by zect indifferently.

But before Li Qinghe could make a move, a group of Zergs suddenly appeared, directly attacking those Chinese and the warriors they brought.

Li Qinghe was far away from their position, so Li Qinghe was not the first target.Li Qinghe quietly looked at the zerg that suddenly appeared, let the dog bite the dog first.

The result is, how could the people brought by the Chinese people beat the zerg, and they themselves were also mimicked by the zerg.

"Such a large-scale mimicry. It is not afraid of human beings' detection at all. It seems that you have awakened a lot, or you have already started to reproduce in large numbers."

After the Zergs killed all the Chinese and the warriors they brought and mimicked them, they looked at Li Qinghe, a man who didn't show a trace of panic.

One of the Zergs without mimicry saw Li Qinghe and shook his head at the other Zergs.

"Don't attack him, let's go."

Li Qinghe was ready to attack, but the group of Zerg didn't attack Li Qinghe and left.

"Oh, have you become more intelligent? You can perceive my threat, so you give up?"

Since the group of Zergs helped Li Qinghe kill the group of fly-like Chinese gangsters, and they had no intention of attacking Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe naturally would not be idle to fight the Zergs.

There are many Zergs in this world, especially after they start multiplying on Earth.

Li Qinghe walked out of a remote place, called zect, and sent out the message that the dead people in this place were mimicked by zerg.

Li Qinghe walked out of here, feeling that Jiadou, who was transformed by Tiandao Director, was facing a huge crisis, and was about to go to help, but suddenly felt that the crisis was eliminated.

In the secluded place of the Tiandao family, the head of Tiandao said confidently: "I won't fall twice in the same place. The last time I just didn't know you well, but now that I'm familiar with you, it's time for you to die."

The Chief Director of Tiandao turned into a Jiadou, and used the huge energy bombs collected by the Kunai Gun to blow up those insects that had not faded their skins one by one, so as to prevent them from interfering with him.

"Do you think I care about those trash?"

The black widow spider said nonchalantly.

"Grandma said that those who despise other people's lives depreciate their own lives."

The way of heaven announced with one hand, grandma declared.

After the Heavenly Dao Director finished his domineering speech, he was attacked by the black widow spider.

"Then did your grandma ever say that you need to concentrate on fighting?"

The black widow spider slapped the head of heaven to the rock with one claw.

"Grandma said that despicable people need to use despicable means to deal with him."

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