The director of Tiandao patted the dirt that didn't exist on the armor bucket.

The black widow spider did not belittle what Tiandao said, but continued to do it.

The two tentacles of the black widow spider sprayed out venom all at once.Sprayed the armor bucket that was caught off guard.

This venom is extremely hot and corrosive. Fortunately, Koto is in the form of a mask and will not transform into a knight.So you can defend against this wave of damage. You feel that the damage is painful, but you can resist it.

Jia Dou saw that the tentacles of the black widow spider sprayed out the venom again, and quickly dodged.

Jiadou transformed the Kunai Gun into an ax form, jumped up and faced the black widow from top to bottom with a spider web protruding from her mouth.It happened to tie up the jumping Jiadou.

Jiadou's hatchet split the spider web, but after this little time delay, the black widow spider was naturally no longer in its original position.

The ax that Jiadou chopped down was empty.The claw of the black widow spider, "I got you."

The black widow spider also said: "I got you."

In Jiadou, Kunai Gun, who will transform into a gun form, disappeared against the black widow spider because he activated his clku ability.In just a short moment, Jiadou was attacked by the black widow spider about [-] times in a row.

Jia Dou was thrown out heavily.

Jia Dou saw the place where he was thrown, and there was a piece of glass on it. .

"Sure enough, grandma said that as long as I think, fate will help me. Because I am the sun god."

Jiadou shattered the piece of glass with a shot, and within the time when the glass shards fell to the ground, Jiadou used the gun-shaped form of Kunai Gun.Using the 3-point infrared sight can accurately snipe objects 3 kilometers away at night.

Chapter 66 The Plan of the General Director of Heavenly Dao

A switch on the side can switch between semi-automatic or fully automatic shooting.Using the small cyclotron accelerator in the control tube, the energy of electrons continuously sent through space jumps is converted into a high-energy ion beam, and an "avalanche shot" is emitted.

After the refraction of three-point infrared rays on the glass, the position of the black widow spider was directly illuminated.

Jiadou is an ax-shaped form transformed from the Kunai gun gun mode.In the gun mode, as the handle of the gun, the part of the ax blade that is also the kunai sheath will generate ultra-high temperature from energy electrons, releasing an indestructible "avalanche shatter".

And the black widow spider who was still in the clku state didn't know it, thinking that Jiadou didn't know its position, so it rushed straight towards Jiadou.

And Jia Dou relied on his intuition, and the black widow spider just turned up.

"Well, why?"

The black widow spider pushed away, "Because I am the sun god—Jiadou!"

Director of Heavenly Dao pointed to the sky with one hand, and said proudly.

"It turns out that it is like this, it will be in..."


Before the black widow spider could finish speaking, it exploded.

After confirming that he had eliminated all the Zergs, Director Tiandao shouted to the empty surroundings: "Grandma, Grandpa is still alive, he asked me to say hello to you. I know you can hear it."

After the Tiandao Director-General finished speaking, he left.

After Tiandao Director General left, located 300 meters underground, Tiandao Shuzi clearly heard what Tiandao Director General said.

"Really? He's still alive."

Tiandao Shuzi said bluntly.

"But I can't appear yet, because once I appear, I will definitely bring disaster to you. Sister Jiehua also fell into a coma because of me, and I can no longer drag you down."

Tiandao Shuzi tried his best to suppress tears in his eyes.

The Director of Heavenly Dao thought he had returned after finishing all the Zergs, but he didn't know that there were still thousands of Zergs hanging far behind him.

"Just let him go like this?"

"It's not letting go, but putting a long line to catch big fish."

"I hope that what you said will come true, then he will be handed over to you for monitoring. The search of the Tiandao family can't stop. I heard that this person has a younger sister named Tiandao Shuhua, let's get rid of it in advance."

A group of Zergs monitoring the Tiandao family have already begun to plan an attack on the Tiandao tree flower.

"Mr. Qinghe, the Director of Heavenly Dao is back, but he is being followed, and there are many Zergs watching him."

Yazi Yingshan informed Li Qinghe of the news.

"So bold, let's grab a few and study them."

Li Qinghe's words determined the death of the zerg who stalked the Chief Director of Heavenly Dao. It was a tiring job to stalk others. The peeling zerg seldom did it, and most of them were ordinary zerg.

So with the help of the red ants and blue ants, the group of zerg that monitored the Tiandao Chief Division disappeared, and the sense of being spied on by the Tiandao Chief Director himself also disappeared.

"Am I sick? Ah, ah, breathe."

Director Tiandao sneezed and rubbed his nose. "It shouldn't be."

The Director of Heavenly Dao didn't know that Li Qinghe blocked a disaster for him and wiped his ass.

After Tiandao returned to the city, he was very tired after a battle, so he didn't want to cook anymore. How convenient it is to go to a restaurant.

So Tiandao Sousji entered a bistrosalle restaurant.

The owner, Yumiko Takemiya, was cooking non-stop, while Kaga Meixin was hard at work washing the dishes, doing things that Kusakabe Xu didn't want to communicate with others.

"You, why are you, are you okay?"

Kagami looked in amazement at the Tendo Souji who was alive and kicking in front of her.

"What do you mean?"

Director of Tiandao asked very unhappy, it would be uncomfortable for anyone to be regarded as a dead person by others.If Kaga Meixin doesn't give a proper explanation, I think Tendo Souji will give Kaga Meixin a harsh lesson.

Regardless of Kusakabe Xu's eyes, Kaga Meixin called out the head of Tendo.

"Come out, I have something to tell you."

The head of heaven followed Kaga Meixin and walked out.

"What's going on, tell me."

Director Tiandao put his hands in his trouser pockets, with a cool expression on his face.

So Kaga Meixin told the story of how Kato, who was transformed by Tiandao Shoji, was defeated by the acromantia, and who was transformed by Li Qinghe continued to fight and killed the arachnid.

Because he was already in a coma at that time, and he also heard what other zect colleagues said, so it was inevitable to add more details.The process is not important, what matters is the result. Kiba Kiyokawa can also transform into a Kato.

"What did you say, there are actually two Jiadou?"

Director Tiandao tried his best to suppress his emotions.

"How is it possible? One sun god is enough. Because there is only one sun in the sky."

The Director of Heavenly Dao announced the death penalty for Li Qinghe, who was also able to transform into a Jiadou.

"That's right. It seems that the able-bodied person sent by the headquarters was killed by the Zerg at the beginning. And you are not there, so that Kiba Kiyokawa has become the only able-bodied person so far."

Kaga Meixin explained the reason for all this to Tiandou.

In the original play, if it wasn't for the able-bodied person sent by the zect headquarters at the beginning to be killed by the Zerg, then it is certain that Jiadou will fight another able-bodied person to the end in the end.Because that is a real Jiadou, not a black Jiadou.

"Well, can you do me a favor and ask him out for me?"

The head of Heavenly Law said to Kaga Meixin.

"Why me. And I haven't promised you yet, why did you leave. "

Kaga Meixin said to Tendou Souji who returned to the restaurant.

Director Tiandao smiled, and did not explain the reason, because he believed in his own feelings, and he believed that Kagami Shin would do it.

"Hey, what's your name? And let me help you make an appointment with him. Where can we meet?"

Kagami asked.

"Kagami Shin, my name is Tiandao Souji. Grandma once said that the man who walks the way of heaven is the head of everything.

As for the location, I have already put it in your pocket. "

Director of Heavenly Dao pointed at the sky with one hand, and said pretendingly.

After pretending to be forceful, the head of Tiandao pushed open the door and sat in the seat where Li Qinghe had sat before, and began to wait for Kusakabe Xu's meal.

"Ah, when?"

Kagami touched her pocket belatedly, and there was indeed a note.

After Kagami returned to the zect organization where Shuichi Michida belonged, he found that Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa and Misaki Yuzuki were flirting with each other, and he felt unnaturally jealous.

"Kiba Kiyokawa, come here. I have something to tell you."

Kaga Meixin shouted while taking a break from work.

"Well, what's the matter, you can talk about it here."

Misaki Yuzuki looked at Kagami Shin unhappily.

"Uh, I can only tell Kiba Kiyokawa about this."

Kagami Shin said hesitantly.

"It's okay, Kagami seems to have something to say to me. I'll come as soon as I go."

Li Qinghe said to Misty Youyue.

Mika Youyue heard Li Qinghe's words, "Then you have to come back quickly."

Li Qinghe pinched Misaki Youyue's face and left.

Arriving in an empty toilet, Kaga Meixin looked around like a thief, and after confirming that there was no one there, he closed the toilet door.

Li Qinghe looked at the sneaky Kaga Meixin, and murmured in his heart, "Could it be that Kaga Meixin is as good as Longyang? It seems that I have to teach him a lesson and let him know that although I am not opposed to being gay, I must not." Tolerate getting it on yourself."

Kagami breathed a sigh of relief, and groped her whole body, "Hey, where is the note, where is the note."

Li Qinghe looked at the self-touching Kaga Meixin's suspicion, and became more and more sure.


Novice Kagami got it out of her pants.

"it's here."

Li Qinghe asked: "What's the matter, do you have anything to say to me?"

"I, I, I found out that there is another Jiadou."

Kagami Shin said in a low voice.

Li Qinghe showed a surprised expression in cooperation.

"How is it possible, I'm the only Jiadou at the moment. Could it be that the Jiadou from the beginning didn't die?"

Li Qinghe speculated pretentiously.

"Yes, yes, that's it."

Kagami was so excited that she couldn't speak.

"Then you came here to tell me the news?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"No, it's not. I'm the one who asked you out for that Jiadou to meet him."

After Kagami finished speaking, she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Because Li Qinghe is already a capable person in Jiadou, Li Qinghe's status has changed drastically, and his status is far above Kaga Meixin.

This time, Kaga Meixin agreed for Li Qinghe without Li Qinghe's consent, and overstepped.

Li Qinghe didn't care about Kaga Meixin's fault, and asked again: "Then what does he want from me?"

Kaga Meixin faltered and couldn't speak for a while, "That, that, he might, no, yes, he wants to ask you about the skills of fighting in Koto."

As soon as Li Qinghe heard it, he knew that Kaga Meixin was lying, and what he just said was fabricated by himself.It seems that the god of battle and the god of the sun care deeply, even if they just meet each other once, they can trust each other.

"Then let him come to me. I won't tell the rest of zect."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"No, he gave me an address and asked me to pass it on to you, saying that we will meet there."

Kaga Meixin handed over the note given to him by the Director of Heavenly Law to Li Qinghe.

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