Li Qinghe took it, and after seeing Kaga Meixin leave, he tore up the note without even reading it.

"God, even if you want to kill me, you have to look for me, not me. No matter what, I'm your grandfather."

Li Qinghe left. .

"Oh, I haven't seen this kid for a long time. I'd better go see him. How did he tear it up just now? It seems that I can only go to the previous place to see. If there is no accident, the Director of Heaven It should be there."

How could he not understand that Director of Heavenly Dao was his grandson, even though he said he hadn't seen him for a long time.Turning into a armor fight some time ago doesn't count.

Chapter 67 Attack on Tiandaoshuhua

Tiandao Shuhua, the younger sister of the head of Tiandao, is in crisis at this time.

Director of Tiandao walked quietly on the road, "Oh, why is there another Jiadou. Grandma, what should I do."

Director Tiandao said that he didn't want to kill people in his heart, he only wanted to kill Zerg.Humans are not his goal.

Li Qinghe helped the head of Tiandao clean up the tail after he came back.

But this kind of behavior also completely angered the shedding zerg behind those zerg.

"Who on earth dares to kill all the people we sent out without making a sound?"

A middle-aged fat man in Zerg mimicry had a fierce look in his eyes.

"Whoever he is, he must die."

The other zerg said.

"Do you think zect did it?"

A beautiful woman in Zerg mimicry asked.

"Impossible. Zect and us Zerg have reached an agreement, and they acquiesced to our plan to encircle and suppress the Tiandao family. Because they don't want the Tiandao family to continue to exist.

Those ancient protozoa families are far more threatening in their hearts than we are in zect.The Tiandao family in the protozoan was one of the elders when zect was founded. "

A beauty in a zerg-mimetic purple dress explained.

"No matter what, we have to find that organization, so let's implement the two plans at the same time."

The middle-aged fat man made a decision.

Director Tiandao was walking alone on the road, and suddenly found someone following him, so he wanted to see what the Zerg was doing, so he took the initiative to walk towards a remote place.

"It's really courting death. If it wasn't for hanging out the organization behind you, you would have been killed long ago."

Zerg also knew the plan of Tiandao Director General, and probably wanted to kill them.

And Li Qinghe also arrived at the place agreed with him by the head of Tiandao on time.

"This kid is too unpunctual. I'm already here, but why hasn't he arrived? It's time to take this opportunity to beat him up."

Li Qinghe didn't know that Tiandao Director had already left by himself with an unknown number of zerg behind him.Director of the Heavenly Dao, he would not have thought of the depth of the zerg hanging behind him.

"Boy, you should stop."

Director Tiandao wanted to get rid of the group of Zergs behind him as soon as possible, so that he could meet with Kiba Kiyokawa, who could transform into a Kato, and then decide how to do it.

But I didn't expect that there would always be some troubles looking for me.

"Hey, it must be like this. In this way, I'll just get rid of you."

Director Tiandao was not surprised to see that he was stopped.

"It seems that you are ready to be captured by us. I want to see who is behind you?"

A middle-aged fat man came out.

"Who is behind me? I don't need it. I am the one who walks the way of heaven and is in charge of everything."

Director of Heavenly Dao pretended to say.

"Oh, it seems that you don't know, interesting, interesting."

The middle-aged fat man saw the performance of Tiandao Director-General, and knew that the people behind Tiandao Director-General might not want Tiandao Director-General to know.So here's where it gets interesting, and it looks like the operation was a success.

"In that case, let me force you out."

Hearing the middle-aged fat man's words, Director Tian Dao felt a little doubt in his heart, "Is there really someone behind me? But behind me, if you want to count, there is only grandma."

The middle-aged fat man transformed directly. He is a firefly with the same characteristics as the firefly on the earth.

Fireflies have a body length of about 08 cm, flat and slender body shape, small head, soft body wall and elytra, and the head is covered by a large pronotum cover.Male antennae are longer, with 11 segments, which are flat or serrated; 6-7 webs can be seen on the abdomen, and there are light emitters at the end, which can emit fluorescence; most males have wings.Females are wingless, larger than males, unable to fly, but more fluorescent than males.

Fireflies belong to complete metamorphosis. They go through four stages in their life, from egg larvae to pupal adults. Aquatic fireflies usually complete one generation in four months, and two generations in one year.

Carnivorous, preying on molluscs such as snails and slugs and annelids such as earthworms. After obtaining prey, they use the upper jaw to inject secretions into the prey, digest them in vitro, and then inhale them.Usually a snail will have many fireflies to share.Eggs, larvae, pupae and adults can all emit light, and the light emission of adults can attract the opposite sex.

In addition, eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults of fireflies can all emit light.The luminescence of firefly larvae is believed to have the function of alerting and intimidating natural enemies, while adults are believed to use the light for species identification, courtship and trapping.Usually, the male fireflies emit specific flashes during the flight in the air, and the female fireflies send out a response signal, and the male fireflies use this to find and locate the female fireflies.The duration and interval of female firefly flashes are species-specific, so they can provide species information, gender information, and location information to male fireflies.However, in the male competition of the same species of fireflies, the pressure of natural selection made the courtship rituals of male fireflies more and more complicated and lasted longer and longer before mating.Female fireflies do not simply choose the male with the brightest flashes. Factors such as male size, movement speed, and mating guard posture also determine the female firefly's choice of male firefly.

Light is the carrier of information, and the amount of information contained in it varies with the degree of modification of the light carrier.The information contained in the flash signal, the transmission and reception of the flash signal are all factors that affect the communication between the sexes of fireflies.The frequency, spectrum, intensity of the flash signal and the distribution of these parameters in time and space can be regarded as the code of the signal.A single flash signal contains the following parameters: spectral composition, shape of the illuminator, flash signal pattern, and light motion.

As soon as the firefly transformed, she gave the head of Tiandao a blow.The blazing light from the luminous ball in his right hand burned several holes in Tiandao Zongji's clothes.The Jiadou belt at the waist did not hurt at all.

If Director Tiandao hadn't closed his eyes in time, his eyes would have been blinded.

Director of Tiandao summoned his zector without hesitation, but before zector arrived, he had to face a crisis.

Although the director of Tiandao usually pays attention to training himself, he was still alone before his transformation.A human body cannot defeat a Zerg with bare hands, especially a Zerg that has shed its skin.


A shot hit the head of Tiandao, both the Zerg side and the head of Tiandao were stunned.

"It really came out."

The firefly who transformed into a middle-aged fat man said happily.

And it was precisely because of the shot just now that the director of Tiandao bought him time.Let Jiadou Zector reach his hands smoothly.

The Director of Heavenly Dao put his own zector in his belt.


The head of Tiandao transformed into Jiadou.

Li Qinghe waited for a long time, but found that there was still no sign of the Director of Heavenly Dao.

"Did I guess the wrong place? It shouldn't be. I haven't come for so long, it seems that I guessed the wrong place. It seems that I don't know the boy from the Heavenly Dao Director. Let's wait for him to come to me .”

Li Qinghe shook his head, turned and left.

At this time, Tiandao Shuhua also encountered its own crisis.

A girl in a purple dress appeared in front of Tiandaoshuhua on the way home from school.

"Sister, I'm lost. Woohoo."

Tiandao Shuhua saw this girl and felt sorry for her.

"Sister, where is your home? Why are you here alone? You are so young, how dangerous it is to be alone. Where are your parents?"

Tiandao Shuhua asked with concern.

"My parents and I got lost, and they don't want me anymore. Woohoo."

The little girl cried again.

Tiandao Shuhua kindly wiped away the little girl's tears.

"It's so pitiful. Do you know where your home is? I'll take you back."

Tiandao Shuhua asked without hope.

"I know."

Unexpectedly, the little girl knew her way home.

"Then sister, don't cry, I'll take you back."

Tiandao Shuhua coaxed the little girl.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Thank you sister."

Tiandao Shuhua followed the path pointed by the little girl.

Tiandao Shuhua felt more and more wrong as she walked, she also knew the way here, following the little girl's guidance.

Tiandao Shuhua found that the road was getting more and more remote, "Sister, are you sure your home is really here?"

The little girl nodded affirmatively.

Tiandao Shuhua's heart skipped a beat, she knew that she might be in danger.

Tiandao Shuhua "accidentally" fell.

"It hurts."

Tiandao Shuhua took out her mobile phone and naturally called the head of Tiandao.

The Director of Heavenly Dao in the battle naturally did not receive the news.

Tiandao Shuhua's cold sweat broke out involuntarily.

"Sister, are you calling your brother Tiandao Director?"

the little girl asked in a sweet voice.

"Yes, but why didn't he answer the phone?"

Tiandao Shuhua was a little anxious.

"Because your brother is with us."

The little girl showed a cold expression, facing the girl's threat, in the eyes of Tiandao Shuhua, it was so scary.

"Then you, you, who are you?"

Tiandao Shuhua asked in fear.

"I'm the one who came to arrest you, but I didn't expect you to be so easy to deceive, obediently followed me to the designated place. It really saved me a lot of trouble."

The little girl smiled and turned into her own body. The seven-star ladybug has exactly the same characteristics as the seven-star ladybug on the earth.

The seven-spotted ladybug is a predatory insect of the family Coleoptera. Its body is like a half ball, its head is black and its wings are orange.The antennae are very short, not very obvious, its feet are under the big wings, its mouthparts can chew food, because its wings have seven black dots, so people call it seven-spot ladybug, seven-spot ladybug As beneficial insects, adults can prey on wheat aphids, cotton aphids, japonica aphids, peach aphids, scale insects, ticks and other pests, which can greatly reduce the damage of trees, fruits and various crops from pests.

The search for prey by adults of the predatory lady beetle consists of the following steps: finding a suitable habitat, that is, a parasitic plant for the prey, and then finding the prey on the plant, grabbing it, and preying on it.Obviously, vision plays an important role in finding habitat; however, there are exceptions, some plant volatile substances play a role in the foraging of some ladybugs, for example, for the gray-eyed ladybug, the volatile substances of pine trees more attractive.

Many ladybugs live only in specific habitats, sometimes restricted to only a few types of plants in a specific habitat.

In contrast, many species, such as the heterochromia and the tortoise beetle, are widespread and can be found in many habitats.When there is less prey in the habitat, the ladybug will leave him in search of food.

"Ah, you are a zerg."

Heavenly Dao Tree Flower shouted.At the same time, she looked around flexibly, and found that she was the only one around, and her heart suddenly became cold.Her brother was not by her side either, she felt so helpless.

"Grandma, I'm afraid."

The bracelet in Tiandao Shuhua's hand broke suddenly.

The moment the bracelet was broken, Tiandao Shuzi, who was far underground, felt it all at once.

"Shuhua, grandma can't make a move, or you will suffer a bigger crisis."

Tiandao Shuzi sighed, looking at the dark basement, feeling like he was in a cage.

The moment Li Qinghe broke the bracelet on Tiandao Shuhua's hand, the danger that Tiandao Shuhua encountered suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Treeflower, Zerg. No, she's in danger."

Li Qinghe immediately drove towards the location where Tiandao Shuhua was attacked.

The bracelet in Tiandao Shuhua's hand is not an ordinary bracelet, but a testimony of the love between Tiandao Shuzi and Li Qinghe.Tiandao Shuzi pulled out the spirit of himself and Li Qinghe a little, and put them into a pair of bracelets.

And this pair of bracelets should have been carried by Tiandao Shuzi, but Tiandao Shuzi loves Tiandao Shuhua very much. After Tiandao Shuhua left with the head of Tiandao, in order to know the safety of Tiandao Shuhua, Tiandao Shuzi put This bracelet was given to Tiandao Shuhua.

This bracelet contained the spirit of Li Qinghe and Tiandao Shuzi, so after the bracelet was broken, both Li Qinghe and Tiandao Shuzi felt that the situation of Tiandao Shuhua was very bad.

"How dare you attack Shuhua, it seems that it's time to let you Zerg know my anger."

Li Qinghe urgently dialed Yazi Yingshan's communication in the car. .

"Mr. Qinghe, what's the matter, have you encountered a crisis in Jiadou World?"

Kageyama asked with concern.

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