Li Qinghe asked.

"Our zerg's holy object, the sky-red water, can wake up the coma caused by accidental injury. To put it in terms of you earthlings, it can restore the intuition of vegetative people. The sky-red water can make the body wake up the sleeping soul."

Tianshulong's words made Li Qinghe think that this is the best holy medicine that can cure Bixium?It's just that I don't know if the efficacy of Tianshulong's Tianchishui is exaggerated.

"What if the vegetative person is in a coma because his soul is damaged?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Then you need a large amount of Tianchi Water. If you can find the treasure book of the soul, the sacred object of the protozoa, the effect will be more obvious. It is used to stabilize the soul and grow the soul."

Tianshulong thought about it for a while and said, "However, I also heard other insects accidentally mention that soul treasure."

Li Qinghe and Tiandao Shuzi hadn't heard of such a thing as the Soul Treasure Book for such a long time.Will it exist?

"What does that soul treasure look like?"

Anyway, since you have a clue, take the time to do it.It's good if you can find that soul treasure, let's let it go.

"It is in the shape of a short knife, and it is shining with gold. It is said that it will accompany the ruler of the protozoa throughout his life."

Tianshulong's words reminded Li Qinghe of Tiandao Shuzi's accompanying weapon, the golden scimitar, which is the only one that can match the appearance?

Thinking of this, Li Qinghe asked: "Could it be that the soul treasure mirror was a weapon before?"

"It's not clear, but it seems that the Zerg is chasing and killing the Tiandao family because the Tiandao family may have this sacred object. I don't have any specific information about that.

Like the seven-star ladybug that I fought with just now, he is an ordinary member of the protozoa responsible for hunting down the Tiandao family.

And the group of Zerg that went to hunt down the Chief Director of Heavenly Dao was also responsible for encircling and suppressing the protozoa. "

Tianshulong told the truth all he knew.

"Okay, since you are so sincere, Shenglong Company agrees to form an alliance with the Zerg led by you. I hope that Tianchishui can come to my hands soon."

Li Qinghe was very anxious when he heard that the holy object could heal Bixium who had been in a coma for a long time.As for whether it will work or not, let Princess Celia appraise it.

"It's a happy cooperation. Don't worry, Tianchishui will be delivered to you this afternoon."

Tian Shulong stood up and shook hands with Li Qinghe.

"Pleasant to work with."

Li Qinghe once again felt the true meaning of the saying that there are no permanent enemies in the world, only eternal interests.

Zerg and Dragon Corp, like zect and protozoa, can also cooperate with each other.Cooperate for better survival.

Li Qinghe asked his subordinates to send Tianshulong away.I went to the place where Tiandao Shuhua stayed. .

"Did you save me?"

Tiandao Shuhua asked at the first sight of Li Qinghe.

Chapter 70 Fly Worm - Hanging


Li Qinghe looked at the Tiandao tree flower that had grown up, feeling very emotional in his heart, his expression was in a trance, time passed so quickly.Shuhua has grown from a little girl to a slim and tall girl.

Tiandao Shuhua saw Li Qinghe staring at her blankly, her heart was full of shyness, "Did he save me because he liked me? I think he is so close, maybe I like him too. How should I say it?" OK."

Tiandao Shuhua was caught in a tangle.Girls always yearn for heroes, and the story of heroes saving beauty and winning the favor of beautiful women has never stopped since ancient times.

Tiandaoshuhua took the familiarity with Li Qinghe as a good impression, because Tiandaoshuhua remembered that she had never seen Li Qinghe.

"Thank you for saving me."

Tiandao Shuhua said shyly, she didn't have the image of a savage girl when she was talking to the Director of Tiandao, but the image of a delicate little girl appeared in front of Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe couldn't help but smile bitterly. Tiandao Shuhua was very naughty when she was a child. Could it be that she changed when she grew up? This is the Eighteen Changes of the Female University?

Li Qinghe forgot that girls always want to show their good side in front of the person they like.

"You're welcome, where is your home? I'll take you back. Be careful when you travel in the future. I won't be able to arrive in time every time you encounter danger."

Li Qinghe also wanted Tiandao Shuhua to forget everything she had just met him, but the body modification surgery, memory changes might be seen by the head of Tiandao, so Li Qinghe did not erase Tiandao Shuhua's memory .

"Ah, um."

Li Qinghe drove out of a secret base with a slight hint of the tree flower of heavenly dao.

Because he had just saved Tiandaoshuhua, Li Qinghe didn't believe that there were Zergs who would continue to kidnap Tiandaoshuhua without any eyes.

But there are still some zergs that don't have eyes. The zerg standing in front of Li Qinghe is just one.

That zerg blocked Li Qinghe's only way to send Tiandaoshuhua home, making Li Qinghe wonder if sending Tiandaoshuhua back alone was a sheep in the mouth of a tiger.

But since there are Zergs blocking Li Qinghe's way, let's crush this blocking stone.

Li Qinghe stopped the car and called his subordinates.The red ant soldiers who were on patrol nearby drove over immediately.

After getting out of the car, holding Grimm's fairy tales, he attacked the Zerg that was blocking Li Qinghe's car.

The zerg that stopped in front of Li Qinghe exited the mimicry state.

"Come on, you grab that girl."

Suddenly, two hundred pupa-shaped Zergs appeared in the nearby grassland.He pounced on the army of red ants that had just attacked him.

"You look good, and you are the one I will imitate."

After speaking, the zerg mimicked the appearance of Li Qinghe, but there was no memory of Li Qinghe in his mind.

"How is it possible? No memory? Have you lost your memory?"

This person only knew that his mimicry had failed, so he became angry immediately, exited the mimicry form, and turned into a Zerg in the form of a pupa.

Li Qinghe opened the car door by himself, got out of the car, and when the door was closed, he said to Tiandao Shuhua: "Don't worry, everything is by me."

Seeing Li Qinghe's serious performance, Tiandao Shuhua became obsessed all of a sudden.

The zerg turned into a fly with the exact same characteristics as a fly on Earth.

Flies are insects with complete metamorphosis, and their life history can be divided into eggs, larvae (3 instars), prepupa, pupae, and adults.Although the life span of flies is only about 1 month, a female fly can lay 500-1000 eggs.

The feeding habits of flies are very complicated. They belong to omnivorous flies and can feed on various substances. Human food, human and livestock secretions and excreta, kitchen residues and other garbage, and plant juices can all be used for their food. feed.After the housefly is full, it can defecate within a short time interval. Due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea, frequent defecation, and more water loss, it prompts it to eat frequently, so it eats, vomits, and pulls on the bad biomass, resulting in Serious Pollution In livestock and poultry farms, feed and drinking water utensils are often polluted.

A ball of dirty black liquid protruded from the fly's mouth, and it spit towards Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe dodged immediately, but the top of the car door behind Li Qinghe corroded quickly, and soon spread down from the roof.Li Qinghe's car is not an ordinary car, even if a rocket launcher hits it, it will be fine.

Tiandao Shuhua quickly ran out from another car door, and Li Qinghe hugged her in his arms.

"After a while, just be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks. I will become the new you."

The fly spoke brazenly.

"Shuhua, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid."

Li Qinghe patted Shuhua's back, Li Qinghe's warm tone made Shuhua no longer afraid, as if seeing Kiba Qinghe comforting herself when she was young, she didn't want to leave Li Qinghe's embrace.

Li Qinghe comforted Tiandao Shuhua, and stood in front of Tiandao Shuhua himself.

At this moment, three larvae-like zerg came to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe shook his hands, "Come on, my battle has begun."

Li Qinghe had already installed Jiadou's belt to his waist, and grabbed the Jiadou Zector who came from the space with one hand.


Li Qinghe installed the zector in the card slot, and then Li Qinghe transformed.

"I didn't want to transform at first. Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me."

Li Qinghe punched three consecutive zerg that were trying to attack him.

"Boom boom boom".

Li Qinghe took out the Kunai Spear in the form of an axe.

"Whoosh" twice.

Li Qinghe's ax easily crossed the fly's body and sparks flashed.

Li Qinghe stepped up his offensive, turning the gunless gun around, hitting the fly every time he turned it, and already regretting his private action, this time he might lose his life.

His hunch was still accurate.Li Qinghe hit the fly with his last axe and became dizzy from the blow.

Li Qinghe said: "clku." Li Qinghe's transformed Jiadou became a knight.

Li Qinghe charged his feet, "riderkick."

The fly is not ignorant, he also feels the crisis that he may encounter.

The fly under the crisis of life and death spreads its wings and prepares to leave.

"Want to run. Hmph."

Li Qinghe chopped the ax-shaped Kunai Spear in his hand to the fly's wings and cut it off, while the ax-shaped Kunai Spear turned around and returned to his hand.

Li Qinghe saw the fly that was trying to escape falling from the air, and he couldn't react for a long time.It's time to deal with him by yourself.

"Go. riderkick."

Li Qinghe jumped up in the air and kicked the fly.

"I don't want to die. I don't want to die, I regret it..."

After the fly finished saying these words, it fell down unwillingly. .

There was another "boom".

The fly died.

Chapter 71 Li Qinghe's Helplessness

"Hmph, get rid of you quickly."

Li Qinghe activated clku's super speeding ability, and used the sword transformed from the Kunai gun to pass through the bodies of those Zergs that were still fighting.

From the outside world's point of view, in just a short time, the zerg brought by those flies died one after another.

Li Qinghe is not Tianshulong, those soldiers are his own soldiers, he can't bear them to die here, and those zerg can just be used for training.

After Li Qinghe dealt with the bugs, he stood in front of the Tiandao Tree Flower, and began to think about whether to send the Tiandao Tree Flower home.

In the end, Li Qinghe decided to send the Tiandao tree flower back to the home of the head of Tiandao. At worst, he could arrange more soldiers to monitor it.

Li Qinghe needed to let the plot continue, and he didn't want the plot to be overwhelmed by being fanned by this giant butterfly.

Seeing Li Qinghe's transformation, Tiandao Shuhua quickly and efficiently dealt with the zerg that seemed terrifying to her.

Tiandao Shuhua felt a sense of security from Li Qinghe, especially her elder brother Tiandao Zongsi, whom she had always relied on, did not come to rescue her this time, but Li Qinghe rescued her instead.

Li Qinghe's figure was engraved in Tiandao Shuhua's heart, and could not be dissipated for a long time.

"I'll take you home. There should be no danger this time. Don't worry."

Li Qinghe released Jiadou's transformation, came to Tiandao Shuhua, and said to her.


Tiandao Shuhua followed Li Qinghe closely, and Li Qinghe did what he said.

Li Qinghe drove a new car again and let Tiandao Shuhua sit in it.

On the way home this time, there is no danger again, and there are always a small number of people who don't have eyes.And the fly hitting the wall just now woke up the zerg who were trying to attack Li Qinghe and Tiandao Shuhua.

Back home, Tiandao Shuhua opened the door of the villa.

"Are you alone in your house?"

Li Qinghe asked pretending not to know.

"No, I have an older brother. He lives with me. It's just that he doesn't know what to do now and hasn't come back yet."

Tiandao Shuhua replied.

"Well, that's it. Then you go back and have a good rest. Don't let this incident affect you."

Li Qinghe said.

"Well, I'm not afraid. Because of you."

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