Of course, Tiandao Shuhua murmured the words "because of you", and of course Li Qinghe could definitely hear it.

Li Qinghe thought to himself, "Damn it, this little guy won't be interested in me. Hurry up and leave, we can't stay longer."

Li Qinghe quickly found an excuse to leave, saying that he was busy with work and had to leave.

Tiandao Shuhua said empathetically, "Go to work first."

Tiandao Shuhua sent Li Qinghe to the door. After Li Qinghe was sent to the door, he saw Li Qinghe preparing to leave under the escort of bodyguards.

Tiandao Shuhua couldn't help asking: "Will you come to see me in the future?"

The moment after saying this sentence, Tiandao Shuhua regretted it.

"Won't I be too flippant when I say that, oops."

Tiandao Shuhua looked at Li Qinghe shyly.

Li Qinghe was very helpless, the reason for leaving early was to prevent Tiandao Shuhua from having too much contact with him.

As a result, before leaving, Tiandao Shuhua still expressed her heart to herself.

Li Qinghe felt very bitter, and began to think about what to say. "Go back, I will come to see you when I have time."

When Tiandao Shuhua heard the first half of the sentence, she thought Li Qinghe had no feelings for her, and felt very disappointed.But the second half of Li Qinghe's sentence that followed made Tiandao Shuhua very happy.

Tiandao Shuhua was very happy.It turned out that he was also interested in me, Tiandao Shuhua fell in love.

Before leaving, Li Qinghe waved his hand at Tiandao Shuhua, "I'm leaving."

Tiandao Shuhua watched until Li Qinghe completely disappeared from his vision, and then reluctantly went back.

After Li Qinghe left, Tiandao Shuhua felt empty in her heart, as if there was something, and even forgot that her brother Tiandao Chief Director did not reply to her message.

Li Qinghe left from Tiandao Shuhua, but did not return to the Dao Company, but marched towards the place where the Tiandao Chief Division fought.

Because Li Qinghe received no news from the person he had arranged to monitor the Heavenly Dao Directorate.

Then there is only one situation that can lead to this situation, that is, the people sent by Li Qinghe are killed.It's just that I don't know if it's zerg or zect, so it's not clear.

Li Qinghe felt a little uneasy, and he didn't want the head of the Heavenly Dao to be killed by the Zerg.After all, the Director of Heavenly Dao also called him Dad.

Dangdang relied on this relationship, Li Qinghe didn't want the head of Tiandao to be killed.Li Qinghe thought that using the Zerg could hone the Heavenly Dao Chief, instead of letting the Heavenly Chief die.

Li Qinghe was very anxious in his heart, but his face was very calm.Out of sight, out of mind, Li Qinghe simply closed his eyes.

The battle at the Director of Heavenly Dao is in full swing.

Because the person Li Qinghe sent to protect or monitor Tiandao Directorate saw that Tiandao Directorate might not be able to hold on to Zector's arrival, so he paused at the firefly and looked at the attacker.

The Director of Heavenly Dao also had enough time to transform because of this blow.

And the assailant had just fired a shot when he discovered that his heart was missing.

"Sure enough, a small bug hangs out."

A middle-aged working man crushed his heart in his hands.

"Can you stop being so disgusting."

A middle-aged fat woman with purple hair next to her said in a disgusted tone.

"No. I'm just looking at the strength of human beings. I didn't expect that the organization that killed the Zerg that we sent out would have such little strength. But the ability to hide is very good. If he didn't expose his position. I still I really don't know where he is hiding."

The middle-aged man in the workplace pulled the spies sent by the dead Li Qinghe to him.

"To enter that organization, he is the best choice, whether you want to come or not."

The middle-aged man in the workplace asked the fat middle-aged woman.

"No, his heart is gone, and he is a man. I don't like it, this man is for you."

The purple-haired middle-aged fat woman said.

"Okay, then I'll do it."

The middle-aged man said.After speaking, he mimicked the person who died on the ground.

"Holy Dragon Organization? Group C."

Mimicking the Zerg that Li Qinghe sent out, he frowned and said the information in his brain that he had received.

Ordinary soldiers in the Red Police base, they are not treated like Li Qinghe, they can be mimicked.And memory gets some too.

"What, it's that company? Did they intervene?"

The purple-haired middle-aged fat woman heard the words of the zerg who mimicked the soldiers sent by Li Qinghe.

"Liang Hong, is there still no news?".

Sitting in the car, Li Qinghe asked.

Liang Hong is a special soldier who is good at hiding and changing his whereabouts. He can make ordinary Zergs unable to find his location. Based on this, Li Qinghe asked him to monitor the Chief Director of Tiandao.

Chapter 72 The battle between Tiandao Zongji and Firefly Worm

And Liang Hong also did a good job. The Director General of Surveillance of Heavenly Dao never failed, and he was able to send back information even if it was accurate.

"President, there is no news about Liang Hong."

Li Qinghe heard the report from his subordinates, and sighed, knowing that Liang Hong was in danger.

"President, the latest news. Liang Hong sent the latest information. He said that the Heavenly Dao Directorate is under siege and is already in danger. He was quickly caught by Zerg and asked for new instructions."

Li Qinghe picked up the phone, and there was a message from the informant who had contacted Liang Hong on the line.

Li Qinghe felt something was wrong, "Did you ask Liang Hong why he didn't respond to the news on time?"

"I asked. He said that he just fired a shot to save the life of the head of Tiandao. Because his whereabouts were exposed by that shot, he couldn't respond to any news."

Li Qinghe listened to the report below, and the sixth sense in his heart always made him feel that something was wrong.

"Well, you keep him on standby."

Li Qinghe suspected that Liang Hong might have been mimicked, and the informant who was in charge of one-way contact with him might also have been mimicked.

In another change, the middle-aged purple-haired fat woman broke the neck of a short-haired beauty who had a one-way connection with Liang Hong, and she mimicked herself.In his hand was the mobile phone he had just talked to Li Qinghe.

"That person asked us to stay on standby. It seems that they have already suspected us. But it doesn't matter, we can already confirm one thing, that is, Shenglong Company is the force behind Tiandao Director.

Only Shenglong Company, such a mysterious organization, can kill the Zerg we sent out without anyone noticing. "

The mobile phone in the hands of the middle-aged purple-haired fat woman who pretended to be an informant transmitted what she just said to Li Qinghe.

They didn't expect that there was a monitor installed in the mobile phone of the dead short-haired beauty informant.

Li Qinghe could hear it clearly.

"Oh, what a pity."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, the mobile phone in the hands of the middle-aged purple-haired fat woman who was the latest imitation girl exploded without any warning.

The purple-haired fat woman was blown into scum, and the zerg that mimicked Liang Hong was also blown out of its skin-shedding form.

If it wasn't for Liang Hong's feeling that something was wrong, he would have shed his skin decisively.Relying on his thick defense to defend against the explosion.

And that fat woman didn't shed her skin in the emergency form because of hindsight, but she still wanted to keep her larva form and continue to accumulate.So was blown to death.

And the Zerg that abandoned the imitation Liang Hong with greater potential in the future survived instead.If you give up, you will gain, and if you give up, you will gain. No one can tell whether it is more gained or more lost.

But in the mind of the Zerg who mimicked Liang Hong, his actions just now were worthwhile, or could lead to a better future, right?

He and the fat middle-aged purple-haired woman just now are the Zerg with the highest potential among the Zerg, and they have both reached the standard of being able to shed their skin, so they are allowed to perform this mission.It's just that I didn't expect to die before I was able to finish my mission. The reality is so cruel.

Li Qinghe confirmed the news from the monitor that Liang Hong and the informant responsible for one-way contact with him were killed.

Mimic Liang Hong's Zerg is a flea that has exactly the same characteristics as fleas on Earth.

Fleas are commonly known as leather. Fleas are small, wingless, jumping parasitic insects. Adults usually live on mammals, and a few live on birds.The tentacles are stubby.Mouthparts are sharp, used for sucking.The abdomen is wide and has 9 segments.The hind legs are well developed and strong.The pupa is enclosed in a cocoon.Adults are tiny or small, wingless, hard and flattened, ectoparasitic on mammals and birds, with piercing-sucking mouthparts, both male and female suck blood; larvae are legless and cylindrical, free-living, with chewing mouthparts organ, feeds on adult bloody feces or organic matter.

Fleas use heat sources to find "prey".The larvae that have just come out of the cocoon are eager to suck blood, find the location of the host by identifying the direction of the heat released by the animal's body, and then jump over it vigorously.

Flea was enraged by the death of his fellow zerg just now.

Angry, he lost his mind, roared angrily, and after he couldn't find a target to vent his anger on, he killed the head of Tiandao.

At this time, the director of Tiandao was already spitting out extremely high-heat energy balls with the firefly, forcing the director of Tiandao to keep retreating.

The head of Heavenly Dao can only deal with it in the form of a mask with extremely high defense.But only defending without attacking, no matter how strong the defense is, it will be broken.

It wasn't just a firefly that was fighting with the Director of Heavenly Dao, other Zerg larvae also participated in the battle.

The head of Tiandao was tired of dealing with the surrounding enemies, while Firefly took advantage of the gap to attack the head of heaven.

"This is not the way to go."

Director of Tiandao knew that he would definitely not be able to fight like this.


Tendo Souji turned into a knight form, but Kato, who had just become a knight form, was attacked by the glowing ball in Firefly's right hand.

The energy ball exploded on Jiadou's body all of a sudden, blowing the head of Tiandao to the side.


Tiandao Director General activated the ability of clku.

"Want to run away?"

Firefly also activated the ability of clku, and fought against the head of Tiandao under super speed.

Because Zerg larvae cannot participate in super-speeding battles, the head of Tiandao faces fewer enemies.Only the fireflies are left.

"If you want to use this method, you can defeat me? Naive."

Firefly grinned.

The flea zerg that imitated Liang Hong who rushed over suddenly also used the ability of clku.

Fleas can adjust to a height a hundred times higher than themselves, and fleas can also jump to the same height.

All of a sudden, the flea got up directly and jumped to the head of Tiandao Director General.

"Flea God Kicks."

The flea jumped to a height of 100 meters, fell straight from the sky, and launched an attack on the head of Tiandao.

The chief minister of Tiandao raised the Kunai gun and placed it above his head, colliding with the fleas falling from a high altitude.


Within a radius of 30 meters where the head of Tiandao was located, it turned into a deep pit.Wait until the smoke and dust has cleared.

The director of Tiandao flicked the fleas and worms on the Kunai gun aside.

There is a big hole in the flea's chest, "You are cheating."


The fleas died.

What's going on here?It turned out that when the head of Tiandao discovered fleas falling from the sky just now, taking into account the energy bonus he fell from the sky, the head of Tiandao also had a hard connection plan at the beginning.

But at the moment when the flea was about to collide with him, Director Tiandao felt the danger he was in, and unconsciously erupted a stalwart aura.

He locked himself firmly by the fleas, but he was inexplicably released. .

The reason why Director Tiandao didn't escape just now was because he found that his breath was locked by the fleas in mid-air.

Even if the head of heaven moves to another position, the fleas in the sky will follow his change and fall to his position.

Chapter 73 The Disdain of the Firefly Worm

After Tiandao Director General released the lock, Tiandao Director General directly moved his position slightly.

Don't look at it as a small step, but the result is different.

Although the flea also felt that his lock on the head of Tiandao was released for some reason, but falling from a high altitude is certain. The arrow is on the string and has to be launched, so this attack is irreversible.

The fleas can only hope that the director of Tiandao is still in place.I hope that it is just an illusion that the chief executive of Tiandao just released his lock.

When the flea landed on Tiandao Zongsi's head, he could see every part of Jiadou's body more and more.

Just as he was about to lift the Kunai gun held by the head of Tiandao, the colleague who took a step back from the head of Tiandao transformed the Kuna gun into a dagger form, with the blade facing upwards.

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