"Do not."

When the flea jumped down, his body was leaning forward, and Jiadou's sword could only penetrate his leaning forward chest.

But Flea could only watch helplessly as he ran into Kunai Gun.

The flea's "flea god kick" puts all its power on the ground under its feet.So a big hole appeared in the ground.

The fleas were picked up by Tiandao Director General with a gunless gun, and flew aside.

The flea ended his own life and calmed his irritable heart just now.

Director of Tiandao pointed at Firefly with Kunai gun, "Come on."

Director of Heavenly Dao said.

And yet the fireflies did come.With one punch, the head of Tiandao was sent flying.

Tiandao Director General was punched out of CLKU state.


The fireflies under clku did not stop, but continued to attack.

It is true that Tiandao Director General was not attacked by fleas just now, nor is it completely ineffective.

All the attacks of the fleas hit the ground, but part of the force was still transmitted to the feet of Tiandao Zongsi, and the shock was given to Tiandao Zongsi.

Director Tiandao was so shocked that he became weak all over and temporarily lost his ability to attack. He needed to slow down for a while to restore his intuition.

The worms in the form of pupae outside only saw that Jiadou, who was transformed by Director Tiandao, was hammered and flew from one side to the other.

"Hmph, you're not as strong as you thought."

Firefly stepped on the back of Tiandao Zongji's transformed Jiadou.

The Director of Heavenly Dao struggled hard.

"Don't think that I haven't learned Sun Tzu's art of war. Empty city tactics are useless to me."

Firefly is an expert in Ziyuan country, and is very yearning for the culture of Ziyuan country.

As one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, Ziyuan Country is the only big country that has continued without cultural interruption.The essence of it is innumerable, it is indescribable, and only you can experience it.

"So that's the case. The empty city plan that grandpa gave me is too unreliable."

The Director of Heavenly Dao said in his heart.

And Li Qinghe, who was supporting not far away, sneezed inexplicably.

"Who is missing me?"

The faces of Nagata Yuka, Tiandaoshuhua, and Yanai Miyuki appeared in Li Qinghe's mind.

"I don't know what's going on with this guy, Director of Heavenly Dao, but he must stick to it until I come."

Li Qinghe stepped up the accelerator and accelerated forward.

The Firefly, who was trying to grab the Kunai gun to hit back at the head of Tiandao, found out, and lifted the Kunai gun aside.

"Originally, it would be good to catch you back obediently, but you let us Zerg lose so many brothers, how can we not teach you a lesson."

After the firefly finished speaking, the two chrysalis-shaped zerg beside him knowingly supported the head of heaven with one arm between them.


One punch.


Another punch.

Firefly patted Director Tiandao on the face with his paws, and said mockingly, "Although the superiors won't let me kill you, it's okay to give you some punishment."

Firefly looked at the waist of Tiandao Shoji's transformed Jiadou, "This is the basis for your transformation."

Firefly tried to take away the kabutozector and make Tiandao Zongsi exit the transformation state, but was unable to take it away.

"I can't take it off."

After the firefly finished speaking, he punched hard again, hitting the abdomen of Jiadou, who was transformed by the head of Tiandao.

Firefly knew that he couldn't let Tiandao Director General move forward in his transformed form, who knew what would happen when he regained his combat power.Therefore, it is necessary for Tiandao Director General to release the transformation.

"If you can't do it softly, then come hard."

In the blink of an eye, the firefly gave Director Tiandao another hard blow and kick.

The force was so great that the two zergs that were dragging the Director of Heavenly Dao were also rolled over.

The Kabuto transformed by Tiandao Chief Division was forced to disintegrate because of too many attacks, and the kabutozector also flew away.

"Is this the Jiadou belt? I can play with it now."

Firefly snatched the Jiadou belt from Tiandao Zongsi's waist.

"Keep talking hard. Call me."

The firefly didn't make a move, but let the zerg in the pupa form make a move. It was afraid that the Chief Director of Heavenly Dao, who had undone his transformation, would not be able to withstand his attack and what would happen if he was killed.The higher authorities require that it must be alive, and it must be buried with the Director of Heavenly Dao after he dies.

The Director of Heavenly Dao has withstood so many attacks by himself and has reached his limit.When transforming, the attack on Jiadou will be transmitted to the capable person.

The Director of Heavenly Dao continued to carry the whipping of those pupae-shaped Zergs.

"Tell me, what does the organization that shot to save you today have anything to do with you?"

Firefly raised the Heavenly Dao Director-General with one hand.

"I don't know, I'm not organized."

The Director of Heavenly Dao kept his mouth shut after he finished speaking, no matter how the Zerg beat him up.

"Make your mouth hard."

The firefly broke three of Tiandao Zongsi's ribs with one punch.

"If you don't say anything, I will break all your ribs."

Director Tiandao endured the pain in his ribs, gritted his teeth and refused to speak.

But in the end, the pain in the body caused Chief Tiandao's body to fall into a state of self-protection, that is, into a coma.The body spontaneously protects the Director of Heavenly Dao.

"It's really weak. I really don't know that the superiors value him so much and send so many people to deal with him. It's simply overkill."

It is impossible for the firefly to kill Chief Tiandao, and it was not his intention to break the ribs of Chief Tiandao just now, but his own strength is very strong.

According to the strength of beating Tiandao Zongsi's transformed Jiadou just now, it has been weakened by eight or nine points just now, and it still caused so much damage to Tiandao Zongsi with one punch.

"It chose me, and I am today's God of the Sun. You are blaspheming against God, and I pronounce you death sentence."

Just when the firefly asked his men to go down and take the comatose Tiandao director general away, the unconscious Tiandao director general opened his eyes. .

With a wave of his hand, the Director of Heavenly Dao turned the two who were supporting him into ashes.There was no emotion in the eyes of the head of Tiandao, just two laser beams were emitted from the eyes of the head of heaven, and wherever the lasers went, there were zerg besieging the head of heaven.The zerg had been chopped into several pieces by lasers.

"How is this going?"

Chapter 74 The Sun God

Firefly was stunned, looked at the belt of the Jiadou in his hand, and looked at the current state of the Jiadou, it was obviously much stronger than the attack power of the newly transformed Jiadou.

"Heretic, go to hell. The sun shines."

The symbol of the sun appeared in the two eyeballs of Tendo Souji.At the same time, two big red fireballs appeared in his hands.

"Heretical, disappear."

The fireball in the hands of the head of Tiandao was thrown to the firefly. He felt the new breath of the head of heaven at this time, a more tyrannical breath.


After two explosions, the Zerg stood still intact.

"who is it?"

"Director of Heavenly Dao" looked around solemnly.

"You, a deity who should have fallen long ago, actually live in a human body, ha ha."

Firefly made a sound that didn't belong to him.

"You don't understand, I am him, and he is me."

Director of Heavenly Dao explained.

"I understand, if you kill him, you will be killed."

The breath of a peerless powerhouse exuded from the firefly made all the insects whose skin had not faded kneel down.

Affected by this suppression, one of the zergs successfully shed its skin.

A new molted zerg has appeared, the bullet ant has the exact same characteristics as the bullet ants on Earth.

Bullet ants, Formicidae, Color Carpenter genus, Arthropoda phylum, are mainly distributed in the rainforest of the Amazon region, and their appearance and appearance are similar to the ancestors of wasps, which have hardly changed for millions of years.

Bullet ants, who love challenges, are so powerful that they even regard larger insects and small frogs as their prey targets.

Let the bullet ant bite you, and you won’t die, but you will never forget it for the rest of your life.” This is how the bullet ant gets its name. After being bitten by it, it hurts like a bullet passing through. It is one of the most painful bites. In On the Schmidt Bites Pain Index, bullet ants are described as "inflicting waves of searing, twitching, and forgetting pain that can last up to 24 hours without abating.

The pain after being bitten by bullet ants is like being hit by a bullet, so they have this aggressive name.

"Oh, that's right, there is a new offspring with potential, so I'll give you a little more."

The firefly pointed a finger, and a little starlight entered the brain of the bullet ant, and the bullet ant fell into a coma.

"There is no god like you on the earth. Now the life on the earth does not worship gods, and no new gods will appear. Then you should be a foreign god. Are you the god of Zerg?"

Chief Heavenly Dao asked.

"That's right, I am a collection of Zerg spirits that have traveled the universe for thousands of years. You can call me the God of Zerg."

Firefly said.

"Hmph, alien gods? Gods on Earth don't need so many, especially if you're still an alien god."

The meaning of the Tiandao Director-General's words is obvious, that is, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless there is one male and one female.

But the head of Tiandao is a man, but is the God of the Sun really a man?Does anyone know?Besides, no one can know the gender of the Zerg God except it.

So this is destined to be a battle without compromise and concession.

"Exactly, I think so too. You are a god who has been eliminated by time, and should have disappeared with the passage of time. You still shamelessly want to be resurrected. The glory that belongs to you is over. This era belongs to us. insect."

The firefly and the head of Tiandao started a fight when they disagreed.

Infinite white light blooms in the body of the firefly, and the whole body is as bright as an incandescent lamp.

The director of Tiandao said disdainfully: "No matter how bright you are, can you compare with the light of the sun?"

The Director of Heavenly Dao raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at the sun.

"I am the sun."

After finishing speaking, the light from the sun began to gather on the head of Tiandao, and the sunlight of the entire city where the head of heaven was located poured into the head of heaven.

Director Tiandao closed his eyes and opened his hands in a hugging position.

Centered on the head of Heavenly Dao, the light he radiates illuminates the entire city.

"Your light has no temperature, can it compare with mine?"

The firefly saw that he was not as good as the sun god in Tiandao Zongsi's body in terms of radiance, so he ran on.

"The sun is kind, and what it gives to the world is great love. I can't bear to let everything in the world fall into dire straits. So this is the meaning of the existence of the sun god."

After Tiandao Director General finished speaking, the light on his body suddenly became hot, so hot that only fireflies could feel it.

"Didn't you say that my light has no temperature? Then it's up to you to feel it."

After finishing speaking, ten small suns appeared in the hands of the Director of Heavenly Dao, "In ancient times, there were ten suns in the sky, and this will show you what the anger of the sun god is."

After finishing speaking, the ten one-inch small suns in the hands of Tiandao Director General formed a circle shape, turned towards the firefly, and escaped the attack with a beautiful flip.

However, those ten little suns are self-tracking, or in other words, they move with the mind of the head of heaven.


The Zerg God didn't expect the little sun sent out by the Director of Heavenly Dao to follow him, so he was hit directly.The Zerg God touched the wound that was burned and killed by the little sun, and green blood was still flowing.

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