"Tearing effect? ​​It's a pity that this body is not mine, so it won't affect me."

The Zerg God just finished speaking, and found that the ten little suns that hit him once again

Attacked him.


Director of Tiandao snorted coldly, looking at the Zerg God who was being hunted down by ten little suns.

"I didn't want to use it so early, but now I have to use it in advance."

Said the heart of the Zerg God.

Wait until the next time the ten little suns attack him again.

The Zerg God pretended to be unable to dodge, and was about to be hit by ten little suns.

However, until the end, there will always be surprises.

Just when the Heavenly Dao Director thought that the Zerg God would be hit, the Zerg God spit out a ball of red liquid from his mouth, and rushed towards the ten little suns.

When the Director of Heavenly Dao saw the red liquid spit out by the Zerg God, he already felt something was wrong, but it was too late to change.

Those ten little suns were stained with the red liquid spit out from the mouth of Zerg God.

"Hiss, hiss", the ten little suns were actually melted by the mass of red liquid.

Director Tiandao quickly put away the injured little sun, and Director Tiandao turned paler.

Those ten little suns are related to the Director of Heavenly Dao.The injuries of those ten little suns directly affected the Director of Heavenly Dao.

"What it is?".

Chief Heavenly Dao asked.

"That's Chishui. The sacred object of our Zerg family. It can assist the soul. Since it can be assisted, it can also be destroyed. When I see the little guy in your hand move, you have a little time delay.

Chapter 75 Battle of the Gods

Although I couldn't attack you in such a short time, I discovered that you and the guy in your hand are spiritually connected.

Hahaha.Why, it fell into the trap.I don't believe that the ten little things just now will not be affected. "

The Zerg God laughed arrogantly.

"So it is."

The Director of Heavenly Dao has indeed been greatly affected, as can be seen from the dimness of the light emitted from his body.

"Why haven't you transformed yet?"

The god of Zerg is waiting for the transformation of Tiandao.

"You're wrong, I can't transform. The reason why Jiadou is called the sun god is not because of Jiadou, but because his capable person is the sun god."

After the Director of Heavenly Dao finished speaking, he added another sentence. "Have you ever heard of a solar storm?"


Although the Zerg God didn't understand what the Director of Heavenly Dao said later, but from what the Director of Heavenly Dao said earlier, he could know that the sun god in front of him couldn't transform.

Solar storms refer to violent eruptive activities on the sun and a series of strong disturbances in the space between the sun and the earth.Solar eruptions are short-duration and large-scale energy releases in the solar atmosphere, which are mainly released in three forms: enhanced electromagnetic radiation, high-energy charged particle flow, and plasma clouds.

Although Tiandao Director-General cannot directly manipulate the sun at the current level, it is still possible to simulate himself as a miniature sun.

"Solar storm."

The Tiandao Directorate firstly interacts with the magnetosphere near itself, causing changes in the magnetic field, resulting in geomagnetic storms, and then triggering high-altitude high-energy electron storms, hot plasma injections, ionospheric storms, and increased density of the upper atmosphere. Various space environment disturbance events .

The three-layer attack of the enhanced electromagnetic radiation, high-energy charged particles, and fast plasma cloud in the solar wind blast attacked the Zerg God.

"Small idea."

The Zerg God effortlessly formed a thick shield around himself.

Sure enough, the solar storm of the Director of Heavenly Dao did not have any impact on the Zerg God.

"You don't have any influence."

Director Tiandao was a little surprised.

"If you have experienced cosmic storms a few times, you will know that solar storms are really pediatrics. We Zerg can survive in the universe, and we don't know how many times we have experienced solar storms.

How many zerg died there, how many times we have accumulated experience. "

The firefly, who was enchanted by the god of zerg, said very proudly.

"I see."

The Director of Heavenly Dao looked at the God of Zerg thoughtfully, feeling a little tricky.

"Why, no means of attack?"

The Zerg God directly shattered the protective shield just now, forming energy fragments and sending them towards the Director of Heavenly Dao.

Director of Heavenly Dao held out one hand, "Block."

A wall of fire was erected in front of Director General Tiandao, absorbing the energy fragments that had just been launched.

When the Director of Heavenly Dao cleared the wall of fire, he found that the Zerg God in front of him had disappeared.

"where is it?"

One of the Zerg God's claws penetrated into the abdomen of the Chief of Heavenly Dao, "Under you."

The Director of Heavenly Dao knocked the Zerg God aside with a punch.

The Zerg God stroked the part where he had just been beaten.

"It seems that you really can't do it. Even the strength of the attack is so light."

The God of Zerg walked towards the Director of Heavenly Dao step by step.

There were scorching rays of light in the eyes of the head of heaven.

Enduring the burning sensation on his body, the Zerg God sped up and ran towards the Director of Heavenly Dao.

The Zerg God, who was rushed over by Tiandao Chief Division, once again punched the abdomen that had just been pierced, tearing the wound on Tiandao Chief Division's injured abdomen.

"Next time, I'll tear you in half from there."

The firefly pointed to the wound on Tiandao's abdomen.

The God of the Sun is no better than the God of Zerg, the Chief of Heaven is the God of the Sun, so the damage received by the Chief of Heaven is directly reflected on him.But the Zerg God didn't care, he used his extreme attacks as much as possible, and used every attack to the extreme.

The God of the Sun spat out a mouthful of blood, "It seems that it will be difficult to survive today."

Kaga Meixin, who was working in Yumiko Takemiya's store, suddenly had a headache and pain, and her whole body was exuding extremely high heat.

Kaga Meixin yelled and ran towards the place where Tendo Shoji was fighting the Zerg God.

"Kagami Shin, where are you going?"

Yumiko Takemiya saw that Kagami suddenly dropped the work in hand, covered her head and ran towards the outside of the store, she was very concerned about Kagami's situation.

Kagami Shin ran outside without looking back.

The closer Kaga Meixin was to the place where Tendo Souji was fighting the Zerg God, the more comfortable he felt.

But Kaga Meixin didn't feel how fast he was at this time, he ran faster and faster, surpassing the speeding cars beside him.

As soon as Kaga Meixin came, he saw Tendou Souji being beaten by fireflies, although he didn't know why Tendou Souji didn't change his body.

But Kaga Meixin still went to help Tendo Souji without even thinking about it.

"Another one came to die."

The Zerg God could feel that Kaga Meixin was just an ordinary person.

A small stone kicked by the Zerg God casually hit Kagami Shin in the chest.

Kagami Shin's heart suddenly stopped vibrating.


Kagami-shin fell down.

The Zerg God looked at Kaga Meixin who passed out with disdain.

Just when the Zerg God had just finished laughing, Kagamixin suddenly moved a finger.

The Zerg God had his back to Kaga Meixin, so he naturally didn't see it, but the head of Tiandao was very concerned about Kaga Meixin, and he cared for unknown reasons.

"why is that?"

Although the director of Tiandao didn't know why, he still followed his heart.

The head of Tendo saw Kaga Meixin who moved a little.

And Kaga Meixin really stood up, and Kaga Meixin stood up without a sound.

Even the Zerg God in front of him couldn't feel the slightest change, and was still mocking the Director of Heavenly Dao.

"It can't be done, what sun god, the god who should have been eliminated long ago, can still survive. Hmph, this world is more perfect if we are ruled by Zerg."

As soon as the Zerg God finished speaking, the firefly's neck was lifted from behind.

The Zerg God hurriedly grasped back with both hands, and he caught it.

But it's useless to catch it, because the Zerg God is lifted up, and he can't exert his maximum strength with his hands facing back, and can only exert a small part of his strength.

And the Zerg God couldn't kick his legs back because he was grabbed.

The Firefly Zerg felt that he was powerless, while the Director of Heavenly Dao stood in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Oh, now it's time to pay you back."

Director Tiandao was not the one who suffered the most. Director Tiandao sealed the wound on his abdomen and hit the firefly's abdomen with two consecutive punches.


Firefly forcibly dislocated his arm before Tiandao Zongsi's third heavy blow came.

"Now you can use your strength."

Chapter 76 The Holy Grail

Although the two arms of the firefly are dislocated, they can forcibly control the dislocated arms through energy.

The next door is dislocated, and the rotation is easier.Firefly turned her head, and found that it was the man she had just knocked out, and lifted herself up.


Firefly grabbed Kagamishin's arm with both hands, made Kagamishin his fulcrum, and stepped on Kagamishin's chest with both feet.

Immediately afterwards, Firefly let go, and Kaga Meixin was kicked to the side by him.

But Kaga Meixin quickly stood up, "It's been a long time since I had such a happy fight."

The Director of Heavenly Dao supported his forehead, "This guy's will to fight has exploded again, there is really nothing to do with him."

Kaga Meixin jumped into the air, drove his knees tightly, and hit the firefly with his knees. Kaga Meixin's blow sent him flying heavily.

Just as Firefly stood up, she discovered that Kaga Meixin had once again killed her with Scissor Kicks.

Firefly's head was locked by Kagami Shin's feet.

"You forgot one thing, I am different from you."

Firefly's neck was dislocated again, she stood up by herself, and threw Kagami Shin who locked her head several times.

"Interesting, Sun God, he is much stronger than you, and he is suitable to be my partner. What, are you willing to ally with me? Occupy the earth together."

The Zerg God invited Kagami Shin.

"Do you know who I am? Just send me such an invitation."

Kagami asked in a cold tone.

"It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is that your strength has been recognized by me."

The Zerg God hurriedly took advantage of the speaking time to connect his dislocated arm and neck.

Originally, the God of Zerg was enchanted on the firefly, and the attack was very strong, but this kind of attack was very heavy on the body.

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